Military Heavy

Chapter 365

Chapter 365
Li Zhengjun concentrated on driving this large off-road vehicle to Donghai International Airport.

Han Jiang was chatting with Yang Fan.

"Brother Fan, how many days will we stay in Hongqi Factory?"

"If it goes well, it will take about two or three days."

"Brother Fan, I'm a poor man, you have to be responsible for all the expenses these days."


Yang Fan scolded with a smile: "As a team leader of the design team, your monthly salary is much higher than that of ordinary designers, how can you be poor."

Han Jiang grinned, "Isn't this relative? In front of you, Brother Fan, I am a pauper. In your words, I am a pauper."

He learned the word "poor diaosi" from Yang Fan.

Yang Fan smiled, and then said: "After arriving at Hongqi Factory, you invite me to eat local snacks, and I will tell you a piece of news, how about it?"

"Come on, it costs at least tens of dollars to treat you to a meal. What news is worth tens of dollars." Han Jiang wailed exaggeratedly.

Yang Fan said: "If you don't want to listen, forget it."

Han Jiang's appetite had already been whetted. Suddenly, Yang Fan didn't say any good news, his heart was like a cat scratching.

"Brother Fan, tell me something."

Yang Fan said: "You must treat guests, I told you in advance, you must keep it secret."

"It must be kept secret." Han Jiang promised.

Yang Fan said: "From a long-term perspective, in order to cultivate reserve forces, the institute plans to promote several young deputy directors of the design department, and the power system design department also plans to promote a deputy director."

Promote a deputy director.

Immediately, Han Jiang's heart became hot, "Brother Fan, is the list finalized? Is there any hope for me?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "What do you think?"

The eyes are very clear, with me covering you, there must be hope.

Han Jiang understood in seconds. He became a little excited and rubbed his hands together in joy, "Brother Fan, thank you, thank you. After arriving at the Hongqi Factory, I will treat guests. You can order local snacks as you like, and you can eat as much as you want."

Finally got a deputy director.

The deputy director of the design office!

Compared with the leader of the design team, the middle-level cadres of the well-known East China Sea Institute have undergone qualitative changes, and they are considered to be ahead.

Han Jiang, who was in a happy mood, started to talk more, talking almost non-stop along the way, all the way to Donghaisuo International Airport.

Li Zhengjun was envious for a while, the relationship between Han Jiang and Chief Master Yang is really good, they are real brothers.

His relationship with Yang Fan is also good, but it is a work relationship, a relationship between superiors and subordinates, and it is simply incomparable with Han Jiang.

"Master Yang, call me when you book your flight back. I'll pick you up at the airport."

Yang Fan carried his suitcase and waved: "Director Li, thank you for your hard work. When you go back, drive slowly and pay attention to safety."

Hongqi Factory.

Yang Fan went to this decades-old military enterprise again, and was accompanied by Gu Zhengxin, the vice premier and chief engineer, to the test workshop.

When they arrived at the provincial capital airport of Province S, Gu Zhengxin personally greeted them at the airport, and after taking Yang Fan and Han Jiang to Hongqi Factory, they arranged for a hotel to stay in.

One room per person, two rooms are facing each other.

Yang Fan and Gu Zhengxin walked in front, and Han Jiang followed behind, thinking in his heart, as expected of Brother Fan, he really has a lot of face, the deputy general manager personally greeted him at the airport, and then accompanied him all the way to the test workshop.

While walking, Gu Zhengxin said: "Commander Luo hasn't arrived yet, we, Mr. Zhu, went to pick him up in person, and it is estimated that we will come back in the evening. We will have dinner together in the evening, and we will meet again."

Yang Fan nodded.

He and Luo Jianguo made an appointment to meet at Hongqi Factory. He was a few hours early, and Luo Jianguo arrived a few hours late. He is probably still on the plane now.

Gu Zhengxin continued: "Today is the fourth day of our test drive, almost [-] hours, you can take a look at the test drive first."

The first diesel engine of the 054 ship underwent a 400-hour long test, which is also a real test for this diesel engine. Only by successfully passing the test run can the trial production be considered successful.

If the test run fails, the problem will be more serious.

This is why the chief designer and commander-in-chief of the 054 ship have to come to the Hongqi factory to see the test run in person.

In front is the test workshop of Hongqi Factory.

In a large but old factory building, the sound of the diesel engine working could be faintly heard. Yang Fan thought in his heart that this was probably the sound of the first diesel engine test run of the 054 ship.

The closer the distance, the more obvious the sound.

Walking into the workshop, the sound became even louder, a little deafening, and Yang Fan saw the diesel engine on the test bench at a glance.

Han Jiang even pointed at it, and said loudly: "That is the diesel engine of the 054 ship, it looks really good, it is exactly the same as what you see in the picture."

The French provided a complete set of technical information on the diesel engine, as well as photos of the diesel engine. Everyone has seen the photos. As a design team leader in the power system design room, Han Jiang can almost recite some performance parameters and main dimensions of the diesel engine. .

Gu Zhengxin said: "Yes, that is the diesel engine of Ship 054."

From a distance of 30 to [-] meters, looking at the working diesel engine outside the railing, everyone including Yang Fan felt a burst of joy.

really not bad!
This is the diesel engine of our 054 ship.

In the future 054 ship, there will be 4 such diesel engines in the power cabin to provide powerful power, so that our 054 ship can reach a maximum speed of more than 28 knots.

The test workers and technicians of the Hongqi factory are testing the car.

The instruments and meters of the test bench are all working, and the technicians are paying close attention to various indicator lights and various data.

"Mr. Gu, you're here!"

The person in charge of the test run came over and greeted Gu Zhengxin loudly because the noise of the test run was relatively loud.

Gu Zhengxin nodded, and said loudly, "How is the test run going?"

"Everything works, no problems!"

The person in charge of the test drive answered loudly. Hearing this, Gu Zhengxin was relieved for a while, and then nodded lightly.

Gu Zhengxin's sleep quality has deteriorated a lot since the diesel engine was tested on the train. He has not been able to sleep soundly, and he is always worried about any accidents or problems.

One night, it was already two or three o'clock, and he got up from the bed because he couldn't sleep. Regardless of the cold weather, he went to the test car workshop and didn't go back until it was light.

This kind of test run lasts all night and rarely stops, and even if you want to stop, it cannot exceed 2 hours. The test run program is strictly regulated.

"Master Yang, so far, the test run is okay, and no problems have been found." Gu Zhengxin said loudly.

Yang Fan waved and said, "Let's go and take a look at the test data."

"Okay, I'll take you up there."

Under the leadership of Gu Zhengxin, Yang Fan and Han Jiang boarded the test bench, and together with these workers and technicians, watched the test run.

How about the test run, not only to listen to the sound and see the working condition of the engine, but also to look at various test run data.

Today is the fourth day of the test drive, and there are test data every day. Yang Fan began to look through it, and after reading it for a few minutes, he nodded affirmatively.

"Mr. Gu, judging from the test data, this engine is performing well."

The same goes for Han Jiang, who looked through the test data and nodded.

At this time, someone recognized Yang Fan. He was a technician in charge. He probably had seen Yang Fan once. He looked at Yang Fan, not sure.

He asked tentatively, "You are Chief Designer Yang, right?"

Yang Fan smiled slightly, "Yes, I am Yang Fan."

It's really Chief Designer Yang!

In the minds of many technicians at Hongqi Factory, Yang Fan is simply an idol. He was the chief designer of the 054 ship in his thirties. He led the designers of the Donghai Institute to design and develop such an excellent missile in just two years. frigate.

There are a few technical people who can do it.

While admiring him, they also raised Yang Fan to the idol level.

"Master Yang, hello, I didn't expect to see you in person."

The technician in charge was a little excited and shook hands with Yang Fan slightly tremblingly. Immediately, several technicians came to shake hands with Yang Fan. Among these test workers, two brave ones also came to shake hands with Yang Fan.

Seeing how happy they are, it is estimated that they will not wash their hands for a day or two, because this hand shook hands with Chief Designer Yang.

These two courageous workers are expected to be able to brag for a while, and they can brag to the workers. He shook hands with the chief designer of the 054 ship.

Looking at these technicians and these test workers, Han Jiang quietly gave a thumbs up, as if to say, Brother Fan, you are so arrogant!

Gu Zhengxin just smiled, not thinking that Yang Fan is so popular in Hongqi Factory.

Although the noise at the test site was relatively loud, Yang Fan had no intention of leaving. Together with these test workers and test technicians, he watched the test run, and also paid attention to the conditions of the instruments and indicators of the test stand.

The diesel engine of the 054 ship must be highly reliable, and failures during navigation are not allowed, especially parking failures.

Yang Fan had no intention of leaving, and Gu Zhengxin was of course accompanying him. Since entering the 400-hour long test, he spent at least a few hours on the test bench for 24 hours a day, watching the test run in person, even if he was here continuously Stay for a few hours, nothing.

Han Jiang first stood for a while, and after getting a little tired, he found a stool and sat for a while. When he wanted to smoke, he left to smoke a cigarette outside the factory building.

After watching for more than an hour, Yang Fan saw that everything was very normal, and prepared to watch for another half an hour or so and leave.

It will be dark in one or two hours. Luo Jianguo and others should be arriving at the Red Flag Factory soon. In about half an hour, we will meet up with Commander Luo.

After another ten minutes or so.

Suddenly, Yang Fan saw an indicator light was on, flashing red light, even a layman knew that turning on a red light is definitely not a good thing.

Today is the third update, and the third update will be delivered. Good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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