Military Heavy

Chapter 328 Delivery of Documents

Chapter 328 Delivery of Documents
Yang Fan didn't move.

Because a young salesman was introducing this project to Yang Fan, he was very enthusiastic and his purpose was obvious, just to persuade Yang Fan to invest in this real estate.

Fu Youming is very young and has good observation skills. Not only did he notice that Yang Fan came by car, an imported big jeep was parked not far from the sales department.

And he also noticed that Yang Fan's demeanor and demeanor were unusual, he might be a big boss, at least he should be a rich man, if he could persuade Yang Fan to buy an office building here, he would have a lot of money commission.

"Sir, this is our real estate. The first to fifth floors will be Hongtai Supermarket, which will also be the largest shopping mall in Donghai City. From the sixth floor to the 30th floor will be office buildings. No. [-] and above will be a five-star hotel. class hotel”

He eloquently introduced.

People are so enthusiastic, Yang Fan is not good, he can only listen with a smile on his face, and learn more about this real estate by the way.

She said in her heart, my sister is amazing, she has actually developed such a large real estate, and is planning to open such a large super shopping mall.

What about Jiang Yan?
Looking at Yang Fan with a smile, his eyes seemed to say, Brother Fan, they want you to buy the office building here, do you want to buy it or not!
She thought it was so much fun!

The sales staff of Hongtai Real Estate Company tried their best to persuade their big boss behind the scenes to buy the real estate here. It's interesting, it's so interesting!

A large group of people came in from the gate.

The one who walked in the front was Yang Fang, and behind her were several high-level executives from Hongtai Real Estate. Obviously, Yang Fang came to inspect this project.

When Fu Youming saw Yang Fang, he was slightly excited, and said in his heart, this is our big boss, the immediate boss, the boss of Hongtai Group.

Hongtai Group, under the jurisdiction of Hongtai Supermarket Chain Management Co., Ltd., Hongtai Real Estate Co., Ltd., Hongtai Investment Co., Ltd., and several other subsidiaries.

As an ordinary salesman, when he first saw Yang Fang, he was a little excited.

What surprised him immediately was that Yang Fang walked over directly when he saw this.

my God!

Mr. Yang is here!

She is coming towards me!
Fu Youming found that his heart was pounding, his palms were slightly sweaty, he was excited, nervous, all kinds of emotions were intertwined, and he couldn't calm down at all.

To his shock, Yang Fang came over and started chatting with his client.Yang Fan is his client.

"Brother, you are here."

"Sister, we just arrived not long ago, so come here to have a look."

"Well, it's not bad here."

"Well, very good."


The two chatted like this, and the surrounding area was very quiet.

Not only Fu Youming was stunned, but everyone in the sales department was stunned, as if they had been hit by acupoints.

The collective was stunned!

The collective is locked down!

God, this is Mr. Yang's younger brother!

Many of them watched Yang Fan come in, even Fu Youming was still introducing this real estate, trying to persuade Yang Fan to invest here, buy an office building and so on.

The senior executives of Hongtai Real Estate all knew Yang Fan, and they all moved forward, enthusiastically, and shook hands with Yang Fan with a trace of respect.

"Mr. Yang, hello!"

"Hello, Mr. Yang!"


Yang Fan shook hands with them one by one, and praised: "You have done a good job here, it is very avant-garde, and the future prospects are great. I think it is very good to build Hongtai Plaza here."

The senior executives of Hongtai Real Estate were very happy to receive the praise.

Yang Fang said: "Brother, this is our first real estate in Donghai City. I have already decided that Shenhai City and Donghai City will develop both places at the same time, and develop real estate one by one."

The capital gradually became stronger, especially the real estate developed in Shenhai City, which earned a lot of money, and with a mature management team, Yang Fang's development pace gradually accelerated.

Yang Fan said: "The future development prospect of Donghai City is not worse than that of Shenhai City. The two places will develop at the same time and go hand in hand. I think it is good."

After chatting for a few words, accompanied by everyone, Yang Fan took Jiang Yan, Jiang Dan, and even Yang Fang to hold Yang Hao in his arms to visit the real estate.

Hongqi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Group.

A military truck drove into the factory area and stopped in front of the office building. An officer and several soldiers got out of the truck.

The officer stood at attention with a "swipe", saluted a standard military salute, and said loudly: "President Zhu, the technical documents have been delivered by order, please sign for receipt."

With that said, open a folder.

Zhu Chuandong, Gu Zhengxin and a large group of people had been waiting here early and looked at the military vehicle with satisfaction. They were just waiting for the arrival of these technical materials.

This is a complete set of process and technical data for the 054 marine diesel engine. Since the manufacturing task is handed over to Hongqi Factory, these materials must also be handed over.

This is the technical information imported from France, and a lot of money has been spent, and the authorized production of this diesel engine has been obtained.

Zhu Chuandong signed for these technical materials on behalf of Hongqi Factory, and said happily: "Old Gu, the technical materials have finally arrived. Next, we can do a big job!"

The trial production must be completed within two years, and they can't wait to race against time to save all the time they can, and they have been looking forward to the arrival of this batch of materials.

In the past few days, the technical system of the entire Hongqi factory has been making relevant preparations, and a technical team has also been formed, just waiting for these materials.

They finally arrived!

Zhu Chuandong, Gu Zhengxin and others were all happy and relaxed.

Some of the technicians next to them chatted even more, their faces were full of joy.

"The technical data has arrived, we can start the trial production of the diesel engine!"

"I've been waiting for them. I want to take back the materials that belong to our workshop."


Zhu Chuandong smiled happily, waved his hands and said loudly, "Comrades, unload the materials from the car."

Several young technicians had been waiting for this sentence for a long time. As soon as the voice fell, they quickly climbed onto the car and removed boxes of technical materials from above.

A dozen boxes!
It is gratifying to look at!
As the deputy general manager and chief engineer of Hongqi Factory, Gu Zhengxin is in charge of technical work. He said loudly: "First move the things back to the technical center, count, classify, file, and distribute the materials to the workshops in the form of copies. .”

The original must be filed in the archives of the technology center, and the copies will be distributed. The workshops will organize technicians to carry out trial production according to these process materials.

Joyfully, each of these young technicians carried a box and happily headed for the technical center.

Zhu Chuandong waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's go and have a look."

After speaking, he led everyone to the technology center.

All these materials were moved to the technical center and temporarily placed in the large office at the door of the data warehouse in the archives room.

Yuan Hui, director of the technology center, looked at these boxes with satisfaction, waved his hand and said, "Open the box, take out all the materials one by one, and register first."

Soon, the first data box was opened, and there were neat technical materials inside. When he picked up a thick one and was about to register, the young technician was dumbfounded.

This, this, this.
Simply dumbfounded!
It never occurred to me that this technical material is not in Chinese, but in French.

Looking at the other books, without exception, they are all in French and there is no translation at all.

Yuan Hui found something unusual, and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on, is there any problem?"

The young technician sighed and said, "Director Yuan, take a look for yourself. These technical documents are all in French."

What, it's all in French!
Yuan Hui was also taken aback. He originally thought that they were all translated, but how could he know that they were all in French. After buying the technical materials from France, they probably remained intact without translation. The task was assigned to Hongqi Factory. These French materials were sent over.

It's really French!
Yuan Hui took one of the books, flipped through it, his heart sank slightly, and his brows frowned. This was beyond his expectation and completely out of plan.

I originally thought that after the materials were in place, the trial production could be organized according to these process materials, but it seemed too optimistic, and translation must be carried out first.

At this time, Zhu Chuandong, Gu Zhengxin and a large group of people also came over. As soon as they entered, Zhu Chuanxin said: "Director Yuan, put the materials into the warehouse and register immediately, hurry up and make copies, and then distribute them to the workshops as soon as possible."

Yuan Hui looked at Zhu Chuandong and the others, and said with a little difficulty: "Leaders, there is a little accident. The materials are all in French. We must organize people to translate immediately."

"Oh, is it all in French?"

Gu Zhengxin frowned slightly, walked over two steps, took a handicraft manual from the open data box, and carefully looked through it.

Everyone keeps quiet.

At the beginning, Gu Zhengxin's brows were tightly furrowed, but careful people noticed that gradually, Mr. Gu's brows were relaxed, and a happy expression appeared on his face.

This is how the same thing? ? ?

Mr. Gu actually became happy!
Zhu Chuanxin asked on behalf of everyone, "Old Gu, what's the matter, how about these technical materials?"

Gu Zhengxin put down the technical document in his hand, and said happily: "It's not all a bad thing, although it may take us some time to translate, but because the technical document is in French, the diesel engine manufacturer in France also It is a good thing for us to use such technical data.”

It is very rare to use the same version of materials as the factory in France. No wonder Gu Zhengxin is happy.

As long as the information is translated and compiled into the process technology documents of Hongqi Factory on this basis, trial production can be carried out immediately without even process verification.

Zhu Chuandong immediately realized the benefits of the French materials, and waved his hand: "Then quickly organize the translation. Our factory's translation force is not enough. Let's go outside and hire specialized translators. In short, the principle is to complete the translation work as soon as possible."

The sooner the better!
Three updates today, the third update is over!

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(End of this chapter)

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