Military Heavy

Chapter 363 The first person who eats crabs

Chapter 363 The first person to eat crabs
Sun Baoguo was pleasantly surprised!

Chief Master Yang actually has a way to improve the efficiency and speed of hull lofting.

This is simply too good!

What he hopes most is to complete the construction task of the first ship as soon as possible, but he also knows that the entire construction process will be a very complicated process, and each construction link will take a lot of time. Compared with the previous traditional manual work, the efficiency has been greatly improved, but it still feels too long.

With so many drawings and parts for the 054 hull, the lofting work is also a complicated process that takes a lot of time.

It would be great if the efficiency and speed of stakeout could be improved!

This is what he dreamed of.

Sensing Sun Baoguo's gaze, Yang Fan smiled and said loudly: "There is indeed a way to improve the efficiency and speed of stakeout, and that is computer hull stakeout."

Computer hull lofting!
Sun Baoguo was stunned for a while, he didn't think that computer can be used to stake out the hull, this, they don't know, but read the introduction in some foreign language materials, and learned a little bit.

"Mr. Yang, our computer-aided drawing has just started. Computer hull lofting, isn't it too far away?"

Under Yang Fan's suggestion, both Donghai Shipyard and Dongjiang Shipyard began to use computer-aided drafting, and they all initially tasted the sweetness.

However, the computers in the two shipyards are not all popular, and less than half of the technicians use computers, which is a typical start-up and trial stage.

Yang Fan said: "It's getting late, I have to go back first, how about this, you come to my office tomorrow, let's have a good talk about computer hull stakeout."

"sure, no problem."

Sun Baoguo readily agreed, and personally sent Yang Fan to the car, and after watching the big off-road vehicle go away, he first went to the material preparation workshop to see the workers' hull layout.

I thought again in my heart, the workload of 054 hull lofting is really not small, and it is my dream to further improve the efficiency and speed of hull lofting.

When I returned to the office from the workshop, I didn't even think about eating, but rummaged through some foreign language materials with computerized hull lofting.

After finding some relevant information, Sun Baoguo sat there and looked at it carefully. Sometimes when he encountered an unfamiliar word, he would take out the English-Chinese dictionary to find out the meaning of the word.

After reading some information, I finally understood something.

But he felt that it was far from enough, and what he knew was too superficial. At this moment, he very much wanted to hear Yang Fan's talk about computer hull stakeout.

I thought in my heart, Master Yang is so confident, he should have a lot of research on computer hull lofting, and he must ask for advice tomorrow.

The hull construction process is a complex production process, and it includes a lot of manual work. If computers can be used to complete some work in the hull construction process, it will play a very important role in reducing costs, improving product quality and hull construction technology. .

In foreign countries, computer hull stakeout is already a trend, but in China, it has hardly started yet, and still stays in the stage of manual stakeout.

Such stakeout has low efficiency and poor quality.

After learning about the limited information on computerized hull lofting from these foreign language materials, Sun Baoguo thought in his heart that computerized hull lofting must be promoted in the whole factory. This is a long-term benefit. stake out.

The next day.

Sun Baoguo arrived at Jiangdong Shipyard early in the morning. After arranging some things, he hurried to Donghai Station.

It was not nine o'clock in the morning when he knocked on the door and walked into Yang Fan's office.

"Mr. Sun, it's so early."

"Last night, I almost lost sleep. I was thinking about the computer hull lofting that you said all night." Sun Baoguo said.

Yang Fan smiled, and asked: "I have made up my mind, and I am really planning to promote computerized hull lofting in Dongjiang Shipyard, aren't I?"

Sun Baoguo said affirmatively: "I've already thought about it, and I'm going to promote it."

Yang Fan nodded approvingly, "Mr. Sun, computer-aided design and manufacturing is a major trend in the development of shipbuilding. Due to the continuous improvement of modern shipbuilding efficiency and quality requirements, CAD/CAM technology has been widely used in shipbuilding. application."

"In the domestic shipbuilding industry, I am very happy that you are the first to eat crabs. Let me first introduce you to computer hull lofting in detail."

Sun Baoguo sat down and listened carefully. He only listened for a minute or two, and immediately interrupted: "Master Yang, you have spoken very well. Pause for a while, and wait until I get out my pen and notebook."

After speaking, he took out a pen and notebook from his bag, and recorded carefully while listening.

Yang Fan spoke in more detail and concretely.

Sun Baoguo felt as if he had entered a whole new world, and he said with emotion in his heart that it turned out that computer technology played such a big role in ship construction.

It turns out that the lofting of the hull can be like this!
Having been engaged in shipbuilding for more than [-] years, he knows that hull lofting is more difficult, and the most time-consuming tasks are hull shape smoothing, structural line lofting, and hull component unfolding.

Using a computer, it is possible to completely complete these tasks, to establish mathematical smoothing, to calculate seam lines and structural lines, to calculate component expansion and model size.

Too bad!
So advanced!

After listening for nearly an hour, Sun Baoguo was immersed in the shock for a long time, and a brand new world was completely opened to him.

After a long time, after recovering from his senses, he looked at Yang Fan with admiration, and thought in his heart, amazing, Mr. Yang knows so much about computer hull stakeout!

"Master Yang, no matter what, we must promote computer hull lofting."

Yang Fan supported: "Promote immediately, and immediately invite professionals to train your technicians on computer hull lofting."

Originally, he also thought about whether to give a lecture to the relevant technical personnel of Dongjiang Shipyard and train them personally, but Yang Fan quickly rejected this idea.

It's not that I'm not good enough.

Too tiring and time consuming!
There are already professionals in this field in China, even if there are none in China, you can go abroad to hire them. Dongjiang Shipyard can definitely hire someone to give them lectures and provide training for their relevant technical personnel as long as they spend a little money.

There should be only a dozen technicians in Dongjiang Shipyard, at most two to 30 technicians related to hull lofting. Professionals will train them, and it is estimated that they will get started soon, and then the construction of the 054 ship can use computer hull lofting.

Sharpening knives does not miss woodcutters.

It may take a little time for training, but once computer hull lofting is promoted and adopted, the speed of Dongjiang Shipyard will increase.

After listening to Yang Fan's speech, Sun Baoguo closed his notebook with a lot of enthusiasm, and said thankfully: "Mr. Yang, thank you. If you hadn't told me this, I wouldn't have known that you could use a computer for stakeout. It turns out that there is such a brand new computer. world."

Yang Fan shook hands with Sun Baoguo and encouraged him: "Don't worry too much. It may be a little difficult at the beginning. Once the technicians of your factory master computer hull lofting, they will benefit a lot in the future. The future 054 ships can use computer hull lofting. Stakeout efficiency will be doubled.”

The two chatted for a while, and Sun Baoguo expressed his thanks again, and then got up to leave. He had to rush back to Dongjiang Shipyard. As the chief builder of Ship 054, he still had a lot of things to do.

Sun Baoguo quickly returned to Dongjiang Shipyard.

As soon as he entered the office, he immediately picked up the phone and informed the person in charge of the technical department, the deputy technical director of the material preparation workshop, and the director of the technical department to wait in his office for a meeting.

After personally notifying, after putting down the phone, Sun Baoguo thought in his heart that this matter should be done quickly, and the technicians should use the computer to stake out the hull as soon as possible.

The people who were notified to come to the meeting hadn't come yet, but Xiao Liu from the factory came over, carrying a painting over one meter long.

"Mr. Sun, the task you arranged for me has been completed. Take a look and see if you are satisfied."

"Oh, so fast."

Although Sun Baoguo was very busy, he always remembered this matter. He thought it would take two or three days, but Xiao Liu finished it without thinking about it, and delivered the things himself.

A few days ago, Sun Baoguo asked Yang Fan for a painting, which was the appearance of the Type 054 guided missile frigate drawn by Yang Fan himself.

Very beautiful and vivid!

Sun Baoguo really liked it, and when he came back, he immediately arranged for Xiao Liu to mount this painting and match it with a frame.

Xiao Liu is good, he framed it as quickly as possible, and delivered it in person.

Sun Baoguo took the painting, looked at it, and with a look of satisfaction on his face, he praised: "Xiao Liu, you are good, the quality of the mounting is very good, I am very satisfied."

After being praised by the leader, Xiao Liu felt happy for a while, and asked, "Mr. Sun, is this our Type 054 guided missile frigate?"

After seeing this painting, he guessed for a long time, thinking that it should be the 054 ship, but he was not sure.

Sun Baoguo said: "Yes, it is the 054 ship we are starting to build. It is beautiful."

"Well, it's really beautiful." Xiao Liu nodded and said, "Ship 054 is very beautiful. The person who drew this picture is even better, and the painting is so realistic."


Sun Baoguo said: "You may not be able to guess who drew this, but it was drawn by Comrade Yang Fan."

It was actually drawn by Chief Designer Yang!

Xiao Liu was really astonished. He never thought that this was done by Yang Fan, but thought that Sun Baoguo asked some master painter to help him draw it.

"Come on, give me a hand and hang this painting up."

It was framed so exquisitely that Sun Baoguo planned to hang it in the office. Not only could it serve as a decoration, but the most important thing was that he could enjoy this 054 ship when he was free.

Just as he was about to start, there was a knock on the door.

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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