Military Heavy

Chapter 347 Completing the Comprehensive Design

Chapter 347 Completing the Comprehensive Design
In Donghai City in December, the air was a bit chilly, and people put on thick winter clothes, and some even put on gloves, scarves, hats, etc., to "fully arm" themselves.

At this moment, the East China Sea is hot.

The design of the 054 ship has entered the final finishing stage, and the dawn of victory can be seen immediately. Two years of hard work and hard work will soon pay off.

Combat system design room.

Other design studios may still be busy, rushing to complete the last few design drawings, but here it is relaxed. The designers who have been drawing in front of the computer are chatting, drinking tea, and joking in twos and threes.

It's so easy!

The last few design drawings of the 054 combat system have been printed out and are being proofread and reviewed by several design team leaders or senior designers.

Lao Wei is a senior designer and senior engineer in his forties. His job is to review the design drawings of the combat system or guide young designers in their design work.

He is now reviewing a design drawing, which is also one of the last few design drawings of the 054 combat system.

The drawing consisted of two pages. He read it carefully and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. He was about to pick up a pen and sign the drawing.

Shi Wei, the director of the design office, walked in and asked, "Wei Gong, how are the drawings?"

He went to another big office just now, looked at the other two design drawings under review, and watched them sign in person.

The blueprint in Lao Wei's hand should be regarded as the final design blueprint of the 054 ship's combat system. He was very concerned and wanted to take a look in person.

Old Wei said: "Director Shi, I have reviewed it carefully, there should be no problem, and I am about to sign it."

"Oh." Shi Wei's face lightened, revealing a hint of joy, "Show me the blueprint."

Picking up the two design drawings, Shi Wei looked at them seriously.

As the director of the design office, he does not need to review the general design drawings in person, as the design team leaders and senior designers will check them.

This drawing is different, it is the last drawing of the entire combat system of the 054 ship.

The signing of this drawing means that the design of the entire combat system has been fully completed, which is of unusual significance.

After carefully reading the design drawings, Shi Wei said happily: "There is no problem, Weigong, I think you can sign it."

Lao Wei nodded, picked up a pen, signed his name in the review column of the design drawing, and wrote December 1994, 12.

This is an unusual day. On this day, the combat system of the 054 ship was fully completed.

Shi Wei said happily: "Among the various design offices, we are the first to complete the design. I will report to Master Yang and tell him the good news."

After speaking, he walked out quickly.

The news quickly spread throughout the combat system design room, and in an instant, the entire design room was boiling!

The design of the combat system of the 054 ship is fully completed!
This is so inspiring!

"At this moment, I feel the most relaxed."

"It's the same for me. Two years of hard work have finally paid off. I want to celebrate tonight."

"Old Zhang, Xiao Liu, the old place, let's have a drink, how about?"

"No problem, we'll go as soon as we get off work."

In the large office, none of the [-] or [-] designers is idle, and no one can be idle.

Very happy!
Every designer has participated in the design of the 054 ship's combat system. If you pay, you will be rewarded. Everyone has a sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

Every office in the combat system design room is bustling. At this time, no one will maintain the so-called discipline.

Even every design team leader, every design supervisor, and every senior designer is not calm. This moment belongs to the entire combat system design room!
Shi Wei walked into Yang Fan's office in a hurry, and reported loudly with great joy, his voice was very loud.

"Report to Comrade Chief Designer, the design of the Type 054 guided missile frigate's combat system has been fully completed, and just now, the last design drawing has been signed!"

This is good news!
After listening to the report, Yang Fan also had a look of joy on his face, and he took the initiative to extend his hand and said: "Director Shi, congratulations, you have become the first design office in the institute to complete the design task."

Shi Wei shook hands with Yang Fan tightly, and said a little excitedly: "Master Yang, it was mainly completed under your leadership. Without your guidance, we would not have completed the design so smoothly."

This is true.

At the beginning of the design, Yang Fan built the design framework and personally drew the general design diagram and general schematic diagram of the combat system.

With these things, coupled with Yang Fan's usual guidance, he participated in technical exchange meetings and seminars in the combat system design room almost every week. The design of the combat system was very smooth and fast.

The overall design has been completed so smoothly and quickly, how about the design quality of the combat system?

The design level is very high. Undoubtedly, the combat system of the 054 ship is one of the highlights of the design.

It is quite different from the combat system of the 052 ship, and has been comprehensively improved and enhanced on the basis of the 052 ship's combat system.

Not only Shi Wei, but the entire combat system design room, including Yang Fan, are very satisfied with the design of the 054 ship's combat system.

It's advanced and well-designed, with a host of design highlights.

At the beginning, when thinking about the technical route of the combat system, Yang Fan and the entire technical team focused on openness.

That is to consider the existing mature domestic weapons and equipment first, and reserve space for future upgrades.

At that time, when considering the serialization development process, for the later upgrade and transformation, the vertical structure distributed architecture was adopted, which is a very new network technology now.

Therefore, the combat system design of the 054 ship is very advanced and excellent, and it is definitely a highlight in the design of the 054 ship.

It was the first to complete the design and won the first place. Yang Fan was very happy.

Congratulations again: "Director Shi, congratulations, comrades have worked hard, I approve, you go to choose a good one tonight, and take everyone to have a good meal."

After two years of hard work, many designers worked overtime and rarely had a break. Now that the design task is completed, it is time to relax.

In fact, Shi Wei also meant this, and he was still thinking in his heart, taking advantage of Chief Master Yang's happiness, whether the Combat System Design Office collectively asked for leave tonight to relax.

A burst of surprise!
Master Yang actually said so on his own initiative, Shi Wei was happy.

"Mr. Yang, thank you very much. After the place is fixed, I will come to invite you."

Obviously, he also wanted to ask Yang Fan to have fun with them tonight.

Yang Fan said: "I won't go, you guys have fun eating, the design of the 054 ship has not been fully completed, I am not suitable to go out to eat with you."

Now is the final finishing stage of the design. It is estimated that in the next few days, the design offices will complete the overall design one after another. In such a critical sprint stage, even at night, the entire Donghai Institute is estimated to be brightly lit.

At such a time, Yang Fan will definitely stick to Donghai Institute, and may go to various design offices to take a look and encourage everyone to complete the final design as soon as possible.

Shi Wei expressed his understanding.

He happily returned to the combat system design room and announced to everyone that the design of the 054 ship's combat system has been fully completed. Tonight, everyone will have a group dinner and have a good time.

Immediately, the entire combat system design room cheered.

General design room.

Most of the designers are relaxed, the design drawings in their hands are fully completed, and a small number of designers are busy in front of the computer, concentrating on drawing design drawings.

That is the last part of the design drawings of the overall design of the 054 ship, and the number is not much, and there are not many in the overall design room.

One of the designers suddenly smiled easily, stretched, and then printed the design drawings.

In the office meeting, the large printer started to work and printed out the drawn drawings.

"My blueprints are finally finished."

Walking to the printer, the designer took a look at the design drawings that had just been printed out, thinking so in his heart.

"Zhou Gong, your drawing has been printed out!"

There is a question from the designer who cares about it.

"Yes, it's been printed out, and I'll send it for proofreading right away."

After finishing speaking, he took a look at the design drawing and checked it again. There was indeed no problem. Then, he sent the drawing to the supervisor in charge of proofreading.

in the office.

When Kuang Wei, director of the design office, received the latest news, his expression changed immediately, and he was even a little disappointed for a while.

The Combat System Design Office was the first to complete the overall design!

Kuang Wei has always had the idea of ​​taking the first place. Under his leadership, the general design office also worked hard and worked overtime to carry out the design work.

After being slightly disappointed, he immediately thought about it and said in his heart, we can't take the first place, so it would be nice to take the second place.

Well, the second can't run away!
He immediately went to the big office below, announcing to everyone that the combat system design room had completed the design task first, and everyone should work harder to complete the design as soon as possible and get the second one.

The combat system design office took the lead in completing the design of the 054 ship's combat system, and the news not only reached Kuang Wei, but also all design offices.

Hearing this news, everyone's first reaction was a little surprise, and then they started to make the final sprint, wanting to complete the design earlier.


The temperature has dropped to two or three degrees. In the south, when the temperature drops to this degree, it is really cold.

But in the East China Sea, it seems that there is no chill at all. Except for the combat system design room, all the design rooms are brightly lit.

Every design office is doing the final sprint, and wants to complete the design task earlier.

Yang Fan didn't go to have dinner with the people from the combat system design room, but stayed in Donghai Institute. Before he had time to visit the design rooms, he seemed to feel the enthusiasm of the final sprint stage.


Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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