Military Heavy

Chapter 327 Only bigger, not the biggest

Chapter 327 Only bigger, not the biggest

It’s incredible!
How could this sister buy so much beef jerky!

This completely overturned the little girl's cognition!

She wanted to buy a pack of beef jerky, and she begged her mother to take such a small pack after being coquettish and cute, but what about this big sister? ? ?
The little girl opened her big eyes wide open.

He looked at Jiang Dan with envy.

She thought in her heart, so much beef jerky, this young lady is so happy!
Seeing this, the little girl's mother pulled her away quickly. After a while, her daughter might also buy so much beef jerky, but she didn't have so much money.

Jiang Yan looked at the mother and daughter who hurried away, covered his mouth and chuckled, "Jiang Dan, look at you, the little girl is jealous."

Jiang Dan said happily: "It can't be my fault, who made me have a good brother-in-law."

While talking proudly, he chose two more packs of beef jerky and picked up all the flavors. Only then did he feel that it was almost the same, and he pushed the shopping cart and continued to walk ahead.

Yang Fan reminded softly: "Honey, let's buy some things too."

"Yeah." Jiang Yan nodded.

Yang Fan pushed a shopping cart over, and the family of three walked behind Jiang Dan, picking out some things one after another, mainly daily necessities.

After shopping for about an hour, Jiang Dan's shopping cart was full of all kinds of snacks. It is estimated that the average person's half a month's salary is almost spent.

Jiang Dan said with satisfaction: "Well, it's almost there."

Jiang Yan said: "There are so many, I'll see how you can finish them, be careful to grow meat."

Jiang Dan giggled, "I want to get fat too, but I have a body that can't get fat. After buying so many snacks, I want to take them all back to school, and my roommates will starve to death."

She is in college, a school in Donghai City, the biggest hobby of the girls is probably all kinds of snacks, this is the atmosphere in their dormitory, everyone has some snacks.

It’s just that the economic conditions are limited, and most girls have limited snacks, but it doesn’t hinder their love of snacks. Jiang Dan couldn’t believe it when he brought so many snacks back to the dormitory.

Hmph, they are so hungry!
Hahaha, so much, enough for me to eat for a while.

Seeing Jiang Dan smirking in a daze, Jiang Yan gently pushed her to smile, and jokingly said, "What are you smirking about? Your brother-in-law asked you if you want to buy a pen."

Only then did Jiang Dan recover from the YY.

It turned out that I had already arrived at the stationery counter, and there were all kinds of stationery. Jiang Dan was going to college, and Yang Fan was going to buy a pen for him.

Picking out a red "Hero" brand pen, Yang Fan said, "Take a look, do you like it?"

Jiang Dan looked at the pen, grinning, with a flattering expression on his face, "Brother-in-law, how about giving me your Parker pen?"

Good guy, I guess I have been thinking about this Parker gold pen for a long time.

This was bought by Yang Fan on a business trip abroad. I bought one when I went to the United States a few years ago, and it felt good. Last year, I went on a business trip to Hamburg, Germany and bought another black one.

It is being inserted in Yang Fan's jacket pocket. He usually writes and signs. Yang Fan is used to using this pen because it is very easy to use.

Jiang Yan tapped Jiang Dan's head lightly, and cursed with a smile: "It's all a trick, you're wasting such an expensive thing, just use the 'Hero' card."

The "Hero" brand pen is a domestic brand with good quality. Many intellectuals and college students use this pen, and there are many types and styles.

Yang Fan chose a red, very delicate pen suitable for girls.

How did he know that Jiang Yan wanted his Parker Gold Pen.


Who made me only have such a little sister-in-law?

Yang Fan took off his Parker pen, "Since you like it, I'll give it to you, but it's very expensive, so don't accidentally drop it."

Really give it to me!

Very good!
In an instant, Jiang Dan was extremely pleasantly surprised!

It feels like a dream.

In fact, she just said this tentatively, feeling that the possibility is not high, how could she know that Yang Fan would give it as he said, and had already put the pen in her hand.

Holding this gold pen, looking at it again and again, I like it very much.

Jiang Yan said coquettishly, "Brother Fan, you're going to spoil her. A college student who hasn't worked to make money yet uses such a good pen."

Jiang Dan looked at his sister proudly, as proud as a peacock, his eyes seemed to say, sister, you must be jealous.

you little girl.

Understanding this look, Jiang Yan tapped Jiang Dan's head lightly again, and said jokingly: "You are spoiled, be careful that you won't get married in the future."

Yang Fan and Jiang Dan both laughed.

The family is happy and harmonious, filled with deep affection.

The shopping is almost finished, Yang Fan took Jiang Dan to push the shopping cart to the cash register to check out, and Jiang Yan took Yang Hao to wait outside for a while.

There are quite a lot of people queuing up to check out, but Hongtai Supermarket uses advanced computer code scanning to register cashiers, and the speed is relatively fast, and the queue did not last long.

After paying the bill, several large shopping bags, several large bags, are full.

Looking at his big bags full of snacks, Jiang Dan smiled so much that his mouth almost went to the back of his head, and he was about to leave the supermarket with a bag in one hand.

Yang Fan was going to carry the rest. Seeing so many things, they were basically Jiang Dan's snacks, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

It happened by coincidence.

The manager of this store was patrolling the supermarket, and happened to arrive at the cash register, and saw Yang Fan by accident, and was slightly taken aback at first.

Thought it was wrong?
That's right, nothing wrong!

After recognizing Yang Fan, he was extremely pleasantly surprised, trotted over immediately, and said politely: "Mr. Yang, you are shopping here."

He met Yang Fan twice and knew that Yang Fan was the boss's younger brother.

Yang Fan didn't know him, but seeing that he was wearing a suit and tie, and looking at the work card on his chest, he knew that he was the manager of the store, guessing that the other party probably recognized him.

"This weekend, come and do some shopping."

Seeing so many things, the store manager immediately said: "Mr. Yang, let me carry it for you, I will."

After finishing speaking, without further ado, he held these bags of things in his hands.

Worried that there are too many things and it is difficult to carry them, Yang Fan picked up a bag and said, "That's a hard work for you, my car is outside."

After talking about leading the way, the store manager followed with several bags of things, following Yang Fan out of the supermarket gate, this scene was witnessed by many supermarket employees.

"Mr. Chen is so enthusiastic, he personally carries things for customers."

"That's definitely not an ordinary customer. In my opinion, it's either rich or expensive."


These clerks didn't know Yang Fan, let alone the relationship between Yang Fan and Yang Fang. Seeing this scene, they chatted a few words like this.

Put everything in the trunk of the car.

Yang Fan thanked: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay, it's okay." Store Manager Chen replied politely, feeling extremely happy in his heart. He never thought that today he would be so lucky to meet the boss's younger brother shopping in the supermarket.

He only knew that Yang Fan was Yang Fang's younger brother, but he didn't know that Yang Fan was actually the big boss of Hongtai Supermarket. If he knew, he probably wouldn't be in the same mood now.

The things were put in the car, Jiang Yan, Jiang Dan and Yang Hao all got into the car, Yang Fan waved and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Mr. Yang, you are welcome, goodbye."

Yang Fan drove away slowly, thinking in his heart, this supermarket is really good, with a large scale, a wide variety of products, and a good environment.

"Honey, it's still early, let's go to Jiangdong New District to have a look, maybe my sister is there." Yang Fan suggested.


Jiang Yan agreed, "Sister Fang built a big real estate there. I haven't visited it yet, so I just happened to go and have a look."

The development of Donghai City is gradually accelerating, and Jiangdong New District has been established, and it is preparing to build and develop there.

Of course, Yang Fan is very familiar with this Jiangdong New Area. In the future, it will be famous, where it will be extremely prosperous, and every inch of land will be worth every inch of gold.

The current development has just started, some places are under construction, and some places are still wasteland, or shantytowns, or vegetable fields and farmland.

Hongtai Real Estate Co., Ltd. established Donghai City Branch, and its first project in Donghai City is in Jiangdong New District, where it plans to build a large commercial plaza, which is also the first Hongtai Plaza in Donghai City.

There were not many cars along the way, about four to five or 10 minutes, Yang Fan arrived in front of this commercial plaza, found a place to park the car.

When you come here for the first time, of course you have to take a good look at it first.

Undoubtedly, this is the intersection of the two main avenues in Jiangdong New District, the center of the future centers, and the location is very good.

A large piece of land in front is under construction. Excavators and muck trucks are busy for a while. It is very lively. Not far away, a brand-new sales department has been built. guest.

"Come on, let's go to the sales department to have a look."

Yang Fan walked in front, Jiang Yan and Jiang Dan followed with Yang Hao, and the four walked into the large sales department.

Soon, I was warmly received.

In the center of the lobby of the sales department, there is a huge model of Hongtai Plaza that will be built in the future. The first to fifth floors are podium buildings, and above it is a 45-story commercial building with beautiful glass exterior walls. There are top-level office buildings and five-star hotels.

The total area of ​​the first to fifth-floor podium is more than 20 square meters. It is mainly Hongtai Supermarket, and then there are supporting cinemas and food courts, integrating leisure, shopping, and gourmet food.

More than [-] square meters!
Not only Yang Fan was slightly startled, but Jiang Dan opened his mouth slightly in surprise.

"Brother-in-law, more than 20 square meters, what kind of concept is this!"

Yes, what a concept!
Not to mention in the 90s, even after 30 or [-] years, a supermarket of this size can be considered huge.

The Hongtai Supermarket Changjiang Road store I went to just now is big enough, with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, but compared with the current supermarket, it is still much smaller.

This is not the biggest, only bigger!

While in shock, there was movement outside the sales department, and several cars came, one of which Yang Fan was more familiar with.

The manager of the sales department and several supervisors hurried out to greet them outside.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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