Military Heavy

Chapter 321 Choosing a Manufacturer

Chapter 321 Choosing a Manufacturer

100 486 computers!

Knowing this great news, the principal and deputy directors of some design offices went to Yang Fan, or the 054 ship model office, with only one purpose, to build more computers.

Li Zhengjun finally couldn't take it anymore, knocked on the door and walked into Yang Fan's office, and said with a wry smile, "Mr. Yang, although this is a great thing, I'm in such pain that I'm all here to ask for a computer."

Yang Fan pondered for a while, and asked: "It's very simple to solve this problem, divide them up immediately, and publish the distribution list."

Only in this way, the announcement of the distribution results will become a certainty, and everyone will stop clamoring for computers.

Li Zhengjun nodded in agreement, "Master Yang, how should the 100 computers be allocated?"

How to distribute?

Yang Fan had already made up his mind, and said loudly: "Those who have participated in the CAD drawing training, each have one set. In addition, everyone who has come to listen also has one set."

There were a total of 52 people in the two training classes. During the second training class, many people came to listen. Li Zhengjun also made statistics, a total of 37 people, a total of 89 people.

"Mr. Yang, in this case, a total of 89 people can be allocated computers, and how to divide the remaining 11 computers?"

Yang Fan said: "Your model office is divided into 1 unit, and the remaining 10 units will focus on the power system design room, overall design room and combat system design room."

"Okay." Li Zhengjun replied.

Why focus on these design studios?The reason is simple, because they have the largest amount of design tasks, especially the power system design room, which will design all the power systems.The design task of the overall design room is also huge, and the radar stealth design has never been done before.

With Yang Fan's instructions, he knew how to allocate computers, and the efficiency was very high. After leaving Yang Fan's place, within an hour, the allocation list was completed.

After sending it to Yang Fan for review, it was quickly announced and posted on the bulletin board in front of the office building.

Almost everyone in the East China Sea Institute was staring at the 100 computers. As soon as the distribution list came out, people surrounded the bulletin board.

Three floors inside, three floors outside.

It is simply watertight!
Some people who came a little later could only stand outside, standing on tiptoes vigorously, stretching their necks and looking inside, their faces full of hope.

"Haha, there's my name!"

"I saw it, I saw it, and it has my name!"

I was elated when I saw someone with my name, but I could only sigh because I felt a sense of loss when I didn’t see my name.

"Have you noticed that everyone who has participated in the training, or attended the CAD drawing training, has a new computer?"

"Hey, that's really the case."

"Fortunately, I went to attend for a few days, otherwise, these new computers may have nothing to do with me."


Knowing this, those who used to move their stools to listen in looked lucky, saying that they were lucky, fortunately they went to listen in the first place.

Those who did not attend the audition sighed again, secretly hating themselves for not attending the audition for a few days, regretting it, regretting it so much!
The computers were allocated, and Li Zhengjun was cleaned up.

The entire East China Sea Institute is also jubilant, because a full 100 people will have new computers, and everyone began to look forward to when the new computers will be delivered.

It was a few days earlier than predicted, and it might not come until next Monday. On the morning of this Friday, two large trucks drove into Donghai Institute and parked in the open space in front of the office building.

The car is full and neat, all brand new 486 computers!

Li Zhengjun soon notified that people from each design office would come to collect the computers, according to the distribution list announced earlier, according to the quantity.

Each design room sent people over, and Han Jiang also brought several people over. When it was the power system design room's turn, Han Jiang directed his people to get the computer.

"Haha, our group actually has eight computers!"

Seeing a young designer overjoyed and yelling, Han Jiang hastily kicked him lightly.

The young designer immediately understood, and gave him a look, as if to say, Team Leader Han, I understand, I understand, make a fortune in silence, low-key, low-key!
Seeing his appearance and expression, Han Jiang smiled happily, and led his design team to happily move the new computer back.

Every design room became lively, everyone was busy unpacking, installing a new computer, carefully taking the computer out of the box, putting it on the table, connecting the keyboard, mouse, power cord and data cable, etc.

100 computers is a big business, and the computer company has sent several technicians to help, and they will be responsible for those who can't install computers or have any problems.

In just one morning, not only were all the 100 computers distributed, but they were basically installed and ready to use.

In the afternoon, basically every computer has been installed with ACD drawing software, and successfully connected to the workstation of Donghai Institute. Dozens of old computers before, and now 100 new computers form a local area network.

"Look, it is indeed a 486 computer!"

"Yeah, it feels much easier to use than the previous 286 computer."

"Finally I have my own computer, and I can use CAD drawing freely."


Each design room is filled with a relaxed and joyful atmosphere, and many designers start to operate on their new computers, using CAD to draw the design drawings of the 054 ship.

In the afternoon, Yang Fan didn't stay in his office any longer. Apart from holding a design technical seminar, which took more than an hour, he spent the rest of his time wandering around the design rooms to have a look.

Feeling this atmosphere, Yang Fan is also in a good mood.

I thought in my heart that the first batch of 100 computers finally arrived. With them, the efficiency of drawing the design drawings of the 054 ship must be doubled.

Well, there are still some people who don’t have a computer, so they have to find a way to buy another batch so that every designer has a computer.

A few days later, another notice was posted on the bulletin board.

Held the third CAD drawing training class. This time, the number of people trained was 40, which was the largest one. In addition, it was clearly stated in the notice that interested parties are welcome to attend.

Why is there 40 people this time? Because Yang Fan picked up some old computers, mainly 268 and 386 computers, plus the previous 10 computers, a total of 20 computers were used for training.

As soon as the notice came out, everyone enthusiastically signed up.

Just kidding, I didn't participate in the previous two training sessions, and I didn't attend the audition. These people are regretting it to death.

Now that there is such an opportunity, how can I let it go? As soon as I got the news, I flocked to the model office to register. Within half an hour after the notification came out, 40 people had already registered.

Many designers who did not sign up were not discouraged. They thought about it and moved a stool to listen in. This time, they must learn the operation of CAD. Like those designers, they also use computers to draw design drawings every day.

After the Lunar New Year, and within a few days of going to work, Yang Fan received a call from Luo Jianguo from the capital.

During the phone call, after the two politely greeted each other with a happy new year, Luo Jianguo got to the point, "Mr. Yang, we have selected a diesel engine manufacturing factory. I will accompany you to take a look. If possible, 054 The ship's diesel engines are manufactured in this factory."

By the way, I briefly talked about the situation of this diesel engine factory.

Hongqi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Group.

An old diesel engine manufacturer with tens of years of history, large in scale and relatively strong in technical strength.

Since obtaining the authorization from France to produce diesel engines for the 054 ship in China, Luo Jianguo has been looking for and selecting suitable factories according to Yang Fan's suggestion, and is ready to start manufacturing such diesel engines.

In the future, before the development of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, the country will select a diesel engine manufacturing company, and the production and manufacturing of marine diesel engines will begin long before the design is launched. The first prototype came out early.

Compared with the future, the design of the 054 ship was about 10 years ahead of schedule, and the trial production of marine diesel engines obviously failed to keep up with the design work. However, the military finally selected Hongqi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Group.

It is now ready to start trial production of diesel engines, and the risk is undoubtedly relatively high. If the trial production fails, if it fails, it will definitely affect the entire 054 project.

The military obviously knew this and did not make a direct decision. Luo Jianguo called in person to ask for Yang Fan's opinion.

"Master Yang, let's take a few days to go to Hongqi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Group to take a look, how about it?"

Luo Jianguo made such a request. It is obvious that Yang Fan's opinion is very important. If Yang Fan does not like this factory, he may re-select another professional diesel engine manufacturer.

For this reason, they did make a backup plan. In addition to the preferred Hongqi factory, there are a total of two professional diesel engine manufacturing factories. If Yang Fan is not satisfied with the Hongqi factory, he will go to the other two factories until he chooses the one he is satisfied with. suitable manufacturing plant.

Yang Fan replied without hesitation, "Mr. Luo, no problem, I'll be right over."

Don't be too late!

The design of the 054 ships has been fully launched, and the trial production of diesel engines cannot be delayed any longer. Yang Fan fully understands this.

The sooner the trial production starts, the better. In case some problems are encountered during the trial production process, there is still time to buffer and you will not be so passive.

Yang Fan took Li Zhengjun with him, and the two arrived in the capital by plane that afternoon. They walked into the military building immediately and met Luo Jianjun.

The 054 project was officially launched, and the design work of the 054 ship was in full swing. Luo Jianguo also became the commander-in-chief of the 054 ship.

The two met and shook hands happily.

After sitting down, he immediately got to the point, Luo Jianguo said: "Master Yang, you are staying in the capital for one night today, and we will go to the Red Flag Factory early tomorrow morning."

"No problem, everything is under the arrangement of Commander Luo." Yang Fan said.

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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