Military Heavy

Chapter 353 Passed

Chapter 353 Passed
As the director of the overall design office, Kuang Wei is very familiar with the stealth design of the 054 ship, and he spoke with pride in his tone.

Such an excellent design comes from their design studio.

What makes him even more proud is that there is no mother ship for reference in the stealth design of the 054 ship. Everything is like starting from a blank sheet of paper. Under the leadership of Chief Master Yang, the design was completed from scratch within two years.

In addition to radar stealth, there are sonar stealth and infrared stealth.

Director Kuang is introducing the radar stealth of the 054 ship.

His voice was very loud, and he spread out the overall design drawing of the 054 ship's hull on the table, pointing to this large design drawing and introducing: "See, there is almost no vertical steel plate on the surface of our hull, and all the weapons and various equipment are wrapped in a polyhedral shell, and the shape of the entire hull presents a unique geometric section.”

Listening to Kuang Wei's introduction, the two experts knew that such a design sounds simple, but it also brings a series of difficult problems to solve.

With such a design, the appearance of the whole ship presents such a unique geometric section. The first problem is that the windward area increases, which affects the performance of the whole ship.

For another example, the hull is simple, the antennas of the ship are concentrated, and all the equipment is wrapped in the hull, which brings about the problem of electromagnetic compatibility.

How did they solve these problems?

After listening to Kuang Wei's introduction, an expert couldn't help asking.

"Director Kuang, with this design, the stealth function is really good, and the appearance of the hull is also very beautiful, but it will increase the windward area and affect the performance of the entire ship, such as speed and wave resistance."

Kuang Wei laughed.

Smile very proudly.

With pride!

"It will indeed bring about these problems, but our Chief Master Yang has perfectly dealt with these problems and fully considered them. At the beginning of the design, we went to the Hamburg pool in Germany to do pool towing tests. The model of our 054 ship is in It performed so well in the tow test that Hamburg Pool wanted to keep it as a permanent collection.”

There is such a thing!
The two experts were secretly shocked. This was beyond their expectations, and it was the first time they heard about it. The Hamburg pool is in permanent collection!
What a face-saving thing!
The two experts looked shocked, and Kuang Wei seemed to have expected it, and found a copy of the test report of the towing test in the Hamburg pool from a large stack of technical documents.

"This is the original test data, you can take a look."

The two experts looked at it carefully together, and then nodded in admiration. The older expert said with emotion: "Such experimental data are very beautiful, amazing!"

The three words "great" fully reflect the affirmation of the navigation performance of the 054 ship.

In addition to radar stealth, there are also sonar stealth and infrared stealth. Kuang Wei introduced them and introduced the technologies adopted to enhance the stealth effect.

The happiest thing is the commander of the military.

He once served as the captain of a guided missile destroyer and knew the great significance of a warship.

He said loudly: "Our 054 ship has radar stealth, sonar and infrared stealth, which is of great significance on the battlefield. It can let the enemy find us later, buy time for ourselves, and even be able to detect us before the enemy finds us. Pre-emptive strikes."

This is almost invincible!
It is entirely possible for one warship to fight against the enemy.

He said hopefully: "I really want to see our 054 ship start construction as soon as possible, and be commissioned into the navy as soon as possible, and watch it gallop in our country's thousands of miles of waters."

Kuang Wei nodded and reminded: "Our 054 ship has an ultra-long range of more than 5000 nautical miles. It can go anywhere in the world, and it can handle even bad weather."

Shi Wei, with several designers, is also cooperating with an expert group for review and acceptance.

The experts were introduced to the design of the 054 combat system, the design ideas, which new technologies were adopted, and what advantages it had, etc.

After learning about the combat system of the 054 ship in detail, the three experts and one military personnel were all a little excited.

So well designed!
This is definitely a highlight!
There is an old expert who clearly remembers that when the 052 ship was designed, our country did not have a combat system, and it was poor and blank.

Under such conditions, we finally designed and developed a complete combat system. Although it is not the most advanced in the world, it is at least usable.

He said with emotion: "In just over ten years, we have made so much progress in the design and development of the combat system. I can be sure that the design of the combat system of the 054 ship is absolutely world-class."

World class level!
The military representative next to him was a little excited again!

The old professor continued: "You are amazing, you have made such great progress in more than ten years, it's amazing!"

There was admiration in his tone.

Shi Wei said proudly: "The design of the combat system of the 054 ship was completed under the leadership of General Manager Yang. At the beginning of the design, General Manager Yang built a design framework for us. It was all solved by Master Yang."

Everything is Master Yang!

The old professor was a little surprised, "Did Comrade Yang Fan build the design framework? It wasn't your team who built the framework and then completed the design."

"No." Shi Wei shook his head, "It's not just the design of the combat system of the 054 ship. More than ten years ago, we started the design of the combat system of the 052 ship, and it was also completed by General Master Yang. Not the chief designer, but the deputy director of the combat system design room."

The combat system design of the 052 ship was also completed under the leadership of Yang Fan.

This is awesome!
Yang Fan is only in his 30s now. Ten years ago, he was only in his early twenties.

Bull man!
This is true genius!
The old professor admired Yang Fan a little bit, and attributed Yang Fan to a genius.

It took two days for the design review and acceptance, which is relatively fast, usually three or five days, but the experts found that the design of the 054 ship is very good and impeccable, and they can draw conclusions.

In less than two days, Shen Changhai was probably the most shocked.

He took the initiative to apply to come to participate in the review and acceptance, originally he came here with a learning attitude.

Hearing the introduction of the 054 ship by the designers of the East China Sea Institute, and seeing a lot of design drawings with his own eyes, he knows that the design of the 054 ship is even better than he imagined!
The high technical content and advanced design exceeded his expectations.

He was shocked!

Was deeply shocked!

Knowing that there are too many things to learn, many things on the 054 ship are worth learning and delving into, maybe ten or eight years are not enough.

Convinced again!
Knowing that it was not wronged at all to lose in the hands of Yang Fan, he even thought that it was a good thing that the military gave Yang Fan the design task, otherwise, it would be a waste if he did the design.

It is also because of giving the task to Yang Fan that there is such an excellent guided missile frigate.

The next afternoon.

The largest conference room of the East China Sea Institute was full of people, a total of two to three hundred people sat here, except for the review and acceptance experts and the military, almost all of them were designers of the East China Sea Institute.

Of course, the leaders of the Institute are also sitting here one by one. For Donghai Institute, now is an extremely important moment.

The 054 ship design acceptance summary meeting was held here.

First of all, Yang Fan spoke on behalf of Donghai Research Institute and the entire design and development team, thanking the military, the relevant units, and the experts for their two-day design review.

The speech won warm applause!

Then came the statement by the chairperson.

The old professor is gray-haired, but he doesn't look old at the moment, his face is full of red, and his voice is relatively sonorous.

"We were originally here for design review and acceptance, but soon we came to Donghai to learn."

Suddenly, there was a burst of good-natured laughter in the meeting room, and everyone was amused by the old professor's witty words.

After the laughter subsided, the old professor continued: "We are willing to learn, because the design of the 054 ship is so excellent, it completely surpassed the technical requirements put forward by the military at the beginning of the design..."

He spoke eloquently for more than ten minutes, without using scripts, all on the spot, without any words of praise in his words.

Is this the concluding statement of the chairperson?
Anyway, many people said that they have never seen it. Generally speaking, the concluding remarks of the expert team leader are very serious and formal, and they rarely give praise. Most of them point out the problems discovered during the review and acceptance process.

For example, how many general problems are there, how many major problems are there, and so on.

What about the old professor who is the leader of the expert team?

He didn't mention any rectification issues, and seemed to be patronizing praise and praise. He spoke highly of the 054 ship.

If this is another design acceptance summary conference, it would be a little inappropriate for the expert team leader to say these things.

But after the old professor finished speaking, he won warm and prolonged applause. No one felt that it was inappropriate, and everyone felt that the speech was very good.

Such evaluation and praise, the 054 ship is well deserved!
In the end, Luo Jianguo spoke on behalf of the military. Ship 054 passed the review and acceptance of the expert group. He seemed even happier than Yang Fan.

After his speech ended, he also won warm applause.

Amid the warm applause, the 054 ship successfully passed the design acceptance, and the Donghai Institute was full of joy, holding a grand celebration dinner with a total of more than a dozen tables.

Experts, people from the military, and people from the East China Sea Institute, everyone had a good time drinking and celebrating the smooth passing of the design acceptance of the 054 ship.

Early the next morning, the last group of people left Donghai City.Yang Fan politely sent them to Donghai International Airport in person.

As for Luo Jianguo, after dinner yesterday, he returned to the capital overnight, and it is estimated that he will report to the military leaders in person as soon as possible.

The car arrived at Donghai International Airport, and everyone got off the car one after another, preparing to walk into the airport.

"Mr. Yang, goodbye."

"Master Yang, you must call me when you come to the capital. Let's talk about the design of the 054 ship."


Several experts waved goodbye to Yang Fan and prepared to leave with their luggage.

It was a little surprising that Shen Changhai didn't wave his hands from a distance like other experts, but walked over and walked up to Yang Fan.


Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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