Military Heavy

Chapter 357 Building the First Ship in Three Years

Chapter 357

Luo Jianguo did not first say which shipyard to hand over the construction task of the first ship, but once again expressed the military's urgent need for the 054 ship.

"Comrades, the design of the 054 ship is very good, and it is absolutely world-class. This is exactly the type of ship we have been looking forward to for a long time. I hope it can enter service sooner."

After expressing the urgent need again, Luo Jianguo said: "You may have some understanding of the performance of the 054 ship, but you may have less understanding of its construction process. Now Comrade Yang Fan will introduce to you what considerations have been made in the design of the 054 ship. Craftsmanship."

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Fan began to speak.

"Everyone, the construction of the 054 ship will adopt the advanced modular construction method of the general section. It is designed to be divided into three large general sections and several smaller sections."

The introduction is very detailed!
After listening to the introduction, many people were slightly excited, thinking in their hearts that the 054 ship not only has outstanding performance, but also fully considered the construction during the design, and the craftsmanship is very good.

"The modular construction method of the general section is really a very advanced and gradually popular construction method."

"At the beginning, the 052 ship also adopted the modular construction method of the general section. This method was taught by General Master Yang to Donghai Shipyard."

"What, Chief Master Yang is so powerful!"


The originally quiet conference room suddenly became a little noisy. Some people were talking sideways in low voices. Obviously, they were a little surprised by the good craftsmanship of the 054 ship.

No, it was a surprise to be precise!
Some people, they even know that Donghai Shipyard used the modular construction of the general section to build the 052 ship, which is also because of Yang Fan.

They had a little admiration for the young chief designer in front of them.

Luo Jianguo did not maintain discipline, but gave everyone enough time. Hearing these words in his ears, he quietly glanced at Yang Fan.

That look seemed to say, Comrade Yang Fan, you are amazing!

After two or three minutes, Luo Jianguo raised his hand and pressed down, motioning everyone to be quiet first, and gradually, the meeting room became quiet again.

He said loudly: "Comrades, we urgently need the 054 ship, and its craftsmanship is also very good. After careful consideration, we have given three years. Once the construction task of the first ship is issued, it must be completed within three years. Complete construction within."

Many people were shocked!
Showing an incredible expression.

Even Sun Baoguo was taken aback for a moment. As the vice president in charge of ship construction of Dongjiang Shipyard, he once thought about how long it would take to complete the construction of the first ship if the task of building the 054 ship was entrusted to them.

He calculated that it would take about four years, at least three and a half years, and it would be almost impossible to complete it in only three years.

Hu Yong originally had a relaxed face, but when he heard that the construction of the first ship would be completed within three years, his expression also changed slightly.

I said in my heart, this is impossible, the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship will definitely not be completed in three years.

It's not just the two of them, except for the military, most of the other people think that this is impossible, and building the first ship in three years has greatly exceeded their expectations.

Someone finally stood up and said loudly: "Commander Luo, the construction of the first ship of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, if including the preparatory work, it took us more than four years to complete the first ship of the Type 054 within three years. I think it's too difficult to build."

Yes, it is too difficult!
Time is too tight!

Immediately, someone reminded him solemnly: "Commander Luo, it is too difficult to build the first ship in three years. Of course, it will take less than three years for the shipyard to build only one hull. Where is the complexity? The design process and supporting factories It is unknown whether the equipment will arrive at the shipyard as scheduled, and whether the equipment during the commissioning process will go smoothly."

"Yeah, there are too many unknown things."

"Ship 054 has a lot of equipment, and the outfitting of these equipment will take a lot of time, and if there is any problem, it will delay the construction."

"time is too short."


The originally quiet conference room suddenly became noisy again, many of them were discussing and talking.These words drifted into his ears, and Luo Jianguo frowned slightly.

Will it take another four years?
The design of the 054 ship is so excellent, the technical and tactical indicators are so high, we hope that it will enter service sooner.

Looking around the noisy conference room, Luo Jianguo looked at Yang Fan next to him, his eyes seemed to say, Mr. Yang, is three years really too short?
It is estimated that only Yang Fan knows that three years is not short.

It is entirely possible to build the first ship in three years.

There are two reasons. One is that the construction of the 054 ship is very technological. In this regard, Yang Fan has sufficient confidence.

The second is that in the future time and space, the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship only took about three years. Practice has proved that there is no problem in three years.

The three-year construction of the first ship was also the time set by Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo after the exchange before the meeting.

No wonder Luo Jianguo looked at Yang Fan and asked Yang Fan for his opinion in the face of everyone's reaction.

Facing the microphone, Yang Fan said loudly: "Everyone calm down first, and listen to me."

Gradually, the meeting room became quiet again.

Yang Fan said: "I don't think there is a big problem in building the first ship in three years. There are mainly the following reasons."

Several reasons were cited.

Very convincing!

After Yang Fan finished speaking, the conference room did not become noisy again, but continued to be quiet, and many people fell into deep thought.

I was thinking about what Yang Fan said just now in my mind.

Yang Fan didn't continue to say anything for the time being, but gave everyone enough time to think, and after several minutes, he continued into the microphone.

"Of course, it's useless just because I personally think that the first ship can be built in three years. My words are for reference only, and the speeches of the comrades in the shipyard are authoritative."

Those who are familiar with Yang Fan thought in their hearts, Master Yang has begun to be humble again, who doesn't know that you are not only good at ship design and design, but also expert in ship construction.

There are comrades from two shipyards here, namely Sun Baoguo of Dongjiang Shipyard and Hu Yong of Xiangjiang Shipyard.

They both behaved differently.

Hu Yong seemed to be thinking, with a concentrated look on his face, while Sun Baoguo looked at Yang Fan, as if asking, Master Yang, is three years really enough.

Yang Fan nodded lightly with a smile on his face, and gave Sun Baoguo a look.

Sun Baoguo seemed to understand this look, and he was slightly pleasantly surprised. Master Yang said that three years is enough, so it must be enough.

"I originally predicted that it would take four years, at least three and a half years. It seems too cautious. We will build the first ship in three years. We have to give it a try."

"Yes, Chief Master Yang won't lie to me, he said yes, it will be fine!"

Sun Baoguo thought so in his heart. He knew Yang Fan very well and admired him very much. He knew that General Master Yang would not easily say something that he was not sure about.

"Well, three years will definitely work!" He thought again in his heart.

Yang Fan looked at Sun Baoguo, "President Sun of Dongjiang Shipyard knows a lot about Ship 054, and he is also a professional, so let him express his opinion."

Sun Baoguo stood up.

At this moment, he was very calm, no longer worried, and said in a very loud voice: "Commander Luo, if the task of building the first ship of the 054 ship is given to Dongjiang Shipyard, I can guarantee that it will be delivered to the military within three years. The lead ship."

This is an initiative!

Proactively and very clearly proposed the task of building the first ship!
Hu Yong not far away was also slightly startled, and looked at Sun Baoguo in astonishment.

Sun Baoguo continued: "We have done a lot of preparatory work for the construction of the Type 054 ship. We are confident and capable of building the first Type 054 guided missile frigate within three years."

Keep quiet in the conference room!
Many people were shocked for a while!
Sun Baoguo said that their shipyard can complete the construction of the first ship within three years!
That's right!

He said that the construction of the first ship can be completed in three years!
Luo Jianguo, who presided over the meeting, was also slightly stunned. Then, with a look of surprise on his face, he glanced at Sun Baoguo approvingly, and said happily: "I am very happy with Mr. Sun's attitude. We must have such courage in doing things." ,Yes, Not Bad."

Next, no one said that three years is not enough time to build the first ship. Didn’t you see that Sun Baoguo has already expressed his opinion, and the comrades in the shipyard have said so, so what else can others say.

It's just that Zou Yi was secretly anxious, and he winked several times, but it didn't seem to have any effect. He knew that building the first ship in three years would be a huge challenge for Dongjiang Shipyard, and it would not be like what Sun Baoguo said. easy.

The morning meeting lasted until around 12 o'clock, and then the meeting was adjourned, and everyone went to the restaurant for dinner.

In the morning, the discussion focused on building the first ship in three years, but Luo Jianguo did not announce which shipyard he would hand over the task of building the first ship to.

The meeting will continue in the afternoon, and there are still several topics, especially after the construction of the first ship starts, some work of related supporting units needs to be arranged and coordinated.

The afternoon meeting continued for several hours, and the meeting was not adjourned until dark.

Luo Jianguo personally deployed and arranged a lot of work, and also clarified a series of time nodes.

The meeting was concluded, and to Sun Baoguo's delight, Commander Luo announced that the construction of the first ship would be handed over to Dongjiang Shipyard, and the contract period would be 36 months, that is, three years.

For the specific situation, Luo Jianguo will definitely discuss it with Dongjiang Shipyard in detail, and will also sign a formal contract with a series of requirements and terms.

In any case, the construction of the first ship is basically settled.

After the meeting, Sun Baoguo walked out of the conference room. The boulder in his heart was completely gone. He was full of energy, and after a few steps, he caught up with Yang Fan who had already walked out of the conference room, and said enthusiastically: "Mr. ?”

The first one is delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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