Military Heavy

Chapter 360 Start Construction

Chapter 360 Start Construction

All scraped off!
The word "first prize" was very clear, and there was a burst of exclamation all around. Many people were extremely envious and wished that they were the ones who won the prize.

Yang Fan was happy, and he looked at Jiang Yan with a smile, his heart bursting with joy, full of joy.


I was so lucky that I scratched out a first prize. This is really a chance of winning the lottery.

"It's amazing, the first prize!"

"If only I had that much luck."

"People in front of the line hurry up, I want to try my luck."

Such words drifted into his ears, Yang Fan smiled, and gave this scratch card to the lottery host, ready to claim the prize.

Check it out!
The host of the lottery draw seemed more excited than anyone else, holding the microphone in one hand and the scratch card in the other, and everyone shouted.

"Gentlemen and ladies, today's first first prize has been awarded. Congratulations to this gentleman. The prize is this washing machine worth 800 yuan!"

Lying on the grass!

A washing machine worth 800 yuan, many people do not earn 800 yuan a month.

Many envious eyes looked over, the atmosphere at the scene reached its peak, almost boiling!

More and more people came to draw the lottery, and the place became more and more lively. Yang Fan didn't want to be in the limelight, let alone be the center of attention, he just wanted to claim the prize and leave.

The prize redemption procedure is relatively simple, and it will be completed quickly. Yang Fan left his contact number and address, and the supermarket will send the washing machine there.

"You can go, let's go back."

Yang Fan held a few shopping bags in one hand and Jiang Yan in the other, and left here happily.

The movement was a little big, and the first grand prize was produced. The store manager of the supermarket was alarmed, and hurried over to take a look.

Yang Fan was just about to leave, and hadn't completely left the prize redemption scene. After the store manager came over and saw Yang Fan, he was slightly taken aback immediately.

So familiar!

Suddenly, he remembered that this seemed to be the younger brother of the immediate boss, he had met him once.

Who is the big boss in his heart?
It's Yang Fang!
Shocked, the store manager immediately chased after him a few steps, and asked tentatively, "Are you Mr. Yang?"

Yang Fan could tell from the other party's badge that he was the store manager of the supermarket. Guessing that the other party recognized him, he smiled and nodded, "Yes, I am Yang Fan."

It's really Mr. Yang!

The store manager was a little excited, and immediately said enthusiastically, "I'll help you carry your things."

Before he finished speaking, he enthusiastically took these shopping bags from Yang Fan, and led the way attentively.

When the lottery host saw this scene, he was surprised and thought to himself, what is the identity of this gentleman who won the lottery? The store manager personally carried his things and led him the way.

He probably never dreamed that this was the younger brother of their immediate boss.

"Mr. Yang, you can call me next time you come to the supermarket to shop, and I can serve you personally."

Yang Fan sat in the car, put down the window glass, and said politely: "Thank you for your hard work, go get busy."

In the eyes of the store manager, Yang Fan drove away, out of the underground parking lot, and took a look at the lively and grand Hongtai Plaza.

I thought in my heart, this place will be the absolute center of the entire Jiangdong New District, and every inch of land will be worth every penny in the future.

Sitting in the co-pilot seat, Jiang Yan was extremely happy, "Brother Fan, I didn't expect us to be so lucky to win a first prize."

Yang Fan smiled happily. I was really lucky today. I originally planned to buy a new washing machine for my mother-in-law, but I didn't use it.

While being happy, Jiang Yan seemed to think of something, and said with a smile: "Brother Fan, you are the boss of Hongtai Group, and you won a first prize. You are not paying for it yourself, and you are paying for the washing machine."

Yang Fan smiled again, not thinking about such a complicated problem, anyway, he won a first prize today, so happy!

The efficiency of Hongtai Supermarket is very high. I don't know if the store manager said hello. Anyway, the winning washing machine was delivered at two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

The delivery workers were very diligent. They not only helped to move the washing machine into the big villa, but also helped to install it. Li Xiuzhen could use it at the touch of a button.

She was obviously satisfied with the washing machine, and asked again, "Yang Fan, is this washing machine really your winning prize?"

"Yes." Yang Fan said again: "Jiang Yan and I went shopping in Hongtai Supermarket this morning. They held an event. I was lucky and won a first prize."

After confirming again and again that it was a winning prize, the old man became happy.

As long as she didn't buy it with money, but picked up a bargain, she would be happy.

The washing machine is installed and ready to use, Jiang Yan suggested: "Mom, why don't you try the washing machine."

"Yes, give it a try. I want to try it." Li Xiuzhen brought all the clothes to be washed today, put in the washing powder under Jiang Yan's guidance, and pressed the start button.

This is a fully automatic washing machine, which was undoubtedly very advanced in the mid-90s.

Watching the washing machine start to work, Jiang Yan said: "Mom, you don't need to worry about it from now on. It will beep after washing. Then you can come over and take out the clothes to dry."

"Good, good, good."

Li Xiuzhen was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Three or four ten minutes later, after the clothes were washed, the washing machine beeped. Li Xiuzhen came over, turned on the washing machine, and took out a piece of clothing from it to look at it again and again.

"Look, it's been dried, it's so convenient, it can be dried now."

Yang Fan and Jiang Yan looked at each other and smiled, both very happy. If Li Xiuzhen liked it, they were both happy.

The old-fashioned washing machine before was far less convenient, and the operation was more troublesome, almost in "manual mode", which was very time-consuming.

Washing clothes needs to be filled with water several times. After washing, the clothes have to be taken out and put into another drum to dry. It is not easy to wash clothes once, but it is slightly better than hand washing.

Well now, very convenient, very easy.

No wonder Li Xiuzhen was so happy and satisfied.


Today is Monday.

Yang Fan got up earlier than usual, and after breakfast, he drove out in person, instead of going to Donghai Shipyard, he went directly to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Today, the first ship of the 054 ship will start construction.

This is an extremely important moment. As the chief designer of the 054 ship, Yang Fan must watch the construction of the first ship start with his own eyes.

Arrive at Dongjiang Shipyard.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the factory, I saw a large banner hanging directly above the gate of the factory. It was very eye-catching, with a line of words in white on a red background.

"Warmly celebrate the start of construction of the Type 054 guided missile frigate"

Yang Fan thought in his heart, it's not bad, the atmosphere has been turned on.

Yang Fan was quite familiar with Dongjiang Shipyard, and he arrived at the gate of the material preparation workshop.

The door of the large factory building in front of me was completely open. Not only was there a gong and drum team, a Yangko team, but also a red carpet.

At the door of the workshop, Sun Baoguo and other leaders of Dongjiang Shipyard were all flushed and excited, and they seemed happier than during the New Year.

He was not wearing overalls, but a suit and tie, looking formal and festive.

Sun Baoguo saw Yang Fan getting out of the car, and immediately came over enthusiastically, shaking hands happily: "General Master Yang, welcome to come."

Yang Fan said: "You guys are making a lot of noise, the atmosphere is already completely up, and I can feel this lively and festive atmosphere as soon as I enter your factory."

Sun Baoguo said: "The start of the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship is a major event, and this day will definitely be recorded in the history of our Dongjiang shipyard."

The first ship of the 054 ship started construction!
It is not only a major event for Dongjiang Shipyard, it is a major event for the entire domestic shipbuilding industry, and it is also a major event for the military industry.

"Master Yang, please come inside!"

Under the warm invitation of Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan walked along the red carpet into this large factory building amidst the sound of gongs and drums, which is also the material preparation workshop of Dongjiang Shipyard.

The first process of shipbuilding, the lofting of drawings and the number of materials will be carried out here, and then the cutting of steel plates will also be carried out here.

The workshop has been tidied and cleaned specially, the workers should have tidied it up carefully, the spacious workshop does not look messy.

On the contrary, it seemed relatively tidy. For the construction ceremony, an area of ​​[-] to [-] square meters was specially cleared, a red carpet was laid, microphones were set up, and flowers were placed.

The atmosphere has really turned up!

Dongjiang Shipyard's preparations are well done!

Yang Fan nodded again in satisfaction, and under Sun Baoguo's arrangement, he temporarily sat down on a chair, 08 minutes before 30:10 in the morning.

There were several rows of chairs, neatly arranged, and more than half of the chairs were occupied by people.

Yang Fan knew most of them, even if he couldn't name them, he had met them a few times, and he generally knew their units or positions.

For those who have a good relationship and are familiar with each other, Yang Fan nodded enthusiastically and greeted them.Or they simply took the initiative to shake hands with Yang Fan.

Among these people was an old acquaintance, Chen Shaohua from Donghai Shipyard.

He happily came over to shake hands with Yang Fan, "Master Yang, the construction of Ship 054 started today, it is really exciting, congratulations."

Yang Fan said: "This reminds me of when the construction of the 052 ship started."

When mentioning the 052 ship, Chen Shaohua smiled proudly. The two sat together and chatted very deeply.

After a while.

There was movement outside, and Luo Jianguo, the commander-in-chief of Ship 054, walked in accompanied by Sun Baoguo. Immediately, there was warm applause in the workshop.

Especially those workers, someone recognized that this was the commander-in-chief of the 054 ship, and suddenly there was a little commotion.

"That's Commander Luo, he's here too!"

"Our factory has a lot of face. Master Yang is here, and Commander Luo is also here."

Luo Jianguo walked into the workshop and shook hands with many people.

When shaking hands with Yang Fan, he said loudly: "Comrade Yang Fan, the moment we have been looking forward to for a long time has finally arrived!"


It's here!

The first ship of the 054 ship is about to start construction at Dongjiang Shipyard!

The first one is delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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