Military Heavy

Chapter 364 The First Diesel Engine of Ship 054

Chapter 364 The First Diesel Engine of Ship 054

The first person to come in was Jin Xiaofeng, director of the technical department of Dongjiang Shipyard, followed by Ding Yonghe, deputy technical director of the material preparation workshop, and then Liu Xiwu, the technician in charge.

As soon as the three of them came in, they immediately saw this painting that had been framed and was about to be hung.

Seeing the three people coming in, Sun Baoguo said: "You guys came just in time, first help me hang it on this wall at a slightly higher position."

Everyone worked together, and the painting was quickly hung up.

Sun Baoguo looked at the painting, nodded in satisfaction, and thought in his heart, not bad, not bad, I can appreciate this 054 ship when I have nothing to do in the future, and relax after intense work.

The eyes of the three of them also focused on the painting.

Liu Xiwu said: "Mr. Sun, the warship on this painting is really beautiful. Which country's warship is it from? It looks very advanced."

The hull shape is a unique geometric section, a typical radar stealth design.Phased array control radar, missile vertical launch system, etc. are clearly visible.

"Xiao Liu, what eyes do you have? This is our own warship."

Not foreign, but our own domestic warships?

is this real?
The three of them looked at each other, confused. Jin Xiaofeng had the highest position. He asked on behalf of everyone, "Leader, as far as we know, we don't have such a warship in our country. Currently, there are only 052 missile vertical launch systems and phased array control radars. guided missile destroyer, but it is not a stealthy design."

As ship people, everyone is of course very familiar with the 052 ship.

Sun Baoguo reminded: "Think about it carefully, and don't limit yourself to the warships that have already been in service."


Jin Xiaofeng thought about it, and said excitedly: "Is it a Type 054 guided missile frigate? Yes, it should be a Type 054 ship."

Ding Yonghe and Liu Xiwu next to him also nodded, and asked almost in unison: "Mr. Sun, it is the 054 ship we are building."

Sun Baoguo said loudly: "Yes, it is our 054 ship. After it is completed, it will look like this. It is beautiful."

"Beautiful, so beautiful!"

"I didn't expect our 054 ship to be so beautiful."

"Such a beautiful appearance is really beyond our imagination. I really want to build it earlier."

Hearing what the three of them said, Sun Baoguo nodded lightly, and then straightened his face, "I called you here not to let you admire the future 054 ship, but to have important matters, so you should find a chair and sit down. Let's have a short meeting."

Seeing that Mr. Sun was about to have a meeting, Xiao Liu quickly retreated quietly and closed the door gently.

After calling everyone to sit down, Sun Baoguo said straight to the point: "Our hull stakeout is a lot of work. I want to be more efficient and faster."

Even faster.

The three think that since the laser theodolite is used, the speed of stakeout has been improved a lot compared to before, and they feel very satisfied.

Who knows, Sun Baoguo still wants to improve efficiency and speed.

Jin Xiaofeng reminded softly: "Leader, this must be difficult. At present, our efficiency and speed are relatively ideal. If we want to improve it, anyway, I don't know what method to use."

"You, you."

Sun Baoguo said: "Why is there no other way? General Master Yang recommended a good way to me, that is to use computer hull lofting."

Now for sale now!

He roughly told the three of them what he had heard from Yang Fan, and gradually, the three of them showed unbelievable expressions, exchanged glances quietly, and all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Computer hull lofting!
How awesome!

No, it's so advanced!

Jin Xiaofeng said: "Mr. Sun, Mr. Yang is so powerful that he knows how to stake out the hull of a computer. We must promote such a scientific and advanced method."

"En." Sun Baoguo nodded, "I asked you to come here to promote computer hull lofting in our factory, and there are some things that need to be done by you."

He arranged some work.

The three of Jin Xiaofeng all took notes, and wrote down the things arranged by Sun Baoguo, and then they would go to handle them and promote the computerized hull lofting technology in Dongjiang Shipyard.

Sun Baoguo exhorted: "According to our arrangement, remember, the speed should be faster, and this should be handled as a major event."


"President Sun, don't worry, we'll hurry up."

The three of them answered in this way, and after leaving Sun Baoguo's office, they immediately split up and took action again.

Soon, Dongjiang Shipyard began to promote computerized hull lofting.

They spent money to invite teachers from outside to give lectures, train relevant technical personnel, and explain the professional knowledge of computer hull lofting.

These technicians have a certain CAD foundation, but there is no great difficulty. Gradually, the hull lofting of the 054 ship began to use computer hull lofting.

in the office.

Yang Fan received a call from Luo Jianguo from the capital. Although he was far away in the capital, he had been following the construction of the 054 ship.

He basically knows everything about Dongjiang Shipyard's actions.

"Comrade Yang Fan, I heard that Dongjiang Shipyard promotes computerized hull lofting. It is your suggestion." Luo Jianguo said on the phone.

Yang Fan said: "Yes, it is indeed my suggestion. At the beginning, Deputy General Manager Sun Baoguo wanted to further improve the efficiency and speed of hull stakeout, and asked me if there was any way. I suggested to him to use computer hull stakeout."

Luo Jianguo said happily: "I received a report from Sun Baoguo, and he thanked you more than once. After adopting the computer hull lofting, the efficiency and speed have improved a lot. He predicted that the first block can be started at least half a month in advance. Processing of steel plates."

Half a month in advance!
This is really exciting!

The construction of the 054 ship is already under tight time, and every second counts. Good guy, the steel plate processing started about half a month ahead of schedule.

Steel plate processing, this is an important node.

If the lofting and numbering are a bit like "talking on paper", then the formal processing of steel plates is definitely the substantive stage of ship construction.

Yang Fan also became happy, "I didn't think there would be such a good effect, and the processing of the first steel plate can be started half a month in advance."

Luo Jianguo said: "Comrade Yang Fan, it's all thanks to you. There is no computer hull stakeout, and half a month of time can be saved there."

"Where, where." Yang Fan was very modest, "I just made a suggestion, and the specific implementation is Dongjiang Shipyard."

On the phone, the two chatted happily for a while.

Luo Jianguo also told Yang Fan the good news that the first diesel engine of the 054 ship that Hongqi Factory was responsible for the trial production had entered the general assembly process, and the test run would begin soon.

The test run of the first diesel engine is different from the general test run.

It will be a 400-hour long test, which will take nearly 20 days. If you have to stop halfway, the time cannot exceed 2 hours. Once the parking time exceeds 2 hours, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Test drive is key.

Only by successfully passing the 400-hour long test can the trial production of the first diesel engine of the 054 ship be considered successful. Once it fails, the consequences will be very serious.

The diesel engine of the 054 ship is also the most risky project in the entire 054 project.

Luo Jianguo said: "Comrade Yang Fan, after entering the 400-hour long test, we all go to see the test run, so we can have a clear idea."

It seems that what Luo Jianguo is most worried about is also the diesel engine of the 054 ship.

Yang Fan said: "No problem, we will go to the Red Flag Factory together then."

After finishing the call and hanging up the phone, Yang Fan was also a little worried about its future trial run. Hongqi Factory completed the trial production of the first diesel engine in less than two years. In such a short time, whether its quality can be guaranteed Woolen cloth?
a few days later.

Luo Jianguo called again himself.

"Comrade Yang Fan, the first diesel engine of the 054 ship has already started testing at the Hongqi factory. The day after tomorrow is Monday, and we are leaving for the Hongqi factory."

"Okay, no problem." Yang Fan said: "Should we meet in the capital, or meet at Hongqi Factory."

Luo Jianguo said: "Let's meet again at Hongqi Factory, it will be more convenient for you."

The two agreed to go to Hongqi Factory.This time, Yang Fan didn't need to go to the capital first, and then go to Hongqi Factory, but could go directly to Province S from Donghai City.

Who will you take with me?

The first thing that comes to mind is Li Zhengjun from the model office. Because the end of the year is approaching and the Lunar New Year is only [-] days away, the model office has a lot of work and he is very busy.

Let's take Han Jiang there.

The diesel engine is the key equipment of the power system, and Han Jiang is a team leader of the power system design room, "professional counterpart", it is a good choice to take him there.

In fact, the most important thing is that the two of them are very strong, and they must have been very relaxed along the way, basically without the restraint of superiors and subordinates.

Han Jiang was notified soon.

The comrades in the power system design office said enviously: "Leader Han, it's really enviable to go on a business trip with Master Yang."

"Han Jiang, why don't I have such a good classmate?"


Everyone knows that Han Jiang and Yang Fan are college classmates and have a very good relationship. Some close colleagues make jokes about Han Jiang.

Haha, go on a business trip with Brother Fan!
Han Jiang was beautiful in his heart, and when he heard the ridicule from his comrades, he smiled happily, "Envy, you all go envy, who will make my life better."

A beating expression.

The colleague next to him really wanted to kick him, especially seeing Han Jiang's complacent look.


Early in the morning, Han Jiang arrived at Yang Fan's office with his luggage, and said happily, "Brother Fan, can we go?"

The plane at 10 o'clock this morning flew directly from Donghai International Airport to the provincial capital airport in Province S.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "I'm just waiting for you, let's go, let's go."

Yang Fan walked in front, and Han Jiang walked behind with luggage, talking and laughing, and they left the office building together, where the car was ready.

Yang Fan's imported large off-road vehicle was driven by Li Zhengjun.

He couldn't go to Hongqi Factory with him, and today's task is to act as a guest driver and take Yang Fan to Donghai International Airport.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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