Military Heavy

Chapter 317 Power Balance

Chapter 317 Power Balance
To his surprise, Yang Fan actually laughed again.

"Director Shi, I think you have absolute technical strength and can design and develop the combat command system of the Type 054 guided missile frigate by yourself. I have no plan to help you draw the general design of the combat system, nor will I help you draw the principle General plan, everything is up to you.”

On their own!
Does the combat system design room design and develop the combat command system of the 054 ship by itself?
Sensing Shi Wei's doubts, Yang Fan said affirmatively, "Yes, it's up to you to design it yourself."

There is already a basis and experience for successfully designing the combat command system of the 052 ship, and the design of the combat command system of the 054 ship on this basis, Yang Fan thinks that they have no major problems.

Yang Fan knows this technical team very well!

At the beginning, it was basically Yang Fan who led them to design and develop the combat command system of the 052 ship from scratch. After so many years, many people have grown up.

Seemingly understanding what Yang Fan meant, Shi Wei thought for a while and said, "In this case, let's give it a try and try to design and develop the combat command system for the 054 ship."

Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction.

Although there is no plan to draw the general design and principle diagrams for them, some related ideas, some technical requirements, design ideas, what are the requirements, etc., Yang Fan is still going to talk about it.

The original plan was to call Shi Wei and several design team leaders over after drawing the general design of the power system, and talk to them about the design of the 054 ship's combat system.

Now that Shi Wei has come, Yang Fan said: "Go back and organize, gather several design team leaders and key designers, prepare the conference room, and in half an hour, I will tell you about the combat command of the 054 ship." system design."


This is great!

In an instant, Shi Wei became happy, and said loudly: "Okay, then I will go back to prepare now, and welcome General Master Yang to come and talk to us about the design of the combat command system."

"Go, go back and prepare, I will come in half an hour."

After watching Shi Wei leave, Yang Fan did not continue to draw the general design of the 054 ship's power system, but picked up a pen and his own notebook.

Sit at your desk, open your notebook, and write something while thinking.

This is something I will talk to the people in the combat system design room later. Yang Fan already has his own ideas for the combat command system of the 054 ship.

Basically, you know what to talk about, and if you make an outline, it will be clearer.

After half an hour.

Yang Fan walked into the small conference room of the combat system design room. Including Shi Wei, more than a dozen people were already sitting there, including the chief and deputy team leaders of several of their design teams, as well as some key designers.

"stand up!"

As Shi Wei took the lead to stand up, everyone stood up with a "shua", and welcomed Yang Fan with warm applause.

Walking to the empty seat prepared for him, Yang Fan raised his hand to signal, "Everyone is too polite, please sit down."

In this way, everyone stopped applauding, sat down one after another, and looked at Yang Fan together, with joy in their eyes.

Master Yang will tell you about the design of the combat system of the 054 ship!
Following the general design office, we are also able to carry out design work.

Many people, thinking this way in their hearts, are full of energy and dream of starting the design of the 054 ship's combat command system as soon as possible.

How should the combat system be designed? ? ?
Yang Fan quickly got to the point and told everyone about the design work of the combat system of the Type 054 guided missile frigate. He spoke very professionally, in detail, and thoroughly.

Sometimes, I would pick up a pen, write and draw on the blackboard in the meeting room, and write something on the blackboard to facilitate everyone's better understanding.

about an hour.

Yang Fan explained everything that should be said. After listening, everyone basically knew how to design the combat command system of the 054 ship.

Everyone's notebook is densely packed and full.

Yang Fan said: "I will stop here. In the future design process, if you have any questions, you can ask me at any time. You can also hold one or two technical exchange meetings every week to discuss some issues in the design process. question."

Shi Wei stood up happily, "Master Yang, we must hold a technical exchange meeting every week. Wait a minute, we will also hold a design work kick-off meeting."

Yang Fan nodded, explained a few more words to everyone, and strode out of the conference room.However, Shi Wei and the others did not leave. Immediately afterwards, a meeting to start the design work of the 054 ship's combat system was held immediately.

Make arrangements for some work, such as division of labor, such as which designs to start first.

After the overall design room, the combat system design room became the second design room of the East China Sea Institute to fully carry out the design of the 054 ship.

A few days later, the power system design room will also start the design work of the 054 ship in an all-round way.

The power system of the 054 ship is very different from that of the 052 ship. It is not a diesel-fuel combination power, but four diesel engines are used to power the warship.

In addition, a dual-axis propulsion system is also used. These are new technologies and new things. In order to prevent detours during the design process, Yang Fan personally drew the general diagram of the power system.

Not only that, but also personally convened the meeting of the principal and deputy directors of the power system design room, the principal and deputy leaders of each design team, the backbone and senior designers, a total of more than [-] people for a meeting.

At the meeting, Yang Fan not only introduced the design idea of ​​the power system, but also talked about the design requirements, which new technologies will be adopted, and so on.

The meeting was intense, which made Yang Fan very happy.

Yang Fan's design plan is that the power system of the 054 ship is powered by 4 diesel engines, and the 4 same diesel engines are paralleled in pairs and propulsed by twin propellers.

After the general design drawing was displayed, and the design plan and ideas were put forward, Yang Fan did not expect that he would be questioned.

He was a senior designer in the Power System Design Office, a professor-level senior engineer, in his fifties.

It is good to have doubts, without doubts, it seems that something is missing.

The senior engineer said: "Master Yang, I have seen the power scheme of the Lafayette class in the relevant technical materials. They also use four diesel engines to provide power, but it is a little different from our scheme."

Yang Fan glanced at the senior engineer approvingly, and knew his surname was Kang, so he said, "Kang Gong, tell me about it, and we will all listen to it."

Kang Gong did not hesitate, and immediately said: "The power design of the Lafayette is also four diesel engines paralleled in pairs. The difference from ours is that the power is not distributed equally, but the power of one machine is the main power. Another machine follows."

It turns out that the Lafayette Special is such a dynamic design!

Our designs are different from theirs.

Will this be a problem? ? ?
Many people looked at Yang Fan worriedly. In the 90s, we were not confident in technology. Many people blindly pursued foreign technology. Any technology imported from abroad felt that it was a level higher and advanced.

They are unwilling to innovate and improve on this basis.The real digestion and absorption, and innovation on this basis, is basically something after entering the 21st century.

Our designs are not the same as those of the French.

Many people worry that in such a big environment, it is very normal.

Sensing everyone's gazes, Yang Fan smiled confidently, "Kangong is right. The design of the Lafayette Super is indeed like that. After two cars are merged, one diesel engine is the main power, and the other power is auxiliary."

"But I think this design has a lot of flaws, and it's not perfect. A more perfect design is to let the two diesel engines exert equal force. It's like two people lifting things, each lifting 50 jin, that's 100 jin. If One of them is lazy and only lifts 40 catties, then the other has to carry 60 catties, and after a long time, the other person will definitely be crushed."

This metaphor is very vivid!

Some people were dumbfounded!

It turns out that the French design is not perfect, and there are such defects.

Master Yang is amazing!

Actually know the flaws in the French design.

Kang Gong is obviously not a person who easily admits defeat. He argued: "Mr. Yang, since there is such a defect, why did the French not allow the two diesel engines to exert equal power, but designed one of them as the main engine?" Power, what about the other one as auxiliary power?"

Yang Fan was about to tell everyone about this.

Now that he asked, Yang Fan said: "Why don't the French do this, because it involves a key technology called power balance."

Balance of power!

What a power balance!

The conference room, which was originally relatively quiet, suddenly became noisy, with many people chatting and asking questions in low voices and with their heads turned sideways.

Some people are shaking their heads slightly. Obviously, they don't know what the power balance is, so they can only guess one or two literally.

Yang Fan said confidently: "In the design of the power system of our 054 ship, a power balance design is adopted, which can accurately control the power of the two diesel engines and let them exert equal power."

By the way, Yang Fan gave you a general introduction to the power balance design.

During the narration, the entire meeting room was very quiet. Everyone opened their eyes wide and listened intently, taking notes while listening.

After listening to it, I couldn't calm down anymore!

Our 054 ship actually has such an advanced design, which the French do not have, and we have mastered the power balance that they have not mastered.

No, Master Yang has mastered it!
Immediately, almost everyone fell in admiration for Yang Fan!
Master Yang is mighty!

Mr. Yang is awesome!
Even Kang Gong had an expression of admiration on his face. At this moment, he was convinced. He had been designing ships for almost his whole life, and he had never been convinced by anyone. This time, he was convinced from the bottom of his heart.

I originally thought that the power balance was exciting enough.

But the other new technology that Yang Fan mentioned next, everyone couldn't help but get excited.

There are two updates today, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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