Military Heavy

Chapter 314 Drawing Can Be So Fast

Chapter 314 Drawing Can Be So Fast

A notice was posted, and it didn't take long for everyone in the East China Sea Institute to know about it, and some people were still talking about it.

"I've heard of computer-aided drawing, and I've wanted to learn it for a long time. I didn't expect such a good opportunity."

"I think manual drawing is more reliable, and we probably won't be able to learn that."

"Forget it, I'm already 50 years old, and it's for young people to learn that stuff."


In the spare time of work, many people are talking about it. Some people think it is a good opportunity to learn, and more people, especially those forty or fifty old designers, don’t want to learn anymore. What Computer Aided Drafting.

General design room.

Kuang Wei was mobilizing loudly, "Comrade, computer-aided drafting is a good thing, I believe we will all use it in the future, anyway, if we want to learn it, it is better to learn it earlier."

After some mobilization, he said: "I encourage everyone to sign up at the model office and try to participate in the first training class."

The registration time is one day, from the afternoon when the notice is posted to the next afternoon, those who want to learn computer-aided drawing, on a voluntary basis, go to the 054 ship type office to register.

The next afternoon.

The registration process was basically over. Li Zhengjun counted the list himself, couldn't help smiling, and thought in his heart, Master Yang would probably be disappointed.

Only 22 people!
Yes, there are only 22 people, not dozens of people as imagined, hundreds of people.

Holding this list, Li Zhengjun still knocked on the door of Yang Fan's office, his tone was a little low, "Master Yang, the result of the registration has come out, it's just"

There is a little bit of hesitation, hesitant to speak.

Yang Fan noticed this, waved his hand and said, "Show me the list, who signed up to study CAD computer drawing voluntarily."

Li Zhengjun sighed in his heart, alas, if the registration time is longer, if there are two days, or three days, there may be more people.

He guessed that Yang Fan would be angry.

How would you know, after taking a look at the list, Yang Fan laughed happily, and said loudly: "It's not bad, there are 22 people, more than I imagined."

It was originally planned to only have 20 people, but the number of applicants exceeded the estimate by two people. Yang Fan was not angry or disappointed at all, on the contrary, he was quite happy.

"Director Li, the extra two people will not be deleted, and the notification will continue. These 22 people will participate in the computer-aided drawing training in the training room at 08:30 tomorrow morning. I will teach them for 3 hours a day."

3 hours a day.

A total of 5 days.

Yang Fan knows that this version of CAD is not complicated. Compared with the future versions, it is relatively simple, and he should be able to learn it in five days.

It is only 3 hours a day instead of 8 hours a day, mainly because Yang Fan, the chief designer, also has other things to do, and it is impossible to spend all his energy on teaching computer-aided drawing.

Now that the military has issued a formal design task book, Yang Fan will start to consider the design work of the 054 ship. There are some general design drawings, and he is going to take the time to draw them first, and some design work will be arranged one after another.

"Okay, I'll inform them right away."

Li Zhengjun breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and answered loudly.

the next day.

Shortly after going to work at 08:30 am, before [-]:[-], some people have already arrived in the training classroom, talking and laughing.

Basically, they are all young people, mainly those under 30 years old. People in this age group have strong learning ability and are the stage they most want to learn.

"Haha, there are only 10 computers, we are lucky to come early."

"Yes, the early bird gets the worm."

"This computer is mine."

Those who came early were pleasantly surprised to find that they were able to grab a computer. Some of them had quick eyesight and quick hands and grabbed the 486 computer with the best performance.

Gradually, more and more people came over. Before 08:30 in the morning, all 22 people who participated in the training had arrived. Those who came a little later found that the computer was gone.

After a while, Yang Fan also walked in.

Seeing the mess inside, he said loudly, "Calm down first, and let me make arrangements."

Huh!It's Master Yang!

Could it be Master Yang giving me a lecture!

Thinking of this in their hearts, some people will inevitably feel a little excited in their hearts.

Yang Fan looked around at everyone, saw that they were quiet quickly, nodded lightly, and said loudly: "We only have ten computers for the time being, but it doesn't matter much, two or three people share one computer, I will Get a seat."

After returning the seats, Yang Fan said: "Remember your positions, this five-day training, you are in this position, the computer is shared, and everyone has the opportunity to use the computer."

At this time, Yang Fan also noticed that among this group of young people, there were two or three faces that looked a little different. They were much more mature and stable, because they were all in their thirties.

One of them, Yang Fan, can name him, Wang Zhongfu, a design team leader in the weapon system design room, a senior engineer, who should be 35 or [-] years old this year.

As the design team leader, at the age of 35 or [-], he can still learn CAD like a young man. This kind of spirit is very valuable.

Yang Fan had dealt with Wang Zhongfu several times and knew that he was a solid and hard-working person, so he announced: "We have 22 people in total. For the convenience of management, we also need a squad leader. Wang Zhongfu will be the squad leader. how do you feel."

Wang Gong!

Quite a few people knew Wang Zhongfu and knew what he was like, so they immediately agreed, "I agree!"

Soon, there was a burst of warm applause.

Wang Zhongfu stood up, let everyone know him, and then sat down again.

Yang Fan continued: "Then let's start class now and learn CAD drawing."

Immediately, someone shouted in surprise: "Mr. Yang, could it be that you teach us the lessons yourself?"

There were 22 people in total, all looking at Yang Fan.

My heart is full of hope.

Everyone knows that no matter what class Mr. Yang gives to everyone, it is very exciting.

Yang Fan smiled, "Yes, I will give you lectures for these five days, you have to listen carefully and study hard, there are only five days."

There was a burst of happy laughter in the classroom.

The atmosphere is lively.

Yang Fan raised his hand and pressed down, signaling for everyone to calm down, and then began to tell everyone about CAD drawings. At the beginning, it was naturally some of the most basic things.

Everything starts from scratch.

Because everyone has no foundation.

Every time he talked about something, Yang Fan would operate it on the computer and give a demonstration, and then, giving everyone enough time to operate, everyone had the opportunity to operate it on the computer.

Yang Fan will write some operating commands on the blackboard for everyone to record.

One morning, I mainly talked about the most basic things.

It's not boring, but it's also exciting.

Yang Fan also wanted to talk vividly and interestingly, but these basic things could not be sloppy, and they couldn't be vivid. Today's 3 hours passed like this.

Raising his hand to look at the time, it was already 11:30 noon, and it was time for get out of class to end, Yang Fan said: "That's it for today, we will continue tomorrow, it's still 08:30 in the morning."

After Yang Fan left, the classroom became lively.

"I heard that Mr. Yang's lectures have always been very exciting, so it's nothing."

"It's not bad, I think it's very good."

"I also feel that the speech is good, and I have gained a lot. It seems to have opened a new door to me and entered a new world."


Some people were a little disappointed, but some people rated it very highly. No matter what, it is certain that everyone has gained a lot.

Almost everyone has recorded several pages in their notebooks. These things need to be pondered and digested carefully after they go back.

Wang Zhongfu returned to the weapon system design room. He went to work in the afternoon and did nothing. Instead, he opened his notebook first and read the notes carefully.

Just as he was immersed in it, a voice rang in his ear, "Wang Gong, you guys had class in the morning, how do you feel?"

Wang Zhongfu looked up and saw that he was the leader of another design team. The relationship between the two was relatively good, so he said without any concealment: "I think the harvest is good. It seems that computer-aided drawing will be the general trend in the future."

The team leader smiled, "I don't know if it's the general trend, but I think it's more reliable to draw by hand, one stroke at a time, and it's neat."

Seeing this, Wang Zhongfu shook his head with a smile.

I thought to myself, in a few days, you won't say that when you see us drawing with a computer.

the next day.

As the training continued, Yang Fan walked into the classroom on time, looked at everyone, and nodded with satisfaction. Whenever anyone was late, the discipline was very good.

Yesterday I talked about the basic knowledge for a morning, such as various commands, basic operations, etc. Yang Fan himself felt that it was not interesting, and today he was going to talk about the drawing of specific design drawings.

With the help of drawing design drawings, while drawing, explain the operation of each step to everyone, and let everyone really try CAD drawing.

What graphics to draw today, Yang Fan has already chosen.

Teach you to draw a design drawing of a mount, which is very common in ship design and is a part that everyone is very familiar with.

Yang Fan said: "Today I will talk about the drawing of specific design drawings. I will demonstrate it first. Everyone should read it carefully, and then I will teach you how to operate step by step."

The classroom fell silent.

Yang Fan began to operate it himself, drawing the design drawing of the mount on the computer on the podium, and the operation was very proficient, just like flowing water.

"It's a mount."

"Well, such a design is not difficult, it can only be considered medium."


At the beginning, everyone didn't pay much attention, it seemed calm, but soon it changed, everyone couldn't help exclaiming, with a look of hell, everything they saw in front of them was far beyond their imagination cognition.

"No way, how did you do it? There are a total of six installation holes, how can you draw them all at once!"

"Obviously only half of the painting was done, why the other half is ready all of a sudden."

"It's incredible!"

It only took Yang Fan more than ten minutes to draw an installation seat, which was much faster than everyone expected. At this moment, the classroom was completely quiet.

Everyone was immersed in the extreme shock!
How can the speed be so fast!
What is this operation!
Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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