Military Heavy

Chapter 354 The construction period is a bit short

Chapter 354 The construction period is a bit short
Yang Fan was a little surprised!
Shen Changhai was different from the others, he didn't wave his hand a few meters away, he just said hello and walked over.

He walked in front of Yang Fan with a very sincere attitude: "Master Yang, we have to say goodbye. I really want to stay for a few more days to learn more about the design of the 054 ship."

Yang Fan looked at him with a peaceful expression.

Shen Changhai continued: "I don't know if I will have the opportunity to ask Mr. Yang for advice in the future. I only know now that you are far ahead of me in ship design. I have a lot to learn from you."

Yang Fan said: "There should be a chance."

Hearing this, Shen Changhai became happy. What he was most afraid of was that Yang Fan refused people thousands of miles away and didn't give him a chance at all. Unexpectedly, Yang Fan agreed.

Shen Changhai thought in his heart, Mr. Yang is so generous, he didn't take the past matters to heart at all.

"thanks, thanks!"

In addition to being happy, Shen Changhai was a little excited, and he said two thanks, and then said: "Master Yang, when you have more time, I will come to ask you for professional knowledge in the field of ship design."

Come to ask for advice!

He's so humble.

This attitude made Yang Fan feel comfortable again, nodded and said, "Call me if you want to come over, let's communicate together."


Shen Changhai shook hands with Yang Fan in surprise, was polite again, and then walked towards the airport.

After watching them all enter the airport, Li Zhengjun said: "Master Yang, Ship 054 has successfully passed the design review, and all the experts have also been sent away. What should we do next?"

Without even thinking about it, Yang Fan said: "Of course it is to cooperate with the construction of the first ship of 054. I think the military will soon issue the task of building the first ship."

It’s not that the design work is completed, and everything will be fine if it passes the design acceptance. There are still many things to do later.

Such as the follow-up of the construction of the first ship.In addition to providing technical support for the construction of the first ship, the most important thing is to see what problems there are during the construction process.

Especially design problems, if found, need to be analyzed and dealt with, and the design must be improved and improved.

Next, it must be the construction of the first ship.


Jiangdong Shipyard.

Sun Baoguo was originally in a good mood, because the 054 ship not only completed the design, but also successfully passed the design acceptance.

Experience told him that the construction of the 054 first ship must be the next one.

Suddenly, he became a little worried about gain and loss again, worrying about which shipyard the construction of the first ship would be placed in.

just in case……

He didn't dare to think that if the military took a fancy to other shipyards, then...

Thinking of this, Sun Baoguo was startled, as if a boulder had been crushed in his heart.

"God bless, we must not recite it like this. The task of building the first ship must be given to our Dongjiang Shipyard, not to other shipyards."

He prayed in his heart.

The door of the office was gently pushed open, and the deputy general manager Zou Yi came in, took out a cigarette and threw it to Sun Baoguo, who lit one himself.

He took a puff of cigarette, then sat down on the sofa, and asked with concern: "Old Sun, you are still thinking about the construction of the first ship."

Sun Baoguo nodded worriedly, and said slowly: "I am worried about this matter. We are not the only shipyard in the country that can undertake the task of building the 054 ship. If the military assigns the task to other shipyards, it will be troublesome." gone."

Zou Yi nodded, agreeing with this worry, "What you said is very likely."

Hearing this, Sun Baoguo's expression darkened again, and he was even more worried.

Zou Yi obviously didn't want to see Sun Baoguo like this, he comforted: "However, we must also have confidence, after all we have been preparing for the 054 ship for so long, we are more suitable for building a ship like the 054 ship."

Having said that, the worry in Sun Baoguo's heart could not fade away at all.

Just when he was about to say something more, the phone on the desk rang hastily.

Sun Baoguo picked up the phone and said loudly, "Hi, I'm Sun Baoguo."

The call came from the general headquarters of the 054 ship in Beijing, "I am the general headquarters of the 054 ship, Mr. Sun, I officially inform you that you must rush to the capital immediately, and please be sure to attend the meeting at the general headquarters at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. "

Immediately go to the capital for a meeting!
What kind of meeting is this? Could it be related to the construction of the first ship?

Sun Baoguo felt that it was very possible, only the construction of the first ship would be so hasty.

"What is the topic of the meeting, and what do we need to prepare?" Sun Baoguo asked.

"To discuss the start of the construction of the first ship, there is no need to prepare anything." The other party replied.

After hanging up the phone, Sun Baoguo, who was originally worried, actually laughed happily.

Zou Yi, who was next to him, could roughly hear what was going on. Seeing that Sun Baoguo was so happy, he immediately asked, "Old Sun, what exactly is going on?"

Sun Baoguo told the story, and Zou Yi said pleasantly, "This is a good thing. The general headquarters informed us to go to a meeting, which means that Dongjiang Shipyard was considered in the construction of the first ship."

Indeed it is!
No wonder Sun Baoguo became happy after answering the call.

If the headquarters had not considered Dongjiang Shipyard, it probably would not have made this call, let alone notified Sun Baoguo to go to the capital for a meeting in such a formal manner.

Raising his hand to look at the time, Sun Baoguo said, "I need to buy a plane ticket right away, and you, Old Zou, will go with me too. Thank you for your hard work. It will probably be evening when we arrive in the capital."


Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan also received a call, and it was Luo Jianguo who called in person, with joy in his tone.

"Comrade Yang Fan, I have some good news for you. The 054 ship has successfully passed the design acceptance. The leaders are very satisfied and instructed to start the construction of the first 054 ship as soon as possible, and build the first 054 guided missile frigate as soon as possible."

Yang Fan said: "Commander Luo, it seems that the construction of the first ship will start soon."

"Yes!" Luo Jianguo said, "I made this call to formally inform you that a start-up meeting for the construction of the first ship will be held at the headquarters at 9:[-] tomorrow morning. You must attend on time."

Yang Fan was dumbfounded, and thought in his heart, Mr. Luo, are you making a surprise attack? The time is too short, and it must be evening when you arrive in the capital.

It's just thinking about it in my heart, Yang Fan is actually very happy to attend this meeting, and wants to see the start of construction of the first ship of the 054 ship as soon as possible.

"Mr. Luo, let's hurry over here and arrive in the capital tonight."

Luo Jianguo said: "Okay, I will arrange a hotel for you in advance, and let me know after you buy the plane ticket, so that I can send someone to pick you up at the airport."

This service is good!
Arrange the hotel in advance, and someone will come to the airport to meet you.

Yang Fan quickly informed that Li Zhengjun, Director of the Model Office, Kuang Wei, Director of the General Design Office, Shi Wei, Director of the Combat System Design Office, and Han Jiang, the Power System Design Office, accompanied them to the capital for a meeting.

Arriving in the capital, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening when I got off the plane.

There are already thousands of lights outside, it is not too early, and some people who go to bed early have already gone to bed and started to rest.

When I got out of the airport, Han Jiang reminded me a little worriedly: "Brother Fan, will someone really pick us up? If not, let's take a taxi and forget it."

Yang Fan said: "There will definitely be. Commander Luo personally arranged it. At this time, they are probably waiting for us outside the airport."

Han Jiangdao: "Brother Fan, you are so proud of yourself. Commander Luo personally arranged for someone to pick us up at the airport."

Yang Fan smiled triumphantly, and led everyone out of the airport, and soon saw a young man with a cropped cut. Even though he was not wearing a military uniform, Yang Fan guessed that he was from the military.

If someone is still holding a sign in his hand, then there is nothing wrong with it.

"You still, I'm Yang Fan from Donghai Institute."

The young man said, "You are Chief Master Yang, the car is over there, follow me in the car."

He was very enthusiastic, probably because Luo Jianguo specifically told him to, and even took the initiative to help Yang Fan with his luggage.

It was already past ten o'clock when we arrived at the hotel. This is a star hotel with a military background, which is very good.

After checking into the hotel, Yang Fan thought in his heart, it's getting late, he should wash up and go to bed, heal his energy, and attend the meeting tomorrow.

It's just that I'm glad I'm a little hungry. In order to hurry up, I didn't have dinner. I just ate a little on the plane.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door.

It's so late, who could it be?

Today is the third update, and the third update will be delivered. I ask everyone for a few tickets for support!
(End of this chapter)

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