Military Heavy

Chapter 341

Chapter 341
Compared with the vertical launching system of the 054 ship, the vertical launch system of the 052 ship missile has many similarities, but there are more differences.

The most obvious of these is that one is a cold launch and the other is a hot launch.

The missile vertical launch system of the 054 ship is more advanced, which can be said to be an improvement and improvement on the basis of the vertical launch system of the 052 ship.

It’s not that the missile vertical launch system of the 052 ship is not good, it is also very good, but the vertical launch system is more suitable for the 052 ship, and the vertical launch system in front of me is more suitable for the 054 ship.

The missile vertical launch system of the 052 ship may still have a Russian design style, but it is no longer seen on the vertical missile launch system of the 054 ship.

The vertical launch system of 054A has changed from the previous Russian "rotary wheel" and "cold launch" features, and uses the "one shot per tube" grid design and "hot launch" that are used in the West, and each vertical launch The design of the eight tubes (2X4) of the system module is also the same as that of the major western vertical launch systems such as the American MK-41 vertical launch system and the French Silva.

In the future 054, four groups of eight vertical launch system units will be installed at the bow position, and the configuration direction of each vertical launch system unit is that the long side (4 tubes) is longitudinal and the short side (2 tubes) is Horizontal vertical launch system.

The configuration is 4 tubes vertically and 8 tubes horizontally.Currently equipped with Haihongqi-7 air defense missiles, according to Yang Fan's design ideas, it will be equipped with Hongqi-16 air defense missiles in the future.

This missile has a strong multi-target attack capability. A fire launch unit can track 8 targets at the same time and attack 4 of them.And it can attack a wide variety of targets, from high-flying aircraft to low-flying cruise missiles, and even precision-guided weapons thrown by aircraft, the Hongqi-16 air defense missile can effectively counteract them.To a large extent, the Hongqi-16 air defense missile can also counter the air defense suppression attack of the "Wild Weasel Fighter" launched by the enemy's air power.

As a reborn, Yang Fan certainly knows about the future Hongqi-16 air defense missile.

He introduced the missile vertical launch system of the 054 ship in more detail, especially the thermal launch. Song Weilun listened carefully.

I even took out my pen and notebook and recorded while listening, sometimes interrupting occasionally to ask some questions.

His assistant was also carefully recording, but he didn't ask any questions during the whole process, just recorded in detail. He probably knew that this would mainly be a communication between the two chief designers.

After listening to the introduction, Song Weilun said: "Mr. Yang, I came here this time. Apart from understanding the missile vertical launch system of the 054 ship, the main reason is that our research has encountered some troubles. We are designing and developing a vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch system. The launch system will also use thermal launch, but encountered some technical difficulties, to be honest, we are at a loss now."


Yang Fan said seriously: "If it's convenient, you can tell me, have you encountered any problems?"

Hearing this, Song Weilun seemed to see hope.

He speculated that Yang Fan could lead his team to design such an excellent vertical launch system for ship-borne missiles, and perhaps he could also provide some constructive suggestions on the vertical launch system for vehicle-mounted missiles.

"Master Yang, we encountered a gas jet problem during the design and development of this vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch system."

Gas jet!

This is an inevitable problem for thermal launch of missiles, and it is also a problem that must be solved, especially for vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch systems.

The gas jet has a great impact, especially on the surrounding thermal shock and ground impact, because the weight of the vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch system is limited, and together with the launch vehicle, it generally weighs tens of tons.

The ship-borne missile vertical launch system is different. It is generally integrated with the ship. A ship often weighs thousands of tons. With such a large weight, the stability is excellent, and it is not as obvious as the launch vehicle is affected by the gas jet. .

Yang Fan said: "President Song, can you tell me in detail about the problems you encountered?"

Song Weilun said: "Can you give me some blank paper?"

Soon, a few blank sheets of paper were brought over.

He picked up a pen, drew a sketch on one of the white papers, and then combined this sketch with Yang Fan to describe the impact of the gas jet.

The thermal impact and dynamic impact of the gas jet on the surrounding ground and the influence of these impacts on the launch stability are discussed in detail.

Illustrated, very detailed.

After listening to it, Yang Fan knew what was going on, and he also thought about it. After thinking for a while, his heart lightened.

I remember that before I was reborn, I had learned about and visited several domestic vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch systems. In order to solve the impact of gas jets, each vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch system added something.

This thing is called - double-sided deflector.

This is the thing that almost perfectly solves the impact of the gas jet.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, it would be better to be reborn. Many things about the future are kept in his mind, not only the technical data of the 054 ship, but also how the vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch system solves the gas jet problem.

Seeing the relaxed look on Yang Fan's face, Song Weilun hoped that Master Yang knew how to solve the problem of the gas jet.


If this is the case, General Master Yang's technical level, especially his technical attainments in the missile vertical launch system, may be even higher than I estimated!

"Master Yang, do you have a solution?"

After speaking, Song Weilun looked at Yang Fan with hope.

The same is true for his assistant, who stopped recording in the notebook and looked at Yang Fan in a little astonishment, with hope in his eyes, and even more disbelief.

He thought in his heart, Mr. Song led the entire technical team, spent so much effort and time, but failed to solve this problem well. Mr. Yang just listened to Mr. Song's explanation of the situation, so he thought solution.

This is a little impossible!
But Master Yang's expression clearly said that he already had a solution.

The assistant thought so, and looked at Yang Fan in astonishment.

Under Song Weilun's gaze, Yang Fan smiled relaxedly, "President Song, I'm wondering if we can add a deflector."

deflector? ? ?

Song Weilun said: "We have also considered designing the deflector, and have done a lot of calculations, including gas jet dynamics calculations and flow field calculations, and have designed several deflectors with different structures and shapes, but It didn't work out very well.”

Yang Fan took a piece of white paper, picked up a pen, and after thinking for a while, drew a sketch of the double-sided deflector on the white paper.

Although the specific size is unknown, the structure and principle are still relatively clear.

Yang Fan said: "I think a double-sided deflector with this structure can be designed, and it should be able to solve the problem of gas jet flow very well."

With both pictures and texts, Yang Fan talked about the basic structure and basic principles of the double-sided deflector.

Sometimes, just poking through that layer of window paper will do the trick.

After listening to Yang Fan's narration, Song Weilun's intuition told him that this is feasible and definitely can perfectly solve the problem of gas jet flow.

Even if it has not been verified or calculated in detail, this intuition is very strong in my heart.

Song Weilun said: "This method is definitely possible. After we go back, we will design this double-sided deflector according to your suggestion."

After finishing speaking, he became happy and said with great admiration: "Master Yang, you are amazing, you have come up with a solution in no time, you know, so many of us have racked our brains for so long and still haven't solved this problem. "

Yang Fan said modestly: "I'm just making a suggestion. Is it okay? You need to design and verify it after you go back."


Song Weilun replied confidently, thanked him again and again, folded the white paper with the sketch of the double-sided deflector, and carefully put it into the bag.

"Mr. Yang, luckily I came to Donghai Institute, otherwise, I don't know how long it will take to solve this problem."

Yang Fan smiled happily, helping Song Weilun solve the gas jet problem, he was also very happy in his heart.

The two chatted very speculatively.

Then we talked for a long time in the field of missile vertical launch, and had an in-depth conversation. The time passed quickly, and soon it was around 12 noon.

Yang Fan was still not finished, but he still suggested: "Let's go, let's go to eat first, and continue to sit down and chat in the afternoon."

After running all the way here, Song Weilun didn't want to go back just like that. He found that he and Yang Fan not only had a good conversation, but also were very inspired, especially in the field of vertical missile launch. Some of Yang Fan's ideas, he felt were very advanced.

Of course, Yang Fan knows exactly what the missile vertical launch system will look like in 30 or [-] years, the future development trend, etc.

Although I have repeatedly noticed that it is only 1993, many things that are too advanced cannot be mentioned, but if I am not careful, some things are revealed a little bit, and Song Weilun has the feeling that his eyes shine.

Yang Fan got up, warmly invited Song Weilun and the two to have dinner, and said by the way, "Director Li, you too."

So, the four of them left the reception room and the office building together.

Opening the door of his imported large off-road vehicle, Yang Fan said: "Everyone get in the car, let's go out to eat, there is a good place."

After all, Song Weilun is an authority in the field of domestic missile vertical launch system design and development, and he came all the way here. It is impossible for Yang Fan to invite him to eat in the canteen of Donghai Institute, but to go to a restaurant outside.

Song Weilun, his assistant, and Li Zhengjun got into the car one after another, and Yang Fan drove away slowly.

It's the peak time to get off work at noon.

Many employees came out of the office building and just saw the scene just now, and some people thought in their hearts that it should be Mr. Yang's guest.

Most of them knew Song Weilun. In 1993, the information was underdeveloped. Unlike now, many people knew a little bit of famous people.

But some people still recognized Song Weilun, they were startled, and immediately shouted as if they had discovered a new continent: "Look, that's Song Weilun, my God, he actually came to our Donghai Institute!"

Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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