Military Heavy

Chapter 352 Different Design Acceptance

Chapter 352 Different Design Acceptance

"They're here!"

"I see, I see them!"

Behind Yang Fan, there was a commotion among everyone, and they saw Luo Jianguo and a group of more than a dozen people coming out of the airport. They were coming out of the airport exit.

After tidying up his suit and tie, Yang Fan ordered loudly: "Everyone get ready, Commander Luo and the experts are coming out."

Today, everyone including Yang Fan himself was dressed in formal attire. They put on suits, leather shoes, and ties one after another, showing great importance.

The design acceptance of the 054 ship is undoubtedly a very important matter, not only for the entire East China Sea Research Institute, but also for the entire military.

Luo Jianguo obviously saw Yang Fan and the others, and waved: "Everyone, Master Yang has come to the airport to welcome us."

After speaking, he walked over with everyone.

As the distance got closer, Yang Fan could clearly see the people brought by Luo Jianguo, and more than half of the dozen or so people knew him.

After all, we have been in the circle of the ship system for a long time, and we will meet each other more or less. We will always meet once or twice, and even if we have never met before, we will always have heard of each other's name.

Suddenly, Yang Fan froze for a moment, feeling a little surprised.

He actually saw Shen Changhai!

At the beginning, Shen Changhai competed with Yang Fan on behalf of a certain ship design institute in the north, and also wanted to get the design task of the 054 ship, but failed.

Why did he come here?
Looking at him like this, he seems to be a member of the expert group.That's right, including Shen Changhai, there are exactly eight experts in total.

When Luo Jianguo came over, Yang Fan had no choice but to keep this question in his mind for the time being, and stepped forward to shake hands with Luo Jianguo with an enthusiastic face.

"Commander Luo, welcome to Donghai City, and welcome experts to inspect and accept the design of the 054 ship. We have made all preparations."

Luo Jianguo smiled, looking very happy.Yes, the 054 ship has ushered in the design acceptance, of course he is happy, probably not only him, but the entire military leaders are in a good mood.

"Comrade Yang Fan, everyone has worked hard, come, let me introduce you."

Among the dozen or so people, Yang Fan knew more than half of them. Even if some people were not very familiar with each other, he could still call each other by name.

Luo Jianguo obviously knew very well, "Comrade Yang Fan, I won't introduce these people, you probably know them all."

Several experts shook hands with Yang Fan one by one, and then Luo Jianguo introduced several other people to Yang Fan.

There are professors of naval ships in universities, weapons experts in active service in the military, commanders of the navy, and so on.

After the introduction, Luo Jianguo specifically introduced: "Comrade Yang Fan, Deputy Director Shen is also a member of the expert group, and they were added last."

It turned out that the last person added was Shen Changhai, and Yang Fan finally found out.

But there are still doubts, how did he join the expert group and become an expert in the design and acceptance of the 054 ship?

This is a little strange!
Yang Fan said that he didn't understand a little bit.

Perhaps sensing Yang Fan's doubts, Luo Jianguo explained: "There are seven acceptance experts in total. It was originally decided in this way, but Deputy Director Shen took the initiative to apply to us and wanted to participate in the acceptance work. After thinking about it, I agreed. .”

It turned out that he applied for it himself!
Yang Fan understood a little bit.

Shen Changhai took a few steps forward, stretched out his right hand actively, his posture was very low, and his attitude was very sincere, "Mr. Yang, I came here to study. Many designs of the 054 ship are worthy of my study."

That's right!
This attitude made Yang Fan very comfortable, and he shook hands with him generously.

Shen Changhai did come to study, and the part of participating in the acceptance inspection was much less than the part of studying. The more he learned about the design of the 054 ship, the more convinced he was and the more he admired Yang Fan.

With such a change in mentality, he completely lowered his attitude and came here for learning. He hoped that some designs on the 054 ship would improve his design level and help his future design work.

At this moment, seeing Shen Changhai's humble attitude, the bit of resentment in Yang Fan's heart disappeared, and he waved: "Everyone, let's get in the car and go to the hotel now."

At Yang Fan's invitation, everyone boarded the car one after another.

Yang Fan said loudly: "Commander Luo, you get in my car, we sit together."


Luo Jianguo readily agreed, got into Yang Fan's large off-road vehicle, and sat comfortably in the large rear seat with Yang Fan.

Yang Fan ordered: "Director Li, drive everyone to the hotel."

Li Zhengjun drove in the front, followed by two other cars, one large and one small, and left the airport for the hotel where he was staying.

One room per person, everything has been booked in advance.

After everyone settled down, it was already evening. As the host, Yang Fan hosted a banquet in the hotel to entertain everyone. It was very sumptuous, and there were three full tables in total.

In addition to the eight experts and several military personnel brought by Luo Jianguo, more than a dozen people came from the East China Sea Institute, all of whom were middle and high-level personnel.

Liang Zhiquan, Pan Jinfu, and several deputy directors have all arrived, which shows how much everyone attaches importance to this design acceptance.

"Today is evening, everyone can drink with peace of mind, there is no need to have any worries." Yang Fan held the wine glass, said so, and toasted everyone.

Suddenly, a burst of good-natured laughter rang out.

If it's lunch, you may still have work in the afternoon, so it's not convenient to drink alcohol. It's different in the evening, and it's okay to drink a little wine.

Luo Jianguo also said: "General Master Yang is right, it doesn't matter if you get drunk, you can just go back to your room and sleep, and it doesn't matter if you wake up a little later tomorrow."

There was another burst of happy laughter.

The atmosphere is very nice.

Liang Zhiquan and Pan Jinfu exchanged glances quietly, nodded slightly, and said in their hearts almost at the same time.

"Comrade Yang Fan is good. He not only has a high level of professional skills, but also is excellent in dealing with people and dealing with others. He has adjusted the atmosphere well and everyone is very harmonious."

One is the director who is about to retire, and the other is the future successor. Both of them recognize Yang Fan very much.

The next day.

The design acceptance of the Type 054 missile frigate was officially carried out at the East China Sea Institute. This day was December 1994, 12, which was also a very special day on Double 12.

The first is the kick-off meeting of design acceptance. Luo Jianguo personally presided over the design acceptance process and division of labor. The eight experts were divided into several groups, with two or three people in each group. They will go deep into each design room to review The design data of the 054 ship.

In addition to reviewing the design materials, he will also ask some design technical questions. Yang Fan appointed people to accompany the design acceptance, and each expert team should be accompanied by at least three or five people.

Either the principal or deputy director of the design office, or the design team, or senior designers.

Generally speaking, design acceptance is very strict, and a large number of problems will be reviewed, which need to be rectified.

If major design problems are identified, the design acceptance may not be passed, and the completed design needs to be improved and perfected, or even designed to be changed.

Gradually, the people who accompanied the design acceptance of Donghai Institute found that there was a little difference, it was not the same thing at all, and it was very different from the usual design acceptance.

The experts are all humble. They are not doing design review and acceptance. It seems that they came here to understand the design of the 054 ship and came here with a learning attitude.

This is a different design acceptance.

The people in the East China Sea Institute were a little nervous at first, but gradually they became more relaxed and began to introduce the design of the 054 ship to the experts.

in the conference room.

There were three experts sitting there. They were a group. They were originally reviewing the design of the 054 ship's power system, but now they are listening to lectures.

Sitting there, listening carefully, taking out a notebook to record from time to time, and occasionally asking questions, there are Luo Jianguo and two military personnel beside him.

It was Yang Fan who gave lectures to the three experts.

Several design drawings of the power system were unfolded, fixed on the blackboard with thumbtacks, and displayed in front of everyone. Yang Fan was introducing the design of the 054 ship's power system.

Some experts asked: "Mr. Yang, the diesel-fuel combined power system has been verified on the Type 052 guided missile destroyer. The technology is already very mature. With this technical foundation, why did the power system of the Type 054 ship take a different approach and use diesel engine combined power?" , instead of continuing to use diesel fuel combined power like the 052 ship?"

Just knew they would ask this question.

How to answer, Yang Fan has already thought about it. Facing the expert's inquiry, he calmly replied with a clear mind: "It is mainly based on two considerations. One is the cost. Four diesel engines are used as power than two A combined power of one gas turbine and two diesel engines is much cheaper."

"The second is innovation. It is impossible for us to have only one power scheme. The 054 ship adopts the design scheme of four diesel engines combined power. This is an attempt and a technology accumulation. At present, it is undoubtedly very successful."

"We have four diesel engines, paralleled by two, and propulsed by twin propellers. It is very different from the French Lafayette class. We have designed a power balance system, which is the first in the world and has independent intellectual property rights."

Yang Fan simply combined these design drawings with pictures and texts, and introduced the design of the 054 ship's power system to the three experts, such as what technical advantages it has, what unique designs it adopts, and several other well-known missiles in the world. Compared with frigates, what are the characteristics and advances of the power system.

With the deepening of understanding, admiration arose in the hearts of several experts, and they thought in their hearts that it was the young man in front of him who led the Donghai Institute to complete such an excellent design in only two years.

Luo Jianguo knew a lot about the power system of the 054 ship, but after listening to Yang Fan's detailed introduction again, he couldn't help feeling a little excited.

The power system design of the 054 ship is really good!

Master Yang is amazing!
He even looked at Yang Fan in admiration, and his heart was full of joy. With such an excellent design, the military will have a world-class guided missile frigate in the near future.

In another conference room.

On the large conference table, a large number of design drawings of the 054 ship were prepared, and two experts and a naval commander were sitting there.

Kuang Wei, director of the overall design office, is introducing the stealth design of the 054 ship to them.


The stealth design is another design highlight of the 054 ship.

Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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