Military Heavy

Chapter 334 Go to Hongqi Factory to Be a Teacher

Chapter 334 Go to Hongqi Factory to Be a Teacher
Zhu Chuandong did not express his opinion in a hurry!
Even though I felt everyone's eyes and knew everyone's mood, I didn't rush to say anything. Instead, I took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, and exhaled a big smoke ring.

He needs to think carefully about this matter.

That's right, Hongqi Factory is indeed short of money!
At least hundreds of thousands of dollars must be spent to buy computers, printers, and graphics software. Such a sum of money puts pressure on Zhu Chuandong, who is the leader.

Taking another deep puff of cigarette, the conference room was very quiet, no one disturbed Zhu Chuandong's meditation, everyone kept silent, waiting for the answer.

Everyone's eyes are different, there are worries, expectations, anxiety, and so on.

For a long time, for a long time.
The cigarette was finally exhausted, Zhu Chuandong extinguished the remaining cigarette butt in the ashtray, finally spoke, and said slowly: "Old Gu, you have already figured out how much it costs!"

Gu Zhengxin immediately said: "At least 50 yuan is required. If you can get 80 yuan, it will be even more ideal."

80 million!
The other vice presidents clicked their tongues secretly. This is not a small amount. For several months, thousands of employees in the whole factory only received basic living expenses.

Mr. Zhu will definitely not agree!

This requires too much money!
Alas, it seems that this matter is in vain, and there is basically no hope.

These vice presidents thought so in their hearts, and even after Gu Zhengxin said these words, his heart sank slightly. Seeing that President Zhu still did not express his position, he was anxious.

He said eagerly: "Mr. Zhu, there is no 50 yuan, so first use 30 yuan to buy a batch of computers, so that some technicians can use computers. It is also okay to be familiar with the operation of CAD drawing."

"You know, if computer-aided drawing is not used, so many process regulations need to be compiled, and we will not be able to complete this task without nine or ten months. It will inevitably affect the trial production of the first 054 ship diesel engine. Once the task cannot be completed , our responsibility is great."

Hearing this, many people's hearts tightened.

The consequences are too serious!

Huge responsibilities, like a mountain, made everyone a little overwhelmed.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Chuandong finally made a decision, "The funds for the trial production will arrive soon, and there are millions of dollars. Although there are still many places to spend money in the future, I still want to squeeze in and spend 80 to promote us. For the computer-aided drawing work of the whole plant, we will strive to complete the preparation of all process regulations as soon as possible.”

After saying this decision, there was no applause!
There was no sound at all, and the entire meeting room was still very quiet!
Because everyone was stunned.

I kept shouting in my heart, my God, I heard you right, Mr. Zhu planned to take out 80 instead of 30.

Finally, Gu Zhengxin was the first to react, stood up with a face full of excitement, and said loudly: "Mr. Zhu, I thank you on behalf of all the technicians in the factory. With this sum of money, we can buy I am sure to return enough computers, and within three months, I will fully complete all the process regulations related to the diesel engine of the 054 ship!"

Finally, the meeting room burst into warm applause.

Everyone is happy!
It took three months to complete the preparation of the process regulations, which made everyone extremely excited, and joy appeared on their faces.

The efficiency of the Hongqi factory is very high.

He held an office meeting overnight, and after making a decision, he started to contact the source of goods the next day, looking for a computer company to purchase the required computers, printers and other things.

In less than a week, all the computers were in place, and the installation began. According to the model of Donghai Institute, these nearly one hundred computers formed a local area network, connected to the workstation, and CAD drawings could be used and operated on each computer.

Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan was answering a phone call from Gu Zhengxin from Hongqi Factory. During the phone call, his tone was full of joy.

"Master Yang, all our computers are in place and are currently being installed"

He happily introduced the situation on their side.

After listening to him, Yang Fan said: "Mr. Gu, congratulations. With so many computers, I think your efficiency will be doubled."

"Thank you, thank you." Gu Zhengxin first thanked, and then said: "Our computer is in place, the next step is to let everyone learn the operation of CAD, so that everyone can use the computer proficiently as soon as possible."

"Master Yang, I would like to ask you to do me a favor."

Yang Fan said straightforwardly: "Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will do my best to help you."

Hearing this, Gu Zhengxin felt relieved, "Mr. Yang, then I thank you first. That's it. I want you to send a few people over to teach our people how to use CAD drawing. It won't take too long. It won't take long, just a week. OK."

Why didn't you go outside and invite someone to come over for training?
Two reasons, one is that there are not many professionals who understand CAD drawing, and it will take a lot of effort to find it outside, and it may cost a lot of money.Second, Gu Zhengxin has personally seen the designers of the Donghai Institute operate the computer to draw, and knows that almost everyone is proficient in operation. There are related units between the two units and they are closely connected.

Due to the above two reasons, Gu Zhengxin simply asked Yang Fan for help.

Faced with such a request, Yang Fan decided to help.

Helping others is actually helping yourself.

The Hongqi factory will complete the preparation of the process regulations as soon as possible, and complete the trial production of the first diesel engine as soon as possible, which will only be of great benefit to the entire 054 ship.

Yang Fan also hopes that the speed of Hongqi Factory will be as fast as possible.

So he agreed: "Mr. Gu, there is no problem, but our 054 ship has also entered the stage of comprehensive and detailed design. When we need people, I can't send you many people. How about this? I'll send three people over. Instruct your technicians to operate and use CAD drawings."

The three people who came here are already very good.

Anyway, Gu Zhengxin was very satisfied, and quickly thanked him: "Master Yang, thank you so much, let them come over as soon as possible, we will sweep the bed and wait."

Yang Fan smiled heartily, and chatted with Gu Zhengxin for a few minutes before hanging up the phone.

Sitting on his office chair, Yang Fan thought in his heart, this is really good news, Hongqi factory has bought so many computers, and soon the whole factory will promote computer-aided drawing.

Well, which three to send there?

These three people must have a strong level of CAD drawing. In addition, they must have excellent eloquence, and they can quickly teach the people in Hongqi Factory to use CAD drawing.

Soon, Yang Fan decided on the candidate.

The first choice is Wang Zhongfu.

The class leader of the first CAD training class has a good level of CAD drawing. In the third class, he also played a guest role as a teacher to teach the students in the third class how to use CAD drawing.

The other two are also from the first training class. They have a good level, active personality, good communication skills, and good eloquence.

After confirming the candidate in his mind, Yang Fan picked up the phone and made a call. Not long after, Wang Zhongfu and the other two entered Yang Fan's office.

"Master Yang, you are looking for us.

It can be seen that except for Wang Zhongfu who is slightly better, the other two are obviously a little nervous.

Yang Fan saw their nervousness, and kindly said, "Everyone, please sit down, please sit down."

After calling them to sit down, Yang Fan went straight to the topic, first talked about the situation of Hongqi Factory, and then said: "Mr. You three."

"Leave this afternoon, fly over there, I will sign, and when I get there, I will train well"

Yang Fan explained seriously.

Including Wang Zhongfu, all of them showed joyful expressions. They were not allowed to fly by plane at their level, but this time they were lucky enough to fly over.

This is still a teacher in the past!
What a face-saving thing!
Generally speaking, there are several types of business trips.The first is to come to ask others to do things, the second is to come to do things for others, and the third is to be asked to help others.

The first type is drudgery, and there is nothing to do, and many people do not want to be on such a job.

The third type is completely different. When someone asks you to help, it is not like entertaining a distinguished guest, but making offerings like a Bodhisattva.

No wonder the three of them looked happy. Not only could they take the plane, but when they arrived at Hongqi Factory, they probably would treat each other with delicious food and drink.

"How about it, do you have the confidence to teach them how to use CAD drawings?" Yang Fan asked.

Wang Zhongfu replied on behalf of the other two: "Master Yang, don't worry, we have this confidence, we will not embarrass you."

"Okay, go back and prepare, and set off as soon as possible."

Yang Fan patted Wang Zhongfu's shoulder lightly, and watched them leave his office.

Excited, Wang Zhongfu returned to his big office in the weapon system design room, and immediately began to sort out the things on the desktop, and prepared to report to the director's office and hand over the work.

Someone next to him asked enviously: "Wang Gong, it was General Master Yang who asked you to come here just now."

While putting some things into the drawer, Wang Zhongfu said, "Yes, Master Yang told me to go to his office."

Suddenly, several pairs of ears around stood up.

They probably want to know, Master Yang personally called Wang Zhongfu, what is the matter?

"Wang Gong, I really envy you. Chief Master Yang not only remembers your name, but also called you over five miles away. Why don't we have such good luck?"

"That's right, Brother Wang is highly regarded by Chief Master Yang."


Colleagues around said so.This is true. In the past month, Yang Fan has called Wang Zhongfu for the third time. The first two times were related to computer-aided drawing. This time, he was arranged to go to Hongqi Factory for training.

"Brother Wang, Master Yang told you to come over, and what glorious task did you arrange?"

Wang Zhongfu smiled proudly, "It's nothing, just want me to go to Hongqi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Group to train their technicians and guide them in using and operating CAD drawings."

Such a good thing!
This is going to Hongqi Factory to be a teacher!
Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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