Military Heavy

Chapter 313 The Worker Must Sharpen His Tools

Chapter 313 The Worker Must Sharpen His Tools
Yang Fan asked himself that he had used multiple versions of CAD and was quite familiar with CAD, but this version was indeed a bit unexpected.

It's that simple!
Many functions are not available!
Soon, Yang Fan studied the CAD on the computer, and he was even more sure that compared with the CAD in the next decade or so, it can only be regarded as the initial stage and is much simpler.

Try drawing a picture first.

Yang Fan simply sat in front of the computer and began to draw a design drawing to further familiarize himself with and understand this version of CAD.

After about half an hour, a picture was drawn.

This is an axis.

Relatively speaking, it is relatively simple, but it involves many CAD functions, such as straight line, orthogonal, mirror image, copy, chamfer, dimensioning and so on.

"Well, it's okay, it's not so unbearable."

Although this version is relatively simple, and many functions have not been developed yet, the drawing function is relatively complete, and it already has all the necessary functions.

"Maybe, a novice only needs to learn it for three to five days, and he should be able to use it basically. After ten days and a half months, he should be able to use it more proficiently."

Yang Fan basically had a rough judgment on it, and felt relieved. A simpler version is not all a bad thing, as long as it is enough, and at least it is easy to learn.

After closing the CAD, Yang Fan thought in his heart, the next thing to do is to teach some people to use this version of CAD.

"Go, go to the training room and take a look."

It was a specially vacated training room, and it was a little different from ordinary training rooms. It was connected to a LAN cable, and some computers would be placed on the table, let's put ten of them first.

Although Yang Fan didn’t go to count all the computers in the East China Sea, he knew that there were 286 or 386 computers, so he chose ten better ones, such as 486 or [-] computers, and even [-] computers, and moved them into the training room and put them here for training. For teaching.

This matter was supported by Liang Zhiquan. He personally greeted the relevant leaders, so there was not much resistance to this matter.

When Yang Fan walked into the training room, he found that there were already six computers here, and the remaining ones could be moved in within a day or two.

"Master Yang."

"Hello, Master Yang!"

Cai Gong and Xiao He were in the training room. When they saw Yang Fan walking in, they greeted Yang Fan proactively.

Yang Fan looked at the computers and said, "How are they? Are they ready and ready to use?"

Cai Gongdao: "Wait for a few more minutes, and it will be ready to use immediately."

Yang Fan didn't mind waiting for a few minutes, so he simply waited patiently and watched Cai Gong and Xiao He busy.

A few minutes later, Cai Gong said: "It should be all right, these few computers can be used, and the remaining few computers can be moved here and connected to the local area network."

Yang Fan said enthusiastically, "I'll try the computer."

Cai Gong said: "No problem, even if you don't try it, we will try it."

Yang Fan sat on the podium, where there was also a computer, and it was a relatively new 486 computer. He opened it skillfully, and after a while, entered the CAD interface.

Right in front of the training room was a large white curtain, on which the operating interface of the computer on the podium was clearly projected.

How to operate, everything is clear.

This was done according to Yang Fan's request.

To provide training for everyone, when Yang Fan operates the computer on the podium, everything is clearly displayed in front of everyone, which is convenient for everyone to learn.

"Hey, Master Yang really knows how to use CAD."

Cai Gong and Xiao He looked at each other quietly and exchanged glances, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Not only will it be used, but it will be very skilled.

This operation.
It’s just that!

The two looked at Yang Fan's operation, and the surprise on their faces became more intense. Later, they actually showed incredible expressions.

The two of them were shocked!

Yang Fan not only knows how to use CAD, but also is very proficient!
There are some commands and functions that neither of them know, but Yang Fan seems to be very proficient, and all operations are clearly displayed in front of them.

After a while, Yang Fan drew a design drawing, using many commands and functions of CAD.

After drawing this picture, Yang Fan said with satisfaction: "Well, yes, after installing the remaining computers and connecting to the Internet, this place is almost ready."

Hearing Yang Fan's speech, the two men recovered from the shock, and nodded in unison, "Don't worry, we will fix this place as soon as possible."

Combat system design room.

Director Zhang came and said loudly, "Director Shi, I have moved these two computers."

Shi Wei nodded.

He had been notified two hours ago that the two 386 computers newly purchased by their design room would be moved away for a period of time.

After receiving the notice, he had already made preparations, such as sending someone to clean the computer and unplug all kinds of cables, so that the people in charge could move it away.

Watching Director Zhang commanding several young people to move computers, Shi Wei said softly: "Director Zhang, where are these computers going to be moved, and what are they going to be used for?"

Director Zhang didn’t hide anything, “A new computer training room has been set up, and there are a few computers missing, so I’ll move two from here, and I’ll move one to the power system design room later, so I’ll have a total of ten. "

A new computer training room was established.

It seems that this is to teach some people how to use computers.

Shi Wei said in his heart, our combat system design room has the most computers, and almost no one knows how to use computers, so our designers don't need to be trained.

"Director Zhang, is there going to be computer training in the institute to improve everyone's computer skills?"

Officer Zhang said: "I'm not very clear about this, but I know that the training room was set up at the request of Master Yang, and these computers are also needed by Master Yang."

It's Master Yang!

It's not what the people from the training department mean.

Immediately, Shi Wei's heart became active, thinking, the military's design task book has been down for several days, and Chief Master Yang has been quiet, and now he is busy building a computer training room. Could there be some big movement.


I need to find out.

After Director Zhang and the others moved the two computers away, Shi Wei couldn't hold back any longer, knocked on the door and entered Yang Fan's office.

At this moment, Yang Fan is still in front of his computer, drawing with CAD, the more he uses it, the more comfortable he becomes, and the more he uses it, the more he understands this version of CAD.

Now it is no longer drawing some random drawings to try out the functions of this version of CAD, but drawing some general design drawings of the Type 054 guided missile destroyer.

For example, what is currently being drawn is the overall design of the 054 ship's hull shape, and a part of it has been drawn. I feel very emotional. Compared with pure handwork like using a pencil ruler, the speed of drawing with a computer is much faster, at least several times. .

If you want to do good work, you must first sharpen your tools!

After the design task was issued, there was no rush to organize everyone to start a comprehensive design, but to teach everyone to use computer-aided drawing, which is the reason.

Seeing Shi Wei coming in, Yang Fan made a file of the partially drawn design drawing, and then said loudly: "Director Shi is here."

"Hello, Mr. Yang." Shi Wei was very polite, and no longer called Yang Fan "Comrade Yang Fan" as before, and there was even a trace of respect in his words.

Yang Fan, on the other hand, seemed very easy-going, without the slightest airs, made hot tea by himself, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

Shi Wei asked: "Master Yang, I heard that you have set up a computer training room, and you have not arranged for everyone to carry out the design work of the 054 ship. I am at a loss, so I came here to ask."

That's what happened.

Yang Fan guessed that not only Shi Wei was confused, but many people couldn't figure it out.

So, Yang Fan smiled heartily, "Director Shi, what is the most time-consuming part of our design?"

Shi Wei said without hesitation: "That goes without saying, of course it is to draw the design drawings. When we were designing the 052 ship, hundreds of designers worked around the clock and worked overtime. Almost all of them were drawing the design drawings of the 052 ship. .”

Yang Fan nodded and said: "Yes, the drawing of the design drawings took us a lot of time and also required a lot of designers. The design of the 054 ship will no longer be like this. I am going to change the current situation of pure manual drawing and teach everyone Use computer graphics."

Briefly talked about some of my plans and ideas!

Shi Wei couldn't calm down anymore!
Exclaimed: "My God, if everyone uses computer graphics, the efficiency will be greatly improved. Our 054 ship design is estimated to be completed in two or three years."

Yang Fan said: "At the beginning, it is not realistic for everyone to use computer graphics. My idea is to teach some people to use CAD first, and then these people will teach others. I plan to hold a training class, with a tentative number of 20 people. "

As soon as the voice fell, Shi Wei said: "Then our combat system design room must send people to participate. We need at least 5 training places."

There are only 20 spots in total.

Yang Fan smiled, "You only took 5 places, so what about the other design studios, how about this, you send three people over to participate in the training and study."

The trio is not bad either.

Shi Wei said with satisfaction: "Okay, then I'll pick someone right away, and when can I participate in the training."

Yang Fan said: "If it goes well, it will be the day after tomorrow."

Today, afternoon.

Many people passed by the bulletin board in front of the office building at work, and unexpectedly discovered that an unusual notice was posted.

The content is that the first computer-aided drawing training course will be held the day after tomorrow, and everyone is welcome to go to the Type 054 Ship Model Office to sign up.

"Not even in the morning. This notice must have just been posted."

"Brother Zhao, are you interested in learning computer-aided drawing?"

"I'll forget it. It's also your young people's business to learn."


Not long after, a lot of people surrounded the bulletin board. After reading the notice, everyone had different reactions.

Today's third update, Chapter 3 is delivered, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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