Military Heavy

Chapter 362

Chapter 362 Want to be more efficient


The Dongjiang Shipyard held a celebratory luncheon in a nearby hotel. There were seven or eight tables in total. Except for the leaders of the Dongjiang Shipyard, the others were guests from relevant units who came to participate in the construction ceremony. People from the military had already gone back up.

As soon as the construction ceremony was over, Luo Jianguo took everyone away and declined the warm invitation of the leaders of Dongjiang Factory.

As the chief builder, Sun Baoguo is so happy!

Obviously still immersed in joy now, holding a wine glass, he said loudly: "Everyone, in the future construction process, please support our work, especially the related equipment of the supporting factory, and hope to provide it to us as soon as possible. us."

After finishing speaking, he walked up to Yang Fan with a glass of wine in his hand, and said very politely: "Master Yang, the technical support during the construction process is left to you."

After speaking, he drank the white wine in the glass in one gulp.

Very generous!
Yang Fan said: "Don't worry, we will focus on the construction of the first ship. As long as I have time, I will basically come and have a look."

Hearing this, Sun Baoguo felt happy and relieved for a while.

At the celebration luncheon, Sun Baoguo drank a lot of wine, but he was not drunk, which shows that his drinking capacity is extraordinary.After lunch, many people started to leave.

Yang Fan did not leave Dongjiang Shipyard in a hurry, but took a short rest, and planned to go to the material preparation workshop in the afternoon to have a look at the situation of stakeout.

Take a nap and feel refreshed.

At around 03:30 in the afternoon, Yang Fan walked into Sun Baoguo's office, "Mr. Sun, Huo Liang, at least drink a catty of white."

Sun Baoguo proudly said: "It's no good, I'm old, if I'm ten years younger, such a little wine is nothing at all."

Although there was still a little bit of alcohol on his body, he was very clear-headed and not at all drunk, and he probably fell asleep after eating.

The two chatted for a while, and Sun Baoguo waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's go to the material preparation workshop to have a look, where stakeout should already be going on."

Of course he knew that Yang Fan was not in a hurry to go back to Donghai Institute after staying, but just wanted to see the situation of the stakeout, especially the effect of stakeout with the laser theodolite.

The two left the office building together and walked into the material preparation workshop together.

Compared with the morning, this place is completely different. The red carpet has been removed, and the chairs, flowers and other things have been removed.

In the huge workshop, some workers are busy and earnestly stake out.

"Mr. Sun, hello!"

"Master Yang, you are here."

The technicians and some management personnel in the workshop greeted the two of them actively, while most of the workers continued to work.

Yang Fan saw the first design drawing that completed the stakeout, which was one of the design drawings belonging to the stem.

The bow column is an important component of the hull. Due to its complex line shape, the theoretical line diagram provided by the design department often cannot accurately represent it, and it must be modified and perfected when the hull line is set out.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.

Both Yang Fan and Sun Baoguo are experts. When they saw the stakeout of the stem, they felt that the quality was very good, especially the grid lines were very regular.

"Such a good quality is not common, Lao Zhao, you guys have made great progress."

Old Zhao was an old worker and a squad leader. Sun Baoguo knew him, so he asked this question.

"Mr. Sun, we don't dare to take credit for it. It's all because of the use of the laser theodolite. Not only is the efficiency very high, but the quality is also surprisingly good."

Laser theodolite!

Of course Sun Baoguo knew that it was Yang Fan who suggested to him to buy a few sets, and sent some technicians and workers to Donghai Shipyard to study.

It really works so well!
Does it work?

Liu Xiwu, who is in charge of the technical work here, said: "Mr. Sun, it is really easy to use, and it is very easy to use. Look at how regular the grid lines are."

Not only Yang Fan looked at these grid lines, but even Sun Baoguo was no exception.

He couldn't help but said: "Give me a measure, I want to see for myself how the quality of the grid lines drawn by the laser theodolite is."

It does look good to the naked eye, but to be more accurate, it's better to measure it with a ruler.

How to check the grid line?

After the grid line is drawn, it is generally necessary to check its accuracy, mainly to check whether the corresponding grid line spacing is equal in the three views, but to check the equal division, parallelism and verticality of the grid line.

There are also mature and specific inspection methods.

Several workers skillfully pulled the tape measure and measured the length of the diagonal lines in the large rectangle formed by the grid lines. One of the workers said loudly: "Mr. Sun, the error of the diagonal lines does not exceed 1 mm."

Such a big rectangle!

Such a long diagonal!
The error did not exceed 1 mm.

Immediately, Sun Baoguo was extremely satisfied, and praised: "As expected of the grid lines drawn by laser theodolite, the quality is really good and the precision is really high."

Yang Fan just smiled slightly.

Knowing that the accuracy of the laser theodolite is of course high, the error is very normal within 1 mm, and it is not normal if the error exceeds 1 mm.

The two watched for a long time in the material preparation workshop.

Sun Baoguo mainly depends on the quality of the stakeout and everyone's efficiency.

Looking at it this way, he is more satisfied and relieved. After having the laser theodolite, both the quality and efficiency have brought him surprises.

It turns out that the quality can be so good and the efficiency can be so high.

What he hopes most is efficiency. Under the premise of ensuring quality, the higher the efficiency, the better. He hopes to complete the stakeout and material numbers as soon as possible, and even hopes to complete the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship as soon as possible, so that it can be launched and delivered earlier.

The time is only three years, only 36 months. Not only him, but the entire Dongjiang Shipyard is under pressure. The time is too tight.

Yang Fan is different. It mainly depends on whether there are any problems in the design drawings during the process of staking out. When he was reassured, no problems have been found so far.

When some technicians saw Mr. Yang personally on the scene, they took the opportunity to ask some questions about the design drawings.

Wherever they temporarily do not understand thoroughly, they will ask.

When he first asked Yang Fan, the technician was still a little nervous, but he found that Yang Fan was very easy-going and patiently explained to him the things on the design drawings, and he gradually became less nervous.

Seeing this, the other technicians became more courageous, and they would come over to ask about anything they didn't understand or didn't understand thoroughly.

Yang Fan is very patient every time and explains very thoroughly.

When it was time to get off work in the afternoon, Sun Baoguo looked at the time and said enthusiastically, "Master Yang, it's time to get off work soon, and we'll leave after dinner."

Yang Fan also raised his hand to check the time, and replied, "No, I'm going back to have dinner tonight, and my wife is waiting at home."

Seeing this, Sun Baoguo didn't insist anymore.

Accompanying Yang Fan to the outside of the workshop, he said: "The construction of the first ship has finally started. I am very happy in my heart. This is something we have been looking forward to for a long time, but..."

Hesitant to speak.

When he said "just", he stopped and looked back at the busy workers and technicians in the workshop.

Yang Fan said: "Speak directly if you have anything to say, Mr. Sun, don't just talk about it, I'm not an outsider, I can say anything."

Sun Baoguo looked away from those busy technicians and workers, and said hopefully: "There are a lot of design drawings for the hull and components of the 054 ship. time."

For him, the most precious thing is time.

I can't wait to spend as little time as possible on each process, and I can't wait to start outfitting now.It's just that he knows that this is just wishful thinking, and he can only do it step by step, each step is necessary and cannot be sloppy.

He has no idea whether the construction task can be successfully completed within three years, so he can only go all out, work overtime day and night, and build the first ship as soon as possible.

just what?

Sun Baoguo said: "If the efficiency can be higher and the speed can be faster, that would be great."

Yang Fan's heart skipped a beat.

Others may not be able to improve the efficiency and speed of staking, but Yang Fan has a way.

"Mr. Sun, do you still want to improve efficiency and speed?"

"Of course!"

Sun Baoguo answered without hesitation. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, looked at Yang Fan, and was pleasantly surprised.

A little unsteady, he said: "Master Yang, could it be that you have a way to improve efficiency and speed!"

Yang Fan didn't give a damn and nodded, "Yes, there is indeed a way, but it is a bit difficult to promote this method, but it will always benefit after promotion, and it will fundamentally change the current form of hull lofting."

So awesome!

Fundamentally change the form of hull lofting.

Sun Baoguo was surprised at first, then overjoyed, and quickly said: "We are not afraid of difficulties, please tell me quickly, what is the solution."

The third update is here, today's update is here, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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