Military Heavy

Chapter 355 Mr. Yang, 1 must say a few words for us

Chapter 355 Master Yang, you must say a few words for us
Who is knocking at the door?

Are you struggling to get some food and pad your stomach?Just go to bed like this.

A knock on the door interrupted Yang Fan's thoughts, walked to the door, and said loudly: "Who is it!"

"Master Yang, it's me, Sun Baoguo."

It turned out to be Sun Baoguo, the deputy general manager in charge of shipbuilding of Dongjiang Shipyard. Yang Fan was a little surprised at first, and then suddenly realized.

The construction of the 054 ship is about to start, and the general headquarters held a meeting to discuss related matters. As a professional shipyard for missile frigates, it is normal for Sun Baoguo to arrive in the capital.

Yang Fan opened the door, "Mr. Sun, you are here too, you are also attending tomorrow's meeting."

"En." Sun Baoguo nodded and said, "We only arrived at night, and the journey was so busy that we didn't have time to have dinner. Master Yang, how about we go have some supper?"


Yang Fan agreed immediately, just because he was a little hungry and struggling to find something to eat, so he just slept like this.

Seeing Yang Fan readily agree, Sun Baoguo said happily, "Then let's leave now, the street is right outside the hotel, there must be places to eat."

It will be 80, it will no longer be like the [-]s, it is difficult to find a place to go out to eat at night, now it is different, the market economy has further developed, and there are many restaurants on the street.

"Let's go, I happen to be hungry too."

Yang Fan turned around and put on his down jacket, closed the door, and went out with Sun Baoguo.

Coming out of the hotel is the street, even after ten o'clock in the evening, it is still brightly lit, and it is still quite lively, but the temperature at night in Beijing is a little low in December.

Rubbing his hands together and taking a deep breath, Yang Fan said, "It's really a little cold."

Sun Baoguo nodded in agreement, and saw that a restaurant in front of him was in good business and very lively, and he could see through the glass that there were still many diners.

"Master Yang, that store is good, let's go there."

Yang Fan said: "Yes, it seems that you can feel the steam from a long distance."

The two walked to the door of the store, opened the thick cotton curtain, and walked into the store, feeling immediately comfortable.

It's so warm!
The two found a table and sat down. Yang Fan even took off his down jacket and put it on the back of the chair.

Sun Baoguo said: "I'm treating guests this time, don't compete with me for paying the bill, or I will have objections."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I won't compete with you, this time you treat me."

Only then did Sun Baoguo start ordering food in peace of mind, and after ordering enough food for two people, he suggested, "Would you like some wine?"

Yang Fan agreed: "Yes, in such a cold day, drinking some wine is just a good way to warm up your body."

In this warm environment, the two of them ate food and drank a little wine, feeling good.

While eating, of course, I also chatted about topics related to the 054 ship.

After chatting for a while, Sun Baoguo's expression darkened, and he sighed softly.

Okay, why did you sigh?
Yang Fan was a little puzzled, and asked: "Mr. Sun, what's the matter, you suddenly sighed?"

Sun Baoguo sighed again, "You don't know, I'm under a lot of pressure now, like being pressed by a huge boulder on my heart."

Yang Fan knew.

It turned out that Sun Baoguo asked him to come over for supper, mainly because he wanted to pour out his bitterness.

Then listen to it, as a friend, you can also enlighten him appropriately.

Yang Fan pretended to be listening, but did not speak, and was an excellent listener for the time being.

"Master Yang, the 054 ship has successfully passed the design and acceptance, and the construction of the first ship will start soon. I am very happy. I have been thinking these days, if such an advanced and excellent guided missile frigate is built in our factory, what will happen to it? How nice it would be!"

After finishing speaking, he shook his head bitterly and said, "Unfortunately, I may be a little too optimistic. The construction of the first ship of the 054 ship may not be in our Dongjiang shipyard. In our country, there are several shipyards that can build it. In case... "

Listening carefully to what Sun Baoguo said, Yang Fan understood that he was originally worried about the task of building the first ship.

Yang Fan comforted, "You are too pessimistic, except that you do have multiple shipyards that can build the 054 ship, but I think your strength is good, and it is most suitable for the construction of the first ship."

When the 054 ship was designed, in addition to adopting a large number of new technologies to ensure its advanced nature, it also fully considered the craftsmanship of the construction, and it did not have high requirements for the shipyard.

There are indeed many shipyards that can build it, no wonder Sun Baoguo is so worried.

"Mr. Sun, be more optimistic. Anyway, I am optimistic about you."


Sun Baoguo was a little surprised. He knew that as the chief designer of the 054 ship, Yang Fan's opinion was very important.

He is very smart, knowing that Yang Fan and the others arrived in the capital, he immediately inquired about the room Yang Fan stayed in, and offered to come over to treat him to supper.

Talking about the worries in his heart is one of the first things to pour out the bitter water. In addition, he also wants Yang Fan to help out and say a few words for Dongjiang Shipyard at tomorrow's meeting.

Sun Baoguo said: "General Master Yang, are you really optimistic about our Dongjiang shipyard?"

"Yes, I am more optimistic about you."

Sun Baoguo pleaded: "Then at tomorrow's meeting, can you say a few words for our factory?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Fan full of hope, waiting for an answer.

Very refreshing!
Hao does not hesitate!

Yang Fan said: "It's not a big problem, I'll help you with a few words."

All of a sudden, the pressure in Sun Baoguo's heart eased, and he was full of gratitude.

"That's great, Master Yang, I offer you a toast."

The small wine glasses of the two touched lightly, and each took a sip of the small wine.

The atmosphere is also relaxed, talking and laughing.

Yang Fan agreed to say a few words for Dongjiang Shipyard, and Sun Baoguo knew that their chances of winning would increase a lot.

Why Yang Fan readily agreed to speak for them was not out of selfishness, let alone because of his good relationship with Sun Baoguo.

The main reason is that Dongjiang Shipyard is really good. As early as several years ago, they carried out a series of renovations and hardware upgrades at Yang Fan's suggestion, aiming at the construction of frigates.

What is rare is that they have started to promote the modular construction method of the general section in the whole factory, which has a good foundation compared with other shipyards.

That being the case, in Yang Fan's view, it is better to hand over the task of building the first ship to another shipyard than to Dongjiang Shipyard.

The two chatted while eating, and it was almost 12 o'clock when they arrived at the hotel.

Yang Fan washed his face and went to sleep. He recovered his energy and attended tomorrow's meeting.

Sun Baoguo went back to the room where he was staying, lying on the bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time, thinking in his heart, how will Comrade Yang Fan speak for us at tomorrow's meeting? I strongly support the task of giving the construction of the first ship to our shipyard...

The next day.

Sun Jianguo got up, and while washing, he was still thinking about this matter.

Looking at the time, I thought to myself, I can go to have breakfast, and then attend the meeting organized by the headquarters.

Walked to the next door, knocked on the door, and said loudly, "Old Zou, let's have breakfast together."

Zou Yi opened the door, "Come on, I've been waiting for you, I got up early."

The hotel provides breakfast, which is served on the first floor, and it is already possible to have breakfast at this time.

The two walked side by side, passed the elevator, and arrived at the lobby on the first floor. The breakfast room was on the right side of the lobby on the first floor.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I immediately felt the excitement. There were at least dozens of people dining, and the food in the morning was also very rich.

Just as he was about to take a big steaming meat bun from a plate, Sun Baoguo froze suddenly, as if he had been hit on an acupuncture point.

The action freezes, and the hand holding the clip stops in mid-air.

Zou Yi looked over, his expression changed slightly, and he sighed softly.

The two of them didn't know how to sit down to eat breakfast. Anyway, they looked preoccupied. For a long time, neither of them spoke.

After a full few minutes, Zou Yi finally broke the dullness, "Old Sun, don't pay too much attention to it, maybe Chief Master Yang just met him by chance."

Just now, why did Sun Baoguo react so strongly?

Because he saw Yang Fan, having breakfast at a table near the window in the distance.

This is not the point.

What made Sun Baoguo's heart sink was that besides the people from Donghai Institute, there was also Hu Yong from Xiangjiang Shipyard, who was sitting next to Yang Fan, chatting and laughing with Yang Fan while having breakfast.

There seems to be a lot of fun between the two!

This was the main reason why Sun Baoguo's heart sank.

Xiangjiang Shipyard is a powerful shipyard with a long history, its history can be traced back to the last century.

They are definitely one of the shipyards most capable of building missile frigates, not inferior to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Xiangjiang Shipyard was not only invited to participate in today's meeting, Hu Yong and Yang Fan also sat together for breakfast, talking and laughing.

No wonder Sun Baoguo reacted so strongly.

Zou Yi continued: "It's okay, don't worry too much, maybe Hu Yong happened to see General Master Yang, and he took the initiative to sit with General Master Yang himself."

Sun Baoguo said very seriously: "I hope so, the task of building the first ship must not be taken away by Xiangjiang Shipyard."

With a heavy and worried heart, Sun Baoguo buried his head in eating breakfast, didn't say anything, just looked at Yang Fan's side occasionally.

Zou Yi guessed right, Yang Fan and Hu Yong really just met by chance.

Yang Fan brought a few people from Donghai Institute to the restaurant for breakfast early, and he had already chosen this empty table by the window and sat down.

While eating, everyone was talking about the meeting that will start at [-] am, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

Han Jiang even said: "Brother Fan, there will be a meeting to discuss the construction of the first ship. Tell me, how long will the military give the construction period, and which shipyard will the construction task be handed over to?"

Everyone knows that the first ship of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer was built at the East China Sea Shipyard, and it took four years.

Yang Fan did not answer directly, but asked: "What do you think? How long will it take for the first ship of the 054 ship?"

Li Zhengjun thought for a while and said: "The design of the 054 ship is very advanced, with a lot of new equipment, the construction time of the first ship should not be less than four years."

"Well, I also think it may take four years." Kuang Wei nodded.

Han Jiang was about to say something more, when suddenly he stopped because he saw someone walking over with a smile on his face.


The first one is delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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