Military Heavy

Chapter 332

Chapter 332

"Master Yang, we came here this time to study with an open mind."

The mentality is very positive, I just came here to learn, not to inspect.In the words, there is a strong hope and a trace of excitement.

Then, Gu Zhengxin introduced his people to Yang Fan one by one, and everyone moved forward to shake hands with Yang Fan happily.

After exchanging polite greetings, Yang Fan warmly invited everyone to sit down, and soon got to the point, and Gu Zhengxin couldn't help asking.

"Master Yang, can you tell us about CAD and the use of CAD drawings in Donghai Institute?"

Of course this is possible.

no problem!

Yang Fan personally introduced them. First, he introduced CAD, the drawing software, and then briefly introduced the use of CAD in Donghai Institute.

It was very quiet in the reception room.

Including Gu Zhengxin, everyone listened carefully to Yang Fan's introduction of these things, and all took notebooks to record these things.

After listening to these introductions, Gu Zhengxin couldn't bear it anymore, and said impatiently: "Mr. Yang, can we go and see how your CAD drawing software is used?"


Yang Fan was a little surprised, raised his hand to check the time, and reminded: "It's already 11:[-], and half an hour later it will be the morning off-duty time. I suggest going to eat first, and I will take you to see the computer-aided clock in the afternoon. The situation with the drawing."

How could Gu Zhengxin wait until the afternoon!

He wants to see it now.

He shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter if you eat or not. If we didn't go and have a look first, we probably don't have the appetite to eat."

Yang Fan smiled, and said cheerfully: "That's fine, without further ado, let's go now."

After speaking, I got up and took everyone out of the reception room. The first thing I went to was the power system design room, because there was a lot of design work there, everyone was using CAD drawings, and the diesel engine trial-produced by Hongqi Factory was closely related to the power system of the 054 ship. relevant.

"Wow, so many computers!"

"It's unbelievable, everything is drawn with a computer!"

As soon as I walked into one of the large offices in the power system design room, I saw that there were twenty or thirty designers busy in the huge office, and each of them had a computer in front of them, including Gu Zhengxin. .

It's just that he didn't show this kind of surprise on his face, and other people in Hongqi Factory didn't have this strong psychological quality, and some people couldn't help but exclaim.

This scene shocked them extremely!

This visual impact makes them exclaim!
For the first time in my life, I saw so many people all using computer to draw, instead of setting up a large drawing board with tools such as T-square, pencil, compasses and eraser.

These drawing tools seem to be invisible in this big office, and every designer has a computer on his desk.

On the computer screen, there are all CAD interfaces, and various design drawings are being drawn. In front of the computer of one of the designers, Gu Zhengxin stopped and watched the operation seriously.

I saw that the designer was very proficient. The design drawing on the computer was almost completed, and the last few lines were being drawn, and then the dimensions were marked, and the technical conditions were marked.

So fast!
Gu Zhengxin only stood and watched for a few minutes, and the designer completed a lot of content. He roughly estimated that if it was drawn by hand, it would take at least [-] to [-] minutes.

This is not what shocked him the most.

To his extreme shock, the designer used the copy command to copy a drawn graphic next to it.

This, this, this.
Oh my God!

Even though he was strong in heart, he changed his face slightly, revealing the shock deep in his heart, and stared blankly at the CAD interface of the computer for a long, long time.

After recovering, Gu Zhengxin asked: "Master Yang, what was the operation just now?"

Yang Fan explained: "That's copying. It is estimated that you will often use this operation in the compilation of process regulations. Copy the graphics drawn in the previous process to the next process. With a little modification, it can become the process drawing of the next process, which can save a lot of time."

Yang Fan said so.

All the people from the Red Flag Factory gathered around and listened carefully, as if they were afraid of missing something, and some even took out their notebooks to record these things down.

It can be done like this!

Very good!
As expected of computer-aided drafting!

Seeing the reaction of the people in the Red Flag Factory, Yang Fan said loudly: "Xiao Liu, let everyone operate it again, and let the colleagues in the Red Flag Factory take a look."


The designer Xiao Liu agreed, then selected the graphic to be copied, copied the graphic through the copy command, and immediately had two identical graphics on the CAD interface.

While operating, Xiao Liu said again: "Copying is very useful, and you can copy the graphics to any position you want. In addition, you can also zoom in and zoom out, and you can do whatever you want."

He said so, and showed everyone how to operate it himself. Immediately, the people in Hongqi Factory couldn't calm down. This is what they dreamed of.

With the CAD drawing, they compile the process regulations, but the efficiency is doubled and doubled. Today, it is an eye-opener.

It turns out that CAD is so powerful!
"Mr. Gu, we must have this thing."

"Mr. Gu, computer-aided drawing is too advanced."


The people in the Red Flag Factory said so one after another, with wonderful expressions on their faces, as if they saw a whole new world, and it turns out that drawing can still be done like this.

In contrast, pure manual drawing is indeed a little behind.

Yang Fan looked at the people in Hongqi Factory, and then at the huge office. Except for Xiao Liu, the other designers had already started to get off work.

The time has passed 12:10, Yang Fan reminded: "Mr. Gu, how about eating first and continuing in the afternoon?"

Gu Zhengxin is still full of ideas, he has just seen a brand new world, and the computer-aided drawing is deeply shocking him, so there is no interest in eating.

"Master Yang, we want to take another look at this comrade's operation."

Yang Fan smiled again, "Mr. Gu, Xiao Liu is probably hungry too, and he is going to eat too. How about this, let's go eat first, and then I will demonstrate the operation of CAD drawing to everyone. How about it?"

The people in Hongqi Factory thought they heard it wrong, and looked at Yang Fan one after another.

The eyes are very obvious, as if asking, can't you, Mr. Yang, you can also do CAD drawing operations.

Xiao Liu obviously understood their expressions, and immediately said proudly: "You don't know, we didn't know how to operate CAD drawings before, and it was all taught by Master Yang."

You are actually taught by Mr. Yang.

This, this, this is impossible!
Seeing everyone looking at him, Yang Fan said: "That's right, it was indeed I who first taught a group of people how to use CAD drawing, and then taught those who learned it. In less than a month, almost all the designs of our Donghai Institute All staff use CAD drawings.”

This is really the case!

Master Yang, you are amazing!
Even Gu Zhengxin was full of admiration, and praised: "Master Yang, you are so arrogant. We really never thought that you are proficient in CAD operations. Well, let's go to dinner first."

Yang Fan took everyone out of the power system design room and proposed to have a light meal in a restaurant outside.To say it is a light meal is to be modest and polite. This meal must be very rich.

Who knows, Gu Zhengxin quickly shook his head, "I won't go outside at noon today, just eat something casually in the canteen of your unit. After eating, Mr. Yang will show us the operation of CAD. Go out and eat."

Go to the cafeteria to eat casually, of course to save time.

Eating a boxed lunch in the cafeteria can take 10 minutes on two or three days. If you go out to eat, it may take one to two hours to finish the meal, including the time on the road.

Yang Fan suddenly understood Gu Zhengxin's meaning, waved his hand and said, "Then go to the cafeteria, let's have a big stove together, and I will demonstrate the operation of CAD after eating."

Ok, deal.

Yang Fan led some of us into the cafeteria of Donghai Institute, and immediately attracted the attention of many people, especially some young designers.

"Look, that seems to be Master Yang!"

"He brought so many people in, is he going to eat like us in the cafeteria?"

"It should be, seeing them queuing up at the window for dinner."


While eating, several young designers looked at Yang Fan's side from time to time, talking there.

There was a designer in his thirties next to him, and he immediately said, "What's all the fuss about, I often see Master Yang come to the cafeteria to eat."

This is true.

Sometimes, Jiang Yan didn't come back at noon, and Yang Fan was too lazy to cook alone, so he just came to the cafeteria to solve the problem of lunch.

Yang Fan led Gu Zhengxin and others to line up at the window for food. The food in the cafeteria of Donghai was not bad, with two meat dishes, one vegetarian meal, and one soup.

Yang Fan and Gu Zhengxin took the prepared meals, talked and laughed, found a seat and sat down, and continued to chat about the computer-aided drawing time while eating.

Only 10 minutes. After eating, Yang Fan and everyone left the cafeteria without taking a break, and walked into the training classroom.

This training classroom was originally used by Yang Fan to train everyone on CAD operations. The other computers have been moved away and returned to the design rooms for computer-aided drawing.

But the computer on the podium is still there, and other things are also there. After it is turned on, the operation interface of the projected computer is displayed on the large white screen in the classroom.

The operation on the computer is clearly displayed on the big screen. It is perfect to demonstrate the operation of CAD to the people of Hongqi Factory here.

Yang Fan sat in front of the computer on the podium, and Gu Zhengxin led the people from Hongqi Factory to sit below. They all finished their work and took out their notebooks, ready to listen to Yang Fan's explanation and watch the operation demonstration of CAD drawing.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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