Military Heavy

Chapter 333 One Wenqian Forced the Hero to Death

Chapter 333

Yang Fan first introduced CAD while performing some simple operations, and then gradually introduced its functions in detail, some slightly more complicated operations.

Although everyone is basically exposed to computer-aided drawing for the first time, it was unexpectedly discovered that they basically understand it.

Why is this so?
The reason is very simple. Yang Fan's explanation is easy to understand and easy to understand. It only takes more than an hour, and everyone feels that they have gained a lot.

After Yang Fan finished speaking, Gu Zhengxin was the first to applaud.

He stood up and applauded vigorously. After the applause gradually subsided, he said with great admiration: "Mr. Yang, I didn't expect you to have such a deep research on computer-aided drawing. We have opened our eyes. I have already thought about it. Go back Afterwards, this work will be deployed immediately, and our process technicians will also use CAD drawings instead of pure manual drawings.”

It's so time consuming!
Now, Gu Zhengxin looked down on it a little bit.

Yang Fan turned off the computer and suggested: "At this time, all our designers have already gone to work. I will take you for a walk and have a look."

This is of course good!
Gu Zhengxin almost raised his hands in agreement.

In the morning, they walked into the power system design room. It was already 11:[-] in the morning. They got off work after not seeing for a long time.

"Master Yang, let's go now."

Yang Fan turned off the computer, and took everyone to visit the design rooms. First, he went to the power system design room, and then went to several design rooms such as weapon system, ship electrical system, and combat system.

Every time they walked into a large office, the people in Hongqi Factory found that there were all computers, one for each designer, and they were seriously drawing the design drawings of the 054 ship in front of the computer.

After looking around like this, I finally walked into the general design room.

The situation in the large office here is similar, full of computers, and everyone is drawing design drawings.Sometimes, people from Hongqi Factory would stand by and watch the designers draw up the design drawings, and occasionally ask questions.

The designers knew that these people were Mr. Yang's guests, and they knew everything, and answered every time seriously, and the people in Hongqi Factory knew more.

They have already decided that after they go back, they must suggest that the factory leaders buy computers and install CAD drawing software, so that the process technicians in the factory can use computer-aided drawing.

Gu Zhengxin saw that several designers in the general design room were drawing the design drawings, especially the outline design drawing of the 054 ship.

Although he knew that the shape design of the 054 ship broke the rules and was no longer a traditional shape design, but seeing such a design with his own eyes, he couldn't help asking.

"Master Yang, this is the radar stealth design of the 054 ship."

"Yes, this is a radar stealth design." Yang Fan said: "The stealth design of the 054 ship includes radar stealth, sonar stealth and infrared stealth. Radar stealth is one of the stealth designs."

A deputy technical director of the workshop at Hongqi Factory was obviously very curious, and asked: "Mr. Yang, tell us about these stealth designs."

They are engaged in diesel engines. Although they are also military units, they only know a little about ship design. They know relatively little about the very fashionable stealth design nowadays, and they really want to know more.

Faced with such a request, Yang Fan simply gave them a simple science popularization.

The stealth of the 054 ship has three aspects: sonar stealth, infrared stealth and radar stealth.In layman's terms, sonar stealth is to make the various sounds emitted by the ship as small as possible, infrared stealth is to make the heat source of the ship as concealed as possible, and to deal with radar stealth, it is necessary to change the shape of the ship.

Radar detects objects by means of echoes. If the hull surface of a warship has a peculiar geometrical section, it can reflect the emitted radar waves to other directions, making it impossible for the enemy's radar to obtain echoes, thereby avoiding the enemy's reconnaissance.Although it is impossible for the ship to be completely invisible, the enemy can detect it later, which can buy time for the enemy to take action.
The people in Hongqi Factory listened with great interest.

The technicians in the general design room also fell silent, and most of them stopped drawing, and listened to Mr. Yang explain the principle of radar invisibility.

Although, as ship designers, they knew very well about invisibility and had solid professional knowledge, it seemed like a good thing to listen to Chief Master Yang.

After listening, Gu Zhengxin first gave a thumbs up and said: "It's amazing, with such an advanced design, our 054 ship must be world-class."

Yang Fan said confidently: "It should be able to rank among the top in the world. Compared with our 052 ship, it has indeed taken a big step forward."

"Of course, the design of the 052 ship is also good. It is completely modular and platform-based. Although it is still not at the world-class level, I think that in a few years, no more than ten years at most, after continuous improvement and upgrades, it will It’s definitely going to be world-class.”

World-class level!

The people in Hongqi Factory were secretly shocked!

The designers of the overall design room are full of pride!

The work they are doing now is extremely glorious. The most advanced missile frigate in China is also a first-class missile frigate in the world. They are currently designing it.

very impressive!

Gu Zhengxin and the others secretly looked at the young Yang Fan in admiration.

After introducing the stealth design of the 054 ship, and seeing the drawing operations of several designers, Gu Zhengxin's eyes were attracted by a large printer placed in a corner of the large office.

It is printing drawings.

Their Hongqi factory generally does not print drawings, but craftsmen draw drawings, and then tracers trace the drawings on translucent cellophane, and then dry them into blueprints in the blue drying room.

What should be printed is a No. 1 drawing.

The printing of such a large drawing quickly attracted him, so he couldn't help but walk over to it, and after seeing the printing of this drawing, he looked at it with great interest.

The designer who printed the blueprint also spread out the large blueprint on the big table, and everyone in Hongqi Factory, including Gu Zhengxin, could see it clearly.

"Wow, what a beautiful blueprint."

"Look at those characters, they are indeed printed out. Even a master with a high level may not be able to write such neat imitation Song characters."

"Look at those lines, the layers are so distinct!"


The people in Hongqi Factory were watching this large design drawing, as if they were watching a treasure of art. Seeing them like this, Yang Fan smiled and said: "Don't be envious, after you use CAD drawings, it will be the same as this."


We will also draw in CAD in the future.

Doesn't that mean that the drawings we draw are also very beautiful, and the process regulations we compile are also very beautiful.

Gu Zhengxin and others only stayed in Donghai City for one night.

The next afternoon, they left by plane and hurried back to the Hongqi factory. On the night they returned to the factory, the Hongqi factory held an office meeting.

Yuan Hui was rare to attend this office meeting. According to his rank, he can only be regarded as the middle management of Hongqi Factory, and he is generally not allowed to attend.

However, the topic of this office meeting was whether Hongqi Factory would vigorously promote computer-aided drawing. Yuan Hui not only attended the meeting, but also made a speech.

Both Gu Zhengxin and Yuan Hui talked about what they saw in Donghai City, and also expressed some thoughts and suggestions in their hearts.

The efficiency of computer-aided drawing is so high!

The quality of the drawing is surprisingly good!

The senior executives of the Hongqi factory felt a little unbelievable, but they knew that Gu Zhengxin and Yuan Hui would not tell lies.

After talking about what he saw in the East China Sea, Gu Zhengxin said: "Everyone, the East China Sea Institute has fully used computer-aided drawing. With such a large design task for the 054 ship, they are sure to complete the overall design in about two and a half years."

"Although we have a lot of work in the preparation of these process regulations, it is nothing compared to the design tasks of the 054 ship. I am sure that if our factory also vigorously promotes computer-aided drawing, it may take three to four months. Compilation of all process regulations can be completed.”

Only three or four months!
This is very attractive to the top management of Hongqi Factory!
I originally thought that it might take a year, even if it doesn't take a year, nine or ten months should be needed.

What now?
Gu Zhengxin said it would only take three to four months.

That's right!

A deputy general manager asked, "Old Gu, it really only takes three to four months to complete the preparation of all process regulations."

"Yes, I'm sure to finish it." Gu Zhengxin replied affirmatively.

If he hadn't gone to the East China Sea Institute to complete the preparation of all the process regulations in three or four months, he thought it would be a wild idea, but now he feels that it is entirely possible.

With such an affirmative answer, other people's hearts became active.

Another vice president said: "Since the efficiency of computer graphics is so high, I suggest vigorously promoting it."

As soon as the voice fell, he agreed again: "I also agree with the promotion of computer-aided drawing."

Almost most people agree, but some reminded: "Computer-aided drawing is good, and the efficiency is very high, but first you need to buy a batch of computers, which will cost a lot of money!"

A lot of money!

This is exactly what Hongqi Factory lacks.

With the reduction in tasks, they have only paid basic living expenses for several months in a row. Now they have to spend at least hundreds of thousands to buy computers, printers, etc., and the pressure is undoubtedly great.


want money!

Everyone's eyes couldn't help looking at Zhu Chuandong, the leader.

Gu Zhengxin looked at Zhu Chuandong in the same way.

However, his eyes were different from others, full of worry, with a trace of nervousness, very afraid that Zhu Chuandong would shake his head in denial.

What if it is denied?

Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

I ask for all kinds of support from everyone, thank you in advance, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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