Military Heavy

Chapter 318

Chapter 318
"For the first time, we have independent intellectual property rights for the power balance method. In the future, we will apply for a patent. Foreigners who want to use it must pay money and obtain our consent and authorization."

As soon as Yang Fan finished speaking, as soon as his voice fell, everyone burst into good-natured laughter.

There is a strong sense of pride in this laughter.

For a long time, we have basically spent money to import technology from abroad. When is it the turn of foreigners to spend money to import technology from us.

Look now, it's not impossible.

After telling everyone about the key technology of power balance, Yang Fan began to share another key technology with everyone.

His voice clearly floated into the ears of every designer, and soon, everyone became a little excited and shouted wildly in their hearts.

The power system of our 054 ship is so good!
In addition to key technologies such as power balance, there is another key technology, that is, biaxial propulsion technology.

Yang Fan said: "The power system of the 052 ship is very different from that of the 054 ship. Our [-] ship uses two-axis propulsion technology."

I talked to you about the "two-axis propulsion technology" in more detail, and suddenly, the entire conference room couldn't calm down at all.

There were more than 054 people, none of whom could keep quiet, they were talking about the power system of the [-] ship with excited faces.

Power balance, dual shaft propulsion technology.
Yang Fan looked at everyone's reactions, everything seemed to be within his expectations, and he gave everyone enough time to discuss, digest and accept these things.

Han Jiang is a deputy design team leader of the power system design room. He looked at Yang Fan with a look of admiration, and he glanced at Yang Fan several times.

I thought in my heart, Brother Fan is amazing!

This kind of design, probably only our fan brother can come up with, it's amazing, it's amazing!

This meeting took me a long time to watch.

Yang Fan not only talked about the design ideas of the 054 ship's power system, but also talked about a number of key technologies involved, such as power balance, two-axis propulsion, shock absorption and noise reduction design, and low-noise propeller design. .

Because the 054 ship has sonar stealth, it is necessary to fully consider the noise when designing, and the power system is one of the main sources of noise.

In order to reduce noise, the power system will adopt many advanced and scientific designs to reduce the sound it makes when it is working, so that the enemy's sonar cannot easily find the 054 ship in flight.

The power system design room has become the third design room of Donghai Institute to carry out the design of the 054 ship in an all-round way.

The design work on the power system is starting quickly!

As each design room started the comprehensive and detailed design work of the 054 ship, each design room was busy.

Yang Fan is also busy.

In addition to personally drawing a part of the general design drawing or a sketch of the design, he also often conducts technical exchanges with people in various design offices to guide them in their design.

Very busy and full.

But no matter how busy he is, Yang Fan still plans to hold another CAD drawing training class, and the training is still 5 days long, 3 hours in the morning every day.

A worker must first sharpen his tools if he wants to do well.

In Yang Fan's view, the efficiency of manual drawing is too low. The design of the 054 ship should not spend a lot of time on drawing design drawings one by one, but should spend more time and energy on the new design. The use of technology, some design discussion above.

It is not worth spending a lot of time and energy on drawing design drawings!
Still adopt the method of issuing notices and everyone voluntarily registering, the quota is still 20 people.

Because of the limited number of computers, the 100 new computers purchased have not yet arrived. Donghai Institute has limited computers. After taking 10 computers for training, there are more than two or three to four or five computers left in each design room.

The combat system design room has the largest number of computers. After moving two for training, there are still five left.

These computers are all used for computer graphics.

One is computer graphics and the other is pure manual graphics.

Over the past few days, sharp contrasts have also emerged, which has strongly impacted all designers, especially those who were disdainful before and felt that learning CAD drawing was not very useful, and they all became eager in their hearts.

Looking at the young designers who have learned CAD drawing before, they usually complete the design tasks in one week in two or three days, and they still have a lot of time to help others draw.

So, extremely envious!
It would be great if I could also use computer graphics!
Some quick-witted people took pride and asked these young designers for advice. Some people couldn't keep their pride and often thought in their hearts, when will Mr. Yang hold a CAD drawing training class again.

The news spread throughout the East China Sea Institute.

Notifications are out again!

Many people flocked to the model office. Originally, there were only 20 places, but there were too many people who signed up, and it has exceeded 100 people.

No way, Li Zhengjun had no choice but to report to Yang Fan.

so many people!

After being slightly startled, Yang Fan laughed happily, "There are so many people, which is beyond my expectation. I remember the first time I told everyone to hold a CAD drawing training class, it seemed that only 22 people voluntarily signed up."

Li Zhengjun remembered it very clearly, and immediately replied: "Yes, there were only 22 people at that time."

This time, there were more than 100 people.

The number of people who signed up last time was too small. Li Zhengjun was worried that there were too many people who signed up. He was also worried that there were so many people, what should we do?

Yang Fan took a look at the list, and then said: "Originally, it was only planned to have 20 people. How about this, the number of people in the training class will be increased to 30 people. As for which 30 people will participate, your model office will choose."


Li Zhengjun quickly replied that the number of people has increased to 30, that is, three people share one computer, which is already the maximum limit.

Soon, the list was announced.

Exactly 30 people!
It seems that Li Zhengjun put a little thought into it. The bowl of water is also very flat. It is basically proportional to the number of people. The design studio with a large number of people will have one or two more people to participate in the training, and the design studio with a small number of people will have one or two fewer people to participate in the training. .

In the bulletin board, the officially announced list is being posted.

"Hey, there are a total of 30 people!"

"It must be that there are too many people who signed up. Master Yang raised the number to 30 after careful consideration."

"Haha, do you see, it has my name!"

"I also have a name, and I can participate in the CAD drawing training starting tomorrow morning."


At least dozens of people gathered in front of the bulletin board. It was lively, and some were happy and some were sad. Those who could participate in the training were elated, and those who did not have names sighed.

Fan Youbao is the one who sighs.

During the first training, he dismissed the notice and sniffed at it, thinking that he was already in his 40s, and he didn't need to learn CAD drawing at all.

Seeing that Xiao Chen from the same design office participated in the training, he was very efficient in drawing with a computer, and he became envious again, and gradually regretted it.

I often think this way, why didn't I seize the opportunity at that time?

After the notification came out, he was one of the first to register at the model office. He was full of hope, but he was rejected, and his heart was filled with a deep sense of loss.

"Oh, what should I do?"

While sighing and feeling a light pat on the shoulder, Fan Youbao looked back and saw that it was an old acquaintance, and said in a deep voice: "Old Liu, don't you have your name?"

"Well, I didn't see my name, it seems that we have the same disease."

The next day.

The second training class started at 08:30 in the morning, but after [-]:[-], someone came in and grabbed the seat early.

When approaching 08:30 in the morning, there were a total of 30 technicians who participated in the training, and all of them were present. The whole training classroom was full of excitement!
Someone unexpectedly discovered that at the back of the classroom, someone moved a chair in and sat there. It seemed that they were preparing to listen in.

The size of the classroom is not small. After setting up some tables and chairs, and a total of 10 computers, almost half of the space is empty.

Someone had a flexible mind, moved a stool and sat at the back of the classroom, opened a notebook, held a pen, and prepared to record while listening.

This is called listening in.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Yang Fan walked into the training room and looked at the 30 designers participating in the training with satisfaction. Soon, he felt a little surprised.

At the back of the classroom, there were five or six people sitting, and it was obvious from a glance that they were listening in.

Of course, there is no problem with listening in. Yang Fan also welcomed them and smiled at them to show encouragement.

Seeing this, the auditors felt relieved. What they were most worried about was that Master Yang would invite them out and not allow them to sit here and listen.

Yang Fan went to the podium and sat in front of his computer with a loud voice. First, he introduced computer-aided drawing to everyone. The first class was of course the most basic knowledge.

Sometimes, after talking about a certain basic operation or basic command, Yang Fan will demonstrate it on his computer to teach everyone how to operate it.

Through the projection on the big screen, everyone can see Yang Fan's operation clearly, and also try to operate on the computer, three people on one computer, and take turns to operate, everyone has a chance.

The people listening behind were envious for a while, and thought in their hearts, it would be great if they could operate on the computer.

Yang Fan seemed to see what they were thinking, and said loudly: "Don't worry, you also have a chance, first record the operation on the notebook, and the computer here will be open in the afternoon, and you can all try it on the computer."



These observers cheered up one by one, and were suddenly full of enthusiasm for learning.

Three hours of training in the morning with a 20-minute break in between.

In just 20 minutes, the news spread to various design offices, and they could listen in, and they could also operate and practice on the computer in the afternoon.

Immediately, many people moved over with stools.

After a 20-minute break, Yang Fan unexpectedly discovered that originally there were only five or six people listening there, but now there are more than a dozen people. Judging by the posture, some people may rush over.

There are two updates today, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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