Military Heavy

Chapter 315 Strong Contrast

Chapter 315 Strong Contrast
Everyone was stunned!

It's quiet!
Everyone has never seen computer-aided drafting. It only takes more than ten minutes to draw a design drawing for the first time. They find some operations in the drawing process very novel.

Looking at everyone, Yang Fan smiled happily.

The voice said loudly: "Why, my speed is not bad."

More than that!
Simply unheard of!

Wang Zhongfu stood up and said in admiration: "Mr. Yang, I never imagined that the computer drawing can be so fast. If you draw it by hand, it may take half a day. You can draw it in ten minutes."

The efficiency can be increased several times!

Yang Fan said loudly: "Do you want to learn?"

Want to learn!

Almost in unison, the voices are loud and orderly!
Yang Fan began to explain to everyone how to draw this design drawing, which involves some new commands or new operations, and he will explain it in such detail.

Every command, Yang Fan will write it on the blackboard for everyone to record, and show everyone the operation.

After the class in the morning, compared with yesterday, everyone's mood is completely different. Apart from still having a lot of harvest, they have been immersed in that sense of novelty.

It turns out that this is called a mirror image!
For a symmetrical figure, you only need to draw half of it, and a mirror image operation will finish the other half, which is very convenient.

It turns out that this is called Junbu!

There are 6 mounting holes in a bearing seat. If you draw by hand, you must be meticulous. Draw 6 mounting holes one stroke at a time. Don't be lazy at all.

Well now, as long as one installation hole is drawn and an even distribution command is made, the other installation holes are all completed, which is very fast.

It turns out that this is called chamfering!

The operation is so convenient, and whether it is rounding or chamfering, it is very beautiful and regular.

so it's called
Yang Fan seemed to bring them into a brand new world, a brand new door opened to them, and they worked hard to absorb this knowledge.

It was still the same as yesterday, everyone's notebooks were filled with several pages, and some even recorded more than a dozen pages.

It was 11:[-] in the morning again. Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time. Seeing that everyone was enthusiastic about learning, he felt unsatisfied.

This kind of lecture is called enjoyable!

It's just that the time really passed a little too fast, Yang Fan could only say loudly: "This is the end of today's class, and we will continue tomorrow."

Someone asked: "Master Yang, how about continuing to give us lectures in the afternoon?"

Hearing this, Yang Fan showed embarrassment.

As the chief designer of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, it is impossible for Yang Fan to teach everyone here all day. It is already his best effort to be able to persist in teaching everyone half a day for five days in a row.

Wang Zhongfu seemed to know this, and said loudly: "Mr. Yang is very busy, and there are many other things. It is already very remarkable to be able to give us 3 hours of lectures every day."

That's it!
Someone showed regret.

Yang Fan looked at everyone, thought for a while, and said in a loud voice: "Why don't you do this, the place will continue to be open in the afternoon, you can continue to come here to practice CAD drawing, and consolidate what we have learned in the past two days."


"I'm going to come here early in the afternoon."

"I'm just thinking about getting over my hand addiction and continuing to practice."


Hearing everyone's words in his ears and feeling everyone's joy, Yang Fan said: "Not only this afternoon, but every afternoon hereafter will be developed for you, Wang Zhongfu, I will leave it to you this afternoon."

"Okay, no problem." Wang Zhongfu replied loudly.

Smiling and nodding to everyone, Yang Fan stepped out of the training room, leaving behind a crowd of jubilant designers. None of them left, and they could practice while there was still half an hour before get off work.

in the afternoon.

As soon as I go to work, it is very lively here. There are 22 people in total, one of them is quite a few. There are two or three people in front of each computer. They take turns practicing CAD drawing on the computer. One person operates the computer to practice, and the others watch and watch while learning.

If something is wrong, the people watching will correct it.

Wang Zhongfu arranged it very well. Although the training classroom was lively, there were no disputes and everything was in order.

It can be seen that Wang Zhongfu's prestige, leadership and organizational skills are good.

As for Yang Fan, there are other things.

The design task book for the 054 ship has been issued for several days. To be honest, Yang Fan is also secretly anxious in his heart. He doesn't want to watch the time go by day by day, such a waste of time.

As long as he has time, Yang Fan draws design drawings on the computer in the office, first of all, the overall design drawing of the hull of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, the overall design drawing of the hull shape and so on.

Drawing with CAD is different. Not only is the efficiency high, but the quality of the drawing is also very high. No matter how good the handwork is, it may not be as good as the computer.

Such as imitating Song characters.

There are indeed some experienced designers who can write imitation Song characters very well, almost comparable to the imitation Song characters printed out by computers.

No matter how good the writing is, there is always some gap compared with the computer.

Another example is dimensioning. No matter how good a designer is, no matter how neatly marked, it is still inferior to computers.

Yang Fan has finished drawing the overall design of the hull shape. After printing it out, he is very satisfied. It is worthy of a CAD drawing, with thick solid lines, thin solid lines, dotted lines, etc. The lines are distinct, thick and thin. .

The dimension marking, technical specification marking, and text marking are very beautiful and neat. After looking at them with satisfaction, Yang Fan thought to himself.

It's been a long time since I've seen such a design drawing. Before rebirth, it was all computer-drawn and printed design drawings. After rebirth, I saw all hand-made drawings.

The general plan of the hull design is almost drawn, and it will be completed in a short time.

This efficiency is simply awesome.

If it was drawn by hand, even if Yang Fan knew the hull design of the 054 ship very clearly in his mind, it would be impossible to draw the blueprint so quickly.

Kuang Wei was notified by Yang Fan.

He was asked to arrange the conference room and call all the backbone and technical designers of the overall design room, including the leaders of the design teams. Everyone had a meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon, and Yang Fan had important things to arrange.

When answering the phone, Kuang Wei casually asked a few words. When he learned that the hull design of the 054 ship would be launched, he was extremely excited!
After so many days of no movement, Kuang Wei had been waiting a little anxiously, but now he is fine, finally there is movement.

I thought in my heart, I don't know what kind of deployment Chief Master Yang will make, and how the design work of our overall design room will be carried out.

After answering the call, he immediately ordered someone to prepare the meeting room and also notified all those attending the meeting.

"What! The design work of the 054 ship is about to start!"

"I'm not dreaming, we can really start designing the 054 ship."

"Suddenly, I found myself a little excited."


The whole overall design room suddenly looked a little different. It had always been relatively quiet, even a little dull, but now it was fully active.

The meeting was held at 10:8 p.m., and some people sat in the meeting room one or two or ten minutes earlier, and there were seven or eight minutes before [-]:[-] p.m., and everyone was there, including Kuang Wei.

Yang Fan walked into the meeting room four or five minutes earlier. Seeing this situation, he couldn't help smiling and said, "Everyone's enthusiasm is so high, it seems that everyone is here."

Kuang Wei said on behalf of everyone: "Everyone is excited to hear that you called a meeting to deploy the design work of the Type 054 guided missile frigate."

Yang Fan looked around at everyone, sat down in his seat, and said loudly: "I am very happy to feel such enthusiasm from everyone. The design work of the Type 054 guided missile frigate will first be carried out in the general design room."

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Fan finished speaking!

There was warm applause.

Some people were even more excited and applauded vigorously.

They said proudly in their hearts, and said in their hearts, did you hear that, the design work of the 054 ship was first carried out in our design room!

After the applause subsided, Yang Fan continued: "Ship 054 adopts an advanced stealth design. It has radar stealth, sonar stealth, and infrared stealth. This has very high requirements for the hull design, especially the hull shape design."

After hearing such words, many people's hearts gradually became suspended. With such high design requirements, can they successfully complete the design requirements with excellence?

However, they quickly eased up.

Yang Fan said: "Although the design requirements are high, I have personally designed the general design drawing of the hull and the general design drawing of the hull shape. Let me first tell you about the design idea and some points that need attention."

That's the point of this meeting.

Let me tell you about these things. In addition, there is a well-designed general design drawing of the hull, the general design drawing of the hull shape, and everyone's professional technical level is already good. There will not be much problem in carrying out a comprehensive and detailed design.

Very good!
Mr. Yang is so arrogant!
One person draws these blueprints!
In the eyes of everyone, Yang Fan first unfolded the general plan of the hull shape design in front of everyone, fixed it on the big blackboard in the meeting room, and clearly and unreservedly displayed it in front of everyone.

Soon, everyone was stunned!
Oh my God!

What a beautiful design!
This is not a hand-drawn design, but a CAD drawing and then print out, the quality is very high, very beautiful!
Everyone is used to hand-drawn design drawings. At first glance, seeing the design drawings drawn by computer, this kind of strong contrast brings a strong sense of visual impact.

No wonder the meeting room fell silent all of a sudden, everyone was shocked!
Someone finally asked loudly, "Mr. Yang, is this the design drawn by the computer? It turns out that it can be so neat and beautiful!"

Yang Fan said: "Yes, this is the design drawing I drew through CAD, it's not bad."

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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