Military Heavy

Chapter 335 Yang Fan's Soldiers

Chapter 335 Yang Fan's Soldiers
At around five o'clock in the afternoon, the three of Wang Zhongfu walked out of the airport, and soon saw people coming to greet them.

There are many people here!

The middle-aged man in the lead looked unusual at first glance. He should be a certain leader of the Red Flag Factory, and there were three or four people beside him.

There were two cars in total, a black car and a military green jeep. They were looking around, waiting for Wang Zhongfu and others to arrive.

Wang Zhongfu looked at the signs they held up again, waved his hand and said, "That's right, that should be people from Hongqi Factory, they are there to welcome us."

After finishing speaking, he took the lead and walked over with his luggage, and said loudly: "Hello, I am Wang Zhongfu from Donghai Institute. This is Xiao Liu, and this is Xiao Zhao."

Yuan Hui, Director of the Technology Center of Hongqi Factory, happily shook hands with Wang Zhongfu and the three of them, and then introduced: "This is Comrade Gu Zhengxin, the deputy general manager and chief engineer of our Hongqi Factory."

chief engineer!

Their chief engineer greeted him at the airport in person.

The three of Wang Zhongfu were stunned for a moment. After realizing it, they all felt flattered. This treatment is simply beyond imagination!

A little excited, Wang Zhongfu immediately shook hands with Gu Zhengxin, "Mr. Gu, I didn't expect you to pick us up at the airport in person."

The person received it, a total of three people came from Donghai Institute, Gu Zhengxin was very happy.

In particular, I am deeply grateful to Yang Fan, who called for help in the morning and arrived in the afternoon. This efficiency is simply too pleasantly surprised.

Gu Zhengxin warmly shook hands with the three of Wang Zhongfu, and then waved: "Everyone get in the car and go to the guest house of our factory first."

Everyone got into the car one after another.

The two cars left the airport and went to Hongqi Factory. After arriving at the destination, Gu Zhengxin personally arranged rooms for the three of them and told them to take a rest.

And he put forward with apology, "Wang Gong, you may have to work hard these few days. Our computers are already in place. I want to keep up with the training work immediately. How about starting training for us tonight?"

"no problem!"

Wang Zhongfu readily agreed.

Originally, I thought that they would arrange everything and notify them directly for training, but I didn't expect that the deputy general manager and chief engineer would discuss it with me in person.

Judging from this, if you don't agree, it means that the training will start tomorrow, and it is probably not a big problem.

This face is big enough!
The big leader discussed with you, and he will definitely give you such a big face. Wang Zhongfu agreed very readily.

The three of them took a rest in the room. At around [-]:[-] p.m., Yuan Hui, the director of the technology center, came over in person, politely invited the three of them to dinner, and then led the three of them into the Red Flag Factory.

In the evening, the training work started.

There are a total of three large training rooms, and Wang Zhongfu will train everyone separately. There are about three to forty people in each training class.

The level of the three people is really good. Every training class is very good. From simple to in-depth, the technicians of Red Star Factory feel that every class is rewarding.

Gu Zhengxin pays attention to the training situation every day, and asks some technicians every day how they have gained and how they feel.

They often answer like this.

"The lecture was very good and we all understood it."

"Now I have the basic operation of CAD drawing."

"It's very rewarding, I feel like I've entered a whole new world."


After hearing such words and feeling the joy of every technician, Gu Zhengxin gradually felt relieved, thinking in his heart, these are Yang Fan's soldiers, they are really good.

Sometimes, he would be a student, sitting at the back of the classroom with a pen and notebook, listening to Wang Zhongfu's lectures.

In addition to lecturing, Wang Zhongfu and the others also go deep into the technical rooms of each workshop every day to check the actual operation of CAD drawings of each technician and give them guidance.

Feeling the progress every day, Gu Zhengxin, who was in a good mood, went to the technology center again, entered Yuan Hui's office, and asked questions as soon as he entered the door.

"Director Yuan, today's class is over."

Yuan Hui got up quickly, made tea, and said with satisfaction: "The lecture is over. At this time, our technicians mainly practice on their own computers to familiarize themselves with the operation and consolidate what they have learned today."

Bringing the brewed tea to Gu Zhengxin, he continued: "The effect is very good. In just a few days, most of our technicians have already entered the door and can perform basic operations of CAD drawing."

Such a big effect!

Most people already know how to operate it!
Gu Zhengxin was pleasantly surprised, "Looks like it won't take a week, right?"

"Well." Yuan Hui said: "It shouldn't take a week. Many of our technicians have already started to try to compile the process regulations on the computer."

Hearing this, Gu Zhengxin couldn't sit still anymore, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go, then let's take a look."

The two went out, and the first thing they went to was the blank casting workshop.

Walking into the technical room of this workshop, I saw that almost every technician had brand new computers on their desks, a total of more than a dozen.

In the technical corner, on a table, there is a brand-new printer, and the prepared process regulations can be printed out through this printer.

When Gu Zhengxin and Yuan Hui walked in, there were at least seven or eight technicians gathered in front of a computer, watching a technician's operation, and Wang Zhongfu was beside him guiding.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then walked over and watched from the side.

"Hello, Mr. Gu."

"Director Yuan, you are here."


Everyone greeted each other proactively, Gu Zhengxin smiled, "It's okay, you go ahead, don't be influenced by us, we can just take a look at it."

On the computer, the process specification of a casting blank is being compiled.

In the preparation of such a process specification, the most workload is the drawing of the process drawing, especially for such a machine cover with complex shapes and inner cavities, it may take more than one day to draw a process drawing.

After compiling this process, when the next process is completed, it is necessary to redraw the drawing stroke by stroke, which is extremely time-consuming.

It's different now.

The process diagram of the first process has been drawn, and the preparation of the process card for this process is nearing completion. Under the guidance of Wang Zhongfu, the technician is typing and writing some process requirements on the process card.

"It should be almost there."

"Well, I don't think there is a problem."

"This speed is really fast. It's less than an hour. In the past, it would have taken at least half a day."


These onlookers said this one by one, with joy on their faces.Wang Zhongfu said: "Since there is no problem, then print it out and have a look."

"Xiao He, you should know how to print. I taught you the key points in class." Wang Zhongfu said.

Xiao He, the technician, said: "I know how to print."

After finishing speaking, he started to print. Every step was very correct, but it seemed a little rusty, but it didn't matter. The more times he printed, the more proficient he would become.

Printing starts.

The printer in the corner of the technical room started to work, and soon, the compiled procedure card was printed out in A2 size, and then it would be folded and bound in half to become an A3-sized process specification.

"Hurry up and bring it here, let me have a look." Gu Zhengxin said so loudly with enthusiasm.

Even if I am the chief engineer, I still want to take a quick look at things being printed out.

A technician immediately brought over the items and handed them over to Gu Zhengxin. Holding the process card of this process, he looked at it seriously.

The eyes of other people are basically on the process card.

"It's so beautiful, it's worthy of being printed."

"The lines are well-structured, especially those words and numbers. No one can write so beautifully."

"As expected of printing, it is much more neat than writing by hand."


The quality is very good. The quality of the hand-made process regulations is uneven. At first glance, when you see this printed one, it is very obvious when you compare the two.

Gu Zhengxin nodded in satisfaction, "Director Yuan, it seems that we are vigorously promoting computer-aided drawing, which is very correct."

Yuan Hui said: "Yes, this is something that will benefit in the long run. Although the current investment is a bit larger, in the long run, it is still very cost-effective."

After the first process was compiled and printed out, Wang Zhongfu instructed Xiao He to compile the next process, and everyone gathered around again to continue to observe the process.

But soon, there were exclamations everywhere!
The next operation directly subverted everyone's understanding!
In the past, they compiled process regulations, which was not the way at all.

I saw that under the guidance of Wang Zhongfu, Xiao He directly copied the process card compiled in the previous process, and then modified it on this basis.

There is no need to redraw the process drawing, but only slightly modify it on the basis of the existing process drawing, and even the template of the process card is ready-made.

Such a speed, of course!

At least everyone has never seen it before. In the manual era, when compiling the next process card, everything starts from scratch. How can we directly copy the process card of the previous process.

"This kind of operation is simply too cool!"

"Haha, I really didn't expect that I can do this in the future when I compile the process regulations."


The atmosphere in the entire technical room was obviously different, and it was filled with joy all of a sudden.Even Gu Zhengxin and Yuan Hui smiled in relief.

Originally, it took at least half a day to compile a process with such difficulty and workload by hand. Now, it can be directly modified on the ready-made template, which saves a lot of time.

Gu Zhengxin said with satisfaction that he is indeed a soldier of General Master Yang, who taught our technicians how to operate CAD drawings in just a few days.

As expected of a computer-aided drawing, the efficiency once again exceeded our expectations. The compilation of all the process regulations was completed in three months, and there were no major problems.

At this moment, Gu Zhengxin no longer worried about the preparation of the process regulations, but began to consider the next trial production of the first diesel engine.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the trial production of the first diesel engine of the 054 ship will be fully launched at the Hongqi Factory.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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