Military Heavy

Chapter 323 The Weird Red Flag Factory

Chapter 323 The Weird Red Flag Factory

"This is a transport plane!"

Seeing this plane, Li Zhengjun couldn't help shouting.

Yang Fan nodded. This is of course a transport aircraft, and it is also a domestic Y-[-] transport aircraft powered by four domestic turboprop engines.

Luo Jianguo apologized a little, "In order to save time, we can only take a transport plane, which is less comfortable than a civil airliner."

Yang Fan was quite satisfied. He had ridden once before his rebirth, and he felt pretty good, so he said, "Lucky Eight is not bad. Apart from being a bit louder, it is more spacious and has first-class treatment."

Luo Jianguo laughed.

Take everyone on board this Yunba.After entering, Yang Fan found that there were some goods on it, but not many, leaving a very spacious space.

Not long after everyone sat down, the plane started to take off, heading towards S Province.

Apparently, the plane was already ready to take off and was waiting for Luo Jianguo and others to arrive.After more than an hour of flying, he successfully landed at an airport in the suburbs of the provincial capital of S Province.

"It's here, it's not very comfortable." Luo Jianguo asked.

Yang Fan said: "It feels good. Compared with taking a civil airliner, it's a completely different feeling."

The two walked ahead and got off the plane while chatting.Everything has been arranged long ago, and a car will take them to the Hongqi factory immediately.

The distance is not too far. In less than an hour, the car arrived at the gate of Hongqi Factory, where several people were already there to welcome them.

Obviously, Luo Jianguo was quite familiar with the other party. After getting out of the car, he took the initiative to introduce: "Mr. Yang, this is Zhu Chuandong, the general manager of Hongqi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Group."

This is a man in his fifties, plainly dressed and thin.

Zhu Chuandong was obviously taken aback, never expecting Yang Fan to be so young.He knew that the chief designer of the 054 ship would come to inspect the Hongqi factory, but he didn't expect the other party to be so young.

This looks at most 30 years old!

If it wasn't for Luo Jianguo's personal introduction, he would have doubted it. Now that he knew it was not fake, he was taken aback for a moment, then took two steps forward with enthusiasm, and held Yang Fan's hand tightly, "Master Yang, no Thinking that you are so young, you are really young and promising."

Yang Fan shook hands with Zhu Chuandong tightly, and said modestly, "Where, where."

After the two shook hands and said politely, Zhu Chuandong introduced to Yang Fan the people who were greeted here by Hongqi Factory, first of all was Gu Zhengxin, the deputy general manager.

A tall, middle-aged man who looked to be in his early forties, looked very energetic, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, with a somewhat bookish air.

Yang Fan shook hands with them one by one, and after a polite exchange of greetings, Zhu Chuandong invited: "Commander Luo, Chief Designer Yang, please come to our meeting room and have a drink of tea."

A group of people, centered on Luo Jianguo, Yang Fan, and Zhu Chuandong, walked into the office building of Hongqi Factory like stars.

Obviously, everything is ready.

The special conference room was decorated, with things like peanuts and melon seeds, candied dried fruits, etc. There were no fresh fruits in this season, so there were no such things.

After the hot tea was brewed and served, the conference room was filled with mist.

Everyone sat together, drank tea, and chatted about work-related matters.

For example, Zhu Chuan introduced the situation of Hongqi Factory to Yang Fan, and Yang Fan listened carefully.

As an old-fashioned diesel engine company with a military color, Hongqi Factory has been full of honors before, and has won many firsts in the field of domestic high-power diesel engines.

With a glorious history, they certainly want to take it to the next level and get the task of manufacturing diesel engines for the 054 ship, so that Hongqi Factory can go one step further.

After sitting down and talking for a long time, only three or four or ten minutes, a middle-aged man walked in gently, leaned over and whispered something in Zhu Chuandong's ear.

Zhu Chuandong nodded lightly, and after signaling the middle-aged man to leave, he invited: "Everyone, it's already noon, we have prepared a table of light meals, let's go eat now."

Everyone stood up.

Even Yang Fan thought that the first meal at Hongqi Factory should be regarded as a clean-up for everyone when he and his group were newcomers, and they might go to a more high-end restaurant.

How did I know that the staff restaurant arranged in Hongqi Factory was only on the second floor.

The first floor is the lobby, which is very lively. A large number of employees of Hongqi Factory eat on the first floor, but the second floor is much quieter.

A large private room was prepared in advance, and a large table was placed in the center. The food is quite rich, mainly the special pasta in the Northwest region, in addition, there are also mutton and beef.

Well, the canteen is the canteen.

Yang Fan didn't have high requirements in this aspect, and he didn't feel that Hongqi Factory had neglected him, so he didn't feel dissatisfied at all, so he walked into the big private room with a smile.

Zhu Chuandong was very enthusiastic and insisted that Yang Fan take the main seat, but with Luo Jianguo here, Yang Fan would never take that position. After being humble, he let Luo Jianguo take the main seat.

After Luo Jianguo sat down, Yang Fan and Zhu Chuandong sat down one by one on the left and one on the right, and the others sat down in turn.

Zhu Chuandong apologized, "I'm really sorry, the conditions are a little rough, please don't mind."

Luo Jianguo may have been to Hongqi Factory many times before, and he is familiar with the situation here. He waved his hand and said, "Old Zhu, we don't mind. Such a lunch is already very rich."

Of course Yang Fan didn't mind, and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you eat whatever you want. In terms of eating, I don't have high requirements."

Seeing that Yang Fan really didn't mind, Zhu Chuandong felt relieved.

Greeted everyone for dinner, because there was still something to do in the afternoon, and there was no drink, but the atmosphere was very lively. Yang Fan also felt that the food with Northwest characteristics was very interesting, and his appetite was good.

After dinner, return to the hotel where you are staying for a short rest.

Zhu Chuan arranged for everyone to stay in the guest house of Hongqi Factory. Obviously, the best room in the guest house had been reserved long ago, one for each person.

Not long after checking into the room, there was a knock on the door, and it was Li Zhengjun who came in.

As soon as he came in, he reminded: "Master Yang, have you noticed that this Hongqi Factory seems weird, I really can't understand it."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "You mean they arranged their lunch meal in the staff canteen, instead of going to restaurants or hotels outside."

Li Zhengjun said: "This is one thing, and there is another thing. I went out to buy a pack of cigarettes just now, and I accidentally saw a middle-aged man wearing the work clothes of the Hongqi factory. Garbage inside."

No way!
Even Yang Fan was astonished!

The Hongqi factory is a state-owned enterprise, so the treatment should be considered good. Their workers have absolutely no problem with food and clothing, so why would there be employees going through the trash cans.

If it wasn't what Li Zhengjun said, Yang Fan really didn't believe it.

In addition to being surprised, he also sighed: "Then I really didn't expect such a situation to exist."

After talking about the situation, Li Zhengjun knew that Yang Fan was going to rest, so he didn't continue talking and went back to his room.

At 02:30 in the afternoon, under the leadership of Zhu Chuandong, everyone visited the Hongqi factory together.

While visiting, Zhu Chuan personally introduced the situation of the Hongqi factory to Yang Fan and others. Every time he entered a manufacturing workshop, he would introduce the situation of the workshop, how many workers, how many technicians there were, and what important equipment was there.

"Master Yang, this is the air forging we bought from the Soviet Union. Many large forgings can be forged on this machine, including the crankshaft of the engine."

The crankshaft of the engine is regarded as a key part. In order to improve the strength, it is generally newly forged to make the material more compact. After forging, a series of mechanical processing is carried out.

Yang Fan looked at the two-story forging equipment and thought to himself, although it is a bit old, it looks good in quality.

Not long after, under the leadership of Zhu Chuandong, he walked into a large workshop. This is the precision manufacturing workshop of Hongqi Factory. The key equipment is a high-precision boring machine.

Zhu Chuandong introduced: "This is also equipment from the Soviet Union. The cylinders of diesel engines need to be processed on this boring machine."

Listening to the introduction, Yang Fan looked at this boring machine with a service life of at least 30 to [-] years, and thought in his heart that this is a major feature. Many old domestic manufacturers bought a lot of equipment from the Soviet Union.

Hongqi Factory is no exception.

After visiting along the way, Yang Fan found that, apart from many important and key equipment of the Hongqi Factory being from the Soviet Union, there was another phenomenon, that is, the operation of the Hongqi Factory was obviously insufficient.

In many manufacturing workshops, there are not many people at all, it seems sparse, and there is no feeling of enthusiasm at all.

Zhu Chuandong, on the other hand, was very enthusiastic.

He doesn't seem to be affected by the underemployment, and has been personally taking Yang Fan and others to visit the Hongqi factory, introducing the situation of each workshop.

After such a visit, it took one or two hours. Maybe he guessed that everyone was a little tired, so Zhu Chuandong invited everyone to sit in the conference room and have a drink of tea.

After sitting down, Zhu Chuandong said: "Master Yang, our factory is fully capable. Give us the task of manufacturing the diesel engine of the 054 ship, and we will definitely be able to complete the task."

Yang Fan nodded lightly. After such a visit, he also has a basic understanding of the red flags, knowing that they have no major problems.

It's just about time, I don't know if they have any problems.

Now the overall design of the 054 ship has been launched, and within two years, the overall design will definitely be completed, followed by the construction of the first 054 ship.

As a designer, Yang Fan knows that even the first 054 ship has no relevant construction experience before, but the whole construction process is very fast.

In other words, the time left for Hongqi Factory is less than three years.

They must complete the manufacture of the first diesel engine within two years and complete the test within one year. Can they complete it?

Yang Fan hesitated a little.

Feeling that Zhu Chuandong really wants to win the manufacturing task, I feel that it is necessary to remind him that if he is sure to complete the task within the specified time, he can also hand over the task to Hongqi Factory. If they are not confident to complete the task within the specified time, then It is necessary to immediately re-select the manufacturer.

Three updates today, the third update is over!

(End of this chapter)

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