Military Heavy

Chapter 340 The first person

Chapter 340 No.1

Yang Fan nodded slightly.

He also noticed it, but he was rather puzzled, these people always looked at him, why is that?

On the contrary, Liao Wenliang seemed to have guessed something, hesitated to speak, wanted to explain what was going on, but worried that his guess was not accurate enough.

In front are two large pools under construction. Each pool is rectangular, not very wide, but relatively long.

Before walking to one of the pools, a young technician finally came over with an excited face, and asked a little uncertainly: "You are the designer of Mr. Yang!"

Yang Fan didn't know the young designer, but he nodded and said, "Yes, I'm Yang Fan."

"It's really Chief Designer Yang!"

The young technician suddenly became happy, and shouted loudly: "This is Chief Designer Yang, yes, it's really him!"

Several technicians gathered around, all of them looked very happy and looked at Yang Fan with great interest. At this moment, Yang Fan became the absolute center.

Seeing this situation, Liao Wenliang was even more sure of his guess.

Yang Fan was at a loss, not knowing why this happened, and asked with a smile, "Why, do you all know me?"

The young technician said just now: "We have heard of you, and we have heard Mr. Liao mention you many times. We have heard it many times, and we are curious about what kind of person Master Yang is."

Another technician said: "Master Yang, you don't know, Mr. Liao told us that the design of the towing pool is from your hand, you are too good!"

That's what happened.

Liao Wenliang often mentioned Yang Fan to these technicians. Whenever he encountered some designs, he would say that this was the design proposal provided by Master Yang, or directly that this was the design of Master Yang.

There are many times, and everyone is very curious.

In particular, some designs are very scientific in everyone's eyes. Apart from admiration in their hearts, they have long wanted to meet Yang Fan.

Yang Fan said modestly: "No, I just provided some design ideas and plans, and the specific design was completed by Tunghai University."

Tunghai University has a ship-related major, and also designed and built a ship model towing test tank in the 80s, which is now a national key laboratory.

They have the basics of towing tank design and construction, why build a model boat towing tank here?

Because the pool of Tunghai University is small and mainly used for theoretical research, but this pool is larger in scale, higher in grade, and more advanced in equipment. In addition to theoretical research, it focuses more on practical applications.

The size of the test pool depends on the size and size of the ship model. In the long run, our country may design and develop ships with larger tonnages in the future. The size of this pool is relatively large, even larger than that of the Hamburg pool.

There are two pools in total, both of which are rectangular.

There are generally three types of ship model test pools: trailer-type ship model test pool, winch-type ship model test pool and gravity-type ship model test pool.

This pool is a typical trailer ship model test pool.

The pool is not wide, but very long. It is under construction now and will be equipped with relevant equipment in the future.To drag a model ship and measure its resistance at different speeds.In order to avoid the corrosive effect of seawater, the test pool will use fresh water test.

Guide rails will be installed on both sides of the test pool, there will be a trailer on it, and there will also be a photoelectric speedometer and a resistance dynamometer for the resistance of the ship model, which can automatically measure and record various data.

At this time, Liu Luming, the chief person in charge of the construction of the towing pool, came. He is also a professor at Tunghai University, and he is in his forties.

"Master Yang, you are here."

Yang Fan shook hands with the other party, "Professor Liu, thank you for your hard work. I think the construction progress here is very good. Maybe in one or two years, we will have a professional model ship towing test pool to use."

Liu Luming said: "In a year and a half at most, this place will be fully completed and put into use. Master Yang, the design ideas and plans you provided at the beginning have helped us a lot."

Li Zhengjun listened to the chat between the two, feeling extremely admired in his heart.

As expected of Mr. Yang, amazing!
He is really a genius. He seems to understand everything. He understands the construction of the electromagnetic compatibility laboratory, and he is also very good at the design and construction of the ship model towing test pool.

Yang Fan chatted with Liu Luming for a while.

Then, under the leadership of Liu Luming, they visited the towing pool under construction, and the two also exchanged a lot of technical things.

Yang Fan is very happy!
Very pleased!
It will be ready to use here in about a year and a half. The design of the 052 ship is perfected and improved, and the towing test can be carried out here, and the hull shape design can be corrected.

Similarly, the 054 ship can also continue to conduct ship model towing tests here, find some shortcomings, and make improvements and improvements.

If you want to design and develop new ships in the future, you can also conduct ship model towing tests here.

The next day, expert review and acceptance began.

In addition to Pan Jinfu and Yang Fan, two experts representing the user unit, there are seven other experts, who are either professors of related majors in colleges or universities, or experts from related institutes.

The judging went well.

It took a total of two days to successfully pass the expert review, and everyone gave a high evaluation to this first domestic ship electromagnetic compatibility laboratory.

There are very few problems that need rectification. There are no major rectification items, only a few minor rectification items. It is estimated that the rectification can be completed in a short time.

After the acceptance by experts, less than half a month later, the first batch of shipboard equipment of the 054 ship arrived at the land joint commissioning experiment base to prepare for the electromagnetic compatibility laboratory.

Yang Fan made a special trip to the land-based joint commissioning experiment base.

I personally guided the technicians to conduct the electromagnetic compatibility test, and stayed there for a few days before returning to Donghai Institute.The experiment is continuing, but Yang Fan doesn't need to worry about it anymore. After the guidance of Master Yang, everyone knows how to continue the experiment.

Back at the Donghai Research Institute, Yang Fan continued to devote his energy to the comprehensive and detailed design of the 054 ship. He reviewed the design drawings every day, guided everyone to design, held technical exchanges and seminars, and solved technical problems encountered in the design process, etc. .

Today, after reading several design drawings, Yang Fan did not rush to participate in the technical seminar in the general design room, but picked up the phone and called the 054 ship model office.

After the phone call, Yang Fan said: "Director Li, inform the general design office that I will not attend their meeting. Besides, go to the airport immediately to pick up two people for me."

It was Li Zhengjun who answered the phone.

After listening to General Master Yang's instructions, after answering the phone call, he didn't recover for a long time, and said in his heart, oh my god, Song Weilun is actually coming over.

It’s incredible!
Who is Song Weilun? He is the No. 1 vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch system developed in China. He has a very high prestige and influence in this field. He actually came here to visit Yang Fan.

No need to guess, Song Weilun must have come to communicate with Yang Fan to discuss the design of the missile vertical launch system.

Mr. Yang is so arrogant!
Master Song personally came to visit!

After taking a deep breath and calming his mind a little, Li Zhengjun walked out of the model office, went to the trolley class to get a car, and immediately went to Donghai International Airport.

Before 11 a.m., Li Zhengjun brought him back.

Knocking on the door and entering Yang Fan's office, he reported: "Mr. Yang, I've picked him up, and he's drinking tea in reception room 1."

Yang Fan was looking at the design drawings of the 054 ship, immediately put down the drawings and pencils in his hands, got up and said, "Let's go, let's go to the No. 1 reception room."

It was the first time for Yang Fan and Song Weilun to meet each other.

But the two have been friends for a long time, and they have heard of each other's name long ago.For example, Yang Fan knew that the other party had deep attainments in the field of vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch systems and had a great influence.

Song Weilun also knows that Yang Fan presided over the successful research and development of China's first vertical launch system for ship-borne missiles, filling the gap in the country.

The key is that he had a careful understanding of this missile vertical launch system and felt that it was very advanced. Some designs caught his eye and inspired him a lot.

He also knew that Yang Fan led the team to develop another missile vertical launch system, which was different from the previous one, quite different.

And the vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch system he is currently leading the research and development happened to encounter technical difficulties, so, with the attitude of learning from the experience, he rushed over from thousands of miles away.

If someone in the industry pointed out that the No.1 vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch system design is absolutely authoritative, and he actually came to the East China Sea Institute to learn from it, he would probably be surprised and open his mouth wide open.

Definitely call this unbelievable!
The truth is!

Song Weilun came here to learn Buddhist scriptures.

Although it was the first time for the two to meet, they already had a feeling of sympathy, and they shook hands warmly and tightly.

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Song, welcome to our Donghai Institute."

Song Weilun said: "Master Yang, excuse me."

The two exchanged polite greetings, and Yang Fan asked Song Weilun to sit down. The other was Song Weilun's subordinate, in his thirties, and his assistant in design and development.

After chatting for a few words, Song Weilun said: "Master Yang, to be honest, I have learned in detail about the missile vertical launch system of the 052 ship that you designed and developed, which gave me a lot of inspiration and help. It is on the vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch system."

Yang Fan didn't mind, "It's okay, I won't charge you patent fees."

Both laughed.

Song Weilun continued: "You are now designing and developing the missile vertical launch system of the 054 ship. I heard that the design is basically completed. Can you introduce it to me?"

Yang Fan was already ready.

After waving his hand for a signal, Li Zhengjun took out the general design drawing of the 054 ship's missile vertical launch system, fixed it on a prepared blackboard with a thumbtack, and displayed the general design drawing.

This is the missile vertical launch system of the 054 ship!
Immediately, Song Weilun became interested.

Immediately got up, took a few steps forward, walked up to the picture, and looked at it carefully, nodding from time to time while looking.

After watching it for a few minutes, he said: "Master Yang, can you introduce this missile vertical launcher system?"

Yang Fan stood up and said cheerfully, "Of course."

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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