Military Heavy

Chapter 372 Tea or Coffee

Chapter 372 Tea or Coffee

Li Zhengjun didn't understand what to add for a while, and looked at Yang Fan in a daze.

"Master Yang, what else do you want to add?"

Yang Fan said: "Do you think this model ship is beautiful?"

of course!

It's very beautiful!

Li Zhengjun replied: "It is exquisite and the workmanship is exquisite. I am very satisfied with it and like it very much."

Yang Fan said: "After these ship models are made, they will definitely be very popular. You want to put one on your desk."

Li Zhengjun rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly, "Master Yang, I really want one, but I'm too embarrassed to ask you."

This is a very high-end handicraft!
The cost price of each piece is more than 300 yuan, and it is definitely not for sale. If you want it, you can't buy it if you have money.

Seeing that Li Zhengjun wanted one very much, Yang Fan said: "No problem, after the first batch of ship models are made, you can have one for yourself."


This is great!

In an instant, Li Zhengjun was incomparably pleasantly surprised, and this joy was undoubtedly expressed on his face.

He is happy!

Really happy!

This is an exquisite ship model of the Type 054 guided missile frigate. As a ship owner, I definitely want one.

"Master Yang, thank you, thank you so much, I feel like I'm dreaming."

Yang Fan said: "You want one very much, and other people probably think the same way. Will our ship model be very popular after it is made?"

"Yes, it will definitely be popular!"

Li Zhengjun was convinced of this point, and quickly nodded in affirmation.

Yang Fan said: "Since many people want the model of the 054 ship, the model of the 054 ship will definitely become a hot commodity."

"For the convenience of management, we need to add something to our ship model."

Li Zhengjun roughly guessed it, but he still asked: "Master Yang, what do you want to add?"

Yang Fan said: "Every ship model must have a number. The number is equivalent to their identity information. The finished ship model is also managed by your model office. Whoever receives the numbered ship model from you must register. Registered, convenient for management and traceability.”

The number is the identity!

Li Zhengjun nodded, and at the same time he was a little excited. Unexpectedly, Yang Fan handed over the ship model to them for management.

This is a beautiful job!

Li Zhengjun expressed his thanks repeatedly, and then he walked out of Yang Fan's office. He will call the ship model factory to make a batch of ship models as soon as possible, tentatively [-] pieces.

After watching Li Zhengjun leave, Yang Fan's eyes fell on the ship model on the desk, and he exclaimed in his heart, it's so beautiful!

He is very satisfied!
This is what the Type 054 missile frigate looks like!
Sitting there alone, I happily admired it for a long time, seemingly never getting tired of watching it.

The first ship of the 054 ship has just started to be built. Without a finished product, almost no one has seen the appearance of the 054 ship.

Everyone's understanding of it is generally still on the drawings. At this time, there is no three-dimensional drawing, and even CAD has just started.

Only a small number of people are lucky. They have seen the color pictures of the 054 ship drawn by Yang Fan. Besides, no one really knows what the 054 ship will look like.

Many people's understanding of the 054 ship is either in the design drawings or in their own imagination.

There is almost no intuitive understanding of the 054 ship.

It is certain that after such an exquisite ship model of the 054 ship is made, many people will see the 054 guided missile frigate intuitively for the first time, and they will know for the first time that the original 054 ship looks like this.


Dongjiang Shipyard.

Since the use of computer hull lofting, the efficiency has more than doubled.

When the construction was just started, Chief Constructor Sun Baoguo predicted that the first steel plate would start cutting about half a month after the Lunar New Year.

What now?
Sun Baoguo knew that before the Chinese New Year, the first steel plate would definitely start cutting.

There are only ten days before the Lunar New Year, that is to say, there are not many days until the official cutting of the first steel plate.

Some preparations and arrangements needed to be started, so Sun Baoguo called several technical backbones and production backbones, including the director and director of the material preparation workshop, to his office for a meeting.

Sun Baoguo's office area is relatively large. In addition to his own large office, bookshelves, sofas and coffee tables for meeting guests, there is also a rectangular conference table and a dozen chairs. It is no problem to hold small meetings.

Everyone was basically here, but the meeting hadn't started yet. Sun Baoguo had something to do, so he went to the office of the deputy general manager Zou Yi next door. The two had something to communicate about at work.

The meeting hadn't started yet, and Sun Baoguo hadn't come over to Zou Yi's office. Everyone was sitting here, admiring the paintings hanging on the wall again.

In the painting is a 054 ship, which is very beautiful.

"I heard that it was drawn by Mr. Yang himself. It's really good."

"The painting is really good, but our 054 ship is more beautiful."

"If I also have such a painting, I will be satisfied."

Hearing this, everyone laughed in good faith, knowing that this was a bit unrealistic, and it was wishful thinking. There was only this one in the entire Dongjiang Shipyard, and it was carefully framed and hung in Sun Baoguo's office.

"Old Wang, don't think about this painting, it's Mr. Sun's baby bump."

Everyone laughed happily again.

Sun Baoguo happened to come in from the outside, probably heard something, and immediately said: "You can take a look, but you must not play with it."

Everyone laughed again.

Someone said: "We don't dare to make any plans, we can be satisfied if we can take a look."

"Yeah, I feel very satisfied after just looking at it. My previous understanding of the 054 ship was only on the drawings. I didn't expect it to be so beautiful. Thinking that the 054 ship we are building turns out to be so beautiful, I am full of energy."

Several people nodded in unison, and they also felt the same way. After seeing this picture, their understanding of Ship 054 became more intuitive.

Sun Baoguo looked at the 054 ship with satisfaction, feeling a burst of satisfaction in his heart. The construction of such a beautiful missile frigate has already started at Dongjiang Shipyard.

This kind of pride is simply full!
Once again, I thank Yang Fan for giving him such a good painting. Many people in Dongjiang Shipyard are jealous?
Lian Dongjiang Shipyard's top leader mentioned vaguely more than once whether this painting can be cut off and hung in his office.

This is really Sun Baoguo's precious lump, even if he is the top leader, he politely declines every time.

This painting is the only one in the entire Dongjiang Shipyard.

Anyone who has seen this painting knows that the original 054 ship looks like this, and it is the first time that they have an intuitive understanding.

Sun Baoguo is in a good mood. Not only does this painting cultivate his sentiments every day, but also the construction of the first ship of the 054 ship is progressing well. In a few days, the cutting of the first steel plate may begin.

"Comrades, let's have a meeting. Everyone knows that the first steel plate of the 054 ship is about to start cutting in our Dongjiang shipyard. There are some things we need to prepare in advance..."

Sun Baoguo personally presided over the meeting, and as the chief builder, he began to arrange some work.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour, and a lot of work was arranged, so everyone adjourned.

Watching everyone walk out of his office, Sun Baoguo looked at the painting on the wall again, and thought to himself, Master Yang, our first steel plate will be cut, you don't know about it yet, do you?

Thanks to your suggestion, our speed would not be so fast without computer hull lofting.

After thinking this way in his heart, Sun Baoguo checked the time and planned to go to Donghai Office in the afternoon and sit in Yang Fan's office.

In addition to telling Yang Fan the good news that the first steel plate cutting is about to start, he also wants to inquire about the 054-hour test run of the first diesel engine of the 400 ship.



Yang Fan was presiding over a meeting and had just returned to the office to sit down.

The first ship of the 054 ship has been under construction for a period of time. During the construction process, is there any unreasonable design?Where should we improve and improve?
Yang Fan personally presided over the meeting and arranged some work.

Practice is the criterion for testing truth.

Only through actual construction, including a series of tests after the completion of construction, and even service, can we really check how well the design is and where it needs to be improved.

If his design is perfect, Yang Fan himself would not believe it. If he gave a score, he could give it [-] points, but definitely not [-] points.No design can be perfect, it will be a long-term process of improvement and perfection.

Just came back from the meeting, just sat down and had a sip of tea when there was a knock on the door.

Thinking it was a certain director of the design office below, Yang Fan didn't put down the teacup in his hand, and said casually, "Open the door and come in by yourself."

Unexpectedly, it was Sun Baoguo from Dongjiang Shipyard who came in, Yang Fan was slightly surprised.

It has been many days since I went to see the construction of the 054 ship. Yang Fan is still wondering if he should go to Dongjiang Shipyard tomorrow morning.

"President Sun, you're here!"

Yang Fan got up to greet him: "You came just in time, I was still wondering if I should go to your factory tomorrow to have a look."

Sun Baoguo walked in and shook hands with Yang Fan happily, "Master Yang, you just came back from Hongqi Factory for two days."

"Yes, I just came back for two days." Yang Fan said enthusiastically, "Sit on the sofa and drink something, tea or coffee."

Yang Fan is probably the only place in the entire East China Sea where one can drink coffee, and the other leaders only have tea.

Each leader of the Donghai Institute has two cans of tea per quarter, which is allocated by the unit, and there is no coffee.

Yang Fan has coffee here, of course it is private. Last month, Yang Fang went to the United States for an investigation and brought Yang Fan a lot of things, including high-quality coffee.

Sun Baoguo said: "Drink coffee, but add a little more sugar."

When he was talking, his eyes swept Yang Fan's office casually, and suddenly, his eyes were firmly attracted by something on Yang Fan's desk!

There are two updates today, and the second update will be sent, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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