Military Heavy

Chapter 324 Only 2 years

Chapter 324 Only Two Years

That is to say, within three years, if the Hongqi factory can officially deliver 054 marine diesel engines, at least four units must be officially delivered in the first batch.

Such a difficult task, can they do it?
Noticing the hesitation on Yang Fan's face, Zhu Chuandong's heart sank slightly, and he immediately said: "Master Yang, you can rest assured of our strength, we will definitely be able to manufacture the diesel engine needed by the 054 ship."

After finishing speaking, he said to Luo Jianguo: "Commander Luo, please trust us too."

Luo Jianguo said: "I don't care, this matter is mainly decided by Master Yang. He said that if he gives the task to your factory, he will give it to your factory."

Master Yang has the final say on everything!
After a moment of astonishment in his heart, Zhu Chuandong immediately said to Yang Fan: "Mr. Yang, we are a powerful military enterprise with excellent technology and political confidence. We will definitely be able to complete this task."

Yang Fan pondered for a while, and felt that it was necessary to remind in advance, so he said: "I am more assured of the scale, technical strength, and production and manufacturing capabilities of Hongqi Factory. After visiting just now, I have basically made up my mind."

Hearing this, Zhu Chuandong secretly rejoiced.

Looking at it this way, things are very promising!

The deputy general manager Gu Zhengxin and others next to him finally showed a little joy. To be honest, the whole Hongqi factory hoped to get this task.

However, Yang Fan's next words made them have to think carefully, the time is too urgent!
Yang Fan said: "Ship 054 has entered the comprehensive design stage. In about two and a half years at most, the comprehensive design will be completed, and the first ship of Ship 054 will enter the construction stage. The time given to you will not exceed three years, or even only two years." A year and a half."

With a serious face, he said solemnly: "Maybe only two and a half years, you can complete the task in such a short period of time, and then can you successfully deliver the first batch of diesel engines?"

Maybe only two and a half years!

It will not exceed three years at most! ! !
It was indeed beyond the expectations of Zhu Chuandong and others. They estimated that after receiving the task, they might have four or five years to give them.

It took four or five years for the 052 ship from the beginning of design to the construction of the first ship. Why is the current 054 ship so fast? It will enter the construction of the first ship in two or three years.

In an instant, the scene fell silent.

The people in Hongqi Factory looked at each other in dismay!
After a long time, Zhu Zhuan said with difficulty: "Mr. Yang, is the speed really so fast? After two or three years, it will really enter the construction stage of the first ship."

"Yes, that's for sure!"

Yang Fan nodded vigorously, exuding confidence all over his body.

This is not wrong at all. The overall design will be completed in about two years, and then the first ship will be built.Because you are very clear about your own design and fully consider the craftsmanship of the construction, the entire construction process will be faster.

After receiving such an affirmative answer, Zhu Chuandong fell silent.

I am tangled in my heart.

After a long while, he said: "Master Yang, give us some time to think about it, and I will give you an answer tomorrow morning."

Yang Fan said: "There's no rush, it's not a day or half a day."

Things are settled for now.

After Zhu Chuandong and the others left, Luo Jianguo said happily, "General Master Yang, it really feels unreal to enter the full-scale construction of the first ship within two or three years."

Even Commander Luo felt a little like a dream.

Happiness is so sudden!

Of course, he wanted to complete the overall design work as soon as possible and start the construction of the first ship as soon as possible. Yang Fan proposed that the construction work should start in two or three years. Luo Jianguo was pleasantly surprised and even felt a little unreal.

While drinking tea, the two chatted about things related to the 054 ship.

After chatting for a while, the topic gradually turned to the Red Flag Factory. Luo Jianguo said in a deep voice, "Master Yang, you may not know that the life of the Red Flag Factory is very difficult now."

For such a large and established diesel engine manufacturing company, are they having a hard time?
I remembered that when I visited just now, several manufacturing workshops were relatively deserted, and the operating capacity was obviously insufficient, and I recalled that Li Zhengjun said that he saw workers in the Hongqi factory digging through trash cans.

Gradually, Yang Fan nodded gently.

I always thought that Hongqi Factory was weird, but now I finally found the answer. It turns out that life is relatively tight and they don't have much money on hand.

So much so that the reception banquet at noon today was only arranged in their staff canteen instead of going to the restaurant outside, because it was more economical.

That's it!

Yang Fan finally knew what was going on!

Luo Jianguo said slowly: "Master Yang, if there are no major problems, I suggest that the trial production of the 054 marine diesel engine should be assigned to Hongqi Factory, so as to save thousands of workers in their factory."

Luo Jianguo offered his own suggestion.

Although he didn't make a decision and followed Yang Fan's opinion, he still put forward such a suggestion, and planned to use this task to help Hongqi Factory, which was in operating difficulties.

Yang Fan also nodded slowly, and said in agreement: "The Hongqi factory is actually good. As long as they can complete the trial production within two years and deliver the diesel engines needed for the 054 ship within three years, I think they can give them the task."

The two agreed.

It all depends on whether Hongqi Factory has the determination to complete the task within the specified time.

Let's talk about Zhu Chuandong.

After returning to his office, he felt a little heavy, took out a cigarette and lit it, and took a deep puff, feeling extremely stressed.

Life is not easy for Hongqi Factory now.

With the reduction of military tasks, many of them have nothing to do, and they have only been paid basic living expenses for several months. I heard that some employees have already started to pick up garbage and go to the vegetable market to pick up rotten leaves.

While thinking about these things, there was a knock on the door.

The deputy general manager Gu Zhengxin walked in worriedly, sighed softly, and said slowly: "Mr. Zhu, in this way, we are in a dilemma."


A choice has to be made.

This is a difficult choice.

If this task is given up, Hongqi Factory, which already has insufficient tasks, will gradually get worse. It is estimated that in a few months, it will be difficult to pay even basic living expenses.

But for this mission, if the trial production is not successful within three years and the diesel engine required by the 054 ship cannot be delivered on schedule, their responsibility will be too great.


One is the general manager and the other is the deputy general manager. They both smoked and sighed for a while. After a long time, Zhu Chuandong still didn't want to give up this task easily, so he wrung out the cigarette butt in his hand and said loudly: "Old Gu, The notice goes on, at [-] o'clock in the evening, all the deputy general managers will have a meeting, and everyone will make a collective decision on this matter."

"Okay, I'll notify you right away," Gu Zhengxin replied.

That night.

A meeting room in the office building of the Hongqi Factory was brightly lit, and all the deputy general managers of the whole factory attended the meeting room and sat there.

It can be felt that the atmosphere is more dignified.

There is even a sense of depression.

Just now, Zhu Chuandong has already explained the situation. There is only two or three years to complete the trial production within two years, and the first batch of 054 marine diesel engines will be delivered within three years.

As we all know, this is a daunting task!

After a long time, a deputy prime minister said: "Mr. Zhu, the time is too short. If you want to complete the task in such a short time, the risk is extremely high!"

Yes, the risk is too great!
After a long silence, another deputy general manager said: "Although the risk is high, I believe in our strength and determination. As long as the whole factory unites and struggles for two or three years, we will definitely be able to complete this project." Task."

"I agree with Lao Xie. If we don't accept this task, our life will become more and more difficult. If we accept this task, our life will get better immediately. At least this expensive trial production fund will solve our problems. Urgent."

For trial production, there is trial production funding, and the amount is quite a lot.

Almost every deputy general manager made a speech. Except for the first deputy general manager who spoke with a cautious attitude, the other deputy general managers unanimously agreed to take this task.

The older generation of military workers is glorious!
Knowing that the task is difficult, everyone almost unanimously decided to take this task.

After listening to everyone's speeches, Zhu Chuandong had a good idea, and said to Gu Zhengxin, the deputy general manager and chief engineer, "Old Gu, what's your opinion?"

Just now, Gu Zhengxin had been smoking a cigarette without expressing any opinions. At this moment, he wrung out the cigarette butt in the ashtray vigorously, and said with a determined face: "My opinion is basically the same as that of everyone, and I agree to take it down." the task."

"I analyzed that the design of the 054 ship is advanced, and it will definitely be built in large numbers in the future. It will definitely require a large number of diesel engines, perhaps hundreds, or even hundreds."

What, such a large quantity!

The others were shocked first, and then surprised!
Just now, almost no one has considered its market prospects, and has been focusing on whether this task can be completed within two or three years.

Since there is such a huge market prospect, it must be done.

Gu Zhengxin said: "In addition to the great market prospect, this diesel engine adopts many new technologies. We can absorb and digest these technologies to improve our technical strength."

He gave many reasons.

As soon as the voice fell, there was warm applause in the dull conference room. After a long time, the applause gradually died down.

Zhu Chuandong stood up.

His face was completely different, his chest was full of pride, and he said loudly: "Then it's decided, let's do it big, do it vigorously!"

Yes, do it!
This kind of pride quickly affected other people, and everyone swept away the huge pressure just now and was full of passion.

After two or three years of hard work and two or three years of hard work, we must manufacture the diesel engine needed by the 054 ship.

There are two updates today, the first one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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