Military Heavy

Chapter 343 The Spectacular Scene

Chapter 343 The Spectacular Scene
Yang Fan arrived in S Province.

Accompanied by Li Jun and Han Jiang, one is the deputy director of the model office, and the other is the design team leader of the power system design room.

Why is Han Jiang accompanying him?
It's very simple. Hongqi Factory trial-produces the diesel engine of the 054 ship, which is closely related to the power system of the 054 ship. As the designer of the power system, Han Jiang has every reason to come and take a look.

"Brother Fan, that should be the person who came to pick us up."

Han Jiang had sharp eyes, and as soon as he walked out of the airport, he saw Gu Zhengxin and the others who came to greet him.Yang Fan also saw it, nodded and said: "That's Mr. Gu and the others, let's go, let's go there."

Gu Zhengxin greeted him at the airport in person.

Quite polite!
He also saw the three of Yang Fan, and immediately came over with enthusiasm, and shook hands with Yang Fan tightly, "Mr. Yang, the trial production of our first diesel engine can be done so quickly. You have helped us a lot."

If there hadn't been someone sent by Donghai Institute to guide them in CAD drawing, Hongqi Factory would probably still be nervously compiling process regulations.

Now, almost all process technicians can operate CAD drawings proficiently, and the efficiency of process specification preparation has doubled, and it can be completely compiled within three months.

After the material preparation process specification was completed, Hongqi Factory began to prepare and feed the first diesel engine.After the blank process specification was compiled, they started the trial production of the blank.

Yang Fan said: "Where, where, everything is the result of your hard work. It took less than three months to complete the compilation of all process regulations, and now the full-scale manufacturing of blanks has begun. Commander Luo has repeatedly praised this speed. .”

The two chatted like this.

At the invitation of Gu Zhengxin, the three of Yang Fan got into the car and headed to Hongqi Factory.

After checking into the hotel, Yang Fan and the other three walked into the blank manufacturing workshop of Hongqi Factory. The first thing they went to was the forging workshop.

Compared with a few months, here is a completely different scene, busy, where there is no slightest deserted look.

The first diesel engine of the 054 ship was trial-produced. Many forging blanks were forged here. Several air hammers vigorously forged the blanks, and the deafening forging sound was endless.

Gu Zhengxin said: "Many blanks have been forged. We are already thinking about implementing three shifts of eight hours each from tomorrow, so as to complete the blanks as soon as possible and enter the finishing process as soon as possible."

After the blank is manufactured, it will be processed by turning, milling, grinding, drilling and other processes, from rough machining to semi-finishing machining, and then to finishing machining.

An air hammer is forging a rough part.

"Boom, boom, boom"

The sound was deafening, and even the ground was vibrating slightly. A bright red cylindrical forging on the workbench was being forged again and again. It was undergoing such a shape change, gradually flattening, and its color changed from bright red to a dazzling blaze. White.

Several forging workers cooperated very skillfully and had a tacit understanding. After the forging was hammered into an oblate shape, one worker quickly placed the forging mold on the workbench, and the other picked it up with huge iron tongs. This forging, put it in the mold accurately.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The shape of the forging was changed in the mold, and it became the desired shape. It felt almost ready. Another worker quickly measured it with a measuring tool and nodded.

Forging is complete.

This is typical die forging!
Yang Fan watched the entire forging process of this forging with great interest, until it was forged to pass, and the workers pulled it out of the mold.

"Mr. Gu, your workers are very skilled, and they are very skillful in cooperating. They have completed the forging of a forging so quickly."

Gu Zhengxin smiled proudly, and simply introduced the forging workshop and the main parts being forged to Yang Fan.

Soon, Yang Fan was attracted by a huge sound of forging.

There is so much movement!
Li Jun and Han Jiang also looked over quickly, and Han Jiang was even more surprised: "What a big forging equipment, what a spectacular forging scene!"

The scene is indeed very spectacular!
Shock everyone's eyes!
It was the largest forging equipment in the forging workshop, it was as high as two floors, and an incomparably huge forging was being forged.

"Come on, let's take a closer look."

At such a scene, Yang Fan also became interested, waved his hand and said, he was the first to go there, and the others, including Gu Zhengxin, all followed.

Everyone stood in a suitable position, kept a proper distance, and looked at the forging scene in front of them. On the workbench, a cylindrical forging piece with a length of more than two meters was being forged one by one.

Gu Zhengxin said: "This is the forging of the main shaft of the diesel engine. It is still early. It needs to be forged to a length of [-] meters."

The main shaft is an important part of the diesel engine.

Generally, casting blanks are not used, and bars are not directly processed, but forged first, which can make the structure of the material more compact and improve the strength of the material.

Yang Fan looked at the forged main shaft and said slowly, "It should weigh more than three tons. Such a large forging is really uncommon."

With a weight of more than three tons, it was forged into a three-meter-six cylinder.

Looking at such a forging scene, everyone felt that it was more enjoyable than American blockbusters. This stop lasted for 10 minutes in two or three.

This kind of forging takes several days and several forgings. After forging for a certain period of time, the temperature drops to a certain level, and the forgings have to be returned to the furnace to be heated, and then forged again, and so on, until they are processed into qualified forgings.

Gu Zhengxin reminded: "There are also a lot of blanks being cast in the blank casting workshop. Let's go and see how it is."

In addition to forging blanks, there are also casting blanks.

Parts such as the main shaft of a diesel engine, which have extremely high requirements for strength, are generally forged. After processing, a series of subsequent machining is performed.

For diesel engine casings, machine covers, etc., casting blanks are used, and then a series of mechanical processing is performed.

"Come on, let's take a look at the casting workshop." Yang Fan agreed.

The foundry is next door.

As soon as I walked into this workshop, I also felt the heat wave. Some workers were pouring parts, and some workers were making sand molds.

Compared with the deafening sound of the forging workshop, it is much "quieter" here, but you can still feel the heat in full swing, and many workers are busy.

Gu Zhengxin introduced: "Master Yang, many parts of the first diesel engine of the 054 ship have also begun to be cast here."

While taking Yang Fan and the other three to visit, he introduced the situation here.

Yang Fan watched the casting situation here while listening to Gu Zhengxin's introduction.Suddenly, Yang Fan stopped and looked at the scene in the distance.

A furnace of molten steel was released, and the crane hoisted the molten steel ladle to the top of a certain large sand box, and the hot molten steel was poured into the sand box.

Gu Zhengxin said: "That is the casting of the upper casing of the diesel engine. I hope it will be successful once."

Yang Fan, Li Jun, and Han Jiang stayed in Hongqi Factory for three days and two nights. Not only did they watch the processing and manufacturing of various blanks, they also sat in the meeting room with the people of Hongqi Factory and listened to their reports.

As a design unit, Yang Fan also put forward some requirements of his own.

National Day.

The whole world celebrated, and the East China Sea Institute also took a rare three-day vacation. From October 054st to [-]rd, all staff rested. On the [-]th, processing began, and the design of the [-] ship was grasped.

It is rare for Yang Fan to be free during the three-day holiday.

Early in the morning, he and Jiang Yan packed up at home, boxed and packed some things.

Jiang Yan said with satisfaction: "Brother Fan, it's a good thing you brought these big cardboard boxes over here, it's a great help, and it's perfect to use them for packing things."

Yang Fan smiled, took the tape, and sealed a large cardboard box full of things.

The couple was busy when there was movement outside the door. Soon, Han Jiang, Shi Wei, Li Jun and others walked in. Good guy, seven or eight people came at once.

It's all "strong labor"!
Yang Fan didn't bother to be polite, and directed directly: "You guys came just in time, help me pack things into cardboard boxes, and then move them downstairs."

Today, Yang Fan moved to a new house.

Hearing about this matter, Han Jiang and others took the initiative to help.

There are a lot of people and strength, and everyone works together. The things that need to be moved are packed into cardboard boxes, and then sealed with tape.

Everyone found that none of the furniture in the room was moved, and the most removed were all kinds of technical books, hundreds of them, packed in several large cardboard boxes.

Each cardboard box containing the books is so heavy that it takes two people to carry it downstairs.

There are two updates today, and the second one will be delivered. Good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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