Military Heavy

Chapter 366 Soaring Blood Pressure

Chapter 366 Soaring Blood Pressure

Yang Fan saw the abnormality of the indicator light, and other people saw it one after another. In an instant, the smell in the air was obviously different.

The oil indicator light came on and turned red!

Green means normal, red if...

Even a layman knows that a red light is definitely not a good thing, especially when the diesel engine is still working on the test bench during the test run.

"What's the matter!"

Gu Zhengxin's voice was obviously several degrees higher, and he shouted loudly.

A technician in charge looked at the situation, and then replied: "Mr. Gu, the temperature of the lubricating oil is abnormal, and it has already exceeded the temperature."

This is not normal. Even if the diesel engine of the 054 ship works continuously for dozens of hours, the oil will not overheat. When sailing in the ocean, sometimes it will be several days and nights.

During the test run, the lubricating oil was overheated, which is absolutely abnormal, and it should be a problem with the engine.

The diesel engine was still working on the test bench, making ear-splitting noises, but the whole scene was completely quiet, no one spoke, only the sound of the diesel engine.

How could this happen?
All right, why is the oil temperature overheated? ? ?

Not only the test workers couldn't figure it out, but the technicians didn't know what was going on either.

The atmosphere is extremely dignified!
After a while, a technician reminded loudly: "Mr. Gu, the oil temperature has exceeded the standard, and we can't continue the test run. You must stop the car."

As the chief engineer, Gu Zhengxin is technically versed, of course he knew that he had to stop in such a situation, but the first time this happened, his heart sank and he was stunned.

Since entering the test drive, he has been unable to sleep well, worrying about accidents. When the test drive lasted for nearly ninety hours, problems arose.

Oil temperature exceeds standard!

The display light turned red, which was so dazzling!

Gu Zhengxin shouted loudly: "Temporarily stop the test run, and check the cause of the failure immediately."

With an order, these test technicians immediately acted.

Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time. At 36:36 pm, the parking time cannot exceed two hours, that is to say, before [-]:[-] pm, the fault must be rectified and the test run must be resumed.

Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted, and the problem will become serious.

After looking at the time, Yang Fan's face gradually became solemn, fully aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Once there is a problem with the first diesel engine of the 054 ship, once it affects the manufacture of subsequent diesel engines, once it affects the normal delivery...

I can't even think about it!

The first ship of the 054 ship has started construction at the Dongjiang Shipyard, and it is estimated that the first batch of four diesel engines will be needed in about a year.

If the Hongqi factory fails to deliver on schedule, it will inevitably affect the construction of the first ship, and may also affect the entire 054 project.

The trial production of the first diesel engine can not go wrong!
Absolutely can't go wrong!
Even Han Jiang knew the seriousness of the problem, he looked over worriedly, "Brother Fan..."

Hesitant to speak.

Yang Fan nodded lightly, understood Han Jiangdu's meaning, and said softly: "There are two hours, I believe Hongqi Factory can find out the reason and fix the problem, let's not worry about it."

Han Jiang nodded.The two watched the people in the Hongqi factory busy.

"Mr. Gu, there is no problem with the test equipment, and the lubricating oil has indeed exceeded the standard."

"Mr. Gu, the lubricating oil has not leaked, and the amount of lubricating oil is within the acceptable range."

Gu Zhengxin personally commanded, and these technicians carried out a series of inspections according to his instructions, and it seemed that everything was normal.

Obviously there is a problem, but the cause of the problem cannot be found. This is the most terrifying.

If you can find out the reason, it is easy to handle, and you can take measures for the cause of the problem.

The temperature of the lubricating oil clearly exceeded the standard, but upon inspection, it turned out to be normal, but the source of the problem could not be found.

In big trouble!

Gu Zhengxin looked at the time, twenty minutes had passed, time was too precious, there were only two hours, and now there was only a little more than one and a half hours left.

How to do?
How to do it? ? ?

Some technicians almost panicked and looked at Gu Zhengxin one after another, hoping that Mr. Gu could come up with an effective countermeasure.

The technician in charge didn't seem to panic yet, he seemed calmer, and suggested: "Mr. Gu, disassemble the oil tank and oil pump, and take a look at their condition before we talk."

Gu Zhengxin seemed a little hesitant.

It takes time to disassemble them, and they have to be reinstalled after inspection. If the problem cannot be found, it will be a useless effort and a waste of precious time.

After looking at the diesel engine on the test bench, Gu Zhengxin finally made a decision.


Zhu Chuandong has already picked up Luo Jianguo and several others, and is on his way back to Hongqi Factory.

Zhu Chuandong and Luo Jianguo were sitting in the same car, chatting about the test run of the first diesel engine of Ship 054.

He reported: "Today is the fourth day of our test drive. The test run time has been nearly [-] hours. Tomorrow it will reach [-] hours, reaching a quarter of the test run process."

"The situation of the test run is very optimistic. So far, the situation is good and there have been no problems. However, our Comrade Gu Zhengxin has been worried about any accidents in the test run. He basically didn't get a good night's sleep..."

Listening to Zhu Chuandong's report, Luo Jianguo felt relieved for a while, and praised: "Thank you for your hard work, the trial production of the first diesel engine of Ship 054 was successful, and I will make great contributions to you."

Zhu Chuandong was overjoyed, "Commander Luo, it doesn't matter if you remember meritorious service. If you can give us more military missions, we will be very grateful."

The Red Flag Factory has insufficient military tasks, no work to do, and the payment of wages to the workers is a problem.

Fortunately, they got the task of manufacturing the diesel engine of the 054 ship, and the trial production funds were very considerable, which solved their urgent need, but to completely get out of the predicament, there must be sufficient military tasks.

Hearing that the test run of the first diesel engine of Ship 054 was in good condition, Luo Jianguo was in a good mood, and immediately agreed: "No problem, I will greet you when I get back."

Luo Jianguo still has a certain say in how the military product tasks are assigned. If he greets them personally, the military product tasks will definitely be tilted towards the Red Flag Factory.

Zhu Chuandong was overjoyed, and quickly expressed his thanks, happily talking with Luo Jianguo along the way.

When the car arrived at Hongqi Factory, it did not drive into the factory area, but went to the hotel of Hongqi Factory first.

Hongqi Factory is a large factory, with thousands of employees, plus their family members, some foreign business people, etc., and tens of thousands of people live in this area.

The huge factory area is the center of this area, surrounded by several streets, several large and small living quarters, hotels, schools, hospitals, and even police stations.

The car went directly to the entrance of the hotel in Hongqi Factory, and everyone got out of the car one after another. Zhu Chuandong personally took Luo Jianguo and others into the hotel.

Enthusiastically arranged for Luo Jianguo and others to move in, each with a room, after settling these things, he looked at the time.

He said loudly: "Commander Luo, it's already dark, let's go to the place to eat first."

Luo Jianguo readily agreed: "Okay, let's go to dinner first, and I will go to your factory early tomorrow morning to see the test run of the first diesel engine in person."

"Commander Luo, I will come to pick you up tomorrow morning. Let's go to eat now. It is estimated that Mr. Gu brought Mr. Yang and they have already arrived at the dining place first."

The current Hongqi Factory is relatively more affluent. I have booked a box in one of the best nearby restaurants, with a total of two tables and good wine.

I remember that when Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo came over two years ago, Hongqi Factory had no money, so they set up a table of treats in their staff cafeteria.

Speaking of that incident back then, Zhu Chuandong still apologized, "At that time, I really had no money, so there was nothing I could do. Fortunately, you and Master Yang didn't mind."

Luo Jianguo smiled.

The two walked in front, and the others followed, and walked towards the restaurant. It was not far away, and it took less than 10 minutes to walk there.

A large box with two large round tables inside, the environment is very nice.

There is also a sofa for rest and a color TV to watch.

It was empty inside.

As soon as Zhu Chuandong walked in, he was a little surprised. He originally thought that Gu Zhengxin and Yang Fan should have arrived long ago.

Actually not!

Could it be that they are still on the test bench?
If they were still on the test bench, they should have been there for two or three hours.

Haven't come here for so long?
Zhu Chuandong thought it was a bit strange, but he didn't think about it badly. Instead, he said, "Commander Luo, Commander Yang and the others should still be watching the test car on the test bench. Let's sit first, and they will probably be here soon."

Luo Jianguo nodded, then sat down first, and waved: "Everyone, don't stand, sit down, drink some tea, and wait for a while."

It was completely dark outside, so it stands to reason that Yang Fan, Gu Zhengxin and others are coming soon.

Especially Gu Zhengxin, he knew the whole reception arrangement, and knew that everyone would have dinner here in the evening.

After waiting for a few minutes, no one was seen at all, and there seemed to be no sign of coming.

This is how the same thing?

Zhu Chuandong was a little bit dissatisfied, thinking in his heart, why didn't this old Gu bring Mr. Yang over here? It really doesn't matter at all.

Looking outside, the lights were already on, Zhu Chuandong said: "Mr. Luo, I'm going to make a call to the test car workshop and ask them to come over earlier."

Now that it has entered 1995, the leaders of some units with good benefits have already used the fashionable "big brother". Every time they go out to eat or have a meeting, they put the "big brother" on the table, which is more face-saving.

Hongqi Factory does not yet have such conditions.But I'm thinking about assigning a BP machine to each of the main leaders after a while.

Luo Jianguo said: "Wait a little longer, there is no rush anyway, maybe they are really delayed."

Zhu Chuandong had no choice but to sit down and prepare to wait a little longer.

After about two or three minutes, suddenly, the door of the box was pushed open with a bang. It was a middle-level cadre of the Hongqi Factory.

He shouted loudly and anxiously: "Mr. Zhu, something has happened. There is a problem with the test run of the first diesel engine of our 054 ship. It is still stopped for inspection. It has been more than an hour, and the problem has not been found yet."

Zhu Chuandong turned pale with shock! ! !

Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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