Military Heavy

Chapter 320 Give You Three More Units

Chapter 320 Give You Three More Units
Powertrain Design Office.

For the design of the 054 ship, the workload of the power system design room is undoubtedly relatively large, and a large number of design drawings need to be drawn.

The task is huge and the technical difficulty is also very high. The key is that the things that can be learned from the 052 ship are relatively limited, because the 054 ship is not powered by a diesel-fuel combination, but powered by 4 diesel engines, grouped in pairs.

Thanks to Yang Fan's general design drawing of the power system and Yang Fan's technical guidance, although the technology is difficult, the design work has been carried out steadily, and a large number of design drawings have been drawn.

Only the computer is limited.

There are only three computers in the entire power system design room, and this is because the director of the design room gave up his own 286 computer.

Han Jiang and his design team consisted of more than a dozen people, and they only got one computer. Most of them still drew by hand. Only Xiao Li and Xiao Hu used that computer in turn, because they both participated in CAD drawing. training.

The past few days have been used in turn, and nothing has happened, but as soon as I went to work today, the two had an argument. Xiao Hu insisted that he hadn’t finished drawing yesterday’s drawings, and he needed to finish the drawings, print them out, and hand the computer over to Xiao Li. .

Xiao Li said that it has been agreed, and the two of them will use it in turns, changing it every day. Xiao Hu used it all day yesterday, and it should be his turn today.

The two fought hard.

Let no one!
There is a lot of movement!

Han Jiang was alarmed very quickly and came over right away. After understanding what was going on, he felt a little helpless.

I thought to myself, there are more than ten people in our design team, but there is only one computer. If there are a few more computers, no, even one or two more computers would be good.

But he knew that this was probably an extravagant wish.

Computers are not cheap, and gold is very expensive. You don’t have as many as you want. Looking at the entire Donghai Institute, it seems that there are only thirty or so.

After comforting Xiao Hu and Xiao Li, Han Jiang returned to his seat, opened a design drawing and proofread it, but he was a little absent-minded, and his mind was still thinking about the computer.

Unable to calm down, Han Jiang simply stopped proofreading these design drawings, and simply got up and left the big office of the power system design room, planning to sit with Yang Fan.

The relationship between the two is good. After Yang Fan became the chief designer of the 054 ship, he has no airs in front of Han Jiang, and he is not superior, but has always regarded Han Jiang as a brother.

In this way, Han Jiang is also willing to go to Yang Fan's place to sit and chat.

Knocking on the door and pushing it in, Han Jiang saw Yang Fan sitting in front of the computer, as if he was drawing a design.

"Brother Fan, are you busy?"

Seeing that he is his good brother, Yang Fan saved a part of the design drawing and showed a warm smile, "I want to drink something, if I want to drink hot tea, I can make it myself."

Han Jiang knew the way, made a cup of hot tea by himself, sat down on the sofa, and inquired: "Brother Fan, when will we hold another CAD drawing training class, many people in our design team want to sign up for it."

Yang Fan pondered for a while, and said seriously: "Two training classes have been held, and a total of 50 people have been trained, but the number is not enough. I do plan to hold another training class."


Han Jiang said happily: "If those people in our design team know, they will be very happy. They are all looking forward to it."

Yang Fan smiled and said truthfully: "However, I've been busy recently, and I don't have so much time to train them personally. I have already selected two people, and they will give you training and teach you how to use CAD software to draw. "

After chatting for a while, Yang Fan also sighed: "There are already 50 people who can use CAD to draw, and there are at least three to forty people who attended my last lecture. They also have some foundation and understanding of CAD. Unfortunately, there are few computers at present. a little."

Han Jiang felt the same way.

I have a deep understanding!

Immediately said: "No, the number of computers is really too small. Our design team has more than a dozen people, but there is only one computer. Just now, in order to compete for this computer, two designers had red faces and thick necks. Alas "

Take a long sigh.

He has never wished so desperately, if only one or two more computers would be great.

Noticing Han Jiang's expression and guessing what he was thinking, Yang Fan smiled happily.

In a few days, this will no longer be an issue!
Yang Fan simply revealed in advance: "Computers will be available soon. We have already bought a new batch of computers, and they will arrive in a few days."

Got a new computer!

Han Jiang cheered up, and asked enthusiastically, "Brother Fan, how many computers have we bought in total for Donghai Institute this time?"

Yang Fan smiled, "Guess."

Han Jiang thought for a while, and then guessed: "Five or eight?"

In the past few years, Donghai Institute has bought some new computers one after another, about three or five at a time. Han Jiang is quite clear about these situations, so he has the courage to try to think about the quantity as much as possible. He guesses that it may be five. Or eight or something.

Yang Fan smiled again, "No."

Not eight or five, could it be that this time I bought ten new computers in one go?

Thinking about this, Han Jiang's heart gradually became eager, and he said loudly: "Brother Fan, did you buy ten computers?"

"If this is the case, then our power system design room may be divided into two. Brother Fan, I have agreed in advance that our design team must have one."

One more new computer, perhaps, everyone will not be red-faced because of competing for the computer, and should be more generous in general. You can use the two computers in turn, or for drawing design drawings, or for practicing and consolidating CAD drawings. Basic operation.

Yang Fan laughed again.

He no longer whetted Han Jiang's appetite, and said loudly: "We bought 100 computers in one go this time, and all of them are the latest 486 computers."

Han Jiang was stunned!

My God, 100 units!

Did I hear correctly!
I am not dreaming!

Yang Fan said: "You heard correctly, and you are not dreaming, it is indeed 100 486 computers, and it will arrive in a few days."

This is not a dream!
This is real!

Han Jiang was so excited that he trembled a little when he spoke, "Brother Fanfan, there are really 100 486 computers, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

Although he knew in his heart that Yang Fan wasn't lying and shouldn't be lying to him, Han Jiang still couldn't help asking.

After asking, without waiting for Yang Fan's answer, he immediately said: "Brother Fan, we have such a good relationship, this time you must take care of our power system design room and give us two more computers."

I'm not greedy, I just want two more.

Yang Fan said frankly: "No problem, I will give you three more computers, and I will personally greet your director. The three extra computers will all be given to your design team."

Doing so is not entirely selfish.

But the design of the power system is difficult, the workload is heavy, and there are more design drawings that need to be drawn. They should have been given a few more computers.

And Han Jiang's design team has undertaken very important design tasks, such as power balance control will be designed by them.

Give three more!

Han Jiang wished he could hold Yang Fan in his arms and kiss him hard, and really wanted to shout, Brother Fan, I love you so much!

Yang Fan said: "It's very simple to thank you. After get off work, let's have a drink or two. You treat me."

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with that." Han Jiang agreed immediately.

After chatting for a while, he happily returned to the power system design room.

As soon as he entered the big office of their design team, Han Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed. If he didn't know that there would be 100 486 computers soon, he might be angry.

Because as soon as I came in, I saw that they were fighting for the computer again.

Han Jiang wasn't angry at all, he walked over and asked, "Why are you arguing for this computer again? What's the point of arguing?"

"Leader, I."

Han Jiang interrupted with a wave of his hand, and announced loudly: "I tell you a very good news, our office purchased 100 486 computers as early as a month ago, and the goods will arrive in two or three days. At least half of the design team will have new computers."

Suddenly, everyone was shocked!
Completely stuck in a state of sluggishness!
This news is too shocking!
The impact is too great!

The huge office was unprecedentedly quiet, and a needle could almost be heard when it fell to the ground. It took several seconds for someone to react, and then let out a cheer.

Soon, cheers rang out!
100 486 computers!
The news also centered on the Power System Design Office and quickly spread to other design offices.Originally, only the high-level and some middle-level managers in the institute knew about the purchase of 100 computers. Now, almost every ordinary designer knows about it.

There are two updates today, and the second update will be sent, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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