Military Heavy

Chapter 351 Announcement of the Red List

Chapter 351 Announcement of the Red List
Early in the morning, the first thing Yang Fan did when he went to work was to sit in front of his computer, carefully read the reward distribution plan again, and nodded slightly when he saw that there was no problem.

That's basically the plan.

Which design studios, which design teams, and which individuals are specifically rewarded?

Since yesterday, Yang Fan has been thinking about this issue, and he basically knows it. The design room must be the three design rooms that completed the design first, the combat system design room, the overall design room, and the power system design room.

I wrote down the list, checked it, and even calculated the total amount of rewards, which happened to be exactly 1 yuan.

After printing out the reward distribution plan and the name list, Yang Fan took them and knocked on the door into Master Pan's office.

"Master Pan, please take a look for me."


Pan Jinfu took it over and saw that it was the distribution plan and the list of rewards. He was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of admiration appeared on his face. He thought in his heart, Comrade Yang Fan is good, he still remembers me as a leader, show it to me first, and Not to announce it immediately.

"Comrade Yang Fan, you can make up your own mind, I have no opinion." Pan Jinfu said.

Although he said so in his mouth, he was still very happy in his heart.

Yang Fan sat and chatted with Master Pan, and then went to Liang Zhiquan's place.

Boss Liang is very pleased!

Nice young man!

I was not mistaken.

He has my leadership in his eyes, instead of directly announcing the reward distribution plan and list, um, not bad, not bad.

Liang Zhiquan was satisfied for a while.

After going to the two bosses, Yang Fan returned to his office, picked up the phone and dialed a number, and called Li Zhengjun, the director of the Model Office of the 054 ship.

"Director Li, you should have heard about the fact that the institute will reward certain design offices, design teams, and individuals."

Of course I've heard of it!
This matter is now an absolute hotspot in the East China Sea. Many people are talking about it, even the model office is no exception. Of course Li Zhengjun has heard of it.

"Master Yang, I've heard of it, and everyone is saying that the total amount of rewards this time is a full 1 yuan."

so much money!

Li Zhengjun couldn't believe it now!
Yang Fan nodded, "Yes, the institute did give out 1 yuan to reward everyone."

It's really 1 yuan!

Li Zhengjun was secretly startled. He was a little surprised. He had worked in Donghai Institute for more than ten years, and it was the first time he encountered someone in the office who gave so much money to reward everyone.

It took a short while before he accepted the situation, and he finally calmed down.

Yang Fan took out the distribution plan and list that he had printed out, "Look at these things, and then use the red list to announce the list of rewards."

After receiving these two items, Li Zhengjun flipped through them for a while, and immediately expressed gratitude, because there were only 5 people in the model office, and 3 people were rewarded, including himself.

"Master Yang, on behalf of everyone, I thank you."

Yang Fan said: "You don't need to thank me, this is what everyone deserves. In the past two years, the work of the model office is obvious to all, and the three of you have performed particularly well."

Li Zhengjun felt a little excited, went out with his things, went back to the model office, immediately took out a piece of red paper and spread it on the table, took out the brush and ink, and began to write by himself.

He is good at calligraphy, especially in block letters, which are very standardized and neat.

Around ten o'clock in the morning.

Xiao Ding from the Power System Design Office just happened to pass by the bulletin board in front of the office building, and happened to see the person in the model office posting the list of rewards.

He stood aside and took a look, and immediately cheered, because he saw the name of their design team, and also saw the names of three people in their design team, including Han Jiang.

"Wow, such a high reward!"

He almost ran all the way, quickly ran back to the power system design room, and yelled: "Leader Han, the reward list has been announced, our team has been awarded 400 yuan, and you have also been awarded 200 yuan! "

The design task is completed, everyone is relatively free for the time being, many people are chatting, and a few people are still chatting about this reward.

Suddenly, everyone stopped!
Qiqi looked at the cheerful Xiaoding designer.

"Xiao Ding, what are you talking about, 400 yuan, 200 yuan."

Xiao Ding was a little out of breath, and tried his best to explain the situation. Soon, many people ran out together, and the destination was of course the bulletin board.

Han Jiang stood up and asked, "You read that right, our group was really rewarded with 400 yuan."

"I'm absolutely not mistaken." Xiao Ding said affirmatively: "I just saw that the person in charge of the model was posting the reward list, and it was announced by the red list."

Things are confirmed!

Han Jiang is happy!

Some people cheered, and some people ran out again, obviously going to the bulletin board to see the details of the announcement on the red list.

Han Jiang looked happy, and said loudly: "Did you hear that? It's 400 yuan in total. Let's have a good time at Furong Tower tonight."

Hibiscus House!

Some young designers cheered up. They had heard that this restaurant, which has only been opened for a few months, has a good environment, high grade, and very good dishes.

"Group Leader Han, really go to Furong Tower!"

Han Jiang said loudly: "Our group was rewarded with 400 yuan. I have never been so generous. Let's go to Furong Tower, and everyone will go."

"Oh, nice!"

"Go to Furong Tower to have a big meal tonight!"

The designers in their group cheered, especially the young designers who shouted with joy.

In front of the bulletin board.

In just a few minutes, there were already three floors inside and three floors outside, completely impenetrable, and many people ran all the way after hearing the news.

This red list is like throwing a boulder into the calm water. The entire East China Sea can no longer be calm. Everyone is talking about this reward.

Shi Wei came back from the bulletin board with a beaming smile on his face. Even though his clothes were almost torn and his leather shoes were trampled on several times after all the hard work, he still couldn't help being happy.

The combat system design room was rewarded with 1000 yuan. In addition, there was a design team that was rewarded, and several designers who performed well were also rewarded.

I am so proud of my face!
Soon after, the 054 ship model office became lively.

Everyone lined up, signed from Li Zhengjun's hand, and got change, all of them were happy, and they seemed happier than New Year's.

The next day.

Another "blockbuster" exploded in the East China Sea, most of the people were surprised, and then envious, sighed, this is the winner in life.

The 32-year-old deputy director broke the record!

Documents about Yang Fan's appointment were distributed to various design offices and offices, and they were also posted in front of the bulletin boards. Before that, there was no prosperity at all.

Some people have been in shock and have not recovered for a long time.

"It's amazing, I became the deputy director at the age of 32."

"Don't be envious, if you can lead everyone to successfully design and develop such an excellent guided missile frigate, you can also be the deputy director."

"I can't accept it."

"Master Yang is also the deputy director, and I think he deserves his name.

Apart from being shocked and envious, many people were convinced and supported this appointment. They all knew that except for being a little younger, General Master Yang was impeccable in other aspects, especially his technical level was not generally high.

As the protagonist, Yang Fan seemed calm, as if nothing had happened, and he was still the same.

With such a performance, everyone once again saw Yang Fan's calmness.

Luo Jianguo called from the capital.

He said on the phone: "Comrade Yang Fan, the date for the design acceptance of the 054 ship has been set, and it will be the day after tomorrow. I will lead the expert team to Donghai City tomorrow afternoon."

Said some things about the day after tomorrow acceptance.

After listening, Yang Fan said: "Commander Luo, we are ready and waiting for the arrival of the experts."

The two talked about the acceptance of the acquired design, and when they were about to hang up the phone, Luo Jianguo said, "Comrade Yang Fan, the expert team originally consisted of seven experts, but one was added temporarily. You know this person, and you are more familiar with them."

One more person was added temporarily.

Who is that?

Yang Fan wanted to ask, but Luo Jianguo let it go, he laughed and said, "You will know when the time comes, now it makes you feel a little bit mysterious."

Yang Fan smiled, not thinking that Luo Jianguo still had such a funny side.

After answering the call, Yang Fan began to think about the design and acceptance of the expert group the day after tomorrow.In fact, all the work is basically poorly prepared and can be accepted at any time.

For the sake of caution, Yang Fan first reported to Pan Jinfu and Liang Zhiquan, and then called relevant personnel for a meeting to arrange some work.

Such as the reception work, such as the preparation of the conference room, such as the preparation of technical documents, especially the various design drawings of the 054 ship, etc.

Completing the comprehensive design of the 054 ship is a major event. Similarly, the design acceptance is also a major event, and there should be no carelessness.

After the meeting, everyone acted according to Yang Fan's arrangement and made various preparations.

The hotel where the experts stayed was booked in advance. It is a star hotel not far from Dongsuo, which is very convenient.There are also one big, two small and three meeting rooms, and the drawings of the design room are also ready, which can be retrieved and consulted at any time.

The next day.

Yang Fan went to the airport to greet them in person. Not far away, there were two cars parked and a minibus that was probably new to receive everyone.

Raising his hand to check the time, Yang Fan thought in his heart, in ten minutes or so, they should come out of the airport.

Behind Yang Fan were Li Zhengjun and a few others, and they came to the airport to pick him up along with General Master Yang.

They waited, even watched.

In about a few minutes, a group of people came out of the airport exit. The leader was Luo Jianguo, the commander-in-chief of the 054 ship. In addition to the eight experts of the expert group, there were also several people from the military, all wearing military uniform.

There are two updates today, and the second update is over.

(End of this chapter)

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