Military Heavy

Chapter 325 Really Busy

Chapter 325 Really Busy
the next day.

Everyone sat together and mainly talked about the trial production of the diesel engine of the 054 ship. Zhu Chuandong formally proposed it on behalf of Hongqi Factory.

"Commander Luo, Commander Yang, last night our whole factory team held a meeting and discussed this issue very carefully. We agreed that we are sure to complete this task. Please feel free to entrust us with the manufacturing of the 054 ship diesel engine. .”

Look straight!
Very formal!
No joke!
In the language, in the eyes, full of pleading.It can be seen that Hongqi Factory really wants to get this task. Although it is extremely difficult, they are ready to work hard and will not hesitate to fight for two or three years until they successfully manufacture the diesel engine.

Luo Jianguo nodded approvingly, and did not express his opinion, but said to Yang Fan: "Mr. Yang, what's your opinion?"

Everyone looked at Yang Fan!

Especially Zhu Chuandong, Gu Zhengxin and others from Hongqi Factory looked at Yang Fan nervously and expectantly, hoping to see Yang Fan nod and agree to this matter.

Yang Fan pondered for a while, and then asked solemnly: "The time is very urgent, you must complete the trial production within two years, at most three years, you must manufacture the first batch of at least 054 diesel engines needed for the first ship of the 4 ship. "

Time is short, risk is great!

If you have four or five years, the risk is much smaller.Even if some problems are encountered during the trial production process, there is still time to solve them.

Only two or three years are different. If there is a problem in the middle, it must be solved as soon as possible, and it cannot be delayed for too long.

Zhu Chuandong said: "We are very aware of the risks and even the degree of difficulty. Despite this, we are still confident in completing this task. Please rest assured."

Yang Fan finally nodded slightly, and said loudly: "Commander Luo, I think there is no problem. I agree to hand over the diesel engine manufacturing task to Hongqi Factory."

After such an investigation yesterday afternoon, he walked around several manufacturing workshops of the Hongqi Factory and looked around. Yang Fan knew that their strength was good.

In addition, Hongqi Factory is currently facing hardships, and it really needs this task. Yang Fan has also become a good person, which can be regarded as helping Hongqi Factory.

Now that I am sure to complete the task, who should I give the task to, then give it to Hongqi Factory.

Luo Jianguo nodded, stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Zhu, congratulations."

Immediately, the people in Hongqi Factory were overjoyed!

This is agreed!

Zhu Chuandong felt relieved, and immediately took two steps forward. Excited, he shook hands with Luo Jianguo tightly, and then shook hands with Yang Fan tightly.

"Master Yang, please rest assured that we will definitely complete the task and will not delay the construction of the 054 ship."

There was a burst of warm applause at the scene!

The matter is so settled. Hongqi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Group will undertake the authorized production of diesel engines for the 054 ship. The trial production will be completed within two years, and the delivery of the first batch of diesel engines will be completed within three years.

At noon, Hongqi Factory politely prepared lunch.

After the meal, Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo left.Zhu Chuandong and others politely sent them to the gate of the factory area, watching the car of Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo leave.

Yang Fan returned to Donghai Institute.

I didn't dare to stay outside for too long, and I was worried about the design work of the 054 ship. The first thing I did when I came back was to visit the design rooms and listen to the reports of the directors of the design rooms.

If there are any technical problems, I will also discuss and communicate with the designers. Everyone is pleasantly surprised to find that what they think is a technical problem is often not a problem when it comes to Mr. Yang, and there are always solutions and methods.

There are more than 100 computers, and everyone's drawing speed has also increased. It is not comparable to pure manual drawing, and the efficiency has more than doubled.

If these computers are not in place, there are only one or two drawings sent to Yang Fan's desk for review and approval every day, and sometimes there are no drawings in two or three days.

Now, almost every day, three or five design drawings that have been drawn and proofread by each design room are sent to Yang Fan for final review and approval by Chief Teacher Yang.

In each design room, at least half of the designers have their own computers, sitting in front of the computers and drawing carefully with CAD.

Those who do not have a computer for the time being, although they are still drawing purely by hand, occasionally use the computer to operate, ask for advice on CAD operation, and learn CAD drawing.

Such as power system design room.

Han Jiang and his team have a design team of more than ten people, more than half of whom have computers, and there are quite a few design drawings completed every day.

It took a designer in his forties two or three days to draw a design drawing by hand. The moment he put down the pencil, he said with emotion.

"Well, the drawing speed of the computer is still fast. Drawing pictures like this by hand is exhausting me."

"Xugong, I want a computer even in my dreams."

"No, since I participated in the third CAD training class, I wish I had a computer."

"Xugong, I'm a little tired, you come to my computer to familiarize yourself with the operation of CAD, don't forget the newly learned things."

"Okay, great."

XCMG happily sat in front of this computer, opened his notebook, looked at the notes in the notebook, and operated the CAD drawing software on the computer to consolidate and familiarize himself with the operation.

After operating for about three, four, and 10 minutes, he got off the computer with unsatisfied desire, feeling a little bit reluctant in his heart, and his desire to have a computer became even stronger.

Han Jiang came in from the outside.

XCMG immediately demanded: "Leader Han, when will people like us who don't have a computer have a new computer?"

Han Jiang smiled happily, and announced loudly: "I have good news for everyone. Master Yang has bought a batch of new computers for us, and they will arrive in a few days."


Very good!
This news is simply too exciting!
Xu Gong was very happy, and said in admiration: "As expected of Mr. Yang, he bought a batch of new computers, but I don't know the number of them. Do I also have a share?"

Seemingly seeing what everyone was thinking, Han Jiang said, "Guess, how many computers are in this batch?"

Immediately someone said happily: "Group Leader Han, don't fool us, tell us quickly, how many are there?"

Han Jiang smiled heartily. Just now he sent some design drawings to Yang Fan. The two have a good relationship, so it was inevitable that they would sit down and chat for a while. Apart from the senior executives of Donghai Institute, he was the first to know the good news. of.

Immediately, I couldn't sit still any longer, and came back happily to share the news with everyone, still loudly saying: "All of them are 486 computers, a total of 150 computers have been shipped, and they will arrive at our East China Sea Office within three days at most. "

The efficiency of the military is high!

Yang Fan called Luo Jianguo and was surprised to learn that the computer would be ready within three days at most.

He never expected that Luo Jianguo would be so courageous, he would always keep the things he promised in mind, and focus on accomplishing them, with such high efficiency.

150 485 computers!

The entire design team fell silent in an instant. Whether it was drawing by hand with a pencil ruler or the designers working on the computer, they collectively looked at Han Jiang.

"Leader Han, you didn't lie to us, did you?"

"Yes, this is 150 computers!"


Satisfied with everyone's reactions, Han Jiang laughed, "How could I have lied to you? Master Yang told me this."

It turned out to be true!
In an instant, the entire design team was boiling, which was in stark contrast to the extreme silence just now. With so many new computers, no one could calm down.

News spread quickly.

The whole East China Sea was shocked, especially those designers who didn't have a computer for the time being and were envious of other people's new computers.

Mr. Yang is a master!
Master Yang is mighty!

Sure enough, three days later, three large trucks drove into the Donghai Institute in turn, and each large truck was loaded with a 486 computer.

Along with this batch of computers, there are several professional computer technicians who are responsible for guiding everyone to assemble new computers and connect to the Internet. To the workstation, it forms a local area network with the previous computer.

At this time, when you walk into the large office of any design studio, you will see such a scene.

There is a computer on each table, and a designer sits in front of each computer. Everyone is seriously drawing the design drawings of the 054 ship with CAD.

The printers in each large office are almost hard to stop, and basically keep printing design drawings one by one.

The designers are busy, and the backbone and senior designers who are responsible for proofreading and reviewing the drawings are also busy. They have to proofread and review a large number of design drawings every day.

The 054 ship has really entered the comprehensive and detailed stage, and a large number of design drawings are drawn every day. Compared with everyone's enrichment and busyness, Yang Fan seems to be relaxed.

Everything started to go on the right track, moving in the direction specified by Yang Fan. What he had to do was to keep everyone in this direction, and then held a technical seminar every day to solve some problems encountered in the design process.

It's been a while since I visited my big villa.

Today is the weekend, after attending a meeting, Yang Fan drove to Jiang Yan, and the two planned to go to the villa together to have a look.

Jiang Yan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was chirping like a lark, telling Yang Fan about the situation of the big villa from time to time.

She is different, she basically goes there every now and then to have a look. As for Yang Fan, he's been busy recently, so it's hard for him to have time to go and see what's going on there.

"Brother Fan, our villa is beautiful now."

Happily talking to Yang Fan about the villa, Yang Fan felt itchy in his heart, wishing he could get there earlier to see how much it had changed.

There are two updates today, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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