Military Heavy

Chapter 349 A Big Prize of 1 Yuan

Chapter 349 A Big Prize of 1 Yuan
The design of the 054 ship has entered the final finishing stage.

Powertrain Design Office.

Han Jiang asked in person, "Xiao Liu, what happened to your design drawing?"

Seeing the combat system design room and the overall design room complete the design tasks one after another, Han Jiang was also a little anxious and wanted to be No.3.

Their design team still had the last design drawing unfinished, and the designer Xiao Liu worked overtime until very late last night.

Facing Team Leader Han's question, Xiao Liu replied: "Team Leader, I finished drawing overtime last night. I'll check it again. If there is no problem, I will print it as soon as possible."

Han Jiangdao: "Hurry up, our design team is short of your blueprint."

Xiao Liu nodded, he knew in his heart, otherwise, he wouldn't have worked overtime late yesterday, and didn't go back until he finished drawing this picture.

After checking it carefully on the computer, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it. He printed out the drawing and sent it to proofread and review.

Not long after, the drawing passed the review and was signed, which also meant that it was completed and could be filed.

Design task completed!

Han Jiang was relieved for a while!
There is also a little pride in my heart.

There are several design teams in the power system design room, and their team undoubtedly has the largest task load and the most difficult design. The power balance design is completed by their team.

"Okay, the task is successfully completed!"

He went out happily, besides going to sit with Yang Fan, the main purpose was to report that their team had completed the design task.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Power System Design Office completed all the design tasks and became the third design office to complete the design task of the 054 ship.


Donghai Institute is no longer brightly lit, but some offices do not turn on the lights, because some design offices have completed the design tasks and no longer need to work overtime.

Following the power system design room, the weapon system design room, ship electrical system design room and other design rooms have completed the design successively.

Yang Fan said that the entire design was completed in three days, and it was really accurate. On the third day, only the last design room still had a few design drawings that were not completed.

As soon as he went to work in the morning, it was only after eight o'clock, and Yang Fan went to the design studio in person to see their design situation.

The director of the design office told Yang Fan that the last few design drawings have all been printed out and are being proofread and even reviewed.

The overall design was completed this morning, and there was no problem at all. Immediately, Yang Fan felt relieved.

In the open space in front of the office building, some people were busy, and there was a truck parked not far away, and someone was unloading things from the truck.

"Director Zhang, what are you planning to do?"

Director Zhang said: "This is the meaning of Chief Master Yang. He said that it will be lively and lively, and we should also celebrate it."

All the firecrackers that got out of the car were big plates and big plates. This is the best "earth red", and the sound is very loud when it is set off. People with a little money like to use them for weddings.

There are dozens of dishes!

Director Zhang instructed everyone to disassemble each plate of "Earth Red" and spread it on the ground.

As a result, the open space in front of the office building was covered with "Earth Red" firecrackers, covering an area of ​​two to three hundred square meters.

A large piece of red, very festive!

Such a scene attracted a lot of onlookers, and some even poked their heads out of windows on the second, or third or fourth floors.

Watching with relish.

"It's time to have fun. We've worked hard for two years."

"General Master Yang still has an idea. When the firecrackers sound, how festive it is!"


Yang Fan is in his office, looking down from a height, and he can just see the situation in front of the office building clearly through the glass of the window.

Seeing the firecrackers all over the floor, he smiled easily, then looked at the time with his hand, thinking in his heart, it should be almost there.

Yang Fan is waiting for the phone report from the last design office.

When he first went to work, Yang Fan went to the design office to have a look, learned about the situation, and knew that they would be able to complete the design around ten o'clock in the morning, and eleven o'clock at the latest.

So I arranged for the comrades in charge to buy firecrackers and have a good celebration.

After a while.

The phone on the desk rang quickly, Yang Fan picked up the phone, and there was a report from inside.

"Report to Commander Yang, our design office has completed all the design tasks of the 054 ship!"

"Okay, that's great!" Yang Fan said happily, "In this way, our design task is fully completed, and the design task of the 054 ship is fully completed!"

After answering the report call, Yang Fan dialed a number and said loudly: "The design tasks are all completed, light the fire and set off firecrackers!"

Soon, the deafening sound of firecrackers sounded in front of the office building, crackling, so festive.

Many people were watching, completely ignoring the deafening sound and the thick gunpowder smoke.

Someone is cheering!
The entire East China Sea was immersed in incomparable joy!

The sound of firecrackers spread from the East China Sea, and even many people outside heard it. The family area also heard the loud sound of firecrackers.

As soon as the sound stopped and the smoke hadn't dissipated, Yang Fan picked up the phone and dialed Luo Jianguo's number.

As for the many people outside who were cheering and celebrating, Yang Fan let them relax.

The call got through very quickly, probably Luo Jianguo has been waiting for this call in the office, because Yang Fan said that the overall design can be completed in three days, and today is the last day.

He even thought in his heart that it was unlikely that Yang Fan would call in the morning, and he would probably call in the afternoon, but he never expected the phone to ring.

It was Yang Fan's call!

When he heard Yang Fan's voice, he was inexplicably happy, and immediately asked, "Comrade Yang Fan, have you completed the overall design of the 054 ship?"

Yang Fan's voice was very loud, and he reported: "Report to Comrade Commander-in-Chief, on December 1994, 12, the Type 8 guided missile frigate completed the overall design work at the East China Sea Ship Design Institute!"

"Okay, great!"

Luo Jianguo was very happy, and his tone was full of joy, "Comrade Yang Fan, thank you for your contribution to national defense."

The design of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is completed!

How exciting!
How exhilarating!
It means that in the near future, at most three or four years, the military will have world-class missile frigates!
After a lot of praise, Luo Jianguo said, "The next step is expert review and acceptance. I will organize this matter. It will take a few days. Wait for my call and prepare for acceptance."

After expert review and acceptance, the construction of the first ship will start.

The military hopes to start the construction as soon as possible and install it earlier, and the expert review and acceptance will start soon.

Yang Fan was happy and relaxed, as long as he waited for the call.


The overall design of the 054 ship was completed, and the top leaders Liang Zhiquan and Pan Jinfu sat together.

Liang Zhiquan said: "Old Pan, our 054 ship has completed a comprehensive design, and I still have a feeling of unreality."

Pan Jinfu was happy: "Old Liang, the next thing we need to do is to spend a sum of money to reward those who have made great contributions. As far as I know, during the two-year design process, many comrades have performed very well. .”

Liang Zhiquan agreed: "Well, it is indeed necessary to reward well."

The two quickly agreed and planned to hold an office meeting to discuss this matter.

Yang Fan was slightly surprised that he had received a notice to attend the office meeting. Generally speaking, he did not need to attend.

Because he is only the chief designer of the 054 ship, not yet the deputy director of the East China Sea Institute, has not yet entered the ranks of the leadership of the institute, and is not a member of the team.

It was an accident, Yang Fan went to the conference room early.

After all the leaders arrived, the office meeting began, and the topic was closely related to the 054 ship.

First of all, Liang Zhiquan praised the comrades who participated in the design work of the 054 ship, and then suggested: "Everyone, comrades have worked hard for two years and successfully completed the design work. Take out 1 yuan to reward everyone."

1 yuan!
This is too much!

It is simply unprecedented!

In this era, 1 yuan households are still very enviable, and the solicitor actually took out [-] yuan to reward them!
One of the deputy directors said: "Is this too much? I think it's enough to take out two thousand yuan."

Someone raised an objection, Liang Zhiquan was not angry or dissatisfied, but said with a smile: "Do you have any different opinions?"

Immediately, another deputy director said: "I don't think it's too much. Complete the overall design of the 054 ship within two years, and a big reward should be given!"

"I agree."

"I have no opinion either."

Except for a deputy director who raised objections at the beginning, everyone else agreed with a heavy reward, and 1 yuan is not much.

The total amount of rewards was determined in this way, and it was determined to be [-] yuan!
How to distribute the 1 yuan, and who will distribute it?
Liang Zhiquan said: "I suggest that Comrade Yang Fan be given the right to distribute. How to reward and who to reward is up to Yang Fan. What do you think?"

Immediately, several envious eyes looked at Yang Fan, and several deputy directors expressed their envy.

The reward distribution right of 1 yuan!

In their memory, it is rare to encounter such a good thing.

Envy is envy, everyone knows that it really has to be distributed by Yang Fan.

"I have no opinion."

"I think so."

"It should be assigned by Comrade Yang Fan."

Everyone agreed that Yang Fan should distribute the 1 yuan.

At this moment, Yang Fan was happy and joyful in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

The matter was settled like this again. This office meeting was surprisingly efficient and the opinions were unprecedentedly unified.

Seeing everyone's support for distributing the reward of 1 yuan, Yang Fan stood up and expressed his gratitude.

"Thank you all the leaders, I will definitely allocate this reward openly and transparently."

Liang Zhiquan nodded approvingly, and glanced at Yang Fan with satisfaction.

Everyone thought that the office meeting should be over, but who knew that Liang Zhiquan made another proposal.

As soon as this proposal came out, most people found it inconceivable, very surprised, very surprised!

Where's Yang Fan?
After being slightly taken aback, he couldn't calm down in his heart.


Today is the third update, the third update is over, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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