Military Heavy

Chapter 359 I'm Feeling Lucky

Chapter 359 I'm Feeling Lucky

Today happens to be Sunday again.

Yang Fan is also free, and like other comrades in the East China Sea Institute, he will rest today. If the design of the 054 ship has not been completed, he will work overtime like everyone else in the institute even on Sunday.

While having breakfast, Yang Fan said: "Hongtai Plaza officially opens today, let's go and have a look, what do you think?"

Seek Jiang Yan's opinion!
Jiang Yan said: "Brother Fan, you don't want to participate in today's opening ceremony of Hongtai Plaza, do you? I heard that many leaders and celebrities will come."

Yang Fan smiled, "Honey, you know me well, we will never show this kind of limelight, we will never show this kind of face, I just want to experience the celebration and excitement of the opening as an ordinary person. "

That is the largest commercial plaza in Donghai City, and it is also the opening of the largest supermarket in Donghai City.

This weekend, if you have time, go for a walk, take a look, and feel the excitement, it should be good.

It is rare to have such a relaxing time. With the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship, Yang Fan will definitely be busy. Although he will not be as busy as in the comprehensive design stage, he will definitely be busier than now.

Jiang Yan readily agreed. It is probably a girl's nature to like shopping, and she is no exception.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

After breakfast, the two set off, driving to Hongtai Plaza in Jiangdong New District.

What I saw along the way was full of bustling scenes, construction everywhere, brand-new straight avenues, brand-new real estates, factories, and office buildings.

Seeing this, one can fully feel the development speed of Donghai City.If the development of Donghai City in the 80s was tepid, then after entering the 90s, it was at a completely different speed.

Arriving at Hongtai Plaza, Jiang Yan was the first to be surprised when he saw the situation outside through the car window.

"So lively, so many people!"

It is simply a sea of ​​people!
The entrance of Hongtai Supermarket was even more extraordinary, with festive red carpets, red arches, and many reporters carrying cameras.

Of course, there are more people, a large area of ​​darkness.

Looking at these through the car window, Yang Fan slowly entered the underground garage.

This is estimated to be the largest underground parking lot in Donghai City, with two floors and thousands of parking spaces.

It was the first time Jiang Yan saw such a big underground garage, and he was speechless, "Brother Fan, you might get lost in such a big underground garage."

Yang Fan said: "No, there are indicating arrows, just follow the arrows and prompts."

Jiang Yan said: "Brother Fan, there is no need to build such a huge garage. Look, there are not many cars parked, and it looks very empty."

Of course it is necessary.

Jiang Yan didn't know that such a large underground garage was actually designed and built by Yang Fan. At that time, many people in Hongtai Group also opposed it.

The reason is simple, unnecessary, too wasteful.

But Yang Fang resolutely adopted Yang Fan's suggestion and requested to design two floors, with thousands of parking spaces.

Yang Fan chose the location and parked the car, next to the elevator, it is very convenient to go to Hongtai Supermarket, just pass the elevator.

Seeing that at least two-thirds of the parking spaces were empty and not many cars were parked, Yang Fan said: "Don't look at the many empty parking spaces now, in a few years there will be a lot fewer empty parking spaces, and in ten years' time , or more than ten years, it is estimated that finding a place to park is not an easy task. By then, this huge underground garage will be full, and some cars have no space and can only be parked on the street outside. "

"No way!"

Jiang Yan showed an unbelievable expression, she couldn't accept it for a while, would there really be so many cars?

Yang Fan nodded affirmatively.

Of course there will be so many cars, and now it is rare for a hundred families to have a private car, and the cars that drive on the street are basically public cars, or cars of rich bosses.

Ten years later, it will be very common to have a private car, especially in an international metropolis like Donghai City, the number of cars owned will be astonishing.

Holding Jiang Yan's hand, Yang Fan said, "Let's go, let's go to the supermarket to buy something and be an ordinary customer."

Jiang Yan readily agreed, and happily entered the first floor of the supermarket with Yang Fan.

The supermarket is really big!

Each floor is very large, there are five floors in total, and there are a variety of products, all kinds of things.

The first floor is a variety of daily necessities, grain, oil and fresh food.You can buy everything you need for daily use and food on this floor.

The first floor mainly buys cosmetics, jewelry, designer shoes and bags.

The second floor and the third floor are all kinds of household appliances, such as various electric fans, washing machines, popular tape recorders and so on.

The third and fourth floors are also full of clothes, with many brands and styles.

On the fifth floor are all kinds of snacks, as well as cinemas, game halls, eating, drinking and leisure.

In the mid-90s, it was amazing to have such a big supermarket. No wonder there were so many people on the first day of opening.

Yang Fan and Jiang Yan walked around the supermarket for almost a whole morning and bought a lot of things. Yang Fan was carrying several shopping bags in his hand.

"Brother Fan, do you see that there is still a lottery over there, should we try it?"

Opened today, the lottery is one of the activities held by the supermarket, and it is also one of the benefits for customers. As long as the consumption reaches a certain amount, they can participate.

Seeing that there were quite a few people in the lottery draw, and they lined up, it was so lively, Yang Fan also became interested, "Okay, let's try our luck too."

The two also started queuing up, and within 2 minutes of queuing, suddenly, the whole scene erupted in commotion.

The host of the lottery draw seemed to be on a stimulant, holding the microphone, and said loudly: "Everyone, another second prize has come out today. Congratulations to this lady, she will get a tape recorder worth [-] yuan!"

Tape recorders are very popular now.

Especially the popular songs of some stars can be played in tape recorders through tapes, and tape recorders are definitely among the most popular electrical appliances.

The lady who won the lottery was smiling, and she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. She probably never dreamed that she would win such a big prize today!

Many people are extremely envious!
Especially those who waited in line for the lottery draw hoped that they would also win a big prize and be happy.

Even Jiang Yan said: "Brother Fan, that eldest sister is really lucky to win a second prize. It would be great if we also got a grand prize!"

Yang Fan just smiled. The key to this kind of thing is participation. It would be nice to have a commemorative award. The possibility of winning the grand prize is too low.

I dare not have such extravagant hopes!
After queuing for three or four minutes, it was finally Yang Fan and Jiang Yan's turn.

"Brother Fan, come and draw the prize, let's see how lucky you are."

Yang Fan really wanted to give it a try, he breathed on his right hand first, then reached out and took out a scratch card from the prize box.

"Scrape it off and take a look!"

Jiang Yan seemed to be more anxious than Yang Fan, and even gave Yang Fan a prepared coin.

After receiving the coin, Yang Fan immediately scratched it, Jiang Yan also came over, and there were a few people beside him who also wanted to see the result.

Soon, Yang Fan scratched off the first word, which was a "thank you".

Immediately, Yang Fan was a little disappointed.

Although it is said that the most important thing is to participate and just have fun, but seeing that I didn't win the lottery, I was somewhat disappointed.

The same is true for Jiang Yan. He was excited and had great hopes at first, but he was also a little frustrated when he saw the result.

Seeing that Yang Fan didn't continue to scratch, the old man next to him became a little anxious, and reminded: "Young man, you only scratched the first character, continue to scrape all of them, and scratch again."

Yang Fan just shook his head, he had already scratched off the first word "Thank you", so he didn't continue to scrape at all, and he didn't need to continue scratching to know that it was probably the four words "Thank you for participating".

Shaking his head with a wry smile again, Yang Fan threw the card into the trash can next to him.

Getting ready to leave!
The lottery host reminded: "Sir, according to your shopping amount, there is still one chance to draw a lottery, and you can draw another one."

And such a good thing!
I was a little disappointed at first, but hope suddenly rose again.

There is still another chance!
This is awesome, I like it!

Then try again!
Originally feeling a little bit disappointed, everything changed all of a sudden. Yang Fan reached out and took a scratch card from the lottery box with great interest.

Still using the coin to scratch the scratch card, the first word was scratched off, and it was not the word "thank you", but the word "one".

Is it "first prize"?

Yang Fan was overjoyed, and Jiang Yan next to him was similar, and hurriedly said: "Brother Fan, scrape it all off to see if it's the first prize!"

Her voice was relatively loud, and many people nearby heard it, including the lottery host.

A few eyes looked over and focused on the small scratch card. With good eyesight, the person who was close could clearly see the scratched "one".

He couldn't help shouting, "My God, it might be a first prize!"

First prize!

There was a little commotion at the scene, more eyes looked over, and one person even came over, hoping to see clearly the scratch card in Yang Fan's hand.

Yang Fan ignored the reactions around him, but was silent in joy.

Since I am happy, I am a little nervous.

I am happy that this is likely to be the first prize, but I am nervous because I am worried that my hope will fail. What if it is not the first prize?
Instead of rushing to continue scraping down, he looked up at the prize. The first prize was a washing machine, which looked good and should be the latest model.


"I'm so anxious, quickly scrape off all the words that follow."

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

The typical emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuchs are not in a hurry, Yang Fan is not in a hurry, but the people watching the excitement are in a hurry, and they really want to see the result.

After Yang Fan took a look at the prize, he felt very satisfied. The washing machine at his father-in-law's house was a bit old, and it was time to replace it with a new one.

Holding the coin in his hand, he scratched it again, and finally scraped it all away.

There was a burst of exclamation all around!


The third update, today's update is here, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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