Military Heavy

Chapter 342 Welcome to Excuse Me

Chapter 342 Welcome to Excuse Me

Song Weilun!
It's really Song Weilun!


The few designers who recognized Song Weilun finally exclaimed uncontrollably, with astonishment on their faces.

More designers didn't know Song Weilun, and they couldn't help asking curiously: "What's the matter, who is Song Weilun, is he famous?"

The exclaimed designer gave them a blank look, "Doesn't anyone know about Song Weilun?"

"That's right, you guys, even Song Weilun doesn't know about it, so I've convinced you. He is an authority in the design of vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch systems in China, and he is the No. 1 in this field."

Such a suffocating person!

Hearing that Song Weilun is the No.1 in the design and development of the vertical launch system for vehicle-mounted missiles in China, the other designers also showed surprise, stopped in their tracks, and watched Song Weilun and Yang Fan get on the car.

"He was talking and laughing with Master Yang!"

"Yeah, they seem to be having a good time talking, this should be going out for dinner together."

Yang Fan saw the reaction of certain designers, felt their astonished eyes, smiled slightly, and got into the car.

The car started, left Donghaisuo, and went to a nearby restaurant, where the four had lunch but did not drink.

in the afternoon.

Yang Fan and Song Weilun sat together again, continuing to chat about the missile vertical launch system, mainly communicating on technology.

This time they were not in the reception room, but in Yang Fan's office. The two were sitting on the sofa, drinking tea, chatting very deeply.

See you late!

Compassionate each other!

Both of them feel this way. In terms of the design of the missile vertical launch system, they coincide in many places and have a lot in common.

One or two hours, it feels like it has passed in a flash, but there is still a feeling that there is still more to say.

Song Weilun said: "Master Yang, I have gained a lot today. I'm really sorry to disturb you for too long and waste your time."

Yang Fan said: "Where, where, Mr. Song is very polite, and I have gained a lot. You are welcome to come to me at any time in the future. If there are any technical problems in the design and development of the missile vertical launch system, we can still communicate."

"Definitely, definitely." Song Weilun stood up and shook hands with Yang Fan, "I will disturb you again in the future."

"Welcome to interrupt!"

The two said a few polite words, Song Weilun was about to leave, and his eyes fell on the big table next to him again, which was the long table used by Yang Fan to review the design drawings.

There are quite a few design drawings on it, some of which have already been reviewed and signed for approval;

These drawings were originally planned to be looked at today, but Song Weilun came to visit and was temporarily delayed, and Yang Fan was going to review them later.

When talking with Yang Fan about some technical issues in the design and development of the missile vertical launch system, Song Weilun had already noticed these drawings, but the conversation was very speculative at that time, and he did not pay too much attention to these design drawings.

What now?
The talk has been finished, he can't help but look at these drawings a few more times, to be honest, he is still quite interested in the design of the 054 ship.

Looking at the design drawings on the table, Song Weilun asked: "Mr. Yang, these are all the design drawings of the 054 ship."

Yang Fan said proudly: "Yes, they are all the design drawings of the 054 ship. It has been more than half a year since we entered into the comprehensive and detailed design. We have completed some of the design drawings, and some of the design drawings have begun to be archived."

The drawings are archived, which is officially completed.

Yang Fan is very clear that there are at least more than 054 drawing numbers for the design drawings of the 4000 ship, and there should be [-] to [-] large and small design drawings.

After entering the comprehensive and detailed design stage for more than half a year, some design drawings have been filed. Yang Fan is very satisfied with this design speed.

These are all the design drawings of the 054 ship!

Song Weilun thought to himself, after entering the comprehensive and detailed design stage for more than half a year, there are so many blueprints placed here by Master Yang, it seems that the design of the 054 ship is progressing well.

Thinking of this in my heart, I immediately became interested, and picked up one of the design drawings to take a look at it casually.

As soon as he picked up this blueprint and glanced at it, Song Weilun showed astonishment.

This, this, this...

It was beyond his expectation!

Surprised: "This is not a design drawing drawn by hand, but printed by a computer!"

I picked up another one, which was also printed by a computer, and looked at several design drawings. Without exception, they were all printed by a computer, and none of them were hand-drawn.

"Director Yang, it's all computer-printed. Don't tell me you promote computer-aided drawing in all design offices? This is incredible!"

Of course he knows about computer-aided drafting, which is very popular and common in Europe and America.

Many large European and American companies use computer-aided drawing, and almost no manual drawing.

In our country, however, we are still at the stage of manual drawing, and computer-aided drawing is rarely used.

Donghai Institute actually adopted computer-aided drawing, which was beyond his expectation!

Song Weilun is still considering whether the design team he leads will try to use computer-aided drawing.

In this regard, Donghai Institute has undoubtedly come to the forefront.

Seeing that Song Weilun was so surprised, Yang Fan smiled heartily, nodded and said, "Yes, we have promoted CAD drawing in the whole institute, and no longer use manual drawing. This is one of the reasons why our 054 ship design is progressing so fast."

"If manual drawing is still used, it may take three or four years to design the 054 ship, but now it only takes about two and a half years."

So efficient!
Although he knew that CAD drawing was efficient, Song Weilun was still eager to hear what Yang Fan said.

"Mr. Yang, to be honest, I also plan to promote CAD drawing. I didn't expect that Donghai Institute has already fully promoted it. This is a good opportunity for us."

There was excitement in his tone. As a chief teacher, he has seen big scenes, and now he is so restless, which shows his mood at the moment.

"Master Yang, can you tell me about your CAD drawing situation?"

"Of course, no problem."

Yang Fan was very forthright, and simply and comprehensively introduced the current situation of computer-aided drafting.

After listening to it, Song Weilun felt even more eager.

This is a windfall!
totally unexpected!
I came to Donghai Institute originally for the purpose of technical exchange. I didn't think about it, not only solved the problem of gas jet flow, but also found that all staff of Donghai Institute used CAD drawing.

Song Weilun was a little excited!

"Master Yang, I would like to visit the usage of CAD drawings in the design rooms below you."

Yang Fan joked with a smile: "President Song, aren't you in a hurry to go back?"

"Don't be in a hurry to go back. Let's talk about it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I'm going to visit the design offices below you now and have a look."

Just now, the two exchanged technical issues related to the vertical launch system of missiles, and they still have a lot to say. If you have time, you can chat for another hour or two.

But Song Weilun got up, because of the plane this evening, he can go to the airport ship later.

What now?
The plan was cancelled, and the air ticket was refunded. Don't rush to go back. Let's take a look at the use of CAD in Donghai Institute.


Yang Fan agreed, and picked up the phone to call Li Zhengjun in, "Director Li, Mr. Song wants to know about the usage of our CAD. You can take Mr. Song to each design room to have a look."


Li Zhengjun said enthusiastically: "President Song, please, let me take you for a walk and have a look."

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Song, I won't accompany you anymore. Tonight I will treat you to dinner. Let's have dinner together."

Song Weilun was full of thanks, and held Yang Fan's hand tightly, "Master Yang, you are busy, and I'm really sorry for taking up so much of your time today. I'll treat you tonight."

Yang Fan said: "You are guests from afar, let me invite you."

"No, I must treat this meal." Song Weilun insisted.

Watching Song Weilun and Li Zhengjun walk out of the office, Yang Fan calmed down and began to look at the drawings seriously, finishing those design drawings that hadn't been finished yet.

Li Zhengjun took Song Weilun to the various design offices below.

Song Weilun saw that each design room had a lot of computers, basically one for each person, and the designers were skillfully operating the computers and drawing design drawings with CAD.

In the evening, Song Weilun insisted on entertaining guests to thank Yang Fan.

Because it was night, the two drank a little wine and chatted about CAD drawings while drinking and eating.

The next day.

Song Weilun was not in a hurry to go back, and continued to stay at the Donghai Institute to gain an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the use of CAD.

Many designers have seen Song Weilun. Originally, most people didn't know him, but now, most people know Song Weilun.

"That's Song Weilun, No. 1 in the design and development of domestic vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch systems."

"He is a guest of Chief Master Yang. Could it be that he came here specially to learn about computer-aided drawing?"

"I heard that he came here specially to visit Master Yang to ask some technical questions about the missile vertical launch system."

I came here specially to ask Mr. Yang for advice!
Many designers deeply admire Yang Fan, the No. 1 in the field of design and development of vehicle-mounted missile vertical launch systems in China, and they come to ask for advice.

Many designers want to say, Mr. Yang, can you hold back a little more? ? ?


Time to enter September.

The East China Sea Institute is still working hard on the design of the 054 ship. A lot of design drawings are drawn every day, and the design drawings are proofread, reviewed, approved, and even archived after approval.

The Hongqi Factory, which is thousands of miles away, is also in full swing, and the whole factory is working hard.

Whether it is the blank casting blank workshop or the forging blank workshop, it is busy, in stark contrast to the desertedness a few months ago.

Yang Fan went to Hongqi Factory again.


There are two updates today, and the first one will be delivered.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone!
"Master Yang,"

(End of this chapter)

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