Military Heavy

Chapter 316 I Have One Regret

Chapter 316 A Little Regret

More than good!
Simply unheard of!

The design drawings drawn by CAD are of good quality, and Yang Fan is also a person who pursues perfection, so the design drawings drawn by Yang Fan himself are even more beautiful.

The strong visual impact makes many people feel unreal.

It took a long time before I gradually accepted the facts.

Some people gradually become eager in their hearts. It turns out that the quality of CAD drawings is so good, so I have to learn it.

Yang Fan glanced at everyone again, taking in everyone's expressions, and then said: "This is the general design of the 054 ship's hull shape, and I will tell you about it."

Yang Fan talked about the shape design of the 054 ship, and also talked about the radar stealth, clear thinking, and clear technical points.

Slowly, everyone was almost immersed in it, listening carefully, recording, and thinking.

Some senior designers thought in admiration, Mr. Yang is amazing, how did he come up with such a design!
After carefully describing the design of the hull shape, Yang Fan showed the general design drawing of the hull again, and began to describe some design technical points based on this drawing.

This is our 054 ship!
The full-load displacement has actually reached a level close to 4000 tons, which can almost catch up with a guided missile destroyer.

A designer said: "Master Yang, such a large displacement is unnecessary. As a frigate, its displacement is about 3000 tons."

Yang Fan smiled.

Knowing that this may be a misunderstanding of the advanced missile frigate, he explained: "The full-load displacement of nearly 4000 tons is not large at all. You must know that our 054 ship has a missile vertical launch system, a phased array control radar, and the largest design. The voyage is more than 5000 nautical miles.”

By the way, I will tell you about the performance of the 054 ship, as well as some parameters.

Although we all know these things, but hearing it again, my heart is still slightly agitated.

This is our 054 ship!
It is very powerful in anti-submarine, long-range warning, area air defense, etc., and it is also very balanced!
It seems that the displacement of 4000 tons does not seem to be large.

Yang Fan spent an afternoon explaining the design of the 054 ship to the backbone and senior designers of the general design office.

Some key technologies are described very thoroughly.

After this conference room, everyone felt that they were full of confidence and could not wait to start a comprehensive and detailed design immediately. As for the technical difficulty, they didn't seem to feel it.

Master Yang is responsible for everything!
With Mr. Yang here, everyone has the backbone and full confidence!

In addition, Yang Fan handed over the overall design drawing of the hull and the overall design of the hull shape drawn by himself to Kuang Wei, and gave them design guidance.

The overall design office became the first design office to carry out the overall design of the 054 ship.

In the huge office, every designer is busy, immersing himself in the drawing of design drawings, orderly and orderly!
The drawing board is placed on the big table, T-square, compass, pencil, set square, eraser, etc. There are many things for drawing.

Almost all people are still drawing by hand, but there are two people who are different. They did not put these things, but did it in front of the computer.

The five-day CAD drawing training has ended, and Yang Fan is satisfied with the effect, and everyone can carry out CAD drawing independently.

Master leads the door to practice in the individual.

They are all getting started, and as they continue to use CAD drawing in their daily work, their drawing level will become higher and higher, and their operation will become more and more proficient.

Hao Xinyi is one of the 22 students.

The overall design room started the comprehensive and detailed design of the 054 ship, and he also received the design task, and some design drawings needed to be drawn by him.

No, sit in front of the computer and draw the design diagram seriously.

There are several design teams in the overall design room. The team leader assigns design tasks to everyone every week, checks everyone's design progress every week, and is also responsible for proofreading the design drawings.

Hao Xinyi's design task this week is to complete a total of four design drawings, three of which are relatively simple, and only one can be regarded as medium difficulty.

Young designers like them generally only draw some simple design drawings. The really difficult and large-volume design drawings are generally in charge of backbone or senior designers.

There are a total of four design drawings, and the difficulty is not too great. He only took two days to complete the original one-week task.

After printing out the drawings and checking that there was no problem, he handed them over to the design team leader. After the task was completed, he immediately felt relieved.

"Team leader, my design task for this week has been completed. Here are the design drawings. You can proofread them for me."

It's finished!

This is a one-week design task, not a one- or two-day task.

The design team leader was stunned, took these design drawings, flipped through them, and exclaimed: "Xiao Hao, the CAD drawing is so fast, you have completed all the drawings in just two days!"

Hao Xinyi said proudly: "The speed of CAD drawing is several times faster than manual drawing. It took me two days, which is relatively slow."

Oh my God!

Is this still slow? ? ?

You only used it for two days when it was supposed to take a week.

Hao Xinyi didn't lie, he felt that it was really not fast, and he was not very proficient in using certain commands and functions of CAD.

However, after drawing these four design drawings in two days, he felt a little more proficient. If he was given the same amount of design tasks, he was sure to complete it in one and a half days instead of two days.

The movement is a little big.

Especially the exclamation of the design team leader attracted many people.

They all stopped and looked in this direction, and a designer nearby even asked, "Gong Lu, what's wrong."

Lu Gong, the design team leader, said: "Look at it, the efficiency of CAD drawing can be so fast. Xiaohao has completed all the design tasks for this week."

After understanding what was going on, many people gathered around.

How can I still have the mind to sit there with a pencil and ruler, drawing pictures stroke by stroke.

Seeing that a total of four design drawings have indeed been completed, and the quality is good, and they are more neat than those drawn by hand, I can't calm down one by one.

Drawing is so fast!
The quality is so good!
No wonder Mr. Yang wanted to promote computer-aided drawing, and took precious time to give training to everyone, teaching everyone how to use CAD drawing.

I should not regret it!

Why didn't I sign up for the training class in the first place?

Alas, if I participated, it would be great, and I could complete the task early.

Someone asked: "Xiao Hao, do you know when Master Yang will hold training classes and teach everyone how to use CAD?"

Many people looked at Hao Xinyi.

They all regretted in their hearts. They didn't seize the opportunity last time, and they must seize the next opportunity.

However, they were a little disappointed, Hao Xinyi said: "I'm not very clear about this, I have to ask Master Yang to find out."

That's it.
Disappointment permeated the air.

in the office.

Yang Fan is drawing the general design drawing of the power system, sitting in front of the computer, operating proficiently, and the design drawing on the CAD operation interface is taking shape little by little.

The first training course has been completed, teaching 22 designers to use and operate CAD drawings. Yang Fan has no time for the time being, and is ready to design the power system of the 054 ship.

The power system of the 054 ship is very different from that of the 052 ship. It is not a diesel-fuel combination power, but four diesel engines are used to power the 054 ship, and the maximum speed can reach 28 knots.

Of course, it is impossible to draw a comprehensive and detailed design drawing of the power system. No matter how powerful Yang Fan is, he does not have so much time and energy.

The comprehensive and detailed design must be handed over to the designers in the power system design room. Yang Fan only needs to set up the frame and guide everyone to carry out the comprehensive design.

This framework is the overall design of the power system.

The power system of the 054 ship is very distinctive. It not only uses four diesel engines to provide power, but also uses biaxial propulsion technology.

In the design and development process of the 054 ship in the future, many foreign technologies are used in the design of the power system, such as the biaxial propulsion technology, which is imported from abroad, but now, there is no need to import it from abroad.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and Shi Wei from the Combat System Design Office pushed the door and walked in. As soon as he came in, he said, "General Manager Yang, the overall design office has already started a comprehensive design, and you personally drew the overall design of the hull for them." The picture, the overall design of the hull shape, where is our combat system design room?"

In the words, the urgent and anxious mood is very obvious.

Yang Fan saved the general design drawing of the power system that he was drawing, and said with a smile: "Why, I can't wait for a while."

Shi Weidao: "It's not just me, all the designers in our design studio can't wait any longer. If we don't let us start a full-scale design, we will go crazy."

Feeling Shi Wei's mood, Yang Fan smiled again.

"Director Shi, don't look for me, I'm going to look for you too."

Hearing this, Shi Wei was pleasantly surprised, "Really, in this way, you have drawn the general design and schematic diagram of the 054 ship's combat system yourself."

When the 052B ship was designed last time, Yang Fan drew these design drawings himself. On the basis of these drawings, the design of the entire combat system design room went very smoothly under the leadership of Shi Wei.

The design of the 052B combat system is very successful, with advanced performance and powerful functions. Many new technologies have been adopted. When the design is completed and reviewed and accepted, everyone, whether it is the military or the experts participating in the review, has a very high evaluation.

Will it be the same this time?

Commander Yang will personally draw the general design diagram of the combat system of the 052 ship, the general diagram of the principle, just like the design of the 054B ship?
Shi Wei looked at Yang Fan expectantly.

Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

Comrades, it is 9000 words again. I am asking for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, favorites, subscriptions and other supports. Thank you! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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