Military Heavy

Chapter 345

Chapter 345
"Wow, so big!"

"Wow, what a beautiful big desk."

"Wow, what a luxurious study!"

As soon as he entered, there were several exclamations in succession. This kind of study, with its appearance, is really enough to make everyone gasp in admiration.

After seeing everyone's reaction, Yang Fan smiled and said loudly: "Don't 'wow', help me put all the books on the bookshelf."

Everyone laughed in good faith.

Together, we took the books out of the big cardboard boxes, sorted and placed them, and put them all on the bookshelves in the study room. It took three to four 10 minutes just to arrange these books.

Then, they helped together, took out the other things in the carton, and arranged them according to Yang Fan or Jiang Yan's instructions.

Soon it was noon.

Yang Fan enthusiastically said: "It's ok, everyone has worked hard today, let's go, let's go to Furong Building and have a good time."

Today is moving into a new home, a big day!

Appropriate hilarity is a must.

Yang Fan didn't think about making a fuss, and even the news of the move was limited to a few close colleagues. Keep a low profile, that's the principle.

If you wantonly make arrangements and make the most of the limelight, it would be bad if something else happens. Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, Yang Fan still understands this truth.

"Oh, let's go eat!"

Everyone cheered for a while, thinking about going to Furonglou for dinner, everyone was happier than the other, and they were considered to be honored by Master Yang.

A group of people left the big villa, Yang Fan said loudly: "How many people can sit in my car, how many people come up first."

Immediately, four people got into Yang Fan's large off-road vehicle, and Han Jiang sat in the co-pilot's seat with sharp eyesight and quick hands. Looking at the other people who didn't get in the car, he said with a smile: "Let's go first, Brother Fan, you wait Come pick them up again."

There are seven or eight people in total, and there is no room for one car. Everyone's guess is basically the same as Han Jiang's. They should send a few people there first, and then come to pick them up.

Soon, they were surprised.

I saw Jiang Yan coming in a brand new Poussin, and honked the horn twice, meaning to invite the others to get in the car and go to Furong Building together.

Does Mr. Yang's family have two cars?

This is really beyond everyone's surprise!
One car is already very enviable, but there are actually two cars!
Seeing many people in a daze, Yang Fan explained: "That's my father-in-law's car, and we happened to use his car when we went to Furonglou for dinner."

It turned out to be Mr. Yang's father-in-law.

Many people suddenly realized that several other people got into the Poussin, and the two cars, one in front and one in the back, left the big villa and headed for Furong Building.

Sitting in the car, Han Jiang thought in his heart, no, why would Brother Fan’s father-in-law have a brand new Poussin? As far as I know, he is just an ordinary retired worker, how could he have the money to buy a small car.

Is it.
Guessing that this car might have been bought by Yang Fan for his father-in-law, Han Jiang felt a turmoil in his heart and couldn't calm down until he entered the Furong Tower.

This is a big box.

After being greeted by Yang Fan, everyone sat down one after another. Yang Fan took the menu and ordered more than a dozen dishes at one go, almost regardless of the price of the dishes.

Everyone was a little shocked by this arrogance.

Han Jiang even wanted to say, Brother Fan, you look so handsome when ordering food!
With money in your pocket and no panic in your heart, ordering a table means no pressure, unlike ordinary working-class people who are timid and overthinking.

The dishes are very rich, and a large table is full.

The rare thing is that Yang Fan also asked for a bottle of Moutai, and said loudly: "Anyone who wants to drink, bring a glass."


Seeing such a bottle of wine, several people didn't drink much at first, so they couldn't help but took the cups over and said with a smile: "Master Yang, I'll pour a little, just have a taste."

Yang Fan opened the wine bottle, and those who liked to drink filled their glasses to the brim, about two taels, and those who didn't drink but brought glasses over, poured half a taels, and tasted it too.

After pouring for everyone, Yang Fan finally poured the wine for himself, and poured the remaining wine in the bottle into his own cup, about one or two more.

Shi Wei said: "Master Yang, this bottle of wine is finished."

Yang Fan said: "Moutai is enough, you can drink as much as you want!"


Moutai is actually enough!

The atmosphere suddenly became lively, especially those who liked to have a couple of sips, they all picked up their wine glasses at the same time, almost got up and said, "Come on, let's toast, and congratulate Chief Master Yang on his housewarming."

"Yes, cheers!"

Everyone's cups were lightly touched together, drinking, eating, and chatting happily.

On the day of National Day, Yang Fan moved into his new home. He seemed very low-key. There was no banquet, but he just invited a few colleagues who came to help to have a meal.

Jiang Dahai moved into his new home half a month ago.

He is different.

On the day of the move, he invited relatives and friends and set up [-] to [-] tables.

Both of them lived in the big villa, and their lives were much more convenient. The two big villas were independent of each other, and they were almost side by side, with only a distance of more than ten meters apart.

Sometimes, too lazy to cook, Yang Fan and his wife often go to Jiang Dahai's house for dinner. As for Yang Hao, they almost stay at his grandmother's house.

The days are happy and full of warmth.

The big villa is very comfortable to live in, Yang Fan said in his heart more than once, this is life, this is life!
After moving into the new home, the most important private matter this year has been completed, and Yang Fan will focus on the design and development of the 054 ship.

The days passed day by day, after a busy year of 1993, time entered 1994, and the design of the 054 ship was progressing rapidly.

Not long after the Lunar New Year, there was still a bit of chill in the air. Luo Jianguo ignored the cold and went to Donghai Institute.

Why did he come to Donghai Institute?
Yesterday, the East China Sea Institute officially ended the Spring Festival holiday, and all employees officially went to work. Luo Jianguo received a New Year call from Yang Fan. After greeting each other on the phone, they also chatted about the design work of the 054 ship.

During the usual calls, Luo Jianguo usually asked with concern if there were any problems with the design, and if there was anything he needed to come forward to solve.

It was the same this time. After asking if there was any problem that needed his help to solve, he casually asked how the design work was done so far.

Yang Fan told him that half of the design task had been completed.

What, it's over half!
Luo Jianguo was both pleasantly surprised and a little bit unbelievable.

In order to have a reassurance, he went to Donghai Institute today and sat in Yang Fan's office. The two were chatting about the design of the 054 ship.

Luo Jianguo asked again: "Master Yang, is it really halfway through the mission?"

Yang Fan said: "We made statistics on the first day of work during the Spring Festival, and the design tasks have indeed exceeded half. So far, we have completed the filing of more than 800 design drawings."

More than 800 copies have been completed!
Luo Jianguo felt an uncontrollable surprise in his heart.

He knows that there will be more than 054 drawings for the 4000 ship, with a total of more than 2 pages.More than [-] design drawings have been completed, and the design task is indeed over half.

"Master Yang, in this way, the overall design of the 054 ship may be completed this year, isn't it?"

The surprise is too big!
The tone is not calm.

Yang Fan said seriously: "Yes, we should be able to complete the overall design before December 12 this year, and we will move towards this goal."

Grasp is still great.

The task has already passed halfway, and the overall design will be completed this year. As long as there are no major accidents, there should be no major problems.

Luo Jianguo said a little excitedly: "In other words, the design of our 054 ship only takes two years, which is half a year earlier than the two and a half years originally estimated."

The original plan was to complete the design of the 054 ship in three years, then it was adjusted to two and a half years, and now, it can be advanced half a year.

It only takes two years!

Luo Jianguo was not at all calm in his heart, and even thought in his heart that, in this way, the construction of the 054 ship can start next year.

This is a new generation of guided missile destroyer, with excellent performance, high technical and tactical indicators, long range and powerful firepower
Thinking of the strength and advancement of the 054 ship, Luo Jianguo quickly and quietly took a few deep breaths, because his heart was too agitated.

Yang Fan's reaction was much calmer.

The overall design will be completed in about two years, which is within his expectation.

In the future, the design of the 054 ship only took two years. At that time, there was no ready-made mother ship to refer to. It can be said that everything started from scratch. In that case, it only took two years.

Although the current technical level is not as good, but it is almost copying off-the-shelf operations, and it has avoided a lot of detours. The overall design of the 054 ship has been completed in two years. In Yang Fan's opinion, it can only be regarded as a qualified level, not outstanding.

Luo Jianguo doesn't think so.

The East China Sea Institute completed the overall design of the 054 ship in two years. He thought it was a very good answer sheet. Yesterday, he still couldn't believe it during the phone call.

After learning about the design progress of the 054 ship in detail, Luo Jianguo happily went to several design offices to visit and comfort the designers.

He also walked into the archives room, personally saw some of the design drawings of the 054 ship that had been archived, and asked the archivist some specific information.

After staying in Donghai Institute for most of the day, in the afternoon, he returned to the capital by plane, and declined Yang Fan's request to stay, he needed to go back.

After returning, the first thing is to report to his leaders and tell everyone this exciting news.

Donghai Shipyard.

The shipbuilding dock was bustling, and another 052 ship was built and launched. Amidst the sound of sirens and cheers, it slowly left the dock.

The chief builder, Chen Shaohua, stood by the pier and watched the 052 ship leave slowly. Regardless of the coldness of early spring, his heart was burning. .

Another 052 ship was built and launched.

After watching the 052 ship leave, he looked at another shipbuilding slipway next to him, and looked at the 052 ship under construction, which was another 052 ship.

It is also a Type 052B guided missile destroyer.

Since the design of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer was finalized, Donghai Shipyard has been working at full capacity, and the construction of two berths has been started at the same time.

"Comrade Yang Fan should be busy with the design of the 054 ship. In fact, he should come and have a look at the construction of the 052 ship."

Chen Shaohua thought so in his heart, and suddenly remembered that Yang Fan was very busy, and he was also very busy, and he hadn't seen each other for at least two or three months.

Well, this 052 ship has been launched, and I am a little more relaxed. Today, I am going to visit Comrade Yang Fan.
Suddenly, Chen Shaohua was stunned, thinking that he had misread it. In the distance, there was an off-road vehicle driving towards this side quickly.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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