Military Heavy

Chapter 339 Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory

Chapter 339 Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory

The car is comfortable to drive and has good off-road performance.

Yang Fan was not in a hurry to get into the car, but threw the key to Li Zhengjun, "How about you driving?"


Li Zhengjun was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect to have such a good opportunity to drive the car of General Master Yang. Looking at the whole Donghai Institute, which car is the best?

Undoubtedly, it is the imported large off-road vehicle in front of you.

Li Zhengjun has a driver's license, but he doesn't have his own car. Those who can buy a car these days are super wealthy. If he doesn't have a car, he can only drive the car of his unit occasionally, just to enjoy his hands.

Holding the car key in his hand, Li Zhengjun still didn't believe it a little bit, and said pleasantly, "Mr. Yang, will I really be the one to drive?"

Yang Fan nodded and said, "Yes, you will drive the car, is there any problem?"

"No, no." Li Zhengjun opened the car door happily, sat in the driving seat, and fastened his seat belt.

Yang Fan thought about it, sitting in the co-pilot's seat, mainly to see how Li Zhengjun's driving skills are, and if his level is too poor, sitting in this seat is convenient for a proper reminder.

Soon, Yang Fan was relieved. Li Zhengjun's driving skills were good, he started steadily, his movements were relatively skilled, and he had a strong awareness of safety. Whether it was starting or turning, he had to turn on the turn signal in advance and check the rearview mirror. Proceed to the next step.

After feeling relieved, Yang Fan said: "Let me take a rest first, if you are tired, then I will drive."

Li Zhengjun said: "You can rest assured, I have no problem."

It is about 200 kilometers from the East China Sea Research Institute to the land joint testing base. In the past, it took about five hours because of poor road conditions. Now the road conditions are much better. There are more than 100 kilometers to take the newly built expressway. The remaining kilometers are ordinary roads.

These ordinary roads no longer have mud roads, gravel roads, and are no longer potholed. They are all cement or asphalt roads, and the road conditions are not bad.

Originally it took five hours by car, but Li Zhengjun only took three and a half hours to arrive. At around 12:200 noon, he arrived at the land joint commissioning base more than [-] kilometers away from the East China Sea Institute.

Ten years ago, this was a deserted beach.

What now?
This is a modern test base, surrounded by high walls, there are buildings inside, and there are soldiers with live ammunition standing guard at the gate.

Yang Fan is quite familiar with the situation here.

Basically, I come here several times a year. After parking the car, Yang Fan waved and said, "Come on, let's go to eat first."

After driving for so long, I am indeed hungry and a little tired.The two went to the cafeteria of the base to have lunch first, and happened to meet Pan Jinfu while eating.

They arrived yesterday afternoon, a day earlier than Yang Fan. The two met in the cafeteria and were very happy.

Pan Jinfu said: "Comrade Yang Fan, you have just arrived."

Yang Fan said, "It's been less than 10 minutes since we arrived."

The two chatted happily. The topic was related to the test base, and they focused on the electromagnetic compatibility laboratory that had been built and was just waiting for expert acceptance.

Several other comrades from the East China Sea Institute, such as Kuang Wei, Liao Wenliang and others.

"Comrade Yang Fan, the electromagnetic compatibility laboratory is really well built. We went to see it today. I'm so happy. We finally have such a professional laboratory."

There was a lot of joy in Pan Jinfu's words.

Back then, there was no specialized electromagnetic compatibility laboratory at all, and even the detection methods and equipment were very backward. The electromagnetic interference problem of the 052 ship made everyone's brains big.

Well now, the hardware conditions are much better. With a specialized laboratory, the 054 ship will not follow the old path of the 052 ship, and it will definitely not be like that in the field of electromagnetic interference.

Kuang Wei said with a look of admiration: "Master Yang, when designing and demonstrating the electromagnetic compatibility laboratory, you put forward a lot of opinions and suggestions. It was designed and built almost according to your suggestions. We can have such a professional Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory, you have contributed the most."

Yang Fan looked modest, "Where, I just made some suggestions, and the comrades who built the laboratory deserve the most credit."

Everyone chatted happily while eating lunch.

After the meal, Yang Fan took Li Zhengjun to the guest house of the test base. The environment is very good, a typical sea view room, the kind where you can see the blue sea outside when you open the window.

The guest house is not far from the test base, and it is also by the sea. There are two buildings in the front and back, with more than 100 rooms and conference rooms.

After taking a break, Yang Fan went to see the EMC laboratory that had been built.

The last time I went to the electromagnetic compatibility laboratory was two or three months ago. When I walked to the laboratory, I found that it has changed a lot. Some places that were not completed before are now fully constructed and look very gratifying. .

Electromagnetic compatibility laboratory is a special type of laboratory established for electromagnetic compatibility testing.First explain the basic concept of electromagnetic compatibility: it refers to the ability of electromagnetic systems and subsystems to work normally in their respective electromagnetic environments without degrading their performance due to electromagnetic interference.

The electromagnetic compatibility laboratory system here is relatively complete, and there will be no problem in doing electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility tests on various types of shipboard equipment.

There are not only electric dark wave rooms, but also shielded rooms.

The anechoic chamber is a place for radiation emission test and radiation immunity test.According to the test distance, it is divided into three-meter darkroom and ten-meter darkroom.

Here is a ten-meter chamber.

Yang Fan led Li Zhengjun into this ten-meter darkroom. The light inside was turned on, and everything was clear, and its unique appearance felt rather beautiful.

The ground is an extremely bright metal plate, and the surrounding area, including the ceiling, is covered with absorbing materials. Standing in this large laboratory with an area of ​​several hundred square meters seems to feel good.

Li Zhengjun said: "General Master Yang, this is the ten-meter darkroom, it looks very good."

He was engaged in the design of ship power system, and he only had an understanding of electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility without in-depth research.

Yang Fan introduced: "This is the [-]-meter dark wave chamber we just built and is waiting for acceptance. It is a part of the entire electromagnetic compatibility laboratory."

"The ten-meter anechoic chamber can be used for radiation emission tests, radiation immunity tests, and electromagnetic compatibility tests such as shielding effectiveness tests."

In this respect, Yang Fan is a professional, and he briefly introduced Li Zhengjun.

After looking at the ten-meter darkroom, the two went to the shielding room to look again.


After looking around, Yang Fan was very satisfied.

I thought to myself, we have a specialized electromagnetic compatibility laboratory, and the first batch of shipboard equipment of the 054 ship is in place, and the electromagnetic compatibility test can be carried out here soon.

For example, the various radars and electronic equipment that the 054 ship will be equipped with can all be sent here for testing, and then considered to be installed on the 054 ship during construction.

After visiting the electromagnetic compatibility laboratory, Yang Fan went to see the ship model towing test pool under construction.

There are no large-scale professional towing pools of practical nature in our country. Last time, we could only go to Hamburg, Germany to do related experiments. Not to mention using some relationships and resources, the charges are not cheap.

In modern ship design, pool towing test is essential, especially for ships with stealth hull design, such ships must do pool towing test.

To achieve stealth from radar, modern warships mainly change the shape of the warship, wrapping weapons and various equipment in a polyhedral shell. Therefore, warships with strong stealth functions can hardly find a vertical steel plate on the surface of the hull.Such a design sounds simple, but it also brings a series of difficult problems to solve.

First, the large wind area will affect the performance of the entire ship.Second, our ship is simple, and the antennas of the ship are concentrated, which brings about the problem of electromagnetic compatibility.

In order to solve the problem of electromagnetic compatibility, we already have an electromagnetic compatibility laboratory.

The increase of the wind area and the impact on the performance of the whole ship must be verified and tested through the pool towing test.

Warships with stealth functions all over the world adopt the shape of geometric polyhedron, but under the same power and load, which configuration can make the warship run faster and run more stably?
This requires scientific researchers to make a model of the ship's hull, and put it in the pool again and again for towing experiments to measure the resistance of the ship.

Under Yang Fan's suggestion, the construction of the first professional ship model towing test pool in China started, and it is currently under intense construction.

Yang Fan saw Liao Wenliang.

This is normal, Yang Fan did not feel any surprise.

The last time I went to the Hamburg pool for a model towing test, Yang Fan brought three people there, namely Li Jun, Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan.

They are the people who have actually seen the ship model towing test pool. They recorded a lot of things at the beginning. After the construction of the first applied towing test pool in China started, Liao Wenliang often came here, sometimes staying for more than ten days.

Li Jun and Xue Bingyuan also often come here to provide technical support for the construction of the pool. Sometimes, the three of them will discuss some technical issues during the construction of the pool together.

"Master Yang!"

Seeing Yang Fan coming, Liao Wenliang was very happy and immediately greeted him proactively.

Yang Fan nodded lightly, and said loudly: "It seems that the construction here is progressing well, let's take a good look at it, how about it?"

I remember that when I came here two or three months ago, the construction had just started, so there have been great changes in these two or three months.

Liao Wenliang said happily: "Master Yang, you have chosen the right person. I basically spend most of my time here, so I understand the situation very well."

He took Yang Fan and Li Zhengjun to visit the towing test pool under construction, and introduced the situation of the pool, such as the construction progress, what technical problems have been encountered, and the construction plan for a period of time in the future.

Here, in addition to the construction workers involved in the construction, there are also many engineers and technicians who, like Liao Wenliang, are responsible for the technical work of the pool construction.

Yang Fan unexpectedly discovered that these engineers and technicians always took a look at his side intentionally or unintentionally, and always looked at him quietly.

This is more strange!

so, what happened?
Even Li Zhengjun felt this, and reminded softly: "Master Yang, someone is watching us quietly."

Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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