Military Heavy

Chapter 346 A Perfect End

Chapter 346 A Perfect End

That car is so familiar!

As the distance got closer, Chen Shaohua recognized that it was Yang Fan's car, and it was driving towards this side quickly.

As soon as the car stopped, Yang Fan quickly got out of the car, and said loudly: "Old Chen, has the third 052B been launched?"

This is the third ship of the 052B ship!
Yang Fan is quite clear about the general construction progress. It is estimated that it will be launched in the next two days. It just so happens that I have a little time today, so I drove over to have a look.

Chen Shaohua said: "I have already left the pier and started the sailing test, brother, you are late."

Yang Fan smiled, not at all frustrated, but said happily: "It's really gratifying, the third ship of 052B has been launched, and the sailing test has begun."

Chen Shaohua said: "The fourth ship is almost finished. You see, the outfitting of the weapon system is already underway. In a few months, it will also be launched."

On the construction berth not far away, a 052 ship is being fitted out, and many weapon systems have been installed, especially the main gun on the bow deck.

This is a Type 052B guided missile destroyer, which is actually closer to the future 052C.

Yang Fan said enthusiastically: "Old Chen, let's go, take me to see the 052B under construction, how about it."

Chen Shaohua said: "No problem, this way."

The two talked and laughed, walked towards the 052B under construction, walked up to it, looked at it, and chatted about its construction.

Chen Shaohua said: "Compared with the previous 052 ship, the current 052B has made great progress, such as vertical missile launch system, phased array control radar, 730 close-in gun system and so on."

Yang Fan said with satisfaction: "The biggest progress is that its localization has been greatly improved, especially the power system uses our domestic gas turbine."

Speaking of gas turbines, Chen Shaohua has the most to say.

"Brother, you are amazing. Without your efforts, the current UGT-25000 gas turbine would not exist."

"Where, where, it's everyone's credit." Yang Fan was very modest.

UGT-25000 gas turbines have been domestically produced and assembled in Xichuan Aero Engine Group. The first ten units will be all original Ukrainian parts and assembled in Xichuan.

The performance and quality of each one are good, and the gas turbine equipped on the 052B is this type of gas turbine.

"Oh, by the way, two more UGT-25000 gas turbines arrived at our factory two days ago, do you want to take a look?"

And such a coincidence!

Yang Fan showed great interest, "Great, since this type of gas turbine was manufactured by Xihang Group, I rarely go to see them."

After the first UGT-25000 gas engine was assembled by Xihang, Yang Fan participated in the inspection and acceptance at that time, and then, he rarely had time to look at the subsequent assembled gas turbine.

Chen Shaohua led the way, and not long after, the two entered the large warehouse of Donghai Shipyard and saw the two gas turbines placed side by side.

They are really big, bigger than the American LM-2500 gas turbines.

Some technical and quality personnel are conducting acceptance inspections and inspections, and Yang Fan, like an inspector, carefully looked around the two gas turbines several times.

"Well, good, good."

Experts look at the doorway, and laymen watch the fun. Yang Fan is undoubtedly an expert, and he can see the doorway clearly. From his professional point of view, these two gas turbines are good.

Northern Ship Design Institute.

Shen Changhai and Wan Xiang looked silent.

long silence.

They just heard the news that the East China Sea Institute will complete the overall design of the 12 ship before December 31 this year. This news greatly shocked them.

At the beginning, they competed with Yang Fan and wanted to get the design and development task of the 054 ship, but they failed. The military handed over the task to the Donghai Institute, and Yang Fan led the design of the 054 ship.

For a long time, for a long time.
Wan Xiang finally spoke, with a look of disbelief, "How long has it been? In a little more than a year, they have completed more than half of the task, and will complete the overall design task this year."


Shen Changhai also had to say: "Two years is indeed far beyond my expectation. I originally thought they should take three years."

Wan Xiang said: "Old Shen, is this fake news? Someone from Donghai Office deliberately released such news."

"will not."

Shen Changhai said: "The news will not be false, I have already verified it."

Wan Xiang was silent. The news is true. The comprehensive design of the 054 ship will be completed within two years. It will have a big impact on him, no, it should be said that it is a big blow.

After a while of silence, Wan Xiang said: "I really can't figure it out, how did they do it, two years, just two years."

Shen Changhai sighed.

Slowly said: "At this time, I really admire Yang Fan a little bit. If it were me, I would definitely not be able to do this."

He knew that even if the military entrusted him with the design task, he would not be able to complete such a difficult design task in less than four years.

He knew very well how difficult the task was.

At the beginning of the design of the 054 ship, there was no mother ship for reference. The military's requirement was to design a world-class guided missile frigate.

The requirements for the 054 ship are so high that Yang Fan and the others can complete the design task in two years.

Shen Changhai said: "To be honest, I am convinced now, and I admire Yang Fan a little bit. He almost created a miracle."

Old Shen, you are convinced!
Wan Xiang was startled secretly, and after a long time, he also had to sigh, and said slowly: "I'm convinced too, and I'm convinced."

have to obey.

It took them two years to complete the overall design, can you do it?

No way, the only thing left is to be convinced.

After a while, Wan Xiang said: "Old Shen, complete the overall design within two years, how about the 054 ship designed and developed by Yang Fan?"

Shen Changhai said: "I have been paying attention to the design of the 054 ship. At first, I always thought that they were targeting the French Lafayette class, but according to my recent knowledge, the 054 ship should have surpassed the Lafayette class, especially in terms of stealth performance. , Combat system, power these three aspects.”

Beyond the Lafayette Grand!
Wan Xiang really couldn't believe it, but seeing what Shen Changhai said was so formal, not like joking, he gradually believed it.

Served again!
Whether it's Shen Changhai or Wanxiang.

Both of them knew that with their level, even if they led the entire technical team, they would not be able to design a guided missile frigate that surpassed the Lafayette class.


Convinced orally!

Donghai Institute.

More and more technicians know that the overall design may be completed before December this year, and all of them are full of energy and passion.

In spare time, some designers will talk about this matter.

"It's so exciting to be able to complete the full design this year!"

"It took us more than four years to design the 052 ship."


Some technicians are talking about this matter, and some design team leaders, chief and deputy office directors will also mention this matter, and they all have a feeling that this is like a dream.

But the fact is such, cannot help everybody does not believe.

Some careful people also found that under the leadership of Mr. Yang, the entire design process seemed to be very smooth, basically there were no detours, and no technical problems that could not be solved have been encountered.

Occasionally encounter some technical problems that everyone can't solve, Mr. Yang can often solve them perfectly, and there is no time wasted in the design.

The design went smoothly, and basically no major technical problems were encountered. Generally speaking, things designed in this way can only be mediocre.

Because, to form something outstanding, it is often full of hardships, which is a rule, but the design of the 054 ship obviously broke this rule.

The 054 ship is very good, absolutely world-class.Especially in terms of stealth performance, combat system and power.

in the office.

Leader Liang Zhiquan and Pan Jinfu, the chief designer of the 052 ship, were chatting about some work matters.Director Liang will retire soon. He will retire in March next year. It is likely that Master Pan will take over as the leader.

After chatting about work, of course, we also talked about the Type 054 guided missile frigate under design.

Liang Zhiquan said: "Our 054 ship has completed the comprehensive design work this year. Thinking about it, it is really gratifying. It will complete the comprehensive design before I retire."

There was a lightness in his tone.

He is relieved of everything, and his career will come to a successful conclusion. In addition to feeling gratified, he also has a trace of gratitude in his heart.

Thanks to Yang Fan for drawing this successful end to his career. If the East China Sea Institute completed the design of the 054 ship after he retired, he would feel extremely regretful, as if something was missing.

Pan Jinfu said: "Old Liang, it seems that we did not choose the wrong person, and we did not misunderstand the person. Comrade Yang Fan has never let me down."

"Yes, our original decision was extremely correct." Liang Zhiquan said affirmatively, "The complete design of the 054 ship within two years is the best proof."

Pan Jinfu reminded: "It not only completed the overall design within two years, but also has outstanding performance. How to improve and improve the 052 ship in the future, I will always refer to the 054 ship. Many of its designs have given me great inspiration."

After speaking, both of them laughed happily.

Yang Fan did not disappoint them.

At the beginning, they were under a lot of pressure and resisted all opinions. Yang Fan, who was only 30 years old, was the chief designer of the 054 ship. At the beginning, they felt the invisible pressure all the time.

Worried that Yang Fan would not be able to complete the design task, worried that something would happen to Yang Fan who is young and vigorous, and worried that Yang Fan's technical level would be difficult to do.

But the facts proved that all these worries were unnecessary. As Yang Fan successfully obtained the design task and led the designers to carry out the design, they gradually felt relieved.

Now, there is no worry in my heart, only relief.

I am very happy for the original decision, especially Liang Zhiquan, seeing that the design of the 054 ship in the East China Sea before retiring, he feels that he has no regrets.

The next design of the 054 ship was as smooth as ever. From spring to summer and then to autumn, when entering the winter of 1994, the entire design work entered the comprehensive finishing stage.

Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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