Military Heavy

Chapter 356 Opinion Unity 1

Chapter 356 Unity of Opinion
Others also noticed that it was a middle-aged man who looked like a leader.

Han Jiang asked himself if he knew him, with a puzzled look on his face, thinking about why he came towards us, it looked like he wanted to sit at our table for dinner.

On the contrary, Kuang Wei knew the man and greeted him with a smile.

Yang Fan also recognized this man, and he remembered that he was a deputy general manager of Xiangjiang Shipyard, in charge of ship construction.

The man came over with a smile, sat on the empty seat next to Yang Fan, and introduced himself.

"Mr. Yang, hello, I'm Hu Yong from Xiangjiang Shipyard. I didn't expect to be so lucky that I could meet you for breakfast."

Although not very familiar with each other, the other party was polite and easy-going, and greeted the other party with a smile.

After Hu Yong sat down, he took the initiative to chat with Yang Fan while eating. The topic was naturally related to the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship.

After just chatting for a few words, Yang Fan knew that the other party seemed to be sure to win the task of building the first ship, and they were also one of the shipyards invited to participate in today's meeting.

Obviously, Hu Yong knew which shipyard to hand over the construction of the first ship, and Yang Fan had a great say.

He took the initiative to introduce the situation of Xiangjiang Shipyard to Yang Fan, and warmly sent an invitation: "Master Yang, our Xiangjiang Shipyard has a long history and strong strength. We have also built Type 053 frigates. You are very welcome to take time to visit us. Take a look."

"It is a great honor to be invited to participate in the meeting held by the General Command. If the construction task of the first ship can be handed over to our shipyard, we will definitely go all out to complete the construction of the first ship with the best quality and the fastest speed. The construction task will definitely give a satisfactory answer."

Yang Fan looked very modest, and said with a smile: "It is not up to me to decide which shipyard the construction task of the first ship will be handed over to. Everything depends on the opinions of the general headquarters."

The general command represents the military, whoever the military says will hand over the construction of the first ship.

However, Hu Yong believed that Yang Fan had a great right to speak. Even if Yang Fan said modestly, his opinion was not counted, but he still tried his best to lobby, especially introducing the advantages of their Xiangjiang Shipyard.

But he is also very smart, seeing that Yang Fan and others were about to finish their breakfast and prepare to leave, he hurriedly took the initiative to leave.

When leaving, he politely shook hands with Yang Fan and extended the invitation again: "Master Yang, you must take time to visit our shipyard. As far as the construction of the 054 ship is concerned, we are absolutely competent."

Yang Fan nodded, not having a bad impression of Hu Yong.He is very appreciative of Xiangjiang Shipyard, which is indeed a very good ship.

After the successful design and development of the future 054 ship, the first ship was built at Dongjiang Shipyard, and soon after, a complete set of design drawings was handed over to Xiangjiang Shipyard.

In that future time and space, Xiangjiang Shipyard and Dongjiang Shipyard successively started the construction of Type 054 ships, and both shipyards built many Type 054 guided missile frigates.

The construction task of the first ship is not yet clear, and it is normal for Hu Yong and the others to want to get the construction task of the first ship when it has not been determined which shipyard will be awarded.

Not far away, Sun Baoguo had been eating breakfast with a heavy heart, and came here from time to time to take a look.

Seeing that Hu Yong had finally left, he wanted to go to Yang Fan's side, but he hesitated for a while, and still sat there without moving.

After a while, Yang Fan and the others finished breakfast and were about to leave when he suddenly saw Sun Baoguo in the distance.

Yang Fan smiled warmly, waved to Sun Baoguo as a greeting, and then left the restaurant with Han Jiang and others.

Zou Yi reminded: "Old Sun, Master Yang and the others have finished breakfast, and there is still more than an hour before the meeting starts. Why don't you talk to Master Yang again, and ask him to speak for us again at the meeting. a few words."

Sun Baoguo still seemed a little hesitant, and he sighed lightly after thinking about it.

"Master Yang has already agreed to say a few words for us. It seems a bit bad to mention this matter in the past, so let's forget it."

Fortunately, he didn't go to Yang Fan, otherwise, he might have been declined.

Yang Fan brought everyone over for breakfast so early, because there was something to do later, Luo Jianguo had already made an appointment with him before the meeting, and the two sat down to chat and exchange opinions.

The meeting was held in a hurry, which also represented the eagerness of the military, and hoped that the construction of the 054 ship would start sooner.

In such a hasty situation, Luo Jianguo and Yang Fan have not yet communicated about the construction of the first ship. It is very necessary for the two to sit down and talk before the meeting starts.

After leaving the restaurant, Yang Fan said to Han Jiang and the others: "I'll go there first, you just need to arrive at the conference venue before nine o'clock."

Everyone also knew that General Master Yang had business to do, and he had seen a military vehicle parked outside the hotel, which should have come to pick up Yang Fan.

After waving at Han Jiang and the others, he walked out of the hotel lobby with great strides, and got into the car at the door.

Luo Jianguo had been waiting in his office for a long time and made hot tea in advance.

When the two met, they first shook hands and greeted warmly, then sat down on the sofa and focused on the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship.

Straight to the point, Luo Jianguo said: "The higher-ups have great hopes for the 054 ship, and look forward to starting construction as soon as possible."

Yang Fan nodded lightly, knowing the urgency of the matter.Otherwise, Luo Jianhui will inform everyone to rush to the capital overnight, and hold a meeting on the construction of the first ship this morning.

"Commander Luo, the conditions for the construction of the first ship are mature, and construction can start at any time."

Luo Jianguo also felt that the conditions were ripe, nodded in agreement, and then asked for Yang Fan's opinion.

"Which shipyard do you think is more suitable for the construction of the first ship?"

If Sun Baoguo was here, his heart would probably jump when he heard these words.

He can't stay calm!
This was something he was looking forward to very much. If he was by his side, he would definitely take the initiative to ask for a job and ask Commander Luo to hand over the construction of the first ship to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Facing Luo Jianguo's question, Yang Fan just pondered for a while, and then said the answer in his heart.

"If you want to ask for my opinion, I think it is most appropriate to entrust the construction task of the first ship to Dongjiang Shipyard. I still know this shipyard very well. They began to prepare for the construction of the 054 ship a few years ago. , At present, these preparations are almost done."

"It's very rare that their whole factory is promoting the general block construction method, and the construction of the 054 ship must adopt this construction technology. As far as I know, there are so many domestic shipbuilding enterprises in the country who have mastered this advanced shipbuilding method. Not many yet."

If Sun Baoguo was here, he would definitely be pleasantly surprised to hear Yang Fan say so many words for their shipyard in one breath.

I will also be grateful to Yang Fan in my heart.

Mr. Yang is really a good friend!
He actually said so many good things for us!

Sure enough, as the chief designer of the 054 ship, Yang Fan has a lot of power to speak, and his suggestion Luo Jianguo must be carefully considered.

After asking Yang Fan's opinion, Luo Jianguo pondered for a while, and then said with a straight face: "Since you think Dongjiang Shipyard is the most suitable for the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship, then this matter should be basically settled like this."

One is the commander-in-chief of the 054 ship, and the other is the chief designer.

The opinions of the two are basically unified, so this matter is almost inseparable. As long as there is no major accident, the task of building the first ship of the 054 ship will probably be given to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Fortunately, Sun Baoguo was not here.

If he was really by the side, he would probably pass out from happiness when he heard these words.

This is what he thinks about day and night.

Soon the dream will come true, and the first ship of the 054 ship will be built at the Dongjiang Shipyard.

However, Sun Baoguo is probably still worried at this moment, and he is still worried that the construction task of the first ship may be handed over to another shipyard.

Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo talked for nearly an hour and exchanged opinions on many issues.

Luo Jianguo already had a good idea of ​​how the next meeting would be held.

He looked at the time and said with a smile, "Oh, time flies so fast, it will be nine o'clock in the morning in a few minutes, let's go, we can go to the meeting room."

At this time, the meeting room is already full of people, not a hundred, at least dozens of people.

The most people are from the military. Nearly half of the people sitting here in the meeting are wearing military uniforms.

Then there are people from relevant units, such as the design unit Donghai Institute, such as related supporting units, and people from two shipyards.

They are people from Dongjiang Shipyard and Xiangjiang Shipyard respectively.

The meeting was about to start, but Sun Baoguo's face was still very serious, and he couldn't relax at all.

Hu Yong, who was sitting not far away, looked a little more relaxed, and he looked towards Sun Baoguo from time to time.

Near nine o'clock in the morning, the lively and noisy meeting room suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked towards the door of the meeting room.

I saw several people coming in from the outside. Luo Jianguo walked in the first place, followed by Comrade Yang Fan, the chief designer of the 054 ship.

Luo Jianguo, Yang Fan and others sat on the rostrum of the conference room.

Facing the microphone, Luo Jianguo said loudly: "The meeting will start soon, and I will chair it. Today's main topic is to discuss the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship."

The meeting room is completely quiet!
Everyone sat very upright, looking at the rostrum, focusing on Luo Jianguo.

The meeting started, and Sun Baoguo noticed that his heart beat slightly faster, and he suddenly became a little nervous.

I prayed in my heart, God bless, the task of building the first ship must be handed over to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Luo Jianguo presided over the meeting, first briefly introduced the 054 ship, and then expressed the military's urgent need for this type of guided missile frigate.

He said bluntly: "We need this advanced guided missile frigate very much. We hope that its construction will start as soon as possible and it will be launched as soon as possible."

"We have selected the two most suitable shipyards across the country, and will hand over the task of building the first ship to one of them."

Immediately, many people looked away from Luo Jianguo and looked at Hu Yong and Sun Baoguo.

Some people thought in their hearts, which of the two of them will successfully get the task of building the first ship?


Second more!
(End of this chapter)

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