Military Heavy

Chapter 344 Moving to a New Home

Chapter 344 Moving to a New Home

"Brother Fan, you have so many books!"

Even though he knew Yang Fan better, Han Jiang couldn't help asking after seeing hundreds of books filled with several large cardboard boxes.

"Mr. Yang's office also has a lot of books?"

"It seems that we really need to learn from Mr. Yang, read more books and keep reading."


Others said this one after another. In everyone's impression, Yang Fan's technical level in the field of ships is so high, and he also understands many other technical knowledge. It is probably inseparable from his insistence on reading books in peacetime.

There are so many technical books at home, but there are two large bookshelves full in the office, at least thousands of books, more than here.

Yang Fan said: "I'm used to it. If I don't take a book and look through it every day, I feel like something is missing."

Everyone smiled enviously.

Of course, they also want to keep reading every day, but unfortunately, it is difficult to stick to it. They come on a whim, and after three or five days of enthusiasm, they lose interest.

There are not many things to be moved, the most are these hundreds of books, and then some clothes, daily necessities and so on. As for home appliances and furniture, I don't plan to move any of them.

This is strange.

That's not how people move.

No, someone asked, "Master Yang, don't you need to move other things? If you also want to move into a new home, we happen to have a lot of people, and we will help you get everything done today."

The eight men are all "strong laborers", and their combat effectiveness is very strong. They can definitely be done properly in a day's work.

Yang Fan smiled, "I won't move these things, I'll put them here for the time being, and I can come here to rest when I go to work."

If you get off work at noon, if you are too lazy to go back, you can take a nap here.You can even sleep here if you work too late at night.

Except for Han Jiang who had been to the big villa once, none of the others had been there. They just vaguely heard that Chief Master Yang had built a new house by himself, so the information he knew was limited.

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, so many things had not been moved, Han Jiang said loudly: "You don't know, Mr. Yang's new home is beautiful, and all new furniture has been added."


Could it be more beautiful than here!
In everyone's opinion, Yang Fan's residence is already beautiful enough, even more beautiful than here, and everyone can't imagine what it will be like.

The curiosity in my heart rose sharply.

After a while, I have to take a good look, visit Master Yang's new home, and see what it looks like.Many people think so in their hearts.

The last big cardboard box was sealed with tape. Yang Fan looked in each room and found that the things that should be moved were almost the same. He said loudly: "Okay, let's go down, the car should be here soon."

Everyone went downstairs one after another. Yang Fan and Jiang Yan looked at the house where they had lived for several years, and suddenly felt a little bit reluctant.

Jiang Yan was so sad that his eyes were a little moist.

Feeling this kind of sadness, Yang Fan gently took Jiang Yan's little hand, and comforted softly: "Honey, this is a happy event, we should be happy, we have a better and more comfortable place to live, and we can live with each other." Mom and Dad are together."


Jiang Yan nodded lightly, took out a tissue and wiped his eyes lightly, then smiled and became happy, "Brother Fan, I know, it's just that I feel a little reluctant all of a sudden."

Yang Fan said: "If we think of this place, we can come and live occasionally in the future."

The house will always be here, with a lot of furniture and home appliances, and a small amount of daily necessities, and even some quilts and the like. It is no problem to live here once in a while.


Jiang Yan nodded again, and said, "Brother Fan, let's go downstairs too."

The two looked again at the house where they had lived for several years, and gently closed the door, Yang Fan locked it himself, and then they went downstairs together.

Downstairs, there are more than a dozen large cardboard boxes on the open space in front of the house, each of which is sealed with tape, and more than half of the boxes are filled with Yang Fan's books.

Raising his hand to look at the time, Yang Fan said: "The car should arrive soon, and I have to work hard for everyone to help me move my things to my new home. I will treat guests privately at noon today and go to Furong Building to have a good meal. "

Furonglou is a newly opened high-end restaurant not far away. Everyone has heard of it, but they have never been there because the consumption is too expensive.

"Master Yang, it looks like we've had oral intake at noon."

"I've heard of the Furong Tower a long time ago, and today I'll be honored by Chief Master Yang at noon."


Hearing that they went to Furonglou for lunch, everyone was happy, even Han Jiang said: "Brother Fan, in addition to ordering a few good dishes, we also need a bottle of good wine."

Yang Fan said: "No problem!"

A few minutes later, a double-cab truck with the prominent logo of Hongtai Supermarket on the vehicle came, and it was sent by Yang Fang herself.

The driver jumped out of the car, "Mr. Yang, have you moved everything down?"

Yang Fan nodded, waved his hand and said, "Everyone, please move the things to the car for me, and then go to visit my new home together."

Since everyone has come to help, and they are all the people who have the best relationship with Yang Fan, in addition to treating everyone to a big meal at noon, they are also planning to take a tour of their new home.

There are not many things, just a dozen large cardboard boxes.

Everyone worked together, including the driver, and soon all the things were loaded onto the car, and more than a dozen large cardboard boxes were stacked neatly on the car.

"Han Jiang, take the truck and lead the driver. There are three people in my car, so come three people," Yang Fan said.

The truck has double seats and can accommodate five people. Yang Fan also drives himself, Jiang Yan sits in the co-pilot's seat, the other three sit in the back, and Yang Fan drives in front to lead the way.

Han Jiang was asked to sit on the truck to lead the way, mainly because he was worried that the truck driver would get lost halfway. If he could follow Yang Fan all the way in this off-road vehicle, it would be fine.

Two cars left one after the other.

It took about two or three ten minutes to arrive at the big villa. Yang Fan took out the remote control and pressed lightly, and the door slowly opened.

At this moment, everyone including Han Jiang was stunned!

The collective fell into a state of sluggishness!
It wasn't until the car drove in and stopped in front of the villa on the west side that they realized one after another, shouting wildly in their hearts, this is the new house built by Master Yang himself.

This is clearly a luxurious villa!
It is still surrounded by thick trees, lawns, and front and rear gardens.

So luxurious!

Han Jiang came here once before. At that time, the villa was still under construction, so there was no such effect. Seeing it now, he was also deeply shocked.

He said enviously: "Brother Fan, this place is so beautiful!"

Shi Wei said with emotion: "It's more than beautiful. Living here is simply a super enjoyment."

Simply a winner in life!

Living in such a beautiful and luxurious villa, some people couldn't help but glance at Jiang Yan, thinking in their hearts, there is such a beautiful wife.

After reacting, Han Jiang couldn't help but said: "Brother Fan, show us your big villa first, and then move things for you, how about it."

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "Let's go, then everyone go in and take a look, sit down and drink some tea."

Under the leadership of Yang Fan, it was the first time for everyone in the group to enter the big villa. First of all, there was a spacious and bright living room, which was very beautifully decorated.

"Wow, such a big living room!"

"Look, the carpet on the floor is very comfortable to the touch."

“It was beautifully decorated!”


In 1993, there was such a decoration effect and such a luxurious villa, which was enough to deeply shock everyone. The visual impact made everyone's hearts unable to calm down, and they were always agitated.

"Everyone sits and visits as they please."

Yang Fan was very generous. While saying this, he took out drinks for everyone to drink, and Jiang Yan made hot tea for everyone.

Shi Wei said: "Master Yang, really just visit casually."

Yang Fan said generously: "No problem, there is nothing you can't see. The villa has three floors, and every room is unlocked. You can look at it as you like."

Having said that, how can I still be in the mood to sit here and drink tea? People in twos and threes got up and started to visit everywhere. Some went to the second floor or even the third floor.

After watching for a full 10 minutes or [-] minutes, people returned to the living room on the first floor one after another, with envious faces, thumbs up, and continuous praise.

"Master Yang, if I can live in such a big villa one day, then I will have no regrets in this life."

"This ideal is too difficult to realize. I guess I can only come here occasionally to experience the life of Master Yang."


Everyone said so, or drink tea, or drink.

Because they moved today, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan specially prepared fruits, snacks and snacks, and the table in the living room was almost full.

After eating something, drinking tea and drinks, Shi Wei was the first to stand up and reminded loudly: "Everyone, we haven't done our business yet."

"Yes, yes." Everyone said one after another, "The things are still in the car and need to be moved in."

Everyone worked together again, moved all the things in the car in, and started together again, opened the big cardboard boxes one by one, and helped to take out all the things inside.

Yang Fan waved and said, "Everyone help me move all the books to the study."

The study is on the third floor, with a large area of ​​more than 100 square meters. There are several large bookshelves, enough to hold two to three thousand books, and a large desk, which is very conspicuous.

This is a desk specially selected by Yang Fan, made by hand, using huanghuali, which is very unusual.

There is also a large balcony outside the study, where you can sit in the sun and read a book when the weather is fine.

Some people came in to visit this big study just now, and some people didn't. Once they came in, they were amazed immediately.

Seeing this big study in front of me, I couldn't help but be amazed!
Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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