Military Heavy

Chapter 319 Just Lack of Computer

Chapter 319 Just Lack of Computer
Sure enough, during the second class, some people came one after another, reaching the level of more than [-] people by visual inspection.

Seeing this situation, Yang Fan was very pleased.

At least everyone's enthusiasm for learning is high!
With such a high enthusiasm for learning, everyone learns to use CAD drawing, then the design efficiency of the 054 ship will definitely double, and the comprehensive design can be completed as soon as possible.

Not only Yang Fan, not only the East China Sea Research Institute, but also the military, all hope that the design of the 054 ship will be completed earlier, construction will start earlier, and this type of guided missile frigate will enter service as soon as possible.

In the morning, Yang Fan will give lectures on the basic knowledge and basic operation of CAD.In the afternoon, I will leave it to everyone to practice.

The entire training classroom was very lively, not only the 30 designers who participated in the study, but also the designers who were watching. Basically, they were lucky enough to sit in front of the computer and operate it for a while, ranging from one to two 10 minutes to as long as Then three or four 10 minutes.

Often one of them is operating on the computer, and several people are watching by the side, discussing enthusiastically while watching other people's operations.

Even at night.

When off work, Li Zhengjun, director of the model office, reported to Yang Fan that many people wanted to use the evening time to operate on the computer to consolidate what they learned in the morning.

Without even thinking about it, Yang Fan readily agreed, using the evening time to consolidate his studies is a good thing, and of course he strongly supports it.

Therefore, at night, the classroom is brightly lit and lively, with at least 30 to [-] people practicing CAD drawing on the computer.

The next day.

At 08:30 in the morning, Yang Fan walked into the training classroom on time.Yesterday morning, I talked about the basic knowledge of CAD, basic operations, basic commands, etc. Today, I started to combine the drawing of specific design drawings, while teaching everyone how to draw, while talking about further operations.

How to teach everyone, Yang Fan already has a lot of experience.

Yang Fan is very proficient in drawing with CAD, just like flowing water, a design drawing was completed in a short time, and many people were shocked again!
Deep shock!
Drawing is so fast!
This is the CAD drawing!
In addition to being shocked, whether it is the 30 students or the people sitting behind listening, they are more enthusiastic in their hearts, hoping to learn CAD as soon as possible and reach the operation level of Mr. Yang as soon as possible.

A design studio.

Some designers are burying their heads in drawing design drawings, using tools such as pencils and rulers, and some designers are talking.

"I heard that you can listen in. Shall we go and listen?"

"I don't know if there is still a place."


These few people are talking like this.They were not included in the list of 30 people, and they couldn't sit in front of the computer and listen to Mr. Yang's lecture on the operation of CAD. Everyone felt very sorry.

Hearing that he could sit in on it, hope rose again in his heart.

Listening in is also good!

I heard that in the afternoon and evening, as long as you want to, you can also operate in front of the computer to consolidate what you have learned.

It's just that I just heard the news not long ago, and I was worried that there would not be enough seats.

No matter, let's move the stool to have a look first, in case there is still room.

One designer hurried to the CAD drawing training classroom with a notebook and a stool, and soon he came back happily.

As soon as he came in, he yelled, "There are still seats, and there are still a few seats for observers. If you want to go, hurry up. If you are late, there will really be no seats."

There is really still room to sit in!

The designers who had already had ideas in their hearts moved their stools and rushed towards the training classroom, worried that there would be no place for them if it was too late.

Yang Fan was giving lectures to everyone incessantly, which was very vivid and wonderful, and the people below listened with great interest.

Yang Fan found that some observers came in one after another. They moved the stools and moved lightly, for fear of affecting other people.

For them, Yang Fan often smiles and nods lightly to give them some encouragement.

Some people were really late, and the vacant area behind the classroom was fully occupied, with two to 30 people already seated.

He moved the stool, poked his head around the back door of the classroom, and saw that the back area of ​​the classroom was full, with a look of regret on his face, but he was a little bit unwilling.

Yang Fan saw him, suspended the lecture, and signaled: "There is still room in the aisle, if you don't mind, you can sit in the aisle on both sides to listen."

Hearing this, this comrade is overjoyed!
Of course I don't mind!
It doesn't matter where you sit as long as you can sit and listen.

He glanced at Yang Fan gratefully, then moved a stool in gently, sat down in the aisle, opened his notebook, took a pen, and listened carefully while taking notes.

One after another, some people came over.Then there was no need to stop and arrange for them to sit in the aisle. Someone gently reminded them, and they also sat down in the aisle gently.

So, the scene is spectacular!

In front of the classroom are ten computers and thirty designers listening to the class. The back of the classroom and the aisles on both sides are all full of people.

Everyone listened attentively to Yang Fan's lecture.

What is rare is that with so many people attending the class, the classroom is actually very quiet, only the sound of Yang Fan lecturing, and when everyone is operating on the computer, there are some sounds of operating the computer and low voices.

Everyone's enthusiasm for learning is high!
This has been the case for five days in a row. Every morning, the classroom is full of people listening to the lecture. In the afternoon and evening, many people operate on the computer in the classroom to consolidate what Yang Fan said.

There are too many people!

The computer is not enough!
More monks and less porridge!
Some people are smarter. When they go back to their design studios, each design studio has at least two or three computers. According to Yang Fan’s request, all those who can install CAD have already installed CAD drawing software. practice on these computers.

After the five-day lecture, Yang Fan felt that the effect was very good. At least it greatly mobilized everyone's enthusiasm for learning. The entire Donghai Institute has completely set off a wave of learning computer graphics.

Even some designers in their [-]s and even [-]s are no exception. They no longer think that learning CAD drawing is useless, but show great interest in learning.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, whether to hold another CAD drawing class.

However, Yang Fan quickly dismissed the idea of ​​teaching everyone how to operate CAD drawings in person. Even if such a class is to be held again, he can only let others teach it, or invite people to teach it from outside, or choose from among these two groups of students. Pick one or two who have learned well and have good eloquence, and let them teach.

Yang Fan is very busy!

With the full development of the 054 ship design work, he became busy, not only to guide everyone's design, but also to organize technical meetings frequently to discuss and solve technical problems encountered in the design process. There are many things that require him The head teacher will coordinate.

Everyone's enthusiasm for learning CAD drawing has fully come up. At present, they are facing another big problem, the computer is not enough!

I heard that there has been a scramble for computers, and there has been a red-faced scramble among some designers. Yang Fan knows that the 100 new computers applied for purchase must be in place as soon as possible.

For this reason, he walked into Liang Zhiquan's office specially.

Seeing Yang Fan knocking on the door and coming in, Liang Zhiquan was very happy and enthusiastic. He has been paying close attention to the things these days, seeing it in his eyes and joy in his heart.

"Xiao Yang, you guys did a good job, impressively."

When there are no other people, Liang Zhiquan is still used to calling Yang Fan "Xiao Yang", which not only contains the love of the older generation of ship people, but also seems very kind.

Yang Fan said: "The design work of the 054 ship has been fully carried out in various departments, and the design work has entered the stage of comprehensive and detailed design."

By the way, Yang Fan reported the current design work to the leader.

After listening to the report, Liang Zhiquan nodded in satisfaction and praised: "The smoothness of the design work is a bit beyond my surprise."

"Before that, I prepared for the worst and prepared enough. I expected that I might encounter a series of technical difficulties, but unexpectedly, it didn't happen. It went so smoothly."

After speaking, he looked at Yang Fan with satisfaction.

He knew that there was only one reason for such a gratifying situation, and that was that the young man in front of him not only organized everyone to carry out the design work, but also provided a series of technical guidance. In front of young people, it seems that there is no problem at all, and they can often be solved relatively easily.

Liang Zhiquan once again felt that "the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead".

While lamenting "old age", I am also very happy in my heart, and there are successors.

After being praised by the leader, Yang Fan was also happy for a while, but he still did not forget the purpose of this time, and said: "Leader, the design work of the 054 ship is in full swing, and a large number of design drawings need to be drawn. What we are most lacking at present is the computer. "

About a month ago, Yang Fan proposed to buy 100 486 computers. Liang Zhiquan patted his chest and expressed his strong support.

Nearly a month has passed, how is the result?
When will these 100 computers be in place?

Liang Zhiquan picked up the phone and made a call in front of Yang Fan. After the call, he said with certainty: "These 100 computers will be here soon, next week at the latest."

Got such an accurate answer!
Yang Fan's hanging heart completely fell to the ground!

A look of joy appeared on his face in an instant, there was no way, he was so happy!

"This solves a big problem. With these 100 computers, at least half of our designers have computers."

With hundreds of employees, Donghai Institute is considered a relatively large scientific research unit.

Excluding auxiliary staff, managers, handymen, etc., there are 300 to 486 technical professional designers. Currently, there are more than [-] computers and [-] newly purchased [-] computers. A large part of the designers can Draw with a computer.

The drawing efficiency must be greatly improved!

No wonder Yang Fan is so happy, so happy!
There are two updates today, the first one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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