Military Heavy

Chapter 368 Continue to Test Drive

Chapter 368 Continue to Test Drive
I didn't see it just now, but when the new lubricating oil was turned on, there was a contrast between the two, and Yang Fan was slightly startled.

The color is clearly different, the difference is huge.

Noticing Yang Fan's astonishment, Gu Zhengxin said: "General Master Yang, is there something wrong?"

Yang Fan pointed to these oils and said, "Take a look, is there a big difference between them?"

Gu Zhengxin: "You mean the difference in color?"

"Yes." Yang Fan said: "The color difference between the two is too obvious."

The technicians next to him heard clearly and understood what Yang Fan said.

One technician might be more courageous. He said: "It's normal for the color to be different. One is old lubricating oil, and the other is new lubricating oil that hasn't been used yet. Of course there is a difference in color."

Gu Zhengxin glared dissatisfiedly at the technician who intervened, the meaning was obvious, I am talking with Chief Master Yang, how can it be your turn to intervene.

The technician was taken aback.

Yang Fan is fine, it is normal to have doubts, especially on technical issues.

"Mr. Gu, don't scare the young comrades."

After saying this, Yang Fan explained: "One is used old lubricating oil, and the other is new lubricating oil that has never been used. It is really normal for the two to have a little difference in color."

"But have you noticed? This old lubricating oil has only been used for less than [-] hours, and the color is so dark. I don't think it's normal. There should be something wrong with it. Maybe the temperature of the lubricating oil exceeds the standard is the reason."

Is this the real reason why the lubricating oil temperature exceeds the standard?

Is it really because of the oil?

Many people were surprised for a while, and felt that this was a bit unbelievable. The technician just wanted to say, "Impossible, this is imported lubricating oil, how could there be a problem?"
He dared not speak.

Gu Zhengxin gave Gu Zhengxin a hard look when he said something boldly just now, and he still has lingering fears.

Gu Zhengxin did not question Yang Fan, his experience told him that the color of the lubricant seemed to be a bit wrong.

This is not a lubricating oil that has only been used for less than [-] hours, but it looks like it has been used for thousands of hours.

Gu Zhengxin said: "Bring two glasses here!"

Immediately, someone brought over two glasses, and Gu Zhengxin personally held the two glasses, each filled with about half a cup of lubricating oil.

Under the light, carefully observe and compare.

The whole scene fell silent again, and many people focused on Gu Zhengxin, waiting for him to draw a conclusion.

Is there anything wrong with this lubricant?
Luo Jianguo came over and asked, "Mr. Gu, how are you doing? Is there a problem?"

Luo Jianguo firmly believes that Gu Zhengxin, as the chief engineer, has been engaged in diesel engines for 30 to [-] years and has dealt with all kinds of lubricating oils for diesel engines, so he should be able to see what it is.

Sure enough, after looking at it carefully for a while, Gu Zhengxin said: "There is indeed a problem with this old lubricating oil. Maybe it is really what Mr. Yang said. It is because of the overheating of the lubricating oil during the test run just now."

Really this is the problem!
If Yang Fan said that just now, some people still have doubts, because Yang Fan is not a professional diesel engine after all, Gu Zhengxin is different.

What he said is authoritative, because he is an expert in diesel engines and the chief engineer of Hongqi Factory.

"Wow, that's really the reason!"

"Master Yang is amazing!"

"The problem has finally been found."


It wasn't just the technicians who were happy, but also the surrounding workers who were watching were even more commotion, and some people's faces were obviously happy.

Luo Jianguo finally let go of his hanging heart, and reminded: "Mr. Gu, since the problem has been found, quickly replace with new oil and test the car!"


Gu Zhengxin nodded, and immediately ordered: "Hurry up and put on new oil, and test the car as soon as possible."

As soon as the sound fell, the technicians and test workers got busy, injecting new lubricating oil into the diesel engine, and installing the lubricating oil tank and lubricating oil pump.

Not long after, the inspection was correct, and the technician in charge reported loudly: "Report to Mr. Gu, everything is ready, you can continue the test run."

Gu Zhengxin waved his hands loudly and said, "Continue with the test drive!"

The diesel engine on the test stand started working again, and the deafening sound spread throughout the test workshop.

Yang Fan looked at the time, it was 32:[-] in the evening, only a few minutes away from two hours.

How dangerous!
If he hadn't made a decisive decision at the beginning, ordered these technicians and test workers to replace the new lubricating oil, and waited for Gu Zhengxin to come over before deciding to change the lubricating oil, it probably wouldn't be enough time.

The diesel engine roared again, resounding throughout the test workshop.

But at this time, no one dared to cheer, and their hearts were still hanging.

After continuing the test run, is the diesel engine working normally, and will the lubricating oil overheat again?

In the entire test workshop, there was only the sound of the diesel engine working, and no one made a sound, nor did the surrounding workers.

The time passed by 1 minute and 1 minute...

After a full 5 minutes, the technician in charge came to report: "Mr. Gu, so far, the test run has been normal."


Although Gu Zhengxin's heart was still in suspense, it had already eased up a lot.

After a few more minutes, the test drive has been very normal. Many people gradually showed a relaxed look, and some people started talking sideways.

"It's been 10 minutes, there should be no more problems."

"It really seems to be a problem with the oil."

"Mr. Yang is amazing. He was the first to discover the problem with the lubricating oil."


After a few more minutes, someone finally couldn't help cheering, shouting loudly, very excited.

Gu Zhengxin took a look at the test run, and finally felt at ease. He walked over and held Yang Fan's hand tightly, full of gratitude.

"Mr. Yang, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, our test drive would have failed."

Yang Fan looked modest: "Where, where, Mr. Gu is too polite."

After a few words of politeness, Gu Zhengxin said apologetically, "Look at me, I'm so sorry, everyone hasn't had dinner so late."

Yang Fan smiled.

Luo Jianguo also said: "It's not too late to have dinner now, I'm really hungry."

"Okay, let's go eat." Gu Zhengxin said loudly.

A group of people walked out of the test car workshop, and it was still the same restaurant. The private room was reserved all the time, but it was originally reserved for two tables of people. After Zhu Chuandong entered the hospital with high blood pressure, only one table of people ate here.

After eating, Yang Fan suggested: "Let's go and see Mr. Zhu, I don't know how he is doing."

Luo Jianguo agreed: "We must go and see, Zhu always fainted because of our diesel engine."

Gu Zhengxin said, "He's in our factory hospital, I'll take you there."

Soon after, under the leadership of Gu Zhengxin, everyone went to the hospital of Hongqi Factory and entered the ward where Gu Zhengxin was hospitalized.

On the hospital bed, Zhu Chuandong was hanging water, his face looked very bad, and he was about to struggle when he saw everyone coming in.

Luo Jianguo held him down and told him, "Old Zhu, lie down and don't move."

Zhu Chuandong lay down, obviously still thinking about the test drive, and asked eagerly: "Old Gu, how is the test drive going?"

Gu Zhengxin told him that the test drive was continuing and everything was normal.

Hearing this, Zhu Chuandong's complexion obviously improved a lot, and it is estimated that a hanging heart has finally let go.

Luo Jianguo asked with concern: "Old Zhu, how is your illness?"

"I'm fine." Zhu Chuandong said: "I continued to test the car again, and my illness is almost cured by half."

Everyone laughed in good faith.

Zhu Chuandong warned: "Old Gu, we still can't take it lightly. We must arrange the factory leader to be on duty tonight and stay by the test bench all night."

Gu Zhengxin said: "Don't worry, I will stay there personally tonight."

After chatting for a while and asking about Zhu Chuandong's condition with concern, Yang Fan and others left the ward in order not to affect his rest.

Back at the hotel where he was staying, he waved goodbye to Gu Zhengxin.

Gu Zhengxin still has to go to the factory and personally guard the diesel engine for a test run, and Yang Fan is also planning to go there early tomorrow to have a look.

Yang Fan led Han Jiang to the door of his room.

Han Jiang must have been thinking about this question all the time, and finally asked, "Brother Fan, Hongqi Factory used imported lubricating oil for the test run, so why is there a problem?"

In fact, Yang Fan was also a little puzzled, why did the problem appear on imported lubricating oil?

Today is the third update, and the third update will be delivered. Good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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