Military Heavy

Chapter 361

Chapter 361
08:30 am!
Sun Baoguo, the chief builder of Ship 054, walked in front of the microphone, and the originally lively scene gradually quieted down.

Even the yangko and drum teams outside also stopped.In the workshop, everyone's eyes were on Sun Baoguo.

At this moment, his mood is agitated!
There is no way to control this. At such an important historic moment, no matter how strong the mental quality is, it is impossible to maintain a calm state of mind.

After taking a few deep breaths, Sun Baoguo said into the microphone: "Leaders and comrades, good morning everyone, our Dongjiang Shipyard has ushered in a very important moment today, and the first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate will start construction today. put up……"

He delivered a speech on behalf of Dongjiang Shipyard. It lasted about 10 minutes, and the excitement could not be concealed between the words. In addition to thanking him, he also promised to complete the construction task on schedule, with high standards and high quality.

After the speech, there was a burst of warm applause at the scene, which was very lively.

Especially the people from Dongjiang Shipyard applauded with excitement.

Yang Fan also spoke on behalf of the design unit. Knowing that the protagonist today is Dongjiang Shipyard and Sun Baoguo, he didn't mean to steal his limelight.

The speaking time was limited to about five or six minutes. After the speech was finished, the voice fell, and more enthusiastic applause rang out.

Yang Fan smiled softly, the applause was so warm, Mr. Sun, I don't mean to overshadow your limelight.

Where do you think!

The commander-in-chief of the 054 ship, Luo Jianguo, actually stood up and took the lead in applauding vigorously.

Unbelievably, Sun Baoguo was not dissatisfied at being upstaged by Yang Fan. Instead, he looked happy and stood up and applauded vigorously.

This is more lively!
The thunderous applause spread outside the workshop, and the members of the Yangko Team and the Gong and Drum Team could hear it clearly.

The sound is very loud!
"Why such warm applause!"

"It hasn't stopped yet. It's been more than a minute. Whose speech just now won such warm applause."

The person near the gate looked inside, and immediately broke the news loudly: "It's the speech of Master Yang!"

My God, it's so awesome. It's a little unbelievable to win such warm applause for a speech.

In fact, applause has multiple meanings.

People in the military expressed their gratitude to Yang Fan through applause, because of Yang Fan, there is such an excellent guided missile frigate. This type of ship is simply the dream of the military.

The applause is more about admiration. Everyone admires Yang Fan for leading the people of the East China Sea Institute to design such an excellent warship in just two years.

Deeply impressed a lot of people!
Such warm applause is normal.The applause was so warm that Yang Fan had to stand up, applaud in response, and express his thanks to everyone.

Finally, the applause stopped, and the scene finally quieted down. Sun Baoguo once again walked in front of the microphone, and he presided over today's construction ceremony.

"Thank you Donghai Research Institute, thank you to Master Yang, because of their efforts, we have an excellent Type 054 guided missile frigate, and our Dongjiang Shipyard has the opportunity to build the first Type 054 frigate here..."

Thanks a lot, and said a lot of people's heartfelt thoughts.

After speaking, he solemnly invited: "Now, Comrade Luo Jianguo, the commander-in-chief of the 054 ship, announces the start of construction of the first ship."

Luo Jianguo walked to the front of the microphone with strides and vigorous steps, looked around everyone, and then began to speak.

First of all, on behalf of the military, I would like to thank the units and related personnel who have worked hard for the 054 project. Of course, Donghai Institute and Yang Fan are especially mentioned.

Then solemnly ordered that the construction of the first ship must be completed on schedule, and the relevant units, especially the supporting factories, would fully cooperate.

After talking about this, he stopped for a while, and looked around at everyone again.

The workshop has not completely quieted down!
Even the outside of the workshop seemed to be the same, and it became quiet, with no noise coming in.

As you all know, the exciting time has come!

Sure enough, Luo Jianguo said loudly: "Now I announce that the first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate will officially start construction at the Dongjiang Shipyard!"

As soon as the voice fell!
The originally quiet scene erupted in an instant, boiling!
Applause and cheers are intertwined!
Soon, the deafening sound of firecrackers rang out, and in the open space outside the gate of this factory building, firecrackers all over the floor were being set off cheerfully.

The Yangko team twisted, and the gongs and drums sounded...

Like everyone else, Yang Fan couldn't calm down at the moment, his face was full of joy, and like many people, he kept applauding vigorously!
Ship history will remember!

Today is August 1994, 12!
For ordinary people, this is just an ordinary day, but for our ship people, it is a special day!

The first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate officially started construction!
The lively scene lasted for at least an hour. After the smoke from the firecrackers dissipated, the sound of gongs and drums stopped, and the workshop became quiet, the stakeout and numbering of the hull began.


In the workshop, workers began to stake out the hull.

The leaders and guests who participated in the construction ceremony of the first ship of the 054 ship have all dispersed, and only some workers and technicians are here.

The commonly used methods for hull stakeout include manual stakeout and mathematical stakeout.

Of course, Dongjiang Shipyard only adopts manual stakeout. Advanced methods such as mathematical stakeout are only beginning to appear in some advanced shipyards abroad. Mathematical stakeout needs to establish a mathematical model and complete hull stakeout with the help of an electronic computer.

Obviously, Dongjiang Shipyard lacks such a foundation now. Not only are computers not popular among technicians, but they also don't know how to build mathematical models for lofting.

Staking is done manually.

The workers had made sufficient preparations, and had prepared tape measures, wooden splines, weights, curved plates and other things early on.

"Old Guo, this curve board of yours has been around for some years, and some of the numbers on it are almost polished."

Lao Guo, who was in his forties, said: "This was given to me by my master when I was a teacher. It has been used for more than twenty years."

For a long time, everyone has used such tools for manual stakeout.However, today's stakeout is slightly different from the past, using a laser theodolite.

This is Yang Fan's suggestion.

He once suggested to Sun Baoguo to use laser theodolite during the construction of ships. He adopted this suggestion, purchased several laser theodolites, and sent some technicians and workers to Donghai Shipyard to study.

"Liu Gong, we are almost ready."

Liu Xiwu, who was in charge of technical work, looked at everyone's preparations, and seeing that everything was ready, he said loudly, "We're starting to make the baseline."

When staking out the hull, you need to make a grid line first, and the first step in making a grid line is to make a baseline, which is the baseline of the grid line.

The accuracy of hull stakeout largely depends on whether the grid line is accurate, and the quality of the grid line depends on the accuracy of the baseline.

A worker deftly determined the first endpoint of the baseline, marked the letter "O" next to this point, and then waved: "Help me, pull the tape measure."

In the past, they all operated like this. After pulling the tape measure, draw a long pink line as the baseline.

However, it will no longer do so today.

Seeing that someone wanted to pull the tape measure as before, several technicians beside him laughed kindly. Liu Xiwu, who was in charge of the technical work of setting out, even said: "There is no need to pull the tape measure anymore, we use a laser theodolite."

Two of the workers have been to the Donghai Shipyard for training and learning. They know that they will use the laser theodolite for the baseline from now on instead of pulling the tape measure.

But more workers don't know that they have always thought they were pulling a tape measure, and they have been doing this throughout their careers.

Use a laser theodolite!

Many people showed surprise on their faces!
Many eyes looked at this laser theodolite. They were very curious and thought to themselves, how is it used?

Liu Xiwu said loudly: "Watch me operate, and watch a little bit. From now on, you will also be able to operate a laser theodolite like me."

After finishing speaking, he placed the laser theodolite on the endpoint "O" of the established baseline, centered the instrument, leveled it, and wrote down the "O" point with a pencil, emitted the laser light point to the other endpoint "A" for orientation, and used a pencil Make a note of point A.
The operation is more skilled.

A dazzling and bright laser beam deeply attracted the attention of the workers, and someone exclaimed: "It's so straight, it's straight."

"Of course!" said the worker who had been to Donghai Shipyard for study and training, "This is a laser beam, and there will be no deviation."

Many workers were surprised!

It feels a little incredible!

They have been doing hull stakeout for a lifetime, and today is an eye-opener. For the first time, they saw that the baseline can be done in this way, and it is very accurate.

It may take a lot of effort to draw a tape measure to make a baseline. Even the most experienced workers are very cautious and focused, measuring and checking repeatedly before they can make a baseline.

It is completely different now. With the laser theodolite, everything becomes easier, and the baseline is done very quickly.

Since when is it so easy to make a baseline!

It's an increase in knowledge!

You can still do this as a baseline!
While some workers were shocked, they also became eager and wanted to operate this laser theodolite by themselves.

Liu Gong said loudly: "Don't worry, there will be opportunities in the future, first watch my operation seriously, and learn first before talking."

With the laser theodolite, everything really becomes easier.

After the base line is done, start to make the grid line.

The method is also very simple. Use the laser theodolite to make the vertical line of the baseline first, and then make the horizontal line of the baseline. The grid lines that could not be completed in one day were all completed in less than an hour.

This efficiency!
It is simply leveraged.

How about the quality?

An old worker in his fifties who will retire in two years said directly that he had never seen such a good quality grid line in his life.


Very neat!
The horizontal one is very level and the vertical one doesn't slant at all.

The second one is delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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