Military Heavy

Chapter 331 Come and Take a Look 1

Chapter 331 Come and Take a Look

This speed was beyond Gu Zhengxin's imagination.

The call was connected quickly, and Yang Fan's voice came from inside, "I'm Yang Fan, who are you?"

Gu Zhengxin hurriedly said: "Hi, Mr. Yang, I am Gu Zhengxin from Hongqi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Group. Do you have time now? Let me talk to you about something."

On the phone, Yang Fan was very enthusiastic, "Mr. Gu, don't be so polite, just tell me if you have anything to say."

Just now, Yang Fan was reviewing some design drawings.

With the full development of the design work of the 054 ship, it gradually entered the detailed design stage, and many design drawings were drawn up almost every day. Some important and critical design drawings were often sent to Yang Fan's desk for review by Yang Fan himself.

In the past, design drawings were sent in every now and then, but now, drawings are sent in almost every day, ranging from one or two copies to three or five copies at most.

Even though he was reviewing the design drawings, he unexpectedly received a call from Gu Zhengxin from Hongqi Factory. Yang Fan knew that there was something important, so he simply suspended the review of the design drawings and asked what it was.

Gu Zhengxin briefly explained the situation on their side.If more than a dozen translation teams are translating technical documents in French, some of the documents have already been translated.

The preparation of the process specification is in progress, part of the process specification for material preparation has been completed, and the process specification for rough processing is in progress.

After introducing the situation, Gu Zhengxin said with a wry smile: "Mr. Yang, the speed was quite satisfactory at the beginning, but now our speed has slowed down significantly. I made a rough estimate, and we need to complete the compilation of all process regulations. , not a whole year, at least more than half a year."

This is unacceptable!
The total time for the trial production is only two years. It takes so much time just to compile the process regulations, and it is still a waste of time. The trial production work cannot be completed within the stipulated time.

Immediately, Yang Fan also pondered.

This is a big problem!
It takes so much time to compile the process regulations. Once the trial production of the diesel engine of the 054 ship cannot be completed on schedule, the risk is too great.

It may affect the entire 054 project!
The overall design of the 054 ship can be completed in more than two years, and then the construction of the first ship will require at least four diesel engines. If the Hongqi factory cannot deliver on time.
Yang Fan himself was a bit afraid to think about it.

After pondering for a while, Yang Fan reminded with concern: "Mr. Gu, your trial production time is only two years at full count. If this continues, it won't work!"

Gu Zhengxin smiled wryly.

Very helpless!
Of course he also knew that this would not work, and he must find a way to complete the compilation of these process regulations as soon as possible, and start the trial production of the first diesel engine as soon as possible.

"Mr. Yang, we also know this, so now our heads are all big, and we are under tremendous pressure from top to bottom. Our engineering and technical personnel are also aware of this, and they work overtime every day, even at ten o'clock in the evening. Our factory is brightly lit."

"But the workload is really too big. Even if we seize all the time to complete the preparation of all the process regulations, in the best case, it will take at least half a year, and it may take nearly a year."

Complained about the situation on their side, and then said with great admiration: "Master Yang, the design task of the 054 ship is so huge, at least tens of thousands of design drawings have to be drawn, how did you do it? A comprehensive design will be completed within two to three years."

Yang Fan smiled proudly.

It also roughly helped Hongqi Factory think of a solution to the problem.

If you guessed correctly, the preparation of the process regulations of Hongqi Factory must be purely manual, which of course will consume a lot of time, especially the drawing of process drawings for each process.

In the preparation of process regulations, the process drawings of the upper and lower processes are very similar, and generally do not change much. If there is CAD drawing, the speed will not only increase several times.

The process graphics are similar and can be copied in CAD drawing, which is very convenient.But it is different if you draw purely by hand. You can only draw one stroke at a time, which will consume a lot of time.

Guessing this, Yang Fan asked: "Mr. Gu, which aspect of the preparation of your process regulations takes the most time?"

Gu Zhengxin sighed and said: "Of course, it is the drawing of the process graphics of each process, and secondly, a large number of characters in each process. This requires neat imitation of Song characters, and it is also time-consuming."

it is as expected.

Yang Fan knew that his guess was right.

As long as the drawing of process graphics and the writing of imitation Song characters are solved, it can be regarded as solving a big problem, and CAD can just solve this problem.

Therefore, Yang Fan reminded: "Have you considered using computer-aided drawing? If you use CAD to compile process regulations, I think the efficiency can be improved several times. The work that originally took nearly a year to complete may be three, four months, or even two months." , It can be completed in three months."

Computer Aided Drafting!
Use CAD to compile process regulations!

It can be done in two to three months!
Immediately, Gu Zhengxin became a little excited, and asked loudly: "Does CAD really have such an effect? ​​This is incredible."

As the chief engineer of the Hongqi factory, and in charge of the technical work of the whole factory, he had certainly heard of computer-aided drafting.

It seems that it has been used abroad for a long time. I have seen some introductions from some foreign language materials, and I know a little bit, but it seems that no unit in China has used computer-aided drawing.

Faced with Gu Zhengxin's question, Yang Fan laughed and said proudly: "Mr. Gu, you probably don't know yet, our Donghai Institute has already used CAD drawings in an all-round way, which is why we are fully sure to complete it within two or three years. The reason for the comprehensive design."

You guys are already using CAD drawings across the board!

Gu Zhengxin was shocked again, as if he had heard a big news. As far as he knew, there seemed to be no unit in China that fully used CAD.

"No way!"

Gu Zhengxin couldn't help but exclaimed on the phone, and then said: "Master Yang, you really use CAD drawings in an all-round way."

In fact, he also knew that Yang Fan probably didn't lie to him.

It's just that this incident was so shocking that he couldn't accept it for a while, and after a few seconds, he said in admiration: "You guys are so amazing, you have already used CAD drawings in an all-round way."

Yang Fan suggested: "Mr. Gu, if you have time, you can come to us and have a look at the usage of CAD. It may be helpful to you."

Come, must come!
Definitely a must see!
Without hesitation, Gu Zhengxin said: "Then we will come here immediately, and we will go to Donghai Institute tomorrow, but this may disturb your normal work."

"Where, where." Yang Fan said: "I will send someone to pick you up at the airport, and you are welcome to visit and inspect Donghai Institute."

"Haha, the investigation is not considered." Gu Zhengxin felt much better, and seemed to see hope all of a sudden, "We came here to visit and learn with an open mind."

On the phone, the two chatted for a while.

The next chat will be much easier.

Gu Zhengxin's heart seems to have flown to Donghai City a long time ago. He has heard of computer-aided drawing, and after hearing Yang Fan's description, he wants to see what it is like, especially how efficient the drawing is.

The next day.

In the morning, a domestic flight from Northwest China landed at Donghai International Airport. Hundreds of passengers got off the plane, including Gu Zhengxin and several others.

Gu Zhengxin walked in the front, followed by Yuan Hui, the director of the technical center of Hongqi Factory, and then the deputy technical directors of the blank workshop, assembly workshop, and several major manufacturing workshops, and two young technicians who knew how to operate computers. .

A group of 11 people is considered a huge lineup.

This also shows that Gu Zhengxin attaches great importance to this matter.

Gu Zhengxin waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, everyone, try to get to Donghai Institute earlier, and take a look at what their CAD drawings look like."

Everyone's parts have sped up.

One of the deputy technical directors asked: "Mr. Gu, is CAD drawing really efficient? I just heard that there are such things abroad."

Gu Zhengxin said confidently: "Think about it, how much is the design task of the 054 ship? According to my understanding, there are only two or three hundred designers in the Donghai Institute. They can complete the comprehensive design within two to three years. , which shows how efficient CAD drawing is.”

Having said that, the hearts of the others became eager again.

A group of people walked out of the airport quickly, and immediately saw people who came to greet them, holding a sign with the words "Welcome to xxxx".

Gu Zhengxin walked over first, and warmly shook hands with Li Jun, the deputy director of the 054 model office who came to greet him, "Comrade, I am Gu Zhengxin, thank you for your hard work."

Li Jun enthusiastically said: "Mr. Gu, all of you get in the car, Mr. Yang is already waiting for you to go there."

Everyone got on the bus one after another. It was a [-] to [-]% new minibus, and it was no problem to take a dozen people. Not long after, the bus started and set off to Donghai Station.

Riding in the car, other people looked out through the car window and felt the big city of Donghai City, but Gu Zhengxin's mind was not here. He wanted to go to Donghai Institute earlier and take a look at the design of Donghai Institute earlier. The situation where the staff draws the design drawing with CAD.

About four or five 10 minutes later, the car arrived at Donghai Station.

After getting off the car in front of the office building, Li Jun led everyone in and entered a reception room on the third floor, where fruit, hot tea, snacks and other things had already been prepared.

Not long after Gu Zhengxin and the others sat down, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, Yang Fan walked in with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand as soon as he entered, and said loudly: "Mr. Gu, welcome!"

Gu Zhengxin got up quickly, took a few steps forward, and shook hands with Yang Fan vigorously.

Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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