Military Heavy

Chapter 329 Orderly Expansion

Chapter 329 Orderly Expansion
Combat system design room.

Yang Fan was once again doing technical exchanges with everyone, not only Shi Wei, but also several design team leaders, some key designers, a total of more than ten people.

Speaking of technical exchanges, to be precise, it should be Yang Fan who provides technical guidance to everyone.

When the 052 ship was designed, it was poor and blank, almost starting from scratch, and there was no experience or basis for designing and developing combat systems in China. It took several years for Yang Fan to lead everyone, and finally successfully developed the combat command of the 052 ship. system.

Some people say that the power system is the "legs" of the warship, the radar is the "eyes" of the warship, the missiles, torpedoes, and cannons are the "fist" of the warship, and the informationized combat command system is the "brain" of the warship.

Compared with the 052 ship, what is the combat command system of the 054 ship?
Yang Fan's thinking is very clear, and the guiding ideology is also very clear, that is, to benchmark the combat system of the advanced western guided missile frigate.

So, how to determine the technical route of the Type 054 ship combat system?
When thinking about the technical route of the combat system, Yang Fan and his team focused on openness, that is, they first considered the existing mature domestic weapons and equipment, and reserved space for future upgrades.

Yang Fan explained in a loud voice, "Comrades, in the design of the 054 ship's combat system, we must consider the serialization development process and the convenience of later upgrades. We will adopt the architecture of a distributed system with a vertical structure. It’s a very new network technology.”

The explanation is very detailed!
Everyone listened carefully and took notes carefully, writing down some things Mr. Yang said. In the future design process, you can look through these notes to provide reference for the design.

On the blackboard in front of everyone, the general design of the 054 ship's combat system was fixed with thumbtacks. After explaining the design guiding ideology, Yang Fan talked about the design of the combat system in detail.

During the design process, there were some ambiguities in the beginning, but everyone suddenly became clear and full of confidence in the specific design in the future.

Such technical meetings are common!
Basically, every design office has one or two meetings every week. Everyone sits together, or talks about the problems encountered in the design process, or Yang Fan directly explains and guides everyone.

This meeting took almost two hours.

Every time is about the same, as short as more than an hour, as long as two or three hours.Every time, everyone feels that they have gained a lot and benefited a lot.

After the meeting ended, Shi Wei accompanied Yang Fan to leave first. The designers did not leave in a hurry, and the meeting room was very lively.

"Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books. This is how I feel now."

"With Mr. Yang leading us to design, it's really a lot easier!"

"It's also a shoulder with a head. How can Mr. Yang want to get so many things, and some things are so advanced and scientific."


Everyone sat together and chatted lively. Apart from being happy, the words were full of admiration for Yang Fan. Yang Fan's technical level deeply impressed everyone.

Yang Fan returned to his office.

Not long after, the phone on the desk rang, and Zhu Chuandong's voice came through the phone call, "Master Yang, I have good news for you. The complete set of technical documents for the diesel engine has arrived at our factory, and it just arrived this morning."

Hearing this, Yang Fan was overjoyed, "Mr. Zhu, with this complete set of technological data, you can start the trial production of diesel engines."

Zhu Chuandong said: "It's a little unexpected. The whole set of technical documents is in French. We must first translate it before using it."

French information!

A complete set of technical information in French!
Yang Fan was slightly taken aback, and then comforted: "The whole set of French materials may not necessarily be a bad thing, but it may still be a good thing."

Zhu Chuandong also agreed: "Our chief engineer Gu Zhengxin looked through those materials, and he said the same thing."

After chatting for a while and hanging up the phone, Yang Fan thought in his heart that the Hongqi factory had obtained a complete set of process and technical information, and in the near future, they should be able to start the trial production of the diesel engine needed for the 054 ship.

Yang Fan is quite familiar with this diesel engine.

In addition to the memories before rebirth, Yang Fan read a lot of technical information about the 054 ship during the design demonstration stage.

Its main dimensions, especially the installation dimensions, are well understood. In addition, its performance, technical parameters, design features, etc. are also very well understood. I have read those technical documents countless times.

Based on his understanding of it, Yang Fan designed a brand-new power scheme, with four identical diesel engines paralleled in pairs and propulsed by twin propellers.

This plan was originally adopted by the Lafayette-class ship. The French design is that the power of one machine is the main force, and the other machine follows. However, Yang Fan's novelty is that through more precise control, the two machines can Equal force.

Just like the two of us carrying things.We each carried 50 catties, a total of 100 catties.If you are lazy, it may be that you lift 40 catties, then I have to lift 60 catties, which will definitely crush me, because the two of us can only lift 50 catties each.

Among the new power schemes, power balance is critical.

Yang Fan adopted the power balance method, which was proposed for the first time and will have independent intellectual property rights.

In the design of the power scheme, in addition to power balance and twin-propeller propulsion, the most critical thing is the diesel engine required by the power system of the 054 ship.

Sitting on his office chair, Yang Fan thought to himself that the factory for the trial production of diesel engines has been confirmed, and the Hongqi factory has also obtained a complete set of process and technical information. I hope they can start the trial production of the first diesel engine as soon as possible, and hope that they will succeed in one fell swoop.

a long distance away.

With the complete set of technical materials in place, the entire technical system of the Hongqi factory became busy, and the office building, which was originally dark at night, began to be brightly lit.

Inside the building, people come and go.

There is a tense atmosphere like a battle!

The entire set of materials has been sorted out and registered, and the copy room is open for almost 24 hours to copy these technical materials.

The copied technical information was bound into a volume and distributed to each technician in charge. For example, the technician in charge of casting got the technical data of the casting process of the parts, and the technician in charge of heat treatment got the heat treatment process data of each part. The person in charge of mechanical processing gets technical information on turning, milling, planing, grinding, and so on.

The copied technical documents are also in French, but in order to save time, get familiar with them in advance, and try to digest them properly, all the technicians also read them carefully.

Although the French cannot be read, the above process drawings can still be understood. Some technicians with a rough understanding of French also took French dictionaries and translated them by themselves.

"Liu Gong, what does this French word mean?"

"Old Zhao, lend me your French dictionary."


At this time, not only people who are proficient in French have become popular, but even French dictionaries have become sought-after.The relevant departments of Hongqi Factory went to Xinhua Bookstore as soon as possible and bought all the French dictionaries in several Xinhua Bookstores, but it was still not enough.

in the conference room.

Although it was pitch black outside, the sky was completely dark, but the lights in the meeting room were bright. Gu Zhengxin called some technical personnel in charge, cadres of the technical system, etc., and they were having a meeting.

How to carry out the work, he already has a basic idea.

Prioritize and develop in an orderly manner.

Gu Zhengxin said: "In order to improve efficiency and save time, some process documents that need to be used first should be translated first. For example, process technical documents related to material preparation and blanks should be translated first."

According to the trial production process, the first thing to do is to prepare the materials, that is, what materials are needed to manufacture the diesel engine of the 054 ship. After the technical information is translated, the preparations should be carried out immediately.

After material preparation, various forging blanks and casting blanks follow.The technical data related to these rough processing should also be translated as soon as possible.

As for the mechanical processing process data of each part that will follow, it can be delayed a little bit, and the assembly process technical data that will be used at the end, as well as the test run technical data, can be translated at the end.

After such a deployment, everyone basically knew what was going on, so they wouldn't be in a hurry.

After arranging these tasks, Gu Zhengxin said: "We have hired more than a dozen French translators from outside, some from related brother units, some from various colleges and universities, and most of them don't understand the processing technology of diesel engines. "

This is impossible.

Where to find a large number of talents who understand both French and diesel engine processing in a short period of time, they can only make do with it.

"Mr. Gu, I don't know the professional knowledge about diesel engines. I'm afraid that the translation will be out of shape and have another meaning."

Obviously, Gu Zhengxin also thought about this.

He has a way.

Faced with such worries, he nodded lightly, and said seriously: "I have also thought about it. Each French translator will be assigned two technicians, and a group of three will cooperate with each other to carry out the translation together."

The French translator did not understand the professional knowledge of diesel engines, but the technicians at Hongqi Factory were professional, they understood, and a team of three solved the problem.

This way is good!
Almost everyone agrees.

This meeting lasted at least two hours, and many things were arranged and divided.

The next day.

Hongqi Factory

More than a dozen French translators were all in place, some old and some young, the oldest ones were 70 to [-] years old with gray hair, and the youngest ones were only in their early twenties and had just graduated from a university majoring in French.

The Hongqi factory is equipped with all technicians in place, one translator, two technicians, and a team of three to cooperate with each other.

All these people were gathered together, and Red Star Factory specially prepared two large offices, and these dozens of people began to work overtime to translate technical documents.

The two offices are very busy, some are in charge of translation, some are in charge of recording, some are in charge of sorting out materials, etc.
There are two updates today, the first one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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