Military Heavy

Chapter 348 Only 3 Days

Chapter 348 Only Three Days
Feeling the enthusiasm, Yang Fan thought to himself, the combat system design room was the first to complete the design, which design room will it be next?

It is estimated that it is the general design room.

Yang Fan is still very familiar with the design progress of each design studio.

Sitting in his office, he raised his hand to check the time, and was about to go to the general design room to take a look.

Perhaps, they will be able to complete the overall design work tonight.When Yang Fan went out, he thought so in his heart.

First went to the big office below, without going to Kuang Wei's director's office first.

The first office was brightly lit, and there were several people there. Some were printing design drawings, some were proofreading and reviewing the drawings, and some were discussing. It was estimated that there were some problems with the drawings.

Such a large office used to have 30 to [-] people working collectively, but now some of the positions are vacant because they have already completed the design drawings in hand and don't need to come overtime at night.

Those who still have unfinished design drawings, they are here, the design team leader responsible for proofreading and review, and the designer in charge are all here.

Seeing Yang Fan walking in, everyone stopped and greeted proactively.

"Master Yang, you are here!"

"Master Yang, good evening!"

Yang Fan smiled kindly, raised his hand and said, "Everyone has worked hard, how is your design going?"

A design team leader immediately replied: "We only have the last two design drawings, which have been printed out and are being proofread and reviewed. One of them is not a big problem for us, and the other is controversial. We are discussing it."

Yang Fan stretched out his hand and said, "Show me the drawings."

The hull shape of the 054 ship was designed by Yang Fan himself, and the general plan of the hull design was also drawn by Yang Fan himself. He is very familiar with the overall design of the 054 ship.

After receiving the design drawing, Yang Fan took a rough look and found the problem. He put the drawing on the big table and waved his hand: "You all come here."

Everyone gathered around one after another, with Yang Fan as the center, looking at the blueprint.

Yang Fan said: "There is a problem with its design, and your dispute is also here. In fact, it should be designed like this..."

Yang Fan pointed out the problem and talked about the design idea, "I understand now, is there any controversy?"


"Understood, there is no dispute."

Yang Fan said: "Immediately modify it, print a new copy, proofread it, and sign it."

Several designers nodded and followed Yang Fan's request.

After looking at everyone, Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction, and then went to another big office next door, which was also brightly lit and filled with people.

Kuang Wei, the director of the design office, was also there. They gathered around a large table with a large design drawing on it.

"Master Yang, you came just in time!"

Kuang Wei was the first to find Yang Fan and greeted him happily.

Yang Fan walked over, looked at this large design drawing, and saw the seal with the word "important" on it, so he knew it was an important design drawing.

Such design drawings, in addition to proofreading and approval signatures like general design drawings, also require the approval and signature of the chief designer.

Yang Fan saw that the drawing has completed two levels of signatures, the designer's own signature, and the proofreading signature, which seems to be ready for review and signature.

Kuang Wei said: "We have read it carefully. There is no problem with the design drawing. I am going to sign on the review column."

A supervisor designer next to him said: "Master Yang, this is our last important design drawing. After it is completed, it means that the overall design task of the 054 ship is basically completed."

Kuang Wei corrected: "It's not basically completed, but fully completed. There are only two design drawings that have not been completed in the office next door. At this time, they should be almost completed."

Yang Fan said: "I just came from the next door, and their last design drawing has been reprinted and signed."

Everyone looked surprised!

This means that the overall design work of the 054 ship will come to a successful conclusion tonight.

too excited!

so happy!

Kuang Wei picked up the pen, signed in the review column of the drawing, and then gave the pen to Yang Fan.

No wonder he just said that Yang Fan came just in time, so he could just sign for approval without sending the drawings to Yang Fan's office.

Holding the pen, Yang Fan didn't sign it right away. Even Kuang Wei and the others had read the drawings and felt that there was no problem, so they still had to take a serious look at them.

This is an attitude, a serious and responsible attitude towards design work.

Everyone be quiet.

After a few minutes, I carefully read the entire design drawing. Yang Fan also felt that there was no problem, so he picked up a pen and wrote his name in the approval column.

There was a burst of applause in the originally quiet office, including Kuang Wei, applauding persistently!
A burst of relief in my heart!
The overall design work is finally done!
Yang Fan said loudly: "Director Kuang, congratulations, you have become the second design studio to complete the design task."


Kuang Wei was happy, even a little excited and shook hands with Yang Fan vigorously.

Yang Fan also said: "Everyone has worked hard. Next, if you want to rest, you can ask Director Kuang for leave. If you have any personal affairs to deal with, you can also ask for leave. If Director Kuang does not sign the approval, I will sign."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter all around, everyone was very happy, especially very relaxed, without the previous work pressure.

The overall design of the 054 ship has been fully completed!
Then, Yang Fan went to several other design studios. It was very cold at night, but these design studios were brightly lit, and they were in the final sprint to finish the design work.

After walking around like this, Yang Fan has a good idea of ​​the design work of the 054 ship, and knows that the design offices will complete the design work one after another within the next few days.

The next day.

The first thing Yang Fan does after work is not to go to the design studios to see everyone's design finishing work, but to pick up the phone.

After dialing a familiar number, Luo Jianguo's voice came from the phone.

"Master Yang, do you have any good news to tell me?"

It seems that Luo Jianguo has also been paying close attention to the design work of the 054 ship, guessing that some good news may be reported to him these days.

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Luo, it is indeed good news, and it is very exciting news!"

Very exciting!

Luo Jianguo, who was originally very calm and peaceful in his heart, suddenly felt turbulent in his heart.

Immediately said loudly: "Master Yang, is the design work of the 054 ship almost fully completed!"

He's been looking forward to this!
The leaders of the military are estimated to be similar, and they also hope to complete the comprehensive design work as soon as possible. Some leaders have obviously asked more about this matter.

A leader in charge called every now and then to ask how the design work of the 054 ship was going and when the overall design would be completed.

Luo Jianguo knew that the leaders were paying attention, so he also reported the progress to the leaders every now and then.

Before receiving Yang Fan's call, he was still thinking that it was only a few days into December, and Donghai Institute estimated that it would take more than ten or twenty days, and the comprehensive design might not be completed until the end of December.

Being able to complete the design at the end of December is already a remarkable achievement. Undoubtedly, Donghai Institute submitted an answer sheet that made the military extremely satisfied.

Whether it is Luo Jianguo, the commander-in-chief of the 054 ship, or the leaders of the military.

Originally, the military's plan was to complete the design in three years, and then build the 054 ship as soon as possible.

What now?
You can see the dawn of victory soon!
Luo Jianguo said: "Master Yang, will the overall design task be completed 100% by the end of this month?"

To be able to complete the task this month, in Luo Jianguo's view, this is extremely exciting.

Yang Fan smiled proudly, "Mr. Luo, our combat system design room and overall design room have fully completed the design tasks!"

Luo Jianguo was stunned for a moment, feeling incredible. It took two or three seconds before he came back to his senses and asked loudly, "Is this true?"

"Master Yang, this means that the design of our combat system has been completed, and the overall design has also been completed!"

Yang Fan said affirmatively: "Yes, it has been completed, and other design studios are sprinting with all their strength."

That's it!
The situation is gratifying!
Luo Jianguo's original calm mood could not be calmed down at all, "Master Yang, tell me quickly, it will take about a few days to complete the overall design of the 054 ship."

His prediction is about ten days to half a month, about a dozen or so in December, and the overall design will definitely be completed before NO.12.

Before NO.20!

It was about ten days earlier than he previously estimated that the comprehensive design would be completed by the end of the month.

Yang Fan's voice was loud and clear, "Mr. Luo, it won't take long. I estimate that in three days, each design room will complete the design of the 054 ship."

Oh my God!

Luo Jianguo was pleasantly surprised!

Incredible surprise!
In just three days, the design work of the 054 ship will be fully completed!

This is really exciting news!
It's not fake at all!

Unable to hold back the excitement in his heart, Luo Jianguo tried his best to calm down his tone, and asked Yang Fan for a while to understand the situation in more detail.

But Yang Fan could clearly feel that Commander Luo's tone was not calm.

After answering the call, Luo Jianguo took a few deep breaths and thought to himself, Comrade Yang Fan is good, and he gave us another surprise!

What will happen if the leaders hear the news and know that the East China Sea Institute will fully complete the design of the 054 ship in three days?

With this thought in his mind, he walked out of the office, not wanting to delay for a moment, and was going to report to his supervisor first, so that the leaders would also be pleasantly surprised.

He knew that the leaders had been paying attention to the design of the 054 ship, and wanted to know when the overall design would be completed.


Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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