Military Heavy

Chapter 330 How They Did It

Chapter 330 How They Did It

A group of three, working with each other, the speed is good.

In just two or three days, the entire volume of technological materials began to be translated one after another. In the blank space of the copied version, next to the French, the translated Chinese was written.

Gu Zhengxin once again walked into the large office where the translation was concentrated, and asked, "Director Yuan, the whole process and technical materials have really been translated!"

As the director of the technology center of Hongqi Factory, Yuan Hui is one of Gu Zhengxin's arms and is also responsible for the translation of these materials.

Holding a translated document, he praised Yang and replied loudly: "Three documents have been translated successively, please take a look."

A few steps forward, Gu Zhengxin picked up one of the materials and carefully flipped through it. Gradually, a look of joy appeared on his face.

"It's a good translation!"

Although he doesn't understand French, he can see the quality of the translation as a professional after reading the Chinese translation next to him.

He picked up the other two books and flipped through them roughly. He became even happier, looked at the people who were translating in the big office with satisfaction, and praised them.

"Three teams have already completed the translation of the first technical document. They have done a great job and worked hard. On behalf of the factory, I would like to thank them."

After speaking, he took the lead in applauding.

There was warm applause, and the three members of the translation team who completed the first technical document were all beaming with joy.

Mr. Gu's face-to-face praise!

Such praise may be difficult to come across once!
Members of other teams looked at them enviously, and thought in their hearts, we must work harder and strive to complete the translation of the first technical document as soon as possible.

Technical documents were translated one after another, and the preparation of process regulations began immediately.

Gu Xinjun said: "Director Yuan, these few books have been translated, you should know what to do next."

"I know." Yuan Hui replied: "The process technicians in the material preparation workshop have already prepared, and I personally convened a meeting with them to prepare the process regulations."

To carry out the trial production of the 054 ship diesel engine, Hongqi Factory needs guiding documents, which are the official version of the process regulations.

The basis for formulating the official process regulations is the translated French version of the process technology information, and on the basis of them, it is transformed into Hongqi Factory's own process regulations.

The first step in the trial production of diesel engines is to prepare materials!
The first thing to do is to compile the process regulations for the material preparation workshop. With these translated technical documents in French, it is not difficult to compile.

However, it might just take time.

Compiling a process specification is not a simple matter. Only one craftsman can complete the process specification of a drawing number, and it is impossible for two or three people to compile it together.

Material preparation is the first step, and rough processing is the second step.

Yuan Hui's efficiency was good. Sure enough, he immediately organized a meeting of more than a dozen process technicians in the material preparation workshop, and personally made arrangements for the preparation of process regulations.

"This is a translated technical document in French. According to these documents, the material preparation process specification should be compiled immediately. The faster the better."

"We have been waiting for these technical materials for a long time."

The technical director of the material preparation workshop was overjoyed for a while, and almost patted his chest to promise that they would work overtime to complete the preparation of these process regulations as soon as possible.

After the meeting, the technical system of the material preparation workshop was also busy.

All process technicians are working on the process regulations, even at night, they work until late, and continue the next day.

Race against time!

Grab time!
The effect is still good. In about a week, the first official version of the material preparation process specification was completed, which is a bar material preparation process specification.

There are material grades of bars, specifications, such as how thick, how long, and several processes, such as the length of the bar, and what are the inspection specifications.

Generally speaking, the process regulations for material preparation are not long, and basically consist of three or five processes. It is not too difficult to compile such process regulations.

Next, the material preparation process of several kinds of bar materials and the process regulations of sheet materials are completed one after another.

Seeing such a result and such a speed, Gu Zhengxin felt relieved, this was completely within the range of his heart's acceptance, and finally it didn't take much time.

Translation work has continued.

After translating the technical documents in French for raw materials, each translation team began to translate technical documents in French for blank processing.

One after another, the French materials were translated one after another, and then handed over to the blank workshop, and they compiled the blank processing process regulations.

Hongqi Factory has two rough processing workshops, one is forging workshop, which mainly processes rough forgings.There is also a foundry, which processes rough castings.

Compared with material preparation, the processing of blanks is of course more difficult. Unlike material preparation, there are only blanking, inspection and other processes.

Whether it is the forging of the blank or the casting of the blank, the process is more complicated, and the process specification for each drawing number is much longer.

There are as few as a dozen processes and as many as [-] processes. Each process has a large number of text descriptions, and a process diagram must be drawn.

The workload has doubled!
Here, the compilation speed of the process regulations has slowed down significantly, and Gu Zhengxin saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.I have to go to the two blank workshops every day to have a look. Seeing that there is not much progress, my brows are slightly frowned.

The technical director of the foundry workshop led more than a dozen technicians in their workshop to compile the casting blank process regulations. Seeing Mr. Gu's face was a little ugly, he knew what was going on.

Reluctantly said: "Mr. Gu, it's not that we don't want to go faster, but that we really can't go faster. There are process drawings for each process, and there are written explanations for each step. A technician only compiles one, Two processes."

Gu Zhengxin was silent for a while!
Of course he knows this. The preparation of process regulations takes a lot of time to draw process graphics. If the drawing speed can be faster, the speed can be much faster.

Such as a process, after drawing the process diagram, the process diagram of the next process is not much different from the process diagram of the previous process.

But what's the matter, it is still necessary to draw the craft drawing stroke by stroke, there is no way to be sloppy at all, and there is no way to be lazy at all.

This is just the process specification for blank processing!
In the future, there will be mechanical processing procedures for each part. Those parts that are slightly more complicated will have dozens of procedures, involving many procedures such as turning, grinding, drilling, milling, and boring. Each procedure not only requires a lot of Text description, clearly explain the specific operation of each process step, list process parameters, and process graphics.

That's more work!

However, a diesel engine has thousands of drawing numbers, and at least thousands of technical specifications must be compiled. It is estimated that such a workload will not be completed in a year.

Gu Zhengxin became anxious!
When he saw an old craftsman in his fifties who was meticulously compiling the process regulations for casting blanks of a certain part, he felt even more anxious!
I saw that the old craftsman was not in a hurry, writing imitation Song characters neatly, the characters were so beautifully written, almost like printed ones.

But slow!

Gu Zhengxin wished that he could hurry up. He only watched it for a minute or two, feeling unbearable, so he had to leave the casting workshop first.

After returning to the office, I didn't feel relieved for a long time.

After gradually coming to his senses, Gu Zhengxin couldn't help but think that the design workload of the 054 ship is so huge that thousands or even tens of thousands of design drawings need to be drawn. The workload has increased several times.

It actually takes only two or three years for the East China Sea Institute to complete the overall design of the 054 ship, which is almost impossible!

There are so many drawings that need to be drawn. Just drawing these drawings, they will not be able to complete them in two or three years, at least four or five years.

Two or three years to complete the comprehensive design, how did they do it? ? ?
Gu Zhengxin really couldn't figure it out!
Yang Fan's self-confidence emerged in his mind, knowing that he was absolutely not bragging, but full of confidence.

Gu Zhengxin racked his brains, but he couldn't come up with a reason.

After hesitating for a while, he still picked up the phone, dialed a number, and prepared to call Donghai Office to ask a question.

This matter must be understood!
With so many design drawings, how did Donghai Institute do it?

The overall design can be completed within two or three years!


There are two updates today, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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