Military Heavy

Chapter 367 There is something wrong with this lubricating oil

Chapter 367 There is something wrong with this lubricating oil
Zhu Chuandong turned pale with shock!
The reactions of the others were not small, they all looked shocked, thinking that it sounded good.Didn't the test drive always go well? Why did something go wrong all of a sudden?

The box was instantly quiet!
Everyone looked at this middle-level person, and even Luo Jianguo was surprised.

Zhu Chuandong even felt that his blood pressure was a little higher, his face changed, and he said loudly, "Be more specific, what's going on?"

The middle manager hurriedly explained the matter, and emphasized: "During the test run, the lubricating oil was overheated, so we had to stop the car for fault inspection, but until now we haven't found out where the problem lies."

It's been over an hour and the problem hasn't been found yet!
This will be fatal!
Zhu Chuandong felt that the blood pressure seemed to be a little high again, he quickly stroked the position of the heart lightly, and took a few deep breaths.

After feeling a little better, he said loudly: "Commander Luo, it seems that we have to go to the test site."

Luo Jianguo agreed: "It's not too late, we will go there as quickly as possible."

Immediately, a large group of people left the box, and soon it was empty.

The owner of the restaurant saw that Zhu Chuandong and others had left all at once, and opened his mouth to say something, but he held back.

Didn't you see Mr. Zhu and the rest were extremely anxious?It is estimated that something major happened in the factory.

A waiter came over and asked, "Boss, everyone has left, what should we do?"

The boss thought for a while and said: "The box is still reserved, and all the dishes they ordered are also prepared."

The waiter nodded, just thinking in his heart, will they come over for dinner tonight?

The boss is different from the waiter. He knows that this is the top leader of the Hongqi factory, so no matter what, everything must be kept first.


test bench.

There are many people around here, watching from a distance, not only ordinary workers, but also ordinary managers.

As for the chief and deputy directors of the test workshop, the technicians in charge, etc. have already arrived, and no one can sit still when such a big incident happened.

Everyone is very anxious!
Full of worry.

"It's been over an hour."

"If you can't find the problem, it will be serious."

"God bless, nothing will happen. I hope Mr. Gu and the others can find out the problem smoothly."


These workers and ordinary managers are discussing in this way, and there is a buzzing voice.The workers didn't dare to get too close because they were worried about affecting Gu Zhengxin and the others.

On the test bench, next to the diesel engine, a group of technicians are busy. It is winter, and the weather in the north is freezing, and two technicians are sweating profusely.

Everything that should be checked has been checked, but nothing abnormal was found.

Parts of this diesel engine have been disassembled, such as the lubricating oil tank and the lubricating oil pump, and even the lubricating oil filter element has been pulled out for inspection.

Gu Zhengxin is under a lot of pressure now!

An hour has passed, and the time left will only dwindle.

"Mr. Gu, there is nothing wrong with the lubricating oil pump, lubricating oil tank, and lubricating oil filter element. We judge that the entire lubricating oil system should be normal."

Gu Zhengxin was silent for a while, and thought in his heart: "It seems that I really did a useless effort and wasted a lot of time for nothing. There is no problem with the whole lubricating oil system."

Yang Fan and Han Jiang have been by the side and watched the whole process of the Hongqi factory's breakdown, but the feeling is not good.

If there is a problem with the trial production of the first diesel engine of the 054 ship, or if the trial production fails altogether, then the matter is estimated to be serious.

Han Jiang was full of worry and said: "The matter is estimated to be serious. It has been an hour and twenty minutes. As time goes by, the hope of finding out the problem is getting slimmer."

Yang Fan nodded in agreement, and said slowly: "The time left for them is running out. If no problem is found within the next 10 minutes, this test run will be a complete failure."

There are only 10 minutes left, and the problem is found within 10 minutes, and the remaining 10 minutes are used to troubleshoot and install the disassembled parts, so that the diesel engine can reach the test run state. In fact, 10 minutes is not enough at all.

The technicians at Hongqi Factory obviously knew this, and they became anxious in their hearts, and almost no one could keep calm.

The technician in charge of the test run suggested: "Mr. Gu, time is running out, why don't we replace the lubricating oil with new ones and start the test run again."

This is estimated to be an unavoidable solution. I hope that after the new oil is replaced, there will be no overheating of the oil.

But how likely it is, and whether it will really happen again, no one knows.

Gu Zhengxin didn't answer in a hurry, he was obviously thinking and weighing, is this a gamble?Or look for another 10 or [-] minutes. If you are lucky, you can find out the cause of the failure in the last time.

Someone next to him objected: "This diesel engine uses imported lubricating oil, which is not cheap."

Yeah, not cheap!

But Hongqi Factory is just not well-off, and it is a little bit to save a little.

In addition, this kind of large diesel engine is not like the engine of a car. It needs a lot of lubricating oil, and it will cost a lot to replace all the lubricating oil.

While thinking and weighing, there was a commotion outside, and the workers who were watching were commotioned.

"Look, Mr. Zhu is here in person."

"Who is that, my God, it seems to be the commander-in-chief of the 054 ship."

"There's a lot of movement, Mr. Zhu is here, and so is the commander-in-chief!"

Seeing Zhu Chuandong, Luo Jianguo and others walking in, the workers became more nervous and fully aware of the seriousness of the problem.

If it's not serious, why would people come?
Zhu Chuandong walked to the test bench and asked, "Old Gu, how is the situation? Have you found out the cause of the malfunction?"

Gu Zhengxin shook his head and said, "Not yet."

So far, even the cause of the failure has not been found out.

Anxious in his heart, he raised his hand and looked at the time, feeling a little unbearable, as if his blood pressure had soared!

Someone soon realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly helped Zhu Chuandong who was about to fall down.

"Mr. Zhu, what's wrong with you!"

"Call the doctor, call the doctor..."

The whole scene was in chaos, Gu Zhengxin couldn't care less about the diesel engine, he rushed over in a few steps, and grabbed Zhu Chuandong as well.

Someone called immediately, and the people from the factory infirmary who received the call ran over here immediately.

Looking at everything that happened in front of him, Yang Fan was very helpless.

It never occurred to me that the top leaders of the Hongqi Factory fainted, which shows how great the pressure is on them.

But no matter what, the first diesel engine of the 054 ship can't have a problem, and the fault must be eliminated within a limited time and the test run must be re-tested.

Seeing Gu Zhengxin supporting Zhu Chuandong and calling the doctor over anxiously, Yang Fan decided to shoulder this responsibility.

Seeing those technicians looking at him as if asking for help, Yang Fan knew what to do.

Treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!
It can only be this way!
Try your luck and replace the lubricating oil with new ones, in case the fault is eliminated through this.

Yang Fan commanded loudly: "Hurry up, replace with new oil, don't hesitate, don't waste any more time."

These technicians also reacted, and some even felt inexplicably relieved.

"Master Yang is directing us personally, he is my idol, and he will definitely solve this problem."

Under Yang Fan's command, the technicians and test workers began to change the lubricating oil, first draining the lubricating oil from the diesel engine.

The lubricating oil was poured into the oil drums, and someone went to the warehouse to get a few barrels of new lubricating oil.

After a while, all the lubricating oil in the diesel engine was drained, and it only took a few minutes.

Luo Jianguo came over and was slightly surprised when he saw Yang Fan directing: "Master Yang, this is?"

Yang Fan said helplessly: "There is no other way but to replace the oil, and then resume the test run as soon as possible."

Luo Jianguo nodded, "Mr. Zhu fainted, his blood pressure was over 200, Gu Zhengxin sent it over, and he will be here soon."

Sure enough, within a minute or two, he came here in a hurry. He didn't send Zhu Chuandong to the hospital at all, but just sent him out of the factory building, watched Zhu Chuandong being carried into the ambulance, and came back.

He has been thinking about the test drive in his heart, and he has not forgotten it.

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Gu, I am the master. I am going to replace the lubricating oil with new ones, and then resume the test run immediately."

Gu Zhengxin held Yang Fan's hand tightly, full of gratitude, and he was going to do the same, rushing back just to change the oil.

New oil was brought in and opened for replacement.

Yang Fan looked at the new lubricating oil, then at the old lubricating oil that had been released, a little surprised!
There seems to be something wrong with this oil.


Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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